
Write-Host -Object "Running $PSCommandpath" -ForegroundColor Cyan
$Path = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$ModulePath = (get-item $Path ).parent.FullName
$ModuleName = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -Replace ".Tests.ps1"
#$ManifestPath = "$ModulePath\$ModuleName.psd1"

Describe 'dbatools module test' -Tag 'Compliance' {
    Context 'Doing something awesome' {
        It 'It should have tests' {
            $true | Should be $true

Describe "$ModuleName Aliases" -tag Build , Aliases {
    ## Get the Aliases that should be set from the psm1 file

    $psm1 = Get-Content $ModulePath\$ModuleName.psm1 -Verbose
    $Matches = [regex]::Matches($psm1, "AliasName`"\s=\s`"(\w*-\w*)`"")
    $Aliases = $Matches.ForEach{$_.Groups[1].Value}

    foreach ($Alias in $Aliases) {
        Context "Testing $Alias Alias" {
            $Definition = (Get-Alias $Alias).Definition
            It "$Alias Alias should exist" {
                Get-Alias $Alias| Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
            It "$Alias Aliased Command $Definition Should Exist" {
                Get-Command $Definition -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty

Describe "$ModuleName indentation" -Tag 'Compliance' {
    $AllFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $ModulePath -File -Recurse  -Filter '*.ps*1'

    foreach ($f in $AllFiles) {
        $LeadingTabs = Select-String -Path $f -Pattern '^[\t]+'
        if ($LeadingTabs.Count -gt 0) {
            It "$f is not indented with tabs" {
                $LeadingTabs.Count | Should Be 0
        $TrailingSpaces = Select-String -Path $f -Pattern '[ \t]+$'
        if ($TrailingSpaces.Count -gt 0) {
            It "$f has no trailing spaces" {
                $TrailingSpaces.Count | Should Be 0

# test the module manifest - exports the right functions, processes the right formats, and is generally correct
Describe "Manifest" {
    $Manifest = $null
    It "has a valid manifest" {
            $Script:Manifest = Test-ModuleManifest -Path $ManifestPath -ErrorAction Stop -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
        } | Should Not Throw
## Should be fixed now - Until the issue with requiring full paths for required assemblies is resolved need to keep this commented out RMS 01112016
$Script:Manifest = Test-ModuleManifest -Path $ManifestPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    It "has a valid name" {
        $Script:Manifest.Name | Should Be $ModuleName
    It "has a valid root module" {
        $Script:Manifest.RootModule | Should Be "$ModuleName.psm1"
    It "has a valid Description" {
        $Script:Manifest.Description | Should Be 'Provides extra functionality for SQL Server Database admins and enables SQL Server instance migrations.'
    It "has a valid Author" {
        $Script:Manifest.Author | Should Be 'Chrissy LeMaire'
    It "has a valid Company Name" {
        $Script:Manifest.CompanyName | Should Be 'dbatools.io'
    It "has a valid guid" {
        $Script:Manifest.Guid | Should Be '9d139310-ce45-41ce-8e8b-d76335aa1789'
    It "has valid PowerShell version" {
        $Script:Manifest.PowerShellVersion | Should Be '3.0'
    It "has valid required assemblies" {
        {$Script:Manifest.RequiredAssemblies -eq @()} | Should Be $true
    It "has a valid copyright" {
        $Script:Manifest.CopyRight | Should BeLike '* Chrissy LeMaire'
 # Don't want this just yet
    It 'exports all public functions' {
        $FunctionFiles = Get-ChildItem "$ModulePath\functions" -Filter *.ps1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BaseName
        $FunctionNames = $FunctionFiles
        $ExFunctions = $Script:Manifest.ExportedFunctions.Values.Name
        foreach ($FunctionName in $FunctionNames)
            $ExFunctions -contains $FunctionName | Should Be $true