
Function Restore-DBFromFilteredArray
    Internal function. Restores .bak file to SQL database. Creates db if it doesn't exist. $filestructure is
    a custom object that contains logical and physical file locations.

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlInstance")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [DateTime]$RestoreTime = (Get-Date).addyears(1),  
        $FunctionName =(Get-PSCallstack)[0].Command
        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - Starting"

        $Results = @()
        $InternalFiles = @()
        $Output = @()
        if (($MaxTransferSize%64kb) -ne 0 -or $MaxTransferSize -gt 4mb)
            Write-Warning "$FunctionName - MaxTransferSize value must be a multiple of 64kb and no greater than 4MB"
        if ($BlockSize)
            if ($BlockSize -notin (0.5kb,1kb,2kb,4kb,8kb,16kb,32kb,64kb))
                Write-Warning "$FunctionName - Block size must be one of 0.5kb,1kb,2kb,4kb,8kb,16kb,32kb,64kb"


        foreach ($File in $Files){
            $InternalFiles += $File
            $Server = Connect-SqlServer -SqlServer $SqlServer -SqlCredential $SqlCredential    
        catch {

            Write-Warning "$FunctionName - Cannot connect to $SqlServer" 
        $ServerName = $
        $Server.ConnectionContext.StatementTimeout = 0
        $Restore = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Restore
        $Restore.ReplaceDatabase = $ReplaceDatabase
        if ($UseDestinationDefaultDirectories)
            $DestinationDataDirectory = Get-SqlDefaultPaths $Server data
            $DestinationLogDirectory = Get-SqlDefaultPaths $Server log

        If ($DbName -in $ -and ($ScriptOnly -eq $false -or $VerfiyOnly -eq $false))
            If ($ReplaceDatabase -eq $true)
                if($Pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Killing processes in $dbname on $SqlServer as it exists and WithReplace specified `n","Cannot proceed if processes exist, ","Database Exists and WithReplace specified, need to kill processes to restore"))            
                        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - Set $DbName single_user to kill processes"
                        Stop-DbaProcess -SqlServer $Server -Databases $Dbname -WarningAction Silentlycontinue
                        Invoke-SQLcmd2 -ServerInstance:$SqlServer -Credential:$SqlCredential -query "Alter database $DbName set offline with rollback immediate; alter database $DbName set restricted_user; Alter database $DbName set online with rollback immediate" -database master

                        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - No processes to kill in $DbName"
                Write-Warning "$FunctionName - Database $DbName exists and will not be overwritten without the WithReplace switch"

        $MissingFiles = @()
        if ($TrustDbBackupHistory)
            Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - Trusted File checks"
            Foreach ($File in $InternalFiles)
                Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - Checking $($File.BackupPath) exists"
                if((Test-SqlPath -SqlServer $sqlServer -SqlCredential $SqlCredential -Path $File.BackupPath) -eq $false)
                    Write-verbose "$$FunctionName - $($File.backupPath) is missing"
                    $MissingFiles += $File.BackupPath
            if ($MissingFiles.Length -gt 0)
                Write-Warning "$FunctionName - Files $($MissingFiles -join ',') are missing, cannot progress"
                return false
         $RestorePoints  = @()
        $if = $InternalFiles | Where-Object {$_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database'} | Group-Object FirstLSN
        $RestorePoints  += @([PSCustomObject]@{order=[Decimal]1;'Files' = $})
        $if = $InternalFiles | Where-Object {$_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database Differential'}| Group-Object FirstLSN
        if ($if -ne $null){
            $RestorePoints  += @([PSCustomObject]@{order=[Decimal]2;'Files' = $})
        foreach ($if in ($InternalFiles | Where-Object {$_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Transaction Log'} | Group-Object FirstLSN))
               $RestorePoints  += [PSCustomObject]@{order=[Decimal]($if.Name); 'Files' = $}
        $SortedRestorePoints = $RestorePoints | Sort-object -property order
        if ($ReuseSourceFolderStructure)
            Write-Verbose "$functionName - Checking for folders for Reusing old structure"
            foreach ($File in ($RestorePoints.Files.filelist.PhysicalName | Sort-Object -Unique))
                write-verbose "File = $file"
                if ((Test-SqlPath -Path (Split-Path -Path $File -Parent) -SqlServer:$SqlServer -SqlCredential:$SqlCredential) -ne $true)
                    if ((New-DbaSqlDirectory -Path (Split-Path -Path $File -Parent) -SqlServer:$SqlServer -SqlCredential:$SqlCredential).Created -ne $true)
                        write-Warning  "$FunctionName - Destination File $File does not exist, and could not be created on $SqlServer"

                        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - Destination File $File created on $SqlServer"
                    Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - Destination File $File exists on $SqlServer"    
        $RPCount = if($SortedRestorePoints.count -gt 0){$SortedRestorePoints.count}else{1}
        Write-Verbose "RPcount = $rpcount"
        foreach ($RestorePoint in $SortedRestorePoints)
            Write-Progress -id 1 -Activity "Restoring" -Status "Restoring File" -CurrentOperation "$RestoreCount of $RpCount for database $Dbname"
            $RestoreFiles = $RestorePoint.files
            $RestoreFileNames = $RestoreFiles.BackupPath -join '`n ,'
            Write-verbose "$FunctionName - Restoring $Dbname backup starting at order $($RestorePoint.order) - LSN $($RestoreFiles[0].FirstLSN) in $($RestoreFiles[0].BackupPath)"
            $LogicalFileMoves = @()

            if ($Restore.RelocateFiles.count -gt 0)
                if ($DestinationDataDirectory -ne '' -and $FileStructure -eq $NUll)
                    if ($DestinationDataDirectory[-1] -eq '\')
                        $DestinationDataDirectory = $DestinationDataDirectory.Substring(0,($DestinationDataDirectory.length -1))
                    if ($DestinationLogDirectory[-1] -eq '\')
                        $DestinationLogDirectory = $DestinationLogDirectory.Substring(0,($DestinationLogDirectory.length -1))
                    foreach ($File in $RestoreFiles.Filelist)
                        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - Moving $($File.PhysicalName)"
                        $MoveFile = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.RelocateFile
                        $MoveFile.LogicalFileName = $File.LogicalName
                        if ($File.Type -eq 'L' -and $DestinationLogDirectory -ne '')
                            $MoveFile.PhysicalFileName = $DestinationLogDirectory + '\' + $DestinationFilePrefix + (split-path $file.PhysicalName -leaf)                    
                            $MoveFile.PhysicalFileName = $DestinationDataDirectory + '\' + $DestinationFilePrefix + (split-path $file.PhysicalName -leaf)    
                            Write-verbose "$FunctionName - Moving $($file.PhysicalName) to $($MoveFile.PhysicalFileName) "
                        $LogicalFileMoves += "Relocating $($MoveFile.LogicalFileName) to $($MoveFile.PhysicalFileName)"
                        $null = $Restore.RelocateFiles.Add($MoveFile)

                elseif ($DestinationDataDirectory -eq '' -and $FileStructure -ne $NUll)

                    foreach ($key in $FileStructure.keys)
                        $MoveFile = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.RelocateFile
                        $MoveFile.LogicalFileName = $key
                        $MoveFile.PhysicalFileName = $filestructure[$key]

                        $null = $Restore.RelocateFiles.Add($MoveFile)
                        $LogicalFileMoves += "Relocating $($MoveFile.LogicalFileName) to $($MoveFile.PhysicalFileName)"
                elseif ($DestinationDataDirectory -ne '' -and $FileStructure -ne $NUll)
                    Write-Warning "$FunctionName - Conflicting options only one of FileStructure or DestinationDataDirectory allowed"
                $LogicalFileMovesString = $LogicalFileMoves -join ", `n"
                Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - $LogicalFileMovesString"

                if ($MaxTransferSize)
                    $restore.MaxTransferSize = $MaxTransferSize
                if ($BufferCount)
                    $restore.BufferCount = $BufferCount
                if ($BlockSize)
                    $restore.Blocksize = $BlockSize

                Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - Beginning Restore of $Dbname"
                $percent = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.PercentCompleteEventHandler] {
                    Write-Progress -id 2 -activity "Restoring $dbname to $servername" -percentcomplete $_.Percent -status ([System.String]::Format("Progress: {0} %", $_.Percent))
                $Restore.PercentCompleteNotification = 1
                $Restore.ReplaceDatabase = $ReplaceDatabase
                if ($RestoreTime -gt (Get-Date))
                        $restore.ToPointInTime = $null
                        Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - restoring $DbName to latest point in time"

                elseif ($RestoreFiles[0].RecoveryModel -ne 'Simple')
                    $Restore.ToPointInTime = $RestoreTime
                    Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - restoring to $RestoreTime"
                    Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - Restoring a Simple mode db, no restoretime"    
                if ($DbName -ne '')
                    $Restore.Database = $DbName
                    $Restore.Database = $RestoreFiles[0].DatabaseName
                $Action = switch ($RestoreFiles[0].BackupType)
                        '1' {'Database'}
                        '2' {'Log'}
                        '5' {'Database'}
                        Default {'Unknown'}
                Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - restore action = $Action"
                $restore.Action = $Action 
                if ($RestorePoint -eq $SortedRestorePoints[-1] -and $NoRecovery -ne $true)
                    #Do recovery on last file
                    Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - Doing Recovery on last file"
                    $Restore.NoRecovery = $false
                    Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - More files to restore, NoRecovery set"
                    $Restore.NoRecovery = $true
                Foreach ($RestoreFile in $RestoreFiles)
                    Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - Adding device"
                    $Device = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.BackupDeviceItem
                    $Device.Name = $RestoreFile.BackupPath
                    $Device.devicetype = "File"
                    $Restore.FileNumber = $RestoreFile.Position
                Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - Performing restore action"
        $ConfirmMessage = "`n Restore Database $DbName on $SqlServer `n from files: $RestoreFileNames `n with these file moves: `n $LogicalFileMovesString `n $ConfirmPointInTime `n"
        If ($Pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("$DBName on $SqlServer `n `n",$ConfirmMessage))
                $RestoreComplete = $true
                if ($ScriptOnly)
                    $script = $restore.Script($server)
                elseif ($VerifyOnly)
                    Write-Progress -id 2 -activity "Verifying $dbname backup file on $servername" -percentcomplete 0 -status ([System.String]::Format("Progress: {0} %", 0))
                    $Verify = $restore.sqlverify($server)
                    Write-Progress -id 2 -activity "Verifying $dbname backup file on $servername" -status "Complete" -Completed
                    if ($verify -eq $true)
                        return "Verify successful"
                        return "Verify failed"
                    Write-Progress -id 2 -activity "Restoring $DbName to ServerName" -percentcomplete 0 -status ([System.String]::Format("Progress: {0} %", 0))
                    $script = $restore.Script($Server)
                    Write-Progress -id 2 -activity "Restoring $DbName to $ServerName" -status "Complete" -Completed
                write-verbose "$FunctionName - Failed, Closing Server connection"
                $RestoreComplete = $False
                $ExitError = $_.Exception.InnerException
                Write-Warning "$FunctionName - $ExitError" -WarningAction stop
                #Exit as once one restore has failed there's no point continuing
                    $RestoreDirectory = ((Split-Path $RestoreFiles[0].FileList.PhysicalName) | sort-Object -unique) -join ','
                    $RestoredFile = ((Split-Path $RestoreFiles[0].FileList.PhysicalName -Leaf) | sort-Object -unique) -join ','
                    $RestoreDirectory = ((Split-Path $Restore.RelocateFiles.PhysicalFileName) | sort-Object -unique) -join ','
                    $RestoredFile = (Split-Path $Restore.RelocateFiles.PhysicalFileName -Leaf) -join ','
                if (!$ScriptOnly)
                        SqlInstance = $SqlServer
                        DatabaseName = $DatabaseName
                        DatabaseOwner = $server.ConnectionContext.TrueLogin
                        NoRecovery = $restore.NoRecovery
                        WithReplace = $ReplaceDatabase
                        RestoreComplete  = $RestoreComplete
                        BackupFilesCount = $RestoreFiles.Count
                        RestoredFilesCount = $RestoreFiles[0].Filelist.PhysicalName.count
                        BackupSizeMB = if([bool]($ -match 'BackupSizeMb')){($RestoreFiles | measure-object -property BackupSizeMb -Sum).sum}else{$null}
                        CompressedBackupSizeMB = if([bool]($ -match 'CompressedBackupSizeMb')){($RestoreFiles | measure-object -property CompressedBackupSizeMB -Sum).sum}else{$null}
                        BackupFile = $RestoreFiles.BackupPath -join ','
                        RestoredFile = $RestoredFile
                        RestoredFileFull = $RestoreFiles[0].Filelist.PhysicalName -join ','
                        RestoreDirectory = $RestoreDirectory
                        BackupSize =  if([bool]($ -match 'BackupSize')){($RestoreFiles | measure-object -property BackupSize -Sum).sum}else{$null}
                        CompressedBackupSize = if([bool]($ -match 'CompressedBackupSize')){($RestoreFiles | measure-object -property CompressedBackupSize -Sum).sum}else{$null}
                        Script = $script  
                        BackupFileRaw = $RestoreFiles
                        ExitError = $ExitError                
                    } | Select-DefaultView -ExcludeProperty BackupSize, CompressedBackupSize, ExitError, BackupFileRaw, RestoredFileFull 
                while ($Restore.Devices.count -gt 0)
                    $device = $restore.devices[0]
                    $null = $restore.devices.remove($Device)
                write-verbose "$FunctionName - Succeeded, Closing Server connection"
        if ($server.ConnectionContext.exists)