#Thank you Warren http://ramblingcookiemonster.github.io/Testing-DSC-with-Pester-and-AppVeyor/ if(-not $PSScriptRoot) { $PSScriptRoot = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent } $Verbose = @{} if($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -and $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -notlike "master") { $Verbose.add("Verbose",$True) } $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace('.Tests.', '.') Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\internal\$sut -Force Describe "Get-DirectoryRestoreFile Unit Tests" -Tag 'Unittests'{ Context "Test Path handling" { It "Should throw on an invalid Path"{ Mock Test-Path {$false} {Get-DirectoryRestoreFile -Path c:\temp\} | Should Throw } } Context "Returning Files from one folder" { New-item "TestDrive:\backups\" -ItemType directory New-item "TestDrive:\backups\full.bak" -ItemType File New-item "TestDrive:\backups\log1.trn" -ItemType File New-item "TestDrive:\backups\log2.trn" -ItemType File New-item "TestDrive:\backups\b\" -ItemType directory New-item "TestDrive:\backups\b\log2b.trn" -ItemType File $results = Get-DirectoryRestoreFile -Path TestDrive:\backups It "Should Return an array of FileInfo" { $results | Should BeOfType System.IO.FileSystemInfo } It "Should Return 3 files" { $results.count | Should Be 3 } It "Should return 1 bak file" { ($results | Where-Object {$_.Fullname -like '*\backups\Full.bak'}).count | Should be 1 } It "Should return 2 trn files" { ($results | Where-Object {$_.Fullname -like '*\backups\*.trn'}).count | Should be 2 } It "Should not contain log2b.trn" { ($results | Where-Object {$_.Fullname -like '*\backups\*log2b.trn'}).count | Should be 0 } } } |