Function Export-SqlUser { <# .SYNOPSIS Exports users creation and its permissions to a T-SQL file or host. .DESCRIPTION Exports users creation and its permissions to a T-SQL file or host. Export includes user, create and add to role(s), database level permissions, object level permissions. THIS CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITH NO WARRANTIES. .PARAMETER SqlInstance The SQL Server instance name. SQL Server 2000 and above supported. .PARAMETER SqlCredential Allows you to login to servers using alternative credentials $scred = Get-Credential, then pass $scred object to the -SqlCredential parameter Windows Authentication will be used if SqlCredential is not specified .PARAMETER User Export only the specified database user(s). If not specified will export all users from the database(s) .PARAMETER WhatIf Shows what would happen if the command were to run. No actions are actually performed. .PARAMETER Confirm Prompts you for confirmation before executing any changing operations within the command. .PARAMETER DestinationVersion To say to which version the script should be generated. If not specified will use database compatibility level .PARAMETER FilePath The file to write to. .PARAMETER NoClobber Do not overwrite file .PARAMETER Append Append to file .PARAMETER Silent Use this switch to disable any kind of verbose messages .EXAMPLE Export-SqlUser -SqlServer sql2005 -FilePath C:\temp\sql2005-users.sql Exports SQL for the users in server "sql2005" and writes them to the file "C:\temp\sql2005-users.sql" .EXAMPLE Export-SqlUser -SqlServer sqlserver2014a $scred -FilePath C:\temp\users.sql -Append Authenticates to sqlserver2014a using SQL Authentication. Exports all users to C:\temp\users.sql, and appends to the file if it exists. If not, the file will be created. .EXAMPLE Export-SqlUser -SqlServer sqlserver2014a -User User1, User2 -FilePath C:\temp\users.sql Exports ONLY users User1 and User2 fron sqlsever2014a to the file C:\temp\users.sql .EXAMPLE Export-SqlUser -SqlServer sqlserver2008 -User User1 -FilePath C:\temp\users.sql -DestinationVersion SQLServer2016 Exports user User1 fron sqlsever2008 to the file C:\temp\users.sql with sintax to run on SQL Server 2016 .NOTES Original Author: Claudio Silva (@ClaudioESSilva) dbatools PowerShell module (, Copyright (C) 2016 Chrissy LeMaire This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Default")] [OutputType([String])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlServer")] [DbaInstanceParameter]$SqlInstance, [object[]]$User, [ValidateSet('SQLServer2000', 'SQLServer2005', 'SQLServer2008/2008R2', 'SQLServer2012', 'SQLServer2014', 'SQLServer2016')] [string]$DestinationVersion, [Alias("OutFile", "Path", "FileName")] [string]$FilePath, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$sqlCredential, [Alias("NoOverwrite")] [switch]$NoClobber, [switch]$Append, [switch]$Silent ) dynamicparam { if ($sqlInstance) { return Get-ParamSqlDatabases -SqlServer $sqlInstance -SqlCredential $sqlCredential } } begin { if ($FilePath.Length -gt 0) { if ($FilePath -notlike "*\*") { $FilePath = ".\$filepath" } $directory = Split-Path $FilePath $exists = Test-Path $directory if ($exists -eq $false) { throw "Parent directory $directory does not exist" } Write-Message -Level Output -Message "Attempting to connect to SQL Servers.." } $outsql = @() $versions = @{ 'SQLServer2000' = 'Version80' 'SQLServer2005' = 'Version90' 'SQLServer2008/2008R2' = 'Version100' 'SQLServer2012' = 'Version110' 'SQLServer2014' = 'Version120' 'SQLServer2016' = 'Version130' } $versionName = @{ 'Version80' = 'SQLServer2000' 'Version90' = 'SQLServer2005' 'Version100' = 'SQLServer2008/2008R2' 'Version110' = 'SQLServer2012' 'Version120' = 'SQLServer2014' 'Version130' = 'SQLServer2016' } # Convert from RuntimeDefinedParameter object to regular array $databases = $psboundparameters.Databases $exclude = $psboundparameters.Exclude } process { try { Write-Message -Level Verbose -Message "Connecting to $sqlinstance" $server = Connect-SqlServer -SqlServer $sqlinstance -SqlCredential $sqlcredential } catch { Stop-Function -Message "Failed to connect to $instance : $($_.Exception.Message)" -Continue -Target $instance -InnerErrorRecord $_ } if ($databases.Count -eq 0) { $databases = $server.Databases | Where-Object { $exclude -notcontains $_.Name -and $_.IsAccessible -eq $true } } else { if ($pipedatabase.Length -gt 0) { $source = $pipedatabase[0] $databases = $ } else { $databases = $server.Databases | Where-Object { $exclude -notcontains $_.Name -and $_.IsAccessible -eq $true -and ($databases -contains $_.Name) } } } if (@($databases).Count -gt 0) { #Database Permissions foreach ($db in $databases) { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($destinationVersion)) { #Get compatibility level for scripting the objects $scriptVersion = $db.CompatibilityLevel } else { $scriptVersion = $versions[$destinationVersion] } $versionNameDesc = $versionName[$scriptVersion.ToString()] #Options $scriptingOptions = New-DbaScriptingOption $scriptingOptions.TargetServerVersion = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.SqlServerVersion]::$scriptVersion $scriptingOptions.AllowSystemObjects = $false $scriptingOptions.IncludeDatabaseRoleMemberships = $true $scriptingOptions.ContinueScriptingOnError = $false $scriptingOptions.IncludeDatabaseContext = $false Write-Message -Level Output -Message "Validating users on database $db" if ($User.Count -eq 0) { $users = $db.Users | Where-Object { $_.IsSystemObject -eq $false -and $_.Name -notlike "##*" } } else { if ($pipedatabase.Length -gt 0) { $source = $pipedatabase[3] $users = $ } else { $users = $db.Users | Where-Object { $User -contains $_.Name -and $_.IsSystemObject -eq $false -and $_.Name -notlike "##*" } } } if ($users.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($dbuser in $users) { #setting database $outsql += "USE [" + $db.Name + "]" try { #Fixed Roles #Dependency Issue. Create Role, before add to role. foreach ($rolePermission in ($db.Roles | Where-Object { $_.IsFixedRole -eq $false })) { foreach ($rolePermissionScript in $rolePermission.Script($scriptingOptions)) { #$roleScript = $rolePermission.Script($scriptingOptions) $outsql += "$($rolePermissionScript.ToString())" } } #Database Create User(s) and add to Role(s) foreach ($dbUserPermissionScript in $dbuser.Script($scriptingOptions)) { if ($dbuserPermissionScript.Contains("sp_addrolemember")) { $execute = "EXEC " } else { $execute = "" } $outsql += "$execute$($dbUserPermissionScript.ToString())" } #Database Permissions foreach ($databasePermission in $db.EnumDatabasePermissions() | Where-Object { @("sa", "dbo", "information_schema", "sys") -notcontains $_.Grantee -and $_.Grantee -notlike "##*" -and ($dbuser.Name -contains $_.Grantee) }) { if ($databasePermission.PermissionState -eq "GrantWithGrant") { $withGrant = " WITH GRANT OPTION" $grantDatabasePermission = 'GRANT' } else { $withGrant = " " $grantDatabasePermission = $databasePermission.PermissionState.ToString().ToUpper() } $outsql += "$($grantDatabasePermission) $($databasePermission.PermissionType) TO [$($databasePermission.Grantee)]$withGrant AS [$($databasePermission.Grantor)];" } #Database Object Permissions # NB: This is a bit of a mess for a couple of reasons # 1. $db.EnumObjectPermissions() doesn't enumerate all object types # 2. Some (x)Collection types can have EnumObjectPermissions() called # on them directly (e.g. AssemblyCollection); others can't (e.g. # ApplicationRoleCollection). Those that can't we iterate the # collection explicitly and add each object's permission. $perms = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $null = $perms.AddRange($db.EnumObjectPermissions($dbuser.Name)) foreach ($item in $db.ApplicationRoles) { $null = $perms.AddRange($item.EnumObjectPermissions($dbuser.Name)) } foreach ($item in $db.Assemblies) { $null = $perms.AddRange($item.EnumObjectPermissions($dbuser.Name)) } foreach ($item in $db.Certificates) { $null = $perms.AddRange($item.EnumObjectPermissions($dbuser.Name)) } foreach ($item in $db.DatabaseRoles) { $null = $perms.AddRange($item.EnumObjectPermissions($dbuser.Name)) } foreach ($item in $db.FullTextCatalogs) { $null = $perms.AddRange($item.EnumObjectPermissions($dbuser.Name)) } foreach ($item in $db.FullTextStopLists) { $null = $perms.AddRange($item.EnumObjectPermissions($dbuser.Name)) } foreach ($item in $db.SearchPropertyLists) { $null = $perms.AddRange($item.EnumObjectPermissions($dbuser.Name)) } foreach ($item in $db.ServiceBroker.MessageTypes) { $null = $perms.AddRange($item.EnumObjectPermissions($dbuser.Name)) } foreach ($item in $db.RemoteServiceBindings) { $null = $perms.AddRange($item.EnumObjectPermissions($dbuser.Name)) } foreach ($item in $db.ServiceBroker.Routes) { $null = $perms.AddRange($item.EnumObjectPermissions($dbuser.Name)) } foreach ($item in $db.ServiceBroker.ServiceContracts) { $null = $perms.AddRange($item.EnumObjectPermissions($dbuser.Name)) } foreach ($item in $db.ServiceBroker.Services) { $null = $perms.AddRange($item.EnumObjectPermissions($dbuser.Name)) } if ($scriptVersion -ne "Version80") { foreach ($item in $db.AsymmetricKeys) { $null = $perms.AddRange($item.EnumObjectPermissions($dbuser.Name)) } } foreach ($item in $db.SymmetricKeys) { $null = $perms.AddRange($item.EnumObjectPermissions($dbuser.Name)) } foreach ($item in $db.XmlSchemaCollections) { $null = $perms.AddRange($item.EnumObjectPermissions($dbuser.Name)) } foreach ($objectPermission in $perms | Where-Object { @("sa", "dbo", "information_schema", "sys") -notcontains $_.Grantee -and $_.Grantee -notlike "##*" -and $_.Grantee -eq $dbuser.Name }) { switch ($objectPermission.ObjectClass) { 'ApplicationRole' { $object = 'APPLICATION ROLE::[{0}]' -f $objectPermission.ObjectName } 'AsymmetricKey' { $object = 'ASYMMETRIC KEY::[{0}]' -f $objectPermission.ObjectName } 'Certificate' { $object = 'CERTIFICATE::[{0}]' -f $objectPermission.ObjectName } 'DatabaseRole' { $object = 'ROLE::[{0}]' -f $objectPermission.ObjectName } 'FullTextCatalog' { $object = 'FULLTEXT CATALOG::[{0}]' -f $objectPermission.ObjectName } 'FullTextStopList' { $object = 'FULLTEXT STOPLIST::[{0}]' -f $objectPermission.ObjectName } 'MessageType' { $object = 'Message Type::[{0}]' -f $objectPermission.ObjectName } 'ObjectOrColumn' { if ($scriptVersion -ne "Version80") { $object = 'OBJECT::[{0}].[{1}]' -f $objectPermission.ObjectSchema, $objectPermission.ObjectName if ($null -ne $objectPermission.ColumnName) { $object += '([{0}])' -f $objectPermission.ColumnName } } #At SQL Server 2000 OBJECT did not exists else { $object = '[{0}].[{1}]' -f $objectPermission.ObjectSchema, $objectPermission.ObjectName } } 'RemoteServiceBinding' { $object = 'REMOTE SERVICE BINDING::[{0}]' -f $objectPermission.ObjectName } 'Schema' { $object = 'SCHEMA::[{0}]' -f $objectPermission.ObjectName } 'SearchPropertyList' { $object = 'SEARCH PROPERTY LIST::[{0}]' -f $objectPermission.ObjectName } 'Service' { $object = 'SERVICE::[{0}]' -f $objectPermission.ObjectName } 'ServiceContract' { $object = 'CONTRACT::[{0}]' -f $objectPermission.ObjectName } 'ServiceRoute' { $object = 'ROUTE::[{0}]' -f $objectPermission.ObjectName } 'SqlAssembly' { $object = 'ASSEMBLY::[{0}]' -f $objectPermission.ObjectName } 'SymmetricKey' { $object = 'SYMMETRIC KEY::[{0}]' -f $objectPermission.ObjectName } 'User' { $object = 'USER::[{0}]' -f $objectPermission.ObjectName } 'UserDefinedType' { $object = 'TYPE::[{0}].[{1}]' -f $objectPermission.ObjectSchema, $objectPermission.ObjectName } 'XmlNamespace' { $object = 'XML SCHEMA COLLECTION::[{0}]' -f $objectPermission.ObjectName } } if ($objectPermission.PermissionState -eq "GrantWithGrant") { $withGrant = " WITH GRANT OPTION" $grantObjectPermission = 'GRANT' } else { $withGrant = " " $grantObjectPermission = $objectPermission.PermissionState.ToString().ToUpper() } $outsql += "$grantObjectPermission $($objectPermission.PermissionType) ON $object TO [$($objectPermission.Grantee)]$withGrant AS [$($objectPermission.Grantor)];" } } catch { Stop-Function -Message "This user may be using functionality from $($versionName[$db.CompatibilityLevel.ToString()]) that does not exist on the destination version ($versionNameDesc)." -Continue -InnerErrorRecord $_ -Target $db } } } else { Write-Message -Level Output -Message "No users found on database '$db'" } #reset collection $users = $null } } else { Write-Message -Level Output -Message "No users found on instance '$server'" } } end { $sql = $outsql -join "`r`nGO`r`n" #add the final GO $sql += "`r`nGO" if ($FilePath.Length -gt 0) { $sql | Out-File -Encoding UTF8 -FilePath $FilePath -Append:$Append -NoClobber:$NoClobber } else { return $sql } } } |