function Get-DirectoryRestoreFile { <# .SYNOPSIS Internal Function to get SQL Server backfiles from a specified folder .DESCRIPTION Takes path, checks for validity. Scans for usual backup file #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string]$Path ) Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - Starting" Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - Checking Path" if ((Test-Path $Path) -ne $true){ break } #Path needs to end \* to use includes, which is faster than Where-Object $PathCheckArray = $path.ToCharArray() if ($PathCheckArray[-2] -eq '\' -and $PathCheckArray[-1] -eq '*'){ #We're good } elseif ($PathCheckArray[-2] -ne '\' -and $PathCheckArray[-1] -eq '*') { #We have \\some\path*, insert a \ write-verbose "here" $Path = ($PathCheckArray[0..(($PathCheckArray.length)-2)] -join (''))+"\*" } elseif ($PathCheckArray[-2] -eq '\' -and $PathCheckArray[-1] -ne '*') { #Append a * to the end $Path = "$Path*" } elseif ($PathCheckArray[-2] -ne '\' -and $PathCheckArray[-1] -ne '*') { #Append a \* to the end $Path = "$Path\*" } Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - Scanning $path" $Results = Get-ChildItem -path $Path -include *.bak, *.trn return $Results } |