Function Find-DbaStoredProcedure { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns all stored procedures that contain a specific case-insensitive string or regex pattern. .DESCRIPTION This function can either run against specific databases or all databases searching all user or user and system stored procedures. .PARAMETER SqlInstance SQLServer name or SMO object representing the SQL Server to connect to. This can be a collection and recieve pipeline input .PARAMETER SqlCredential PSCredential object to connect as. If not specified, currend Windows login will be used. .PARAMETER Databases Set the specific database/s that you wish to search in. .PARAMETER Pattern String pattern that you want to search for in the stored procedure textbody .PARAMETER IncludeSystemObjects By default, system stored proceures are ignored but you can include them within the search using this parameter. Warning - this will likely make it super slow if you run it on all databases. .PARAMETER IncludeSystemDatabases By default system databases are ignored but you can include them within the search using this parameter .NOTES Original Author: Stephen Bennett, dbatools PowerShell module (, Copyright (C) 2016 Chrissy LeMaire This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. .LINK .EXAMPLE Find-DbaStoredProcedure -SqlInstance DEV01 -Pattern whatever Searches all user databases stored procedures for "whatever" in the textbody .EXAMPLE Find-DbaStoredProcedure -SqlInstance sql2016 -Pattern '\w+@\w+\.\w+' Searches all databases for all stored procedures that contain a valid email pattern in the textbody .EXAMPLE Find-DbaStoredProcedure -SqlInstance DEV01 -Databases MyDB -Pattern 'some string' -Verbose Searches in "mydb" database stored procedures for "some string" in the textbody .EXAMPLE Find-DbaStoredProcedure -SqlInstance sql2016 -Databases MyDB -Pattern RUNTIME -IncludeSystemObjects Searches in "mydb" database stored procedures for "runtime" in the textbody #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlServer", "SqlServers")] [object[]]$SqlInstance, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$SqlCredential, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Pattern, [switch]$IncludeSystemObjects, [switch]$IncludeSystemDatabases ) DynamicParam { if ($SqlInstance) { Get-ParamSqlDatabases -SqlServer $SqlInstance[0] -SqlCredential $SqlCredential } } begin { $databases = $psboundparameters.Databases $sql = "SELECT, m.definition as TextBody FROM sys.sql_modules m, sys.procedures p WHERE m.object_id = p.object_id" if (!$IncludeSystemObjects) { $sql = "$sql AND p.is_ms_shipped = 0" } } process { foreach ($Instance in $SqlInstance) { try { Write-Verbose "Connecting to $Instance" $server = Connect-SqlServer -SqlServer $Instance -SqlCredential $SqlCredential } catch { Write-Warning "Failed to connect to: $Instance" continue } if ($IncludeSystemDatabases) { $dbs = $server.Databases | Where-Object { $_.Status -eq "normal" } } else { $dbs = $server.Databases | Where-Object { $_.Status -eq "normal" -and $_.IsSystemObject -eq $false } } if ($databases.count -gt 0) { $dbs = $dbs | Where-Object { $databases -contains $_.Name } } $totalcount = 0 $dbcount = $dbs.count foreach ($db in $dbs) { Write-Verbose "Searching database $db" # If system objects aren't needed, find stored procedure text using SQL # This prevents SMO from having to enumerate if (!$IncludeSystemObjects) { Write-Debug $sql $rows = $db.ExecuteWithResults($sql).Tables.Rows $sproccount = 0 foreach ($row in $rows) { $totalcount++; $sproccount++ Write-Verbose "Looking in StoredProcedure: $proc TextBody for $pattern" if ($row.TextBody -match $Pattern) { $sp = $db.StoredProcedures | Where-Object name -eq $ $StoredProcedureText = $sp.TextBody.split("`n") $spTextFound = $StoredProcedureText | Select-String -Pattern $Pattern | ForEach-Object { "(LineNumber: $($_.LineNumber)) $($_.ToString().Trim())" } [PSCustomObject]@{ ComputerName = $server.NetName SqlInstance = $server.ServiceName Database = $ Name = $sp.Name Owner = $sp.Owner IsSystemObject = $sp.IsSystemObject CreateDate = $sp.CreateDate LastModified = $sp.DateLastModified StoredProcedureTextFound = $spTextFound -join "`n" StoredProcedure = $sp StoredProcedureFullText = $sp.TextBody } | Select-DefaultView -ExcludeProperty StoredProcedure, StoredProcedureFullText } } } else { $storedprocedures = $db.StoredProcedures foreach ($sp in $storedprocedures) { $totalcount++; $sproccount++ $proc = $sp.Name Write-Verbose "Looking in StoredProcedure: $proc TextBody for $pattern" if ($sp.TextBody -match $Pattern) { $StoredProcedureText = $sp.TextBody.split("`n") $spTextFound = $StoredProcedureText | Select-String -Pattern $Pattern | ForEach-Object { "(LineNumber: $($_.LineNumber)) $($_.ToString().Trim())" } [PSCustomObject]@{ ComputerName = $server.NetName SqlInstance = $server.ServiceName Database = $ Name = $sp.Name Owner = $sp.Owner IsSystemObject = $sp.IsSystemObject CreateDate = $sp.CreateDate LastModified = $sp.DateLastModified StoredProcedureTextFound = $spTextFound -join "`n" StoredProcedure = $sp StoredProcedureFullText = $sp.TextBody } | Select-DefaultView -ExcludeProperty StoredProcedure, StoredProcedureFullText } } } Write-Verbose "Evaluated $sproccount stored procedures in $db" } Write-Verbose "Evaluated $totalcount total stored procedures in $dbcount databases" } } } |