function Get-FilteredRestoreFile { <# .SYNOPSIS Internal Function to Filter a set of SQL Server backup files .DESCRIPTION Takes an array of FileSystem Objects and then filters them down by date to get a potential Restore set #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [object[]]$Files, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [object]$SqlServer, [DateTime]$RestoreTime = (Get-Date).addyears(1), [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$SqlCredential ) Begin { $FunctionName = "Filter-RestoreFile" Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - Starting" $Results = @() $InternalFiles = @() } # -and $_.BackupStartDate -lt $RestoreTime process { foreach ($file in $files){ $InternalFiles += $file } } End { Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - Read File headers (Read-DBABackupHeader)" $SQLBackupdetails = $InternalFiles | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName | Read-DBAbackupheader -sqlserver $SQLSERVER -SqlCredential:$SqlCredential Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - Find Newest Full backup" $Fullbackup = $SQLBackupdetails | where-object {$_.BackupType -eq "1" -and $_.BackupStartDate -lt $RestoreTime} | Sort-Object -Property BackupStartDate -descending | Select-Object -First 1 if ($Fullbackup -eq $null) { Write-Error "$FunctionName - No Full backup found to anchor the restore" } $Results += $Fullbackup Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - Got a Full backup, now find all diffs" $Diffbackups = $SQLBackupdetails | Where-Object {$_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Database Differential' -and $_.BackupStartDate -gt $Fullbackup.backupStartDate -and $_.BackupStartDate -lt $RestoreTime} $Results += $Diffbackups if ($Diffbackups.count -gt 0){ Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - we have at least one diff so look for tlogs after the last one" $TlogStartDate = ($DiffBackups | sort-object -property BackupStartDate -Descending | select-object -first 1).BackupStartDate }else{ Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - we have no diffs, so T-logs post full backup start " $TlogStartDate = $Fullbackup.BackupStartDate } Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - Got a Full/Diff backups, now find all Tlogs needed" $Tlogs = $SQLBackupdetails | Where-Object {$_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Transaction Log' -and $_.backupStartDate -gt $TlogStartDate-and $_.BackupStartDate -lt $RestoreTime} $Results += $Tlogs #Catch the last Tlog that covers the restore time! $Tlogfinal = $SQLBackupdetails | Where-Object {$_.BackupTypeDescription -eq 'Transaction Log' -and $_.BackupStartDate -gt $RestoreTime} | Sort-Object -Property LastLSN | select -First 1 $Results +=$Tlogfinal Write-Verbose "$FunctionName - Returning Results to caller" $Results } } |