## Thank you Warren http://ramblingcookiemonster.github.io/Testing-DSC-with-Pester-and-AppVeyor/ if(-not $PSScriptRoot) { $PSScriptRoot = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent } $Verbose = @{} if($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -and $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -notlike "master") { $Verbose.add("Verbose",$true) } $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace('.Tests.', '.') Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\..\functions\$sut" -Force Import-Module PSScriptAnalyzer ## Added PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword as credential is an object and therefore fails. We can ignore any rules here under special circumstances agreed by admins :-) $rules = Get-ScriptAnalyzerRule | Where{$_.RuleName -notin ('PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword') } $name = $sut.Split('.')[0] Describe 'Script Analyzer Tests' { Context "Testing $name for Standard Processing" { foreach ($rule in $rules) { $index = $rules.IndexOf($rule) It "passes the PSScriptAnalyzer Rule number $index - $rule " { (Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\functions\$sut" -IncludeRule $rule.RuleName).Count | Should Be 0 } } } } ## Load the command $ModuleBase = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path # For tests in .\Tests subdirectory if ((Split-Path $ModuleBase -Leaf) -eq 'Tests') { $ModuleBase = Split-Path $ModuleBase -Parent } # Handles modules in version directories $leaf = Split-Path $ModuleBase -Leaf $parent = Split-Path $ModuleBase -Parent $parsedVersion = $null if ([System.Version]::TryParse($leaf, [ref]$parsedVersion)) { $ModuleName = Split-Path $parent -Leaf } else { $ModuleName = $leaf } # Removes all versions of the module from the session before importing Get-Module $ModuleName | Remove-Module # Because ModuleBase includes version number, this imports the required version # of the module $null = Import-Module $ModuleBase\$ModuleName.psd1 -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop . "$Modulebase\internal\DynamicParams.ps1" Get-ChildItem "$Modulebase\internal\" |% {. $_.fullname} ## Validate functionality. Describe $name { InModuleScope dbatools { Context 'Validate input arguments' { It 'SqlServer parameter is empty' { Mock Connect-SqlServer { throw System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException } { Get-DbaMaxMemory -SqlServer '' -WarningAction Stop 3> $null } | Should Throw } It 'SqlServer parameter host cannot be found' { Mock Connect-SqlServer { throw System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException } { Get-DbaMaxMemory -SqlServer 'ABC' -WarningAction Stop 3> $null } | Should Throw } } Context 'Validate functionality ' { It 'Server name reported correctly the installed memory' { Mock Connect-SqlServer { return @{ Name = 'ABC' } } (Get-DbaMaxMemory -SqlServer 'ABC').Server | Should be 'ABC' } It 'Server under-report by 1MB the memory installed on the host' { Mock Connect-SqlServer { return @{ PhysicalMemory = 1023 } } (Get-DbaMaxMemory -SqlServer 'ABC').TotalMB | Should be 1024 } It 'Server reports correctly the memory installed on the host' { Mock Connect-SqlServer { return @{ PhysicalMemory = 1024 } } (Get-DbaMaxMemory -SqlServer 'ABC').TotalMB | Should be 1024 } It 'Memory allocated to SQL Server instance reported' { Mock Connect-SqlServer { return @{ Configuration = @{ MaxServerMemory = @{ ConfigValue = 2147483647 } } } } (Get-DbaMaxMemory -SqlServer 'ABC').SqlMaxMB | Should be 2147483647 } } } } |