
Function Restore-DbaFromDatabaseSnapshot
Restores databases from snapshots
Restores the database from the snapshot, discarding every modification made to the database
NB: Restoring to a snapshot will result in every other snapshot of the same database to be dropped
It also fixes some long-standing bugs in SQL Server when restoring from snapshots
.PARAMETER SqlInstance
The SQL Server that you're connecting to
.PARAMETER Credential
Credential object used to connect to the SQL Server as a different user
.PARAMETER Databases
Restores from the last snapshot databases with this names only
NB: you can pass either Databases or Snapshots
.PARAMETER Snapshots
Restores databases from snapshots with this names only
NB: you can pass either Databases or Snapshots
Shows what would happen if the command were to run. No actions are actually performed.
Prompts you for confirmation before executing any changing operations within the command.
If restoring from a snapshot involves dropping any other shapshot, you need to explicitly
use -Force to let this command delete the ones not involved in the restore process.
Author: niphlod
dbatools PowerShell module (
Copyright (C) 2016 Chrissy LeMaire
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
Restore-DbaFromDatabaseSnapshot -SqlServer sqlserver2014a -Databases HR, Accounting
Restores HR and Accounting databases using the latest snapshot available
Restore-DbaFromDatabaseSnapshot -SqlServer sqlserver2014a -Snapshots HR_snap_20161201, Accounting_snap_20161101
Restores databases from snapshots named HR_snap_20161201 and Accounting_snap_20161101

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    Param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlServer")]

        if ($SqlInstance)
            Get-ParamSqlSnapshotsAndDatabases -SqlServer $SqlInstance[0] -SqlCredential $Credential

        $databases = $psboundparameters.Databases
        $snapshots = $psboundparameters.Snapshots

        if ($snapshots.count -eq 0 -and $databases.count -eq 0)
            Write-Warning "You must specify either -Snapshots (to restore from) or -Databases (to restore to)"

        foreach ($instance in $SqlInstance)
            Write-Verbose "Connecting to $instance"
                $server = Connect-SqlServer -SqlServer $instance -SqlCredential $Credential
                Write-Warning "Can't connect to $instance"

            $all_dbs = $server.Databases

            # vault to hold all programmed operations from --> to
            $operations = @()

            if ($snapshots.count -eq 0 -and $databases.count -eq 0)
                # Restore all databases from the latest snapshot
                Write-Verbose "Selected all databases"
                $dbs = $all_dbs | Where-Object IsDatabaseSnapshot -eq $true
            elseif ($databases.count -gt 0)
                # Restore only these databases from their latest snapshot
                Write-Verbose "Selected only databases"
                $dbs = $all_dbs | Where-Object { $databases -contains $_.DatabaseSnapshotBaseName }
            elseif ($snapshots.count -gt 0)
                # Restore databases from these snapshots
                Write-Verbose "Selected only snapshots"
                $dbs = $all_dbs | Where-Object { $snapshots -contains $_.Name }
                $base_databases = $dbs | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DatabaseSnapshotBaseName | Get-Unique
                if($base_databases.count -ne $snapshots.count)
                    Write-Warning "Multiple snapshots selected for the same database, skipping"

            $opshash = @{}

            foreach($db in $dbs)
                if($db.DatabaseSnapshotBaseName -notin $opshash.Keys) {
                    if($snapshots.count -gt 0)
                        # just in the need to drop every other snapshot
                        $todrop = $all_dbs | Where-Object {$_.DatabaseSnapshotBaseName -eq $db.DatabaseSnapshotBaseName}
                        $todrop = $todrop | Select-Object Name
                        $opshash[$db.DatabaseSnapshotBaseName] = @{
                            'from' = $db | Select-Object Name, DatabaseSnapshotBaseName, CreateDate
                            'drop' = $todrop
                        $opshash[$db.DatabaseSnapshotBaseName] = @{
                            'from' = $db
                            'drop' = @()
                    # store each older snapshot in the drop list while enumerating
                    if($db.createDate -gt $opshash[$db.DatabaseSnapshotBaseName]['from'].CreateDate) {
                        $prev = $opshash[$db.DatabaseSnapshotBaseName]['from']
                        $opshash[$db.DatabaseSnapshotBaseName]['from'] = $db | Select-Object Name, DatabaseSnapshotBaseName, CreateDate
                        $opshash[$db.DatabaseSnapshotBaseName]['drop'] += $prev
            foreach($dbname in $opshash.Keys)
                $drop = @()
                foreach($todrop in $opshash[$dbname]['drop'])
                    $drop += $todrop.Name
                $operations += @{
                    'from' = $opshash[$dbname]['from'].Name;
                    'to'   = $dbname;
                    'drop' = $drop

            foreach($op in $operations)
                # Check if there are FS, because then a restore is not possible
                $all_FS = $server.Databases[$op['to']].FileGroups | Where-Object FileGroupType -eq 'FileStreamDataFileGroup'
                if($all_FS.Count -gt 0)
                    Write-Warning "Database '$($op['to'])' has FileStream group(s). You cannot restore from snapshots"
                        Server   = $Server.Name
                        Database = $op['to']
                        Status   = 'Error'
                        Notes    = "Database '$($op['to'])' has FileStream group(s). You cannot restore from snapshots"
                # Get log size and autogrowth
                $orig_logproperties = $server.Databases[$op['to']].LogFiles | Select-Object id, size
                # Drop what needs to be dropped
                $operror = $false
                if($op['drop'].count -gt 1 -and $Force -eq $false)
                    Write-Warning "The restore process for '$($op['to'])' from '$($op['from'])' needs to drop the following:"
                    foreach($db in $op['drop']) {
                        Write-Warning $db
                    Write-Warning "Use -Force if you really want to drop these snapshots."
                foreach($drop in $op['drop'])
                    If ($Pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($, "Remove db snapshot $drop"))
                        # SKIP IT IF IT'S THE SAME NAME
                        if ($drop -ne $($op['from']))
                            $dropped = Remove-SqlDatabase -SqlServer $server -DBName $drop -SqlCredential $Credential
                            if ($dropped -notmatch "Success")
                                Write-Warning $dropped
                                $operror = $true
                    Write-Warning "Errors trying to restore '$($op['to'])' from '$($op['from'])'"
                        Server   = $Server.Name
                        Database = $op['to']
                        Status   = 'Error'
                        Notes    = "Failed to drop some snapshots"

                # Need a proper restore now
                If ($Pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($, "Restore db '$($op['to'])' from '$($op['from'])'"))
                    $query = "RESTORE DATABASE [$($op['to'])] FROM DATABASE_SNAPSHOT='$($op['from'])'"
                        $operror = $true
                        Write-Exception $_
                        $inner = $_.Exception.Message
                        Write-Warning "Original exception: $inner, Query issued: $query"
                    Write-Warning "Errors trying to restore '$($op['to'])' from '$($op['from'])'"
                        Server   = $Server.Name
                        Database = $op['to']
                        Status   = 'Error'
                        Notes    = ''
                # Comparing sizes before and after, need to reconnect to see if size
                # changed
                $server =  Connect-SqlServer -SqlServer $instance -SqlCredential $Credential
                foreach($log in $server.Databases[$op['to']].LogFiles)
                    $matching = $orig_logproperties | Where-Object ID -eq $log.ID
                    if($matching.Size -ne $orig_logproperties.Size)
                        Write-Verbose "Resizing log to the original value"
                        $log.Size = $matching.Size
                    Server   = $Server.Name
                    Database = $op['to']
                    Status   = 'Restored'
                    Notes    = 'Remember to take a backup now, and also to remove the snapshot if not needed'