
function Expand-SqlTLogResponsibly
This module will help you to automatically grow your T-Log database file in a responsible way (preventing generation of too many VLFs).
As you may already know, having a TLog file with too many VLFs can hurt your database performance in many ways.
    Too many virtual log files can cause transaction log backups to slow down and can also slow down database recovery, and in extreme cases, even affect insert/update/delete performance.
    In order to get rid of this fragmentation we need to growth the file taking the following consideration:
        - How many VLFs are created when we do a grow or when auto-grows hits
    Note: In SQL Server 2014 this algorithm has changed (
    We are growing in MB instead of GB because of known issue prior to SQL 2012:
        More detail here:
    What this script will NOT DO for you:
        1. Analyse the actual number of VLFs (use DBCC LOGINFO)
        2. T-Log backups (BACKUP LOG <databasename> TO DISK="<path>" or using third-party tools)
        3. Truncate your transaction log (DBCC SHRINKFILE (N'<database_log>', TRUNCATEONLY).
        4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have your T-Log with the desired initial size. Then you may run this script.
           Steps 2 and 3 are likely to be automated in the future.
    You have to make those analysis and take these actions before run this script otherwise only half of the correct process will be made
    Understand related problems:
    Known BUG before SQL Server 2012
    Represents the name/ip of the instance where the database(s) that you want to grow exists
.PARAMETER Databases
    This is the list of databases within Instance that this script will grow their t-log files.
    You can pass only one or many. Can be input by pipeline. (view examples)
    Represents the target log size that log will grow. Expressed in MB.
.PARAMETER IncrementSizeMB
    Represents the size of each grow will perform. Expressed in MB.
    If you don't provide this parameter the value will be calculated automatically. Otherwise, the input value will be compared with the suggested
    for your target size. If it is different will ask which one you would like to assume.
    If you want to grow a secondary, tertiary, other T-Log file you can mention the log file number (FileId column from DBCC LOGINFO output).
    When not provided, will do on the first T-Log file.
.PARAMETER ShrinkLogFile
.PARAMETER BackupDirectory
Author: Cl�udio Silva (@claudioessilva)
Requires: ALTER DATABASE permission
Limitations: On SQL Server 2005 cannot validate freespace on drive where log file resides.
Original Author: Cl�udio Silva (@ClaudioESSilva)
dbatools PowerShell module (,
Copyright (C) 2016 Chrissy LeMaire
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
    Expand-SqlTLogResponsibly -SqlServer . -Databases Test -TargetLogSizeMB 50000
    This is the simplest example. The increment value will be calculated and will grow the T-Log of 'Test' database on 'Localhost' instance
    to 50000 MB.
    Expand-SqlTLogResponsibly -SqlServer . -Databases Test,Testdb2 -TargetLogSizeMB 10000 -IncrementSizeMB 200
    Grows the T-Log of test and test2 databases on 'Localhost' instance to 1000MB. The increment value will be asked if want to use the input value or
    the suggested one (calculated automatically)
    Expand-SqlTLogResponsibly -SqlServer sqlcluster -Databases test -TargetLogSizeMB 10000 -LogFileId 9
    Grows the T-Log with FielId 9 of 'Test' database on sqlcluster instance to 10000MB.
    Expand-SqlTLogResponsibly -SqlServer . -Databases (Get-Content D:\DBs.txt) -TargetLogSizeMB 50000
    Grows the T-Log of the databases specified in the file 'D:\DBs.txt' on 'Localhost' instance to 50000MB.
    Expand-SqlTLogResponsibly -SqlServer . -Databases db1, db2 -TargetLogSizeMB 50000
    Grows the T-Log of the databases DB1 and DB2 on 'Localhost' instance to 50000MB.
    Expand-SqlTLogResponsibly -SqlServer . -Databases 'db with space' -TargetLogSizeMB 50000 -Verbose
    Use -Verbose to view in detail all actions performed by this script
    Expand-SqlTLogResponsibly -SqlServer sqlserver -Databases db1,db2 -TargetLogSizeMB 100 -IncrementSizeMB 10 -ShrinkLogFile -ShrinkSizeMB 10 -BackupDirectory R:\MSSQL\Backup

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true)]
        [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlInstance")]
        [parameter(Position = 3)]
        [parameter(Position = 4, Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Position = 5)]
        [int]$IncrementSizeMB = -1,
        [parameter(Position = 6)]
        [int]$LogFileId = -1,
        [parameter(Position = 7, ParameterSetName = 'Shrink', Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Position = 8, ParameterSetName = 'Shrink', Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Position = 9, ParameterSetName = 'Shrink')]
    DynamicParam { if ($SqlServer) { return Get-ParamSqlDatabases -SqlServer $SqlServer -SqlCredential $SourceSqlCredential } }
        Write-Verbose "Set ErrorActionPreference to Inquire"
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Inquire'
        #Convert MB to KB (SMO works in KB)
        Write-Verbose "Convert variables MB to KB (SMO works in KB)"
        [int]$TargetLogSizeKB = $TargetLogSizeMB * 1024
        [int]$LogIncrementSize = $incrementSizeMB * 1024
        [int]$ShrinkSize = $ShrinkSizeMB * 1024
        [int]$SuggestLogIncrementSize = 0
        [bool]$LogByFileID = if ($LogFileId -eq -1)
        #Set base information
        Write-Verbose "Initialize the instance '$SqlServer'"
        $server = Connect-SqlServer -SqlServer $SqlServer -SqlCredential $SqlCredential
        if ($ShrinkLogFile -eq $true)
            if ($BackupDirectory.length -eq 0)
                $backupdirectory = $server.Settings.BackupDirectory
            $pathexists = Test-SqlPath -SqlServer $server -Path $backupdirectory
            if ($pathexists -eq $false)
                throw "Backup directory does not exist"
            $databases = $psboundparameters.Databases
            [datetime]$initialTime = Get-Date
            #control the iteration number
            $databaseProgressbar = 0;
            #go through all databases
            Write-Verbose "Processing...foreach database..."
            foreach ($db in $Databases)
                $databaseProgressbar += 1
                #set step to reutilize on logging operations
                [string]$step = "$databaseProgressbar/$($Databases.Count)"
                if ($server.Databases[$db])
                {                    Write-Progress `
                                   -Id 1 `
                                   -Activity "Using database: $db on Instance: '$SqlServer'" `
                                   -PercentComplete ($databaseProgressbar / $Databases.Count * 100) `
                                   -Status "Processing - $databaseProgressbar of $($Databases.Count)"
                    #Validate which log that file will grow
                    if ($LogByFileID)
                        $logfile = $server.Databases[$db].LogFiles.ItemById($LogFileId)
                        $logfile = $server.Databases[$db].LogFiles[0]
                    Write-Verbose "$step - Use log file: $logfile"
                    $currentSize = $logfile.Size
                    Write-Verbose "$step - Log file current size: $([System.Math]::Round($($currentSize/1024.0), 2)) MB "
                    [long]$requiredSpace = ($TargetLogSizeKB - $currentSize)
                    Write-Verbose "Verifying if exists sufficient space ($([System.Math]::Round($($requiredSpace / 1024.0), 2))MB) on the volume to perform this task"
                    # SQL 2005 or lower version. The "VolumeFreeSpace" property is empty
                    if ($logfile.VolumeFreeSpace -eq $null -and ($server.VersionMajor -eq 9))
                        $title = "Choose increment value for database '$db':"
                        $message = "Cannot validate freespace on drive where log file resides? Do you wish to continue (Y/N)"
                        $yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes", "Will continue"
                        $no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No", "Will exit"
                        $options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yes, $no)
                        $result = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, 0)
                        if ($result -eq 1) 
                            Write-Warning "You have cancelled the execution"
                    #Only available from 2008 R2 towards... maybe validate the version and issue a warning saying "can't verify volume free space"
                    if (($requiredSpace -gt $logfile.VolumeFreeSpace) -and ($server.VersionMajor -gt 9))
                        Write-Output "There is not enough space on volume to perform this task. `r`n" `
                                        "Available space: $([System.Math]::Round($($logfile.VolumeFreeSpace / 1024.0), 2))MB;`r`n" `
                                        "Required space: $([System.Math]::Round($($requiredSpace / 1024.0), 2))MB;"
                        if ($currentSize -ige $TargetLogSizeKB -and ($ShrinkLogFile -eq $false))
                            Write-Output "$step - [INFO] The T-Log file '$logfile' size is already equal or greater than target size - No action required"
                            Write-Verbose "$step - [OK] There is sufficient free space to perform this task"
                            # If SQL Server version is greater or equal 2012
                            if ($server.Version.Major -ge "11")
                                switch ($TargetLogSizeMB)
                                    { $_ -le 64 } { $SuggestLogIncrementSize = 64 }
                                    { $_ -ge 64 -and $_ -lt 256 } { $SuggestLogIncrementSize = 256 }
                                    { $_ -ge 256 -and $_ -lt 1024 } { $SuggestLogIncrementSize = 512 }
                                    { $_ -ge 1024 -and $_ -lt 4096 } { $SuggestLogIncrementSize = 1024 }
                                    { $_ -ge 4096 -and $_ -lt 8192 } { $SuggestLogIncrementSize = 2048 }
                                    { $_ -ge 8192 -and $_ -lt 16384 } { $SuggestLogIncrementSize = 4096 }
                                    { $_ -ge 16384 } { $SuggestLogIncrementSize = 8192 }
                            else # 2008 R2 or under
                                switch ($TargetLogSizeMB)
                                    { $_ -le 64 } { $SuggestLogIncrementSize = 64 }
                                    { $_ -ge 64 -and $_ -lt 256 } { $SuggestLogIncrementSize = 256 }
                                    { $_ -ge 256 -and $_ -lt 1024 } { $SuggestLogIncrementSize = 512 }
                                    { $_ -ge 1024 -and $_ -lt 4096 } { $SuggestLogIncrementSize = 1024 }
                                    { $_ -ge 4096 -and $_ -lt 8192 } { $SuggestLogIncrementSize = 2048 }
                                    { $_ -ge 8192 -and $_ -lt 16384 } { $SuggestLogIncrementSize = 4000 }
                                    { $_ -ge 16384 } { $SuggestLogIncrementSize = 8000 }
                                if (($IncrementSizeMB % 4096) -eq 0)
                                    Write-Output "Your instance version is below SQL 2012, remember the known BUG mentioned on HELP. `r`nUse Get-Help Expand-SqlTLogFileResponsibly to read help`r`nUse a different value for incremente size`r`n"
                            Write-Verbose "Instance $server version: $($server.Version.Major) - Suggested TLog increment size: $($SuggestLogIncrementSize)MB"
                            # Shrink Log File to desired size before re-growth to desired size (You need to remove as many VLF's as possible to ensure proper growth)
                            $ShrinkSizeMB = $ShrinkSize/1024
                            if ($ShrinkLogFile -eq $true)
                                if ($server.Databases[$db].RecoveryModel -eq [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.RecoveryModel]::Simple)
                                    Write-Warning "Database '$db' is in Simple RecoveryModel which does not allow log backups. Do not specified -ShrinkLogFile and -ShrinkSizeMB parameters."
                                    $sql = "SELECT last_log_backup_lsn FROM sys.database_recovery_status WHERE database_id = DB_ID('$db')"
                                    $sqlResult = $server.ConnectionContext.ExecuteWithResults($sql);

                                    if ($sqlResult.Tables[0].Rows[0]["last_log_backup_lsn"] -is [System.DBNull])
                                        Write-Warning  "You need to make a first full backup before you can do Tlog backup on database '$db' (last_log_backup_lsn is null)"
                                    throw "Can't execute SQL on $server. `r`n $($_)"

                                Write-Output "We are about to backup the Tlog for database '$db' to '$backupdirectory' and shrink the Log"
                                $currentSizeMB = $currentSize/1024
                                Write-Verbose "Starting Size = $currentSizeMB"
                                $DefaultCompression = $server.Configuration.DefaultBackupCompression.ConfigValue
                                if ($currentSizeMB -gt $ShrinkSizeMB)
                                    $backupRetries = 1
                                            $percent = $null
                                            $backup = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Backup
                                            $backup.Action = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.BackupActionType]::Log
                                            $backup.BackupSetDescription = "Transaction Log backup of " + $db
                                            $backup.BackupSetName = $db + " Backup"
                                            $backup.Database = $db
                                            $backup.MediaDescription = "Disk"
                                            $dt = get-date -format yyyyMMddHHmmssms
                                            $dir = $backup.Devices.AddDevice($backupdirectory + "\" + $db + "_db_" + $dt + ".trn", 'File')
                                            if ($DefaultCompression = $true)
                                                $backup.CompressionOption = 1
                                                $backup.CompressionOption = 0
                                            $percnt = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.PercentCompleteEventHandler] {
                                                Write-Progress -id 2 -ParentId 1 -activity "Backing up $db to $server" -percentcomplete $_.Percent -status ([System.String]::Format("Progress: {0} %", $_.Percent))
                                            $backup.PercentCompleteNotification = 10
                                Write-Progress -id 2 -ParentId 1 -activity "Backing up $db to $server" -percentcomplete 0 -statu ([System.String]::Format("Progress: {0} %", 0))
                                            Write-Progress -id 2 -ParentId 1 -activity "Backing up $db to $server" -status "Complete" -Completed
                                            $logfile.Shrink($ShrinkSizeMB, [Microsoft.SQLServer.Management.SMO.ShrinkMethod]::TruncateOnly)
                                            Write-Progress -id 1 -activity "Backup" -status "Failed" -completed
                                            Write-Error "Backup failed for database '$db' with the following exception: $_"
                                    while (($logfile.Size/1024) -gt $ShrinkSizeMB -and ++$backupRetries -lt 6)

                                    $currentSize = $logfile.Size
                                    Write-Output "TLog backup and truncate for database '$db' finished. Current tlog size after $backupRetries backups is $($currentSize/1024)MB"
                            # SMO uses values in KB
                            $SuggestLogIncrementSize = $SuggestLogIncrementSize * 1024
                            # If default, use $SuggestedLogIncrementSize
                            if ($IncrementSizeMB -eq -1)
                                $LogIncrementSize = $SuggestLogIncrementSize
                                $title = "Choose increment value for database '$db':"
                                $message = "The input value for increment size was $([System.Math]::Round($LogIncrementSize/1024, 0))MB. However the suggested value for increment is $($SuggestLogIncrentSize/1024)MB.`r`n Do you want to use the suggested value of $([System.Math]::Round($SuggestLogIncrementSize/1024, 0))MB insted of $([System.Math]::Round($LogIncrementSize/1024, 0))MB"
                                $yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes", "Uses recomended size."
                                $no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No", "Will use parameter value."
                                $options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yes, $no)
                                $result = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, 0)
                                if ($result -eq 0) 
                                    $LogIncrementSize = $SuggestLogIncrementSize

                            #start grow file
                            Write-Output "Starting log growth. Increment chunk size: $($LogIncrementSize/1024)MB for database '$db'"
                            Write-Verbose "$step - While current size less than target log size"
                            while ($currentSize -lt $TargetLogSizeKB)
                                Write-Progress `
                                                -Id 2 `
                                                -ParentId 1 `
                                                -Activity "Growing file $logfile on '$db' database" `
                                                -PercentComplete ($currentSize / $TargetLogSizeKB * 100) `
                                                -Status "Remaining - $([System.Math]::Round($($($TargetLogSizeKB - $currentSize) / 1024.0), 2)) MB"
                                Write-Verbose "$step - Verifying if the log can grow or if has already the desired space allocated"
                                if (($TargetLogSizeKB - $currentSize) -lt $LogIncrementSize)
                                    Write-Verbose "$step - Log size is lower than the increment size. Setting current size equals $TargetLogSizeKB"
                                    $currentSize = $TargetLogSizeKB
                                    Write-Verbose "$step - Grow the $logfile file in $([System.Math]::Round($($LogIncrementSize / 1024.0), 2)) MB"
                                    $currentSize += $LogIncrementSize
                                #When -WhatIf Switch, do not run
                                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$step - File will grow to $([System.Math]::Round($($currentSize/1024.0), 2)) MB", "This action will grow the file $logfile on database $db to $([System.Math]::Round($($currentSize/1024.0), 2)) MB .`r`nDo you wish to continue?", "Performe grow"))
                                    Write-Verbose "$step - Set size $logfile to $([System.Math]::Round($($currentSize/1024.0), 2)) MB"
                                    $logfile.size = $currentSize
                                    Write-Verbose "$step - Applying changes"
                                    Write-Verbose "$step - Changes have been applied"
                                    #Will put the info like VolumeFreeSpace up to date
                            Write-Verbose "`r`n$step - [OK] Growth process for logfile '$logfile' on database '$db', has been finished."
                            Write-Verbose "$step - Grow $logfile log file on $db database finished"
                    } #else space available
                else #else verifying existance

                    Write-Output "Database '$db' not exists on instance '$SqlServer'"
            Write-Error "Logfile $logfile on database $db not processed. Error: $($_.Exception.Message). Line Number: $($_InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)"
        Write-Output "Process finished $((Get-Date) - ($initialTime))"