function Set-DbaiProvider { <# .SYNOPSIS Configures the OpenAI or Azure OpenAI service context for subsequent commands. .DESCRIPTION This command sets the necessary context for interacting with either the OpenAI or Azure OpenAI service. It sets the API key, API base, deployment, authentication type, and other parameters required for the service. The configuration can be persisted to a file for future use. .PARAMETER ApiKey The API key for accessing the OpenAI or Azure OpenAI service. .PARAMETER ApiBase The base URL for the API. Required for Azure OpenAI service. .PARAMETER Deployment The deployment or model name used for the Azure OpenAI service. .PARAMETER ApiType Specifies the type of API to be used. Valid values are 'OpenAI' and 'Azure'. .PARAMETER ApiVersion Specifies the version of the API to be used. Required for Azure OpenAI service. .PARAMETER AuthType Specifies the type of authentication to be used. Valid values are 'openai', 'azure', 'azure_ad'. .PARAMETER Organization The organization name for the OpenAI service. .PARAMETER NoPersist When specified, the configuration is not persisted to a file. .EXAMPLE $config = @{ ApiKey = "your-api-key" ApiBase = "" Deployment = "your-deployment-name" ApiType = "Azure" ApiVersion = "2024-04-01-preview" AuthType = "azure" } Set-DbaiProvider @config This example sets the OpenAI provider configuration for Azure and persists it. .EXAMPLE Set-DbaiProvider -ApiKey "your-api-key" -Provider "OpenAI" This example sets the OpenAI provider configuration for OpenAI and persists it. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$ApiKey, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$ApiBase, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$Deployment, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateSet("OpenAI", "Azure")] [string]$ApiType, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$ApiVersion, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateSet("openai", "azure", "azure_ad")] [string]$AuthType, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$Organization, [switch]$NoPersist ) begin { $PSDefaultParameterValues["*-Variable:Scope"] = 1 # Retrieve the current PSDefaultParameterValues $defaultvalues = Get-Variable -Name PSDefaultParameterValues -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Check if the variable exists, if not, initialize it as an empty hashtable if (-not $defaultvalues) { $currentDefaults = @{} } else { $currentDefaults = $defaultvalues.Value } } process { if (-not $AuthType) { $AuthType = if ($ApiType -eq 'Azure') { 'Azure' } else { 'OpenAI' } } if ($PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 1 -and $Deployment) { $currentDefaults['*:Deployment'] = $Deployment $currentDefaults['*:Model'] = $Deployment # Set the updated PSDefaultParameterValues back $null = Set-Variable -Name PSDefaultParameterValues -Value $currentDefaults -Force Get-DbaiProvider return } if (-not $ApiKey) { $ApiKey = Get-ApiKey -PlainText } if ($ApiType -eq 'Azure') { # Set context for Azure $splat = @{ ApiType = 'Azure' AuthType = $AuthType ApiKey = $ApiKey ApiBase = $ApiBase } if ($Organization) { $splat.Organization = $Organization } if ($ApiVersion) { $splat.ApiVersion = $ApiVersion } if ($Deployment) { $currentDefaults['*:Deployment'] = $Deployment $currentDefaults['*:Model'] = $Deployment # Set the updated PSDefaultParameterValues back $null = Set-Variable -Name PSDefaultParameterValues -Value $currentDefaults -Force } } else { # Set context for OpenAI $splat = @{ ApiType = 'OpenAI' AuthType = 'OpenAI' ApiKey = $ApiKey ApiBase = $null ApiVersion = $null Organization = $null } if ($ApiBase) { $splat.ApiBase = $ApiBase $env:OPENAI_API_BASE = $ApiBase } if ($ApiVersion) { $splat.ApiVersion = $ApiVersion } if ($Organization) { $splat.Organization = $Organization } if ($Deployment) { $currentDefaults['*:Deployment'] = $Deployment $currentDefaults['*:Model'] = $Deployment # Set the updated PSDefaultParameterValues back $splet = @{ Name = "PSDefaultParameterValues" Value = $currentDefaults Force = $true } $null = Set-Variable @splet } } $null = Set-OpenAIContext @splat # get context values to pass to Get-OpenAIAPIParameter $context = Get-OpenAIContext $currentDefaults['Get-OpenAIAPIParameter:Parameters'] = $script:defaultapiparms = @{ ApiKey = $context.ApiKey AuthType = $context.AuthType Organization = $context.Organization ApiBase = $context.ApiBase ApiVersion = $context.ApiVersion TimeoutSec = $context.TimeoutSec MaxRetryCount = $context.MaxRetryCount } $currentDefaults['Initialize-APIKey:ApiKey'] = $context.ApiKey $currentDefaults['Initialize-APIBase:ApiBase'] = $context.ApiBase $currentDefaults['Initialize-APIBase:ApiType'] = $context.ApiType $null = Set-Variable -Name PSDefaultParameterValues -Value $currentDefaults -Force if (-not $NoPersist) { $configFile = Join-Path -Path $script:configdir -ChildPath config.json try { [pscustomobject]@{ ApiKey = $ApiKey AuthType = $AuthType ApiType = $ApiType Deployment = $Deployment ApiBase = $ApiBase ApiVersion = $ApiVersion Organization = $Organization } | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path $configFile -Force Write-Verbose "OpenAI provider configuration persisted." } catch { Write-Error "Error persisting configuration file: $_" } } Get-DbaiProvider } } |