function Get-DbaiProvider { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the current OpenAI provider configuration. .DESCRIPTION The Get-DbaiProvider function retrieves the current OpenAI provider configuration. It retrieves the configuration from the persisted configuration file if the -Persisted switch is used. .PARAMETER Persisted A switch parameter that determines whether to retrieve only the persisted configuration. By default, the function retrieves the session configuration. .PARAMETER PlainText A switch parameter that determines whether to return the API key in plain text. By default, the function masks the API key. .EXAMPLE Get-DbaiProvider This example retrieves the current session's OpenAI provider configuration. .EXAMPLE Get-DbaiProvider -Persisted This example retrieves the persisted OpenAI provider configuration. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [switch]$Persisted, [switch]$PlainText ) $configFile = Join-Path -Path $script:configdir -ChildPath config.json if ($Persisted) { Write-Verbose "Persisted switch used. Retrieving persisted configuration." if (Test-Path -Path $configFile) { Write-Verbose "Persisted configuration file found. Reading configuration." Get-Content -Path $configFile -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json } else { Write-Warning "No persisted configuration found." } } else { Write-Verbose "Retrieving current session's OpenAI provider configuration." $context = Get-OpenAIContext if ($context.ApiKey) { Write-Verbose "Context found. Processing configuration." if ($context.ApiKey) { Write-Verbose "ApiKey found in context. Decrypting ApiKey." $decryptedkey = Get-DecryptedString -SecureString $context.ApiKey if ($decryptedkey) { Write-Verbose "ApiKey decrypted successfully. Masking ApiKey." $splat = @{ Source = $decryptedkey First = $first Last = 2 MaxNumberOfAsterisks = 45 } $maskedkey = Get-MaskedKeyString @splat } else { Write-Verbose "Failed to decrypt ApiKey." $maskedkey = $null } } if ($PlainText) { Write-Verbose "PlainText switch used. Returning ApiKey in plain text." $maskedkey = $decryptedkey } Write-Verbose "Creating configuration object." [pscustomobject]@{ ApiKey = $maskedkey AuthType = $context.AuthType ApiType = $context.ApiType Deployment = $PSDefaultParameterValues['*:Deployment'] ApiBase = $context.ApiBase ApiVersion = $context.ApiVersion Organization = $context.Organization } } else { Write-Verbose "No context found. Attempting to retrieve ApiKey from environment." $maskedkey = Get-ApiKey if ($maskedkey) { Write-Verbose "ApiKey found in environment. Setting AuthType to 'openai'." $auth = "openai" } else { Write-Verbose "No ApiKey found. Setting AuthType to null." $auth = $null } Write-Verbose "Creating default configuration object." [pscustomobject]@{ ApiKey = $maskedkey AuthType = $auth ApiType = $auth Deployment = $PSDefaultParameterValues['*:Deployment'] ApiBase = $null ApiVersion = $null Organization = $null } } } } |