
function Get-DbaiProvider {
        Retrieves the current OpenAI provider configuration.
        The Get-DbaiProvider function retrieves the current OpenAI provider configuration.
        It retrieves the configuration from the persisted configuration file if the -Persisted switch is used.
    .PARAMETER Persisted
        A switch parameter that determines whether to retrieve only the persisted configuration. By default, the function retrieves the session configuration.
    .PARAMETER PlainText
        A switch parameter that determines whether to return the API key in plain text. By default, the function masks the API key.
        This example retrieves the current session's OpenAI provider configuration.
        Get-DbaiProvider -Persisted
        This example retrieves the persisted OpenAI provider configuration.


    $configFile = Join-Path -Path $script:configdir -ChildPath config.json

    if ($Persisted) {
        Write-Verbose "Persisted switch used. Retrieving persisted configuration."
        if (Test-Path -Path $configFile) {
            Write-Verbose "Persisted configuration file found. Reading configuration."
            Get-Content -Path $configFile -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
        } else {
            Write-Warning "No persisted configuration found."
    } else {
        Write-Verbose "Retrieving current session's OpenAI provider configuration."
        $context = Get-OpenAIContext

        if ($context.ApiKey) {
            Write-Verbose "Context found. Processing configuration."

            if ($context.ApiKey) {
                Write-Verbose "ApiKey found in context. Decrypting ApiKey."
                $decryptedkey = Get-DecryptedString -SecureString $context.ApiKey

                if ($decryptedkey) {
                    Write-Verbose "ApiKey decrypted successfully. Masking ApiKey."
                    $splat = @{
                        Source               = $decryptedkey
                        First                = $first
                        Last                 = 2
                        MaxNumberOfAsterisks = 45
                    $maskedkey = Get-MaskedKeyString @splat
                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "Failed to decrypt ApiKey."
                    $maskedkey = $null

            if ($PlainText) {
                Write-Verbose "PlainText switch used. Returning ApiKey in plain text."
                $maskedkey = $decryptedkey

            Write-Verbose "Creating configuration object."
                ApiKey       = $maskedkey
                AuthType     = $context.AuthType
                ApiType      = $context.ApiType
                Deployment   = $PSDefaultParameterValues['*:Deployment']
                ApiBase      = $context.ApiBase
                ApiVersion   = $context.ApiVersion
                Organization = $context.Organization
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "No context found. Attempting to retrieve ApiKey from environment."
            $maskedkey = Get-ApiKey

            if ($maskedkey) {
                Write-Verbose "ApiKey found in environment. Setting AuthType to 'openai'."
                $auth = "openai"
            } else {
                Write-Verbose "No ApiKey found. Setting AuthType to null."
                $auth = $null

            Write-Verbose "Creating default configuration object."
                ApiKey       = $maskedkey
                AuthType     = $auth
                ApiType      = $auth
                Deployment   = $PSDefaultParameterValues['*:Deployment']
                ApiBase      = $null
                ApiVersion   = $null
                Organization = $null