function Invoke-DbaiQuery { <# .SYNOPSIS Executes a natural language query on a SQL Server database. .DESCRIPTION The Invoke-DbaiQuery function allows you to execute a natural language query on a specified SQL Server database. It utilizes an AI assistant to generate the corresponding SQL query and returns the result. .PARAMETER Message The natural language query to execute on the database. .PARAMETER SqlInstance The SQL Server instance hosting the database. Default is "localhost". .PARAMETER SqlCredential The SQL Server credential to use for authentication. .PARAMETER Database The name of the database to query. Default is "Northwind". .PARAMETER AssistantName The name of the AI assistant to use for query generation. .PARAMETER As The output format of the result. Supported values are 'PSObject' and 'String'. Default is 'String'. .PARAMETER Unsafe Allows execution of potentially unsafe SQL queries. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-DbaiQuery -Message "Get the top 10 customers by total sales amount" -Database AdventureWorks2019 This example executes a natural language query on the AdventureWorks2019 database to retrieve the top 10 customers by total sales amount. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromRemainingArguments, Position = 0)] [string[]]$Message, [string]$SqlInstance = "localhost", [pscredential]$SqlCredential, [string]$Database = "Northwind", [string]$AssistantName, [ValidateSet("PSObject", "String")] [string]$As = "String", [switch]$Unsafe ) begin { $PSDefaultParameterValues['Write-Progress:Activity'] = "Getting answer" $servername = $SqlInstance if (-not $SqlCredential) { $username = $env:USERNAME } else { $username = $SqlCredential.UserName } if ($SqlInstance -match '\\') { $servername = $servername -replace '\\', '-' } $querykey = "$servername-$username-$Database" if (-not $AssistantName) { $AssistantName = "query-$Database" } if (-not $script:threadcache[$querykey]) { $cacheobject = [PSCustomObject]@{ thread = PSOpenAI\New-Thread assistant = $null } $script:threadcache[$querykey] = $cacheobject } else { $thread = $script:threadcache[$querykey].thread $assistant = $script:threadcache[$querykey].assistant } $thread = $script:threadcache[$querykey].thread $totalMessages = $Message.Count $processedMessages = 0 $sentence = @() $msgs = @() $PSDefaultParameterValues["*:Sqlinstance"] = $SqlInstance $PSDefaultParameterValues["*:SqlCredential"] = $SqlCredential $PSDefaultParameterValues["Get-DbaDatabase:Database"] = $Database $PSDefaultParameterValues["Invoke-DbaQuery:Database"] = $Database } process { # test for single word or single character messages if ($Message -match '^\w+$' -or $Message -match '^\w{1}$') { $sentence += "$Message" } else { $msgs += $Message } } end { if ($sentence.Length -gt 0) { $msgs += "$sentence" } foreach ($msg in $msgs) { $messages = $rundata = $null Write-Progress -Status "Processing message $($processedMessages + 1) of $totalMessages" -PercentComplete ((1 / 10) * 100) if (-not $assistant) { Write-Progress -Status "Retrieving or creating assistant" -PercentComplete ((2 / 10) * 100) $assistant = PSOpenAI\Get-Assistant -All | Where-Object Name -eq $AssistantName | Select-Object -First 1 if (-not $assistant) { $assistant = Get-DbaDatabase | New-DbaiAssistant } $script:threadcache[$querykey].assistant = $assistant } $null = PSOpenAI\Add-ThreadMessage -ThreadId $ -Role user -Message $msg $run = PSOpenAI\Start-ThreadRun -ThreadId $ -Assistant $assistant.Id $PSDefaultParameterValues["*:RunId"] = $ Write-Progress -Status "Waiting for run to complete" -PercentComplete ((3 / 10) * 100) $runcount = 0 while ($null -eq $rundata -and $runcount -lt 25) { $rundata = PSOpenAI\Get-ThreadRun -ThreadId $ Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 300 $runcount++ } if ($runcount -ge 25) { if ($rundata.status) { throw "Run did not complete in a reasonable amount of time. Failed with status $($rundata.status)" } else { throw "Run did not complete in a reasonable amount of time." } } Write-Progress -Status "Current status: $($rundata.status)" -PercentComplete ((4 / 10) * 100) $runcount = 0 while ($rundata.status -notin "requires_action", "completed" -and $runcount -lt 25) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 300 $rundata = PSOpenAI\Get-ThreadRun -ThreadId $ $runcount++ } if ($runcount -ge 25) { if ($rundata.status) { throw "Run did not require action in a reasonable amount of time. Failed with status $($rundata.status)" } else { throw "Run did not require action in a reasonable amount of time." } } if ($rundata.status -eq "requires_action") { $requiredAction = $rundata.required_action if ($requiredAction.type -eq "submit_tool_outputs") { $toolOutputs = $rundata.required_action.submit_tool_outputs.tool_calls $arguments = "$($toolOutputs.function.arguments)".Replace('""', '"_empty"') $arguments = $arguments | Select-Object -First 1 try { if ($arguments -match '"query"') { Write-Verbose "It's a sql query" $arguments = $arguments.replace('query:', '').Trim() $sql = ($arguments | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop).query $result = $null } else { Write-Verbose "It's an answer from Assistant context" $result = ($arguments | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop).answer $sql = $null } } catch { Write-Warning "Error: $_ Failed to parse arguments: $arguments" continue } if ($sql) { Write-Verbose "SQL query: $sql" if (-not $Unsafe) { Write-Progress -Status "Checking SQL query validity" -PercentComplete ((5 / 10) * 100) $output = Test-SqlQuery -SqlStatement $sql -Tools $ if ($output.valid_sql) { Write-Verbose "$sql is a valid SQL statement." if (-not $output.dangerous) { Write-Verbose "The SQL query is safe." } else { Write-Warning "The resulting SQL query ($sql) is dangerous because: $($output.danger_reason)" continue } } } Write-Progress -Status "Executing SQL query" -PercentComplete ((6 / 10) * 100) $params = @{ "Query" = $sql "As" = "PSObject" "EnableException" = $true } try { $result = Invoke-DbaQuery @params } catch { Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message continue } } else { $result = $sql } if ($null -eq $result) { $output = "No data returned." } else { $output = $result | Out-String | ConvertTo-Json } $innerToolOutputs = @() foreach ($to in $toolOutputs) { if ($ -as [string]) { $innerToolOutputs += @{ tool_call_id = [string]$ output = $output } } } $innerToolOutputs | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Write-Verbose try { $null = PSOpenAI\Submit-ToolOutput -Run $rundata -ToolOutput $innerToolOutputs -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message return } Write-Progress -Status "Waiting for run to complete" -PercentComplete ((7 / 10) * 100) $runcount = 0 while ($null -eq $rundata.usage.completion_tokens -and $runcount -lt 45) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 300 $rundata = PSOpenAI\Get-ThreadRun -ThreadId $ $runcount++ } if ($runcount -ge 45) { throw "Run did not complete in a reasonable amount of time while waiting for completion. Status = $($rundata.status)" } Write-Verbose "Prompt tokens: $($rundata.usage.prompt_tokens)" Write-Verbose "Completion: $($rundata.usage.completion_tokens)" Write-Verbose "Total tokens: $($rundata.usage.total_tokens)" } else { Write-Error "Unsupported required action type: $($requiredAction.type)" break } } Write-Progress -Status "Run completed, waiting for answer" -PercentComplete ((8 / 10) * 100) $runcount = 0 while ($null -eq $messages.content.text.value -and $runcount -lt 25) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 300 $messages = PSOpenAI\Get-ThreadMessage -ThreadId $ | Where-Object role -eq assistant | Select-Object -First 1 $runcount++ } if ($runcount -ge 25) { if ($rundata.status) { throw "Run completed, but answer was not received in a reasonable amount of time. Failed with status $($rundata.status)" } else { throw "Run completed, but answer was not received in a reasonable amount of time." } } if ($As -eq "String") { $messages.content.text.value } elseif ($As -eq "PSObject") { [PSCustomObject]@{ Question = $msg Answer = $messages.content.text.value PromptTokens = $rundata.usage.prompt_tokens Completion = $rundata.usage.completion_tokens TotalTokens = $rundata.usage.total_tokens SqlQuery = $sql } } } } } |