Adding a new server to the DBA Database Enter the corect values against the variables The errors will tell you what you have done wrong AUTHOR - ROb Sewell DATE - 04/05/2015 - Initial - 10/08/2015 - Added some failsafes !! - 18/08/2015 - Added non contactabel and inactive to the query -- 25/092015 jw - fixed typo NotContactable instead of NonContactable */ Use [DBADatabase] GO DECLARE @Server nvarchar(50) = '' --- ENTER SERVER HERE DECLARE @InstanceName nvarchar(50) = 'MSSQLSERVER' --- ENTER INSTANCE NAME HERE EVEN IF DEFAULT DECLARE @Port int = 1433 --- ENTER Port Here EVEN IF DEFAULT DECLARE @AG bit = 0 --- Is this an Availability group enabled instance? 1 - Yes 0 - No DECLARE @Environment nvarchar(25) = 'PROD' --- Environment - Prod, Test, Int,PreProd,Dev etc DECLARE @Location nvarchar(30) = '' --- Location - Data Centre 1 Data Centre 2 etc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* YOU SHOULD NOT NEED TO CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW HERE */ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE @Message nvarchar(150) declare @InstanceId int -- Ensure Instance does not already exist IF EXISTS ( SELECT [InstanceID] FROM [DBADatabase].[dbo].[InstanceList] Where [ServerName] = @Server AND [InstanceName] = @InstanceName ) BEGIN DECLARE @P nvarchar(10) = CAST(@Port as nvarchar(10)) SET @Message = @Server + '\' + @InstanceName + ',' + @P + ' already exists in the DBA Database'; THROW 50000, @Message, 1 END INSERT INTO [dbo].[InstanceList] ([ServerName] ,[InstanceName] ,[Port] ,[AG] ,Inactive ,Environment ,Location ,NotContactable) VALUES (@Server ,@InstanceName ,@Port ,@AG ,0 ,@Environment ,@Location ,0 ---------------------Unless this servers in on a network that cannot be contacted in which case this is a 1 ) set @InstanceId = SCOPE_IDENTITY() insert into dbo.InstanceScriptLookup ( InstanceID, ScriptID, NeedsUpdate ) select @InstanceId, s.ScriptID, 0 -- This will update all scripts if set to 1 - DO NOT DO THIS from dbo.ScriptList as s GO #> |