
#Thank you Warren http://ramblingcookiemonster.github.io/Testing-DSC-with-Pester-and-AppVeyor/

if(-not $PSScriptRoot)
    $PSScriptRoot = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent
$Verbose = @{}
if($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -and $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -notlike "master")

$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace('.Tests.', '.')
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\functions\$sut -Force
Import-Module PSScriptAnalyzer
$Rules = (Get-ScriptAnalyzerRule).Where{$_.RuleName -ne 'PSUseSingularNouns'}
$Name = $sut.Split('.')[0]

    Describe 'Script Analyzer Tests' {
            Context 'Testing $sut for Standard Processing' {
                foreach ($rule in $rules) { 
                    $i = $rules.IndexOf($rule)
                    It "passes the PSScriptAnalyzer Rule number $i - $rule " {
                        (Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\functions\$sut" -IncludeRule $rule.RuleName ).Count | Should Be 0 
    Describe 'Tests For Help' {
    # The module-qualified command fails on Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive cmdlets
$Help = Get-Help $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 

# If help is not found, synopsis in auto-generated help is the syntax diagram
It "should not be auto-generated" { 
## Unsure why this fails so commenting out $Help.Synopsis | Should Not Match '*[<CommonParameters>]*'
# Should be a description for every function
It "gets description for $Name" { 
    $Help.Description | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty 
# Should be at least one example
It "gets example code from $Name" { 
    ($Help.Examples.Example | Select-Object -First 1).Code | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty 
# Should be at least one example description
It "gets example help from $Name" { 
    ($Help.Examples.Example.Remarks | Select-Object -First 1).Text | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty 
Context "Test parameter help for $Name" { 
    $Common = 'Debug', 'ErrorAction', 'ErrorVariable', 'InformationAction', 'InformationVariable', 'OutBuffer', 'OutVariable', 
    'PipelineVariable', 'Verbose', 'WarningAction', 'WarningVariable' 
    $command = Get-Command $name
    $parameters = $command.ParameterSets.Parameters | Sort-Object -Property Name -Unique | Where-Object { $_.Name -notin $common } 
    $parameterNames = $parameters.Name 
    $HelpParameterNames = $Help.Parameters.Parameter.Name | Sort-Object -Unique 
    foreach ($parameter in $parameters) 
        $parameterName = $parameter.Name 
        $parameterHelp = $Help.parameters.parameter | Where-Object Name -EQ $parameterName 
        # Should be a description for every parameter
        It "gets help for parameter: $parameterName : in $Name" { 
            $parameterHelp.Description.Text | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty 
        # Required value in Help should match IsMandatory property of parameter
        It "help for $parameterName parameter in $Name has correct Mandatory value" { 
            $codeMandatory = $parameter.IsMandatory.toString() 
            $parameterHelp.Required | Should Be $codeMandatory 
            # Parameter type in Help should match code
            It "help for $Name has correct parameter type for $parameterName" { 
                $codeType = $parameter.ParameterType.Name 
                # To avoid calling Trim method on a null object.
                $helpType = if ($parameterHelp.parameterValue) { $parameterHelp.parameterValue.Trim() } 
                $helpType | Should be $codeType 
        foreach ($helpParm in $HelpParameterNames) 
            # Shouldn't find extra parameters in help.
            It "finds help parameter in code: $helpParm" { 
                $helpParm -in $parameterNames | Should Be $true 
    Describe "$Name Tests"{
              Context "$Name Parameters" {
              BeforeAll {
              $Name= Get-Command $Name
              It 'Has Cmdlet Binding set to true' {
              $Name.CmdletBinding |should Be True
              It 'Has a sqlserver Parameter'{
              ($Name.Parameters['sqlserver']) | Should Be $true
              It 'sqlserver Parameter shoud be an object' {
              $Name.Parameters['sqlserver'].ParameterType | Should Be System.Object
              It 'has a sqlcredential Parameter' {
              ($Name.Parameters['SqlCredential']) | Should Be $true
              It 'SqlCredential Parameter should be PSCredential' {
              $Name.Parameters['SqlCredential'].ParameterType | Should be PSCredential
              It 'has an InstallDatabase parameter' {
              ($Name.Parameters['InstallDatabase']) | Should Be $True
              It 'InstallDatabase Parameter should be a string' {
              $Name.Parameters['InstallDatabase'].ParameterType | Should Be string
              It 'has a InstallPath Parameter' {
              ($Name.Parameters['InstallPath']) | Should Be $true
              It 'InstallPath Parameter should be a string' {
              $Name.Parameters['InstallPath'].ParameterType | Should Be string
              It 'has a JobPrefix Parameter' {
              ($Name.Parameters['JobPrefix']) | Should Be $true
              It 'JobPrefix Parameter should be a string' {
              $Name.Parameters['JobPrefix'].ParameterType | Should Be string
              It 'has a LogFileFolder Parameter' {
              ($Name.Parameters['LogFileFolder']) | Should Be $true
              It 'LogFileFolder Parameter should be a string' {
              $Name.Parameters['LogFileFolder'].ParameterType | Should Be string
              It 'has a LogFileRetention Parameter' {
              ($Name.Parameters['LogFileRetention']) | Should Be $true
              It 'LogFileRetention Parameter should be an int' {
              $Name.Parameters['LogFileRetention'].ParameterType | Should Be int
              It 'has a ReportsFolder Parameter' {
              ($Name.Parameters['ReportsFolder']) | Should Be $true
              It 'ReportsFolder Parameter should be a string' {
              $Name.Parameters['ReportsFolder'].ParameterType | Should Be string
              It 'has a NoDatabaseObjects Parameter' {
              ($Name.Parameters['NoDatabaseObjects']) | Should Be $true
              It 'NoDatabaseObjects Parameter should be a switch' {
              $Name.Parameters['NoDatabaseObjects'].ParameterType | Should Be switch
              It 'has a NoJobs Parameter' {
              ($Name.Parameters['NoJobs']) | Should Be $true
              It 'NoJobs Parameter should be a switch' {
              $Name.Parameters['NoJobs'].ParameterType | Should Be switch
              It 'has a NoPsFileCopy Parameter' {
              ($Name.Parameters['NoPsFileCopy']) | Should Be $true
              It 'NoPsFileCopy Parameter should be a switch' {
              $Name.Parameters['NoPsFileCopy'].ParameterType | Should Be switch
              It 'has a NoJobSchedule Parameter' {
              ($Name.Parameters['NoJobSchedule']) | Should Be $true
              It 'NoJobSchedule Parameter should be a switch' {
              $Name.Parameters['NoJobSchedule'].ParameterType | Should Be switch
              It 'has a NoConfig Parameter' {
              ($Name.Parameters['NoConfig']) | Should Be $true
              It 'NoConfig Parameter should be a switch' {
              $Name.Parameters['NoConfig'].ParameterType | Should Be switch
              It 'has a JobCategory Parameter' {
              ($Name.Parameters['JobCategory']) | Should Be $true
              It 'JobCategory Parameter should be a string' {
              $Name.Parameters['JobCategory'].ParameterType | Should Be string
              It 'has a TimeSpan Parameter' {
              ($Name.Parameters['TimeSpan']) | Should Be $true
              It 'TimeSpan Parameter should be a timespan' {
              $Name.Parameters['TimeSpan'].ParameterType | Should Be timespan
              Context 'Output' {
