
 Hopefully this fixes this bit # This currently doesn't work so well with clusters. Will have to slightly reorg database?
                     # I dont know if the above is still true. Plz evaluate. I think it is.

Other useful things
Lots of stuff in OS
Yes this should alll be added


This Script will check all of the instances in the InstanceList and gather the Windows Info and save to the Info.ServerInfo table

This Script will check all of the instances in the InstanceList and gather the Windows Info and save to the Info.ServerInfo table

dbareports PowerShell module (,
Copyright (C) 2016 Rob Sewell

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.


Param (
    [Alias("ServerInstance", "SqlInstance")]
    [object]$SqlServer = "--installserver--",
    # this will come much later
    [string]$InstallDatabase = "--installdb--",
    [string]$LogFileFolder = "--logdir--"

    # Load up shared functions
    $currentdir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
    . "$currentdir\shared.ps1"
    . "$currentdir\Write-Log.ps1"

    # Create Log File
    $Date = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd_HHmmss
    $LogFilePath = $LogFileFolder + '\' + 'dbareports_ServerOSInfo_' + $Date + '.txt'
        New-item -Path $LogFilePath -itemtype File -ErrorAction Stop 
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "ServerOSInfo Job started" -level info
        Write-error "Failed to create Log File at $LogFilePath"
    # Specify table name that we'll be inserting into
    $table = "info.ServerInfo"
    $schema = $table.Split(".")[0]
    $tablename = $table.Split(".")[1]
    # Connect to dbareports server
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Connecting to $sqlserver" -level info
        $sourceserver = Connect-SqlServer -SqlServer $sqlserver -SqlCredential $SqlCredential -ErrorAction Stop 
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Failed to connect to $sqlserver - $_" -level Error

    # Get columns automatically from the table on the SQL Server
    # and creates the necessary $script:datatable with it
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Intitialising Datatable" -level info
        Initialize-DataTable -ErrorAction Stop 
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Failed to initialise Data Table - $_" -level Error

    $DateChecked = Get-Date
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Getting a list of servers from the dbareports database" -level info
        $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT ServerID, ServerName FROM dbo.instancelist"
        $sqlservers = $sourceserver.Databases[$InstallDatabase].ExecuteWithResults($sql).Tables[0]
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Got the list of servers from the dbareports database" -level info
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message " Failed to get instances - $_" -level Error
    # Get list of all servers already in the database
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Getting a list of servers from the dbareports database" -level info
        $sql = "SELECT ServerName, ServerID FROM $table"
        $table = $sourceserver.Databases[$InstallDatabase].ExecuteWithResults($sql).Tables[0]
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Got the list of servers from the dbareports database" -level info
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Can't get server list from $InstallDatabase on $($ - $_" -level Error
    foreach ($server in $sqlservers)
        $sqlservername = $server.ServerName
        $InstanceName = $server.InstanceName
        if ($InstanceName -eq 'MSSQLServer')
            $Connection = $sqlservername
            $Connection = "$sqlservername\$InstanceName"
        # Connect to Instance
            $server = Connect-SqlServer -SqlServer $Connection
            Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Connecting to $Connection" -level info
            Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Failed to connect to $Connection - $_" -level Warn
        $update = $true
        $row = $table | Where-Object { $_.Servername -eq $SqlserverName }
        $key = $row.ServerID
        if ($key.count -eq 0)
            $update = $false
        if ($datatable.Rows.ServerName -contains $sqlservername)
            $update = $true
            $ipaddr = Resolve-SqlIpAddress $sqlservername
            $ipaddr = Resolve-IpAddress $sqlservername
        if ($ipaddr -eq $null)
            Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Could not resolve IP address for $ServerName. Moving on." -level info
            Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Tried Resolve-SqlIpAddress $ServerName and Resolve-IpAddress $servername"
            Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Getting System WMI from $ipaddr" -level info
            $system = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $ipaddr -ErrorAction Stop 
            Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Getting OS WMI from $ipaddr" -level info
            $os = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $ipaddr -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Failed to get WMI from $ipaddr - $_" -level Warn
        $ram = '{0:n0}' -f ($system.TotalPhysicalMemory/1gb)
        # to see results as they come in, skip $null=
            $Null = $datatable.Rows.Add(
            Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Failed to add Job to datatable - $_" -level Error
            Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Data = $key,
 -level Warn
    $rowcount = $datatable.Rows.Count
    if ($rowcount -eq 0)
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "No rows returned. No update required." -level info
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Attempting Import of $rowcount row(s)" -level info
        Write-Tvp -ErrorAction Stop 
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Successfully Imported $rowcount row(s) of Server OS Info into the $InstallDatabase on $($" -level info
        Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "Bulk insert failed - $_" -level Error

    Write-Log -path $LogFilePath -message "ServerOS Finished"