$filename = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".Tests.ps1", "") . $PSScriptRoot/../internal/assertions/Database.Assertions.ps1 [array]$ExcludedDatabases = Get-DbcConfigValue command.invokedbccheck.excludedatabases $ExcludedDatabases += $ExcludeDatabase [string[]]$NotContactable = (Get-PSFConfig -Module dbachecks -Name global.notcontactable).Value @(Get-Instance).ForEach{ if ($NotContactable -notcontains $psitem) { $Instance = $psitem try { $InstanceSMO = $connectioncheck = Connect-DbaInstance -SqlInstance $Instance -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable errorvar } catch { $NotContactable += $Instance } if ($NotContactable -notcontains $psitem) { if ($null -eq $InstanceSMO.version) { $NotContactable += $Instance } else { $Version = $InstanceSMO.VersionMajor } } } Set-PSFConfig -Module dbachecks -Name global.notcontactable -Value $NotContactable Describe "Database Collation" -Tags DatabaseCollation, High, $filename { $Wrongcollation = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.database.wrongcollation $exclude = "ReportingServer", "ReportingServerTempDB" $exclude += $Wrongcollation $exclude += $ExcludedDatabases if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing database collation on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing database collation on $psitem" { @(Test-DbaDbCollation -SqlInstance $psitem -Database $Database -ExcludeDatabase $exclude).ForEach{ It "database collation ($($psitem.DatabaseCollation)) should match server collation ($($psitem.ServerCollation)) for $($psitem.Database) on $($psitem.SqlInstance)" { $psitem.ServerCollation | Should -Be $psitem.DatabaseCollation -Because "You will get collation conflict errors in tempdb" } } if ($Wrongcollation) { @(Test-DbaDbCollation -SqlInstance $psitem -Database $Wrongcollation ).ForEach{ It "database collation ($($psitem.DatabaseCollation)) should not match server collation ($($psitem.ServerCollation)) for $($psitem.Database) on $($psitem.SqlInstance)" { $psitem.ServerCollation | Should -Not -Be $psitem.DatabaseCollation -Because "You have defined the database to have another collation then the server. You will get collation conflict errors in tempdb" } } } } } } Describe "Suspect Page" -Tags SuspectPage, High, $filename { if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing suspect pages on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing suspect pages on $psitem" { $InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{if ($Database) {$_.Name -in $Database}else {$ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $PsItem.Name}}.ForEach{ $results = Get-DbaSuspectPage -SqlInstance $psitem.Parent -Database $psitem.Name It "$($psitem.Name) should return 0 suspect pages on $($psitem.Parent.Name)" { @($results).Count | Should -Be 0 -Because "You do not want suspect pages" } } } } } Describe "Last Backup Restore Test" -Tags TestLastBackup, Backup, $filename { if (-not (Get-DbcConfigValue skip.backup.testing)) { $destserver = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.backup.testserver $destdata = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.backup.datadir $destlog = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.backup.logdir if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing Backup Restore & Integrity Checks on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { if (-not $destserver) { $destserver = $psitem } Context "Testing Backup Restore & Integrity Checks on $psitem" { $srv = Connect-DbaInstance -SqlInstance $psitem $dbs = ($srv.Databases.Where{$_.CreateDate.ToUniversalTime() -lt (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddHours( - $graceperiod) -and $(if ($Database) {$_.Name -in $Database}else {$ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $PsItem.Name})}).Name if (-not ($destdata)) {$destdata -eq $srv.DefaultFile} if (-not ($destlog)) {$destlog -eq $srv.DefaultLog} @(Test-DbaLastBackup -SqlInstance $psitem -Database $dbs -Destination $destserver -DataDirectory $destdata -LogDirectory $destlog -VerifyOnly).ForEach{ if ($psitem.DBCCResult -notmatch "skipped for restored master") { It "DBCC for $($psitem.Database) on $($psitem.SourceServer) should be success" { $psitem.DBCCResult | Should -Be "Success" -Because "You need to run DBCC CHECKDB to ensure your database is consistent" } It "restore for $($psitem.Database) on $($psitem.SourceServer) should be success" { $psitem.RestoreResult | Should -Be "Success" -Because "The backup file has not successfully restored - you have no backup" } } } } } } } Describe "Last Backup VerifyOnly" -Tags TestLastBackupVerifyOnly, Backup, $filename { $graceperiod = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.backup.newdbgraceperiod if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "VerifyOnly tests of last backups on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "VerifyOnly tests of last backups on $psitem" { @(Test-DbaLastBackup -SqlInstance $psitem -Database ($InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{$_.CreateDate.ToUniversalTime() -lt (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddHours( - $graceperiod) -and $(if ($Database) {$_.Name -in $Database}else {$ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $PsItem.Name})}).Name -VerifyOnly).ForEach{ It "restore for $($psitem.Database) on $($psitem.SourceServer) Should be success" { $psitem.RestoreResult | Should -Be "Success" -Because "The restore file has not successfully verified - you have no backup" } It "file exists for last backup of $($psitem.Database) on $($psitem.SourceServer)" { $psitem.FileExists | Should -BeTrue -Because "Without a backup file you have no backup" } } } } } Describe "Valid Database Owner" -Tags ValidDatabaseOwner, Medium, $filename { [string[]]$targetowner = Get-DbcConfigValue [string[]]$exclude = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.validdbowner.excludedb $exclude += $ExcludedDatabases if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing Database Owners on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing Database Owners on $psitem" { @($InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{if ($database) {$_.Name -in $database}else {$_.Name -notin $exclude}}).ForEach{ It "Database $($psitem.Name) - owner $($psitem.Owner) should be in this list ( $( [String]::Join(", ", $targetowner) ) ) on $($psitem.Parent.Name)" { $psitem.Owner | Should -BeIn $TargetOwner -Because "The account that is the database owner is not what was expected" } } } } } Describe "Invalid Database Owner" -Tags InvalidDatabaseOwner, Medium, $filename { [string[]]$targetowner = Get-DbcConfigValue [string[]]$exclude = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.invaliddbowner.excludedb $exclude += $ExcludedDatabases if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing Database Owners on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing Database Owners on $psitem" { @($InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{if ($database) {$_.Name -in $database}else {$_.Name -notin $exclude}}).ForEach{ It "Database $($psitem.Name) - owner $($psitem.Owner) should Not be in this list ( $( [String]::Join(", ", $targetowner) ) ) on $($psitem.Parent.Name)" { $psitem.Owner | Should -Not -BeIn $TargetOwner -Because "The database owner was one specified as incorrect" } } } } } Describe "Last Good DBCC CHECKDB" -Tags LastGoodCheckDb, Varied, $filename { $maxdays = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.dbcc.maxdays $datapurity = Get-DbcConfigValue skip.dbcc.datapuritycheck $graceperiod = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.backup.newdbgraceperiod if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing Last Good DBCC CHECKDB on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing Last Good DBCC CHECKDB on $psitem" { @(Get-DbaLastGoodCheckDb -SqlInstance $psitem -Database ($InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{$_.CreateDate.ToUniversalTime() -lt (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddHours( - $graceperiod) -and ($_.IsAccessible -eq $true) -and $(if ($database) {$ -in $Database}else {$ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $_.Name})}).Name ).ForEach{ if ($psitem.Database -ne "tempdb") { It "last good integrity check for $($psitem.Database) on $($psitem.SqlInstance) should be less than $maxdays days old" { if ($psitem.LastGoodCheckDb) { $psitem.LastGoodCheckDb | Should -BeGreaterThan (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddDays( - ($maxdays)) -Because "You should have run a DBCC CheckDB inside that time" } else{ $psitem.LastGoodCheckDb | Should -BeGreaterThan (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddDays( - ($maxdays)) -Because "You should have run a DBCC CheckDB inside that time" } } It -Skip:$datapurity "last good integrity check for $($psitem.Database) on $($psitem.SqlInstance) has Data Purity Enabled" { $psitem.DataPurityEnabled | Should -BeTrue -Because "the DATA_PURITY option causes the CHECKDB command to look for column values that are invalid or out of range." } } } } } } Describe "Column Identity Usage" -Tags IdentityUsage, Medium, $filename { $maxpercentage = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.identity.usagepercent if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing Column Identity Usage on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing Column Identity Usage on $psitem" { if ($version -lt 10) { It "Databases on $Instance should return 0 duplicate indexes" -Skip { Assert-DatabaseDuplicateIndex -Instance $instance -Database $psitem } } else { $exclude = $ExcludedDatabases $exclude += $InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{$_.IsAccessible -eq $false}.Name @(Test-DbaIdentityUsage -SqlInstance $psitem -Database $Database -ExcludeDatabase $exclude).ForEach{ if ($psitem.Database -ne "tempdb") { $columnfqdn = "$($psitem.Database).$($psitem.Schema).$($psitem.Table).$($psitem.Column)" It "usage for $columnfqdn on $($psitem.SqlInstance) should be less than $maxpercentage percent" { $psitem.PercentUsed -lt $maxpercentage | Should -BeTrue -Because "You do not want your Identity columns to hit the max value and stop inserts" } } } } } } } Describe "Recovery Model" -Tags RecoveryModel, DISA, Medium, $filename { if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing Recovery Model on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { $recoverymodel = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.recoverymodel.type Context "Testing Recovery Model on $psitem" { $exclude = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.recoverymodel.excludedb $exclude += $ExcludedDatabases @(Get-DbaDbRecoveryModel -SqlInstance $psitem -Database $Database -ExcludeDatabase $exclude).ForEach{ It "$($psitem.Name) should be set to $recoverymodel on $($psitem.SqlInstance)" { $psitem.RecoveryModel | Should -Be $recoverymodel -Because "You expect this recovery model" } } } } } Describe "Duplicate Index" -Tags DuplicateIndex, $filename { $Excludeddbs = $ExcludedDatabases + 'msdb' if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing duplicate indexes on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing duplicate indexes on $psitem" { if ($version -lt 10) { It "Databases on $Instance should return 0 duplicate indexes" -Skip { Assert-DatabaseDuplicateIndex -Instance $instance -Database $psitem } } else { $instance = $Psitem @(Get-Database -Instance $instance -Requiredinfo Name -Exclusions NotAccessible -Database $Database -ExcludedDbs $Excludeddbs).ForEach{ It "$psitem on $Instance should return 0 duplicate indexes" { Assert-DatabaseDuplicateIndex -Instance $instance -Database $psitem } } } } } } Describe "Unused Index" -Tags UnusedIndex, Medium, $filename { if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing Unused indexes on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing Unused indexes on $psitem" { try { @($results = Find-DbaDbUnusedIndex -SqlInstance $psitem -Database $Database -ExcludeDatabase $ExcludedDatabases -EnableException).ForEach{ It "$psitem on $($psitem.SQLInstance) should return 0 Unused indexes" { @($results).Count | Should -Be 0 -Because "You should have indexes that are used" } } } catch { It -Skip "$psitem on $($psitem.SQLInstance) should return 0 Unused indexes" { @($results).Count | Should -Be 0 -Because "You should have indexes that are used" } } } } } Describe "Disabled Index" -Tags DisabledIndex, Medium, $filename { if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing Disabled indexes on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing Disabled indexes on $psitem" { $InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{$(if ($Database) {$PsItem.Name -in $Database}else {$ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $PsItem.Name}) -and ($_.IsAccessible -eq $true)}.ForEach{ $results = Find-DbaDbDisabledIndex -SqlInstance $psitem.Parent -Database $psitem.Name It "$($psitem.Name) on $($psitem.Parent.Name) should return 0 Disabled indexes" { @($results).Count | Should -Be 0 -Because "Disabled indexes are wasting disk space" } } } } } Describe "Database Growth Event" -Tags DatabaseGrowthEvent, Low, $filename { $exclude = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.database.filegrowthexcludedb if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing database growth event on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing database growth event on $psitem" { $InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{$(if ($Database) {$PsItem.Name -in $Database}else {$PSItem.Name -notin $exclude -and ($ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $PsItem.Name)})}.ForEach{ $results = Find-DbaDbGrowthEvent -SqlInstance $psitem.Parent -Database $psitem.Name It "$($psitem.Name) should return 0 database growth events on $($psitem.Parent.Name)" { @($results).Count | Should -Be 0 -Because "You want to control how your database files are grown" } } } } } Describe "Page Verify" -Tags PageVerify, Medium, $filename { $pageverify = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.pageverify if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing page verify on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing page verify on $psitem" { switch ($version) { 8 { It "Page verify is not available on SQL 2000" { $true | Should -BeTrue } } 9 { $InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{$(if ($Database) {$PsItem.Name -in $Database}else {$ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $PsItem.Name})}.ForEach{ if ($Psitem.Name -ne 'tempdb') { It "$($psitem.Name) on $($psitem.Parent.Name) should have page verify set to $pageverify" { $psitem.PageVerify | Should -Be $pageverify -Because "Page verify helps SQL Server to detect corruption" } } else { It "Page verify is not available on tempdb on SQL 2005" { $true | Should -BeTrue } } } } Default { $InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{$(if ($Database) {$PsItem.Name -in $Database}else {$ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $PsItem.Name})}.ForEach{ It "$($psitem.Name) on $($psitem.Parent.Name) should have page verify set to $pageverify" { $psitem.PageVerify | Should -Be $pageverify -Because "Page verify helps SQL Server to detect corruption" } } } } } } } Describe "Auto Close" -Tags AutoClose, High, $filename { $autoclose = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.database.autoclose if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing Auto Close on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing Auto Close on $psitem" { $InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{$(if ($Database) {$PsItem.Name -in $Database}else {$ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $PsItem.Name})}.ForEach{ It "$($psitem.Name) on $($psitem.Parent.Name) should have Auto Close set to $autoclose" { $psitem.AutoClose | Should -Be $autoclose -Because "Because!" } } } } } Describe "Auto Shrink" -Tags AutoShrink, High, $filename { $autoshrink = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.database.autoshrink if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing Auto Shrink on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing Auto Shrink on $psitem" { $InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{$(if ($Database) {$PsItem.Name -in $Database}else {$ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $PsItem.Name})}.ForEach{ It "$($psitem.Name) on $($psitem.Parent.Name) should have Auto Shrink set to $autoshrink" { $psitem.AutoShrink | Should -Be $autoshrink -Because "Shrinking databases causes fragmentation and performance issues" } } } } } Describe "Last Full Backup Times" -Tags LastFullBackup, LastBackup, Backup, DISA, Varied, $filename { $maxfull = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.backup.fullmaxdays $graceperiod = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.backup.newdbgraceperiod $skipreadonly = Get-DbcConfigValue skip.backup.readonly if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing last full backups on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing last full backups on $psitem" { $InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{ ($psitem.Name -ne 'tempdb') -and $Psitem.CreateDate.ToUniversalTime() -lt (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddHours( - $graceperiod) -and $(if ($Database) {$PsItem.Name -in $Database}else {$ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $PsItem.Name})}.ForEach{ $skip = ($psitem.Status -match "Offline") -or ($psitem.IsAccessible -eq $false) -or ($psitem.Readonly -eq $true -and $skipreadonly -eq $true) It -Skip:$skip "$($psitem.Name) full backups on $($psitem.Parent.Name) should be less than $maxfull days" { $psitem.LastBackupDate.ToUniversalTime() | Should -BeGreaterThan (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddDays( - ($maxfull)) -Because "Taking regular backups is extraordinarily important" } } } } } Describe "Last Diff Backup Times" -Tags LastDiffBackup, LastBackup, Backup, DISA, Varied, $filename { if (-not (Get-DbcConfigValue skip.diffbackuptest)) { $maxdiff = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.backup.diffmaxhours $graceperiod = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.backup.newdbgraceperiod $skipreadonly = Get-DbcConfigValue skip.backup.readonly if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing last diff backups on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing last diff backups on $psitem" { @($InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{ (-not $psitem.IsSystemObject) -and $Psitem.CreateDate.ToUniversalTime() -lt (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddHours( - $graceperiod) -and $(if ($Database) {$PsItem.Name -in $Database}else {$ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $PsItem.Name})}).ForEach{ $skip = ($psitem.Status -match "Offline") -or ($psitem.IsAccessible -eq $false) -or ($psitem.Readonly -eq $true -and $skipreadonly -eq $true) It -Skip:$skip "$($psitem.Name) diff backups on $($psitem.Parent.Name) should be less than $maxdiff hours" { $psitem.LastDifferentialBackupDate.ToUniversalTime() | Should -BeGreaterThan (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddHours( - ($maxdiff)) -Because 'Taking regular backups is extraordinarily important' } } } } } } Describe "Last Log Backup Times" -Tags LastLogBackup, LastBackup, Backup, DISA, Varied, $filename { $maxlog = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.backup.logmaxminutes $graceperiod = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.backup.newdbgraceperiod $skipreadonly = Get-DbcConfigValue skip.backup.readonly if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing last log backups on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing last log backups on $psitem" { @($InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{ (-not $psitem.IsSystemObject) -and $Psitem.CreateDate.ToUniversalTime() -lt (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddHours( - $graceperiod) -and $(if ($Database) {$PsItem.Name -in $Database}else {$ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $PsItem.Name})}).ForEach{ if ($psitem.RecoveryModel -ne "Simple") { $skip = ($psitem.Status -match "Offline") -or ($psitem.IsAccessible -eq $false) -or ($psitem.Readonly -eq $true -and $skipreadonly -eq $true) It -Skip:$skip "$($psitem.Name) log backups on $($psitem.Parent.Name) should be less than $maxlog minutes" { $psitem.LastLogBackupDate.ToUniversalTime() | Should -BeGreaterThan (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddMinutes( - ($maxlog) + 1) -Because "Taking regular backups is extraordinarily important" } } } } } } Describe "Virtual Log Files" -Tags VirtualLogFile, Medium, $filename { $vlfmax = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.database.maxvlf if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing Database VLFs on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing Database VLFs on $psitem" { @(Measure-DbaDbVirtualLogFile -SqlInstance $psitem -ExcludeDatabase $ExcludedDatabases -Database $Database).ForEach{ It "$($psitem.Database) VLF count on $($psitem.SqlInstance) should be less than $vlfmax" { $psitem.Total | Should -BeLessThan $vlfmax -Because "Too many VLFs can impact performance and slow down backup/restore" } } } } } Describe "Log File Count Checks" -Tags LogfileCount, Medium, $filename { $LogFileCountTest = Get-DbcConfigValue skip.database.logfilecounttest $LogFileCount = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.database.logfilecount If (-not $LogFileCountTest) { if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing Log File count for $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing Log File count for $psitem" { @($InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{if ($Database) {$PsItem.Name -in $Database}else {$ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $PsItem.Name -and ($Psitem.IsAccessible -eq $true)}}).ForEach{ $Files = Get-DbaDbFile -SqlInstance $psitem.Parent.Name -Database $psitem.Name $LogFiles = $Files | Where-Object {$_.TypeDescription -eq "LOG"} It "$($psitem.Name) on $($psitem.Parent.Name) Should have $LogFileCount or less Log files" { $LogFiles.Count | Should -BeLessOrEqual $LogFileCount -Because "You want the correct number of log files" } } } } } } Describe "Log File Size Checks" -Tags LogfileSize, Medium, $filename { $LogFileSizePercentage = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.database.logfilesizepercentage $LogFileSizeComparison = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.database.logfilesizecomparison if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing Log File size for $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing Log File size for $psitem" { $InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{$(if ($Database) {$PsItem.Name -in $Database}else {$ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $PsItem.Name}) -and ($Psitem.IsAccessible -eq $true)}.ForEach{ $Files = Get-DbaDbFile -SqlInstance $psitem.Parent.Name -Database $psitem.Name $LogFiles = $Files | Where-Object {$_.TypeDescription -eq "LOG"} $Splat = @{$LogFileSizeComparison = $true; property = "size" } $LogFileSize = ($LogFiles | Measure-Object -Property Size -Maximum).Maximum $DataFileSize = ($Files | Where-Object {$_.TypeDescription -eq "ROWS"} | Measure-Object @Splat).$LogFileSizeComparison It "$($psitem.Name) on $($psitem.Parent.Name) Should have no log files larger than $LogFileSizePercentage% of the $LogFileSizeComparison of DataFiles" { $LogFileSize | Should -BeLessThan ($DataFileSize * $LogFileSizePercentage) -Because "If your log file is this large you are not maintaining it well enough" } } } } } Describe "Future File Growth" -Tags FutureFileGrowth, Low, $filename { $threshold = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.database.filegrowthfreespacethreshold [string[]]$exclude = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.database.filegrowthexcludedb $exclude += $ExcludedDatabases if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing for files likely to grow soon on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing for files likely to grow soon on $psitem" { $InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{$(if ($Database) {$PsItem.Name -in $Database}else {$PsItem.Name -notin $exclude})}.ForEach{ $Files = Get-DbaDbFile -SqlInstance $psitem.Parent.Name -Database $psitem.Name $Files | Add-Member ScriptProperty -Name PercentFree -Value {100 - [Math]::Round(([int64]$PSItem.UsedSpace.Byte / [int64]$PSItem.Size.Byte) * 100, 3)} $Files | ForEach-Object { if (-Not (($PSItem.Growth -eq 0) -and (Get-DbcConfigValue skip.database.filegrowthdisabled))) { It "$($PSItem.Database) file $($PSItem.LogicalName) on $($PSItem.SqlInstance) has free space under threshold" { $PSItem.PercentFree | Should -BeGreaterOrEqual $threshold -Because "free space within the file should be lower than threshold of $threshold %" } } } } } } } Describe "Correctly sized Filegroup members" -Tags FileGroupBalanced, Medium, $filename { $Tolerance = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.database.filebalancetolerance if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing for balanced FileGroups on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing for balanced FileGroups on $psitem" { @(Connect-DbaInstance -SqlInstance $_).Databases.Where{$(if ($Database) {$PsItem.Name -in $Database}else {$ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $PsItem.Name -and ($Psitem.IsAccessible -eq $true)})}.ForEach{ $Files = Get-DbaDbFile -SqlInstance $psitem.Parent.Name -Database $psitem.Name $FileGroups = $Files | Where-Object {$_.TypeDescription -eq "ROWS"} | Group-Object -Property FileGroupName @($FileGroups).ForEach{ $Unbalanced = 0 $Average = ($psitem.Group.Size | Measure-Object -Average).Average ## files where average size is less than 95% of the average or more than 105% of the average filegroup size (using default 5% config value) $Unbalanced = $psitem | Where-Object {$ -lt ((1 - ($Tolerance / 100)) * $Average) -or $ -gt ((1 + ($Tolerance / 100)) * $Average)} It "$($psitem.Name) of $($psitem.Group[0].Database) on $($psitem.Group[0].SqlInstance) Should have FileGroup members with sizes within $tolerance % of the average" { $Unbalanced.count | Should -Be 0 -Because "If your file groups are not balanced the files with the most free space will become allocation hotspots" } } } } } } Describe "Certificate Expiration" -Tags CertificateExpiration, High, $filename { $CertificateWarning = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.certificateexpiration.warningwindow [string[]]$exclude = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.certificateexpiration.excludedb $exclude += $ExcludedDatabases if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Checking that encryption certificates have not expired on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Checking that encryption certificates have not expired on $psitem" { @(Get-DbaDbEncryption -SqlInstance $psitem -IncludeSystemDBs -Database $Database | Where-Object {$_.Encryption -eq "Certificate" -and ($_.Database -notin $exclude)}).ForEach{ It "$($psitem.Name) in $($psitem.Database) has not expired on $($psitem.SqlInstance)" { $psitem.ExpirationDate.ToUniversalTime() | Should -BeGreaterThan (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime() -Because "this certificate should not be expired" } It "$($psitem.Name) in $($psitem.Database) does not expire for more than $CertificateWarning months on $($psitem.SqlInstance)" { $psitem.ExpirationDate.ToUniversalTime() | Should -BeGreaterThan (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddMonths($CertificateWarning) -Because "expires inside the warning window of $CertificateWarning" } } } } } Describe "Auto Create Statistics" -Tags AutoCreateStatistics, Low, $filename { $autocreatestatistics = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.database.autocreatestatistics if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing Auto Create Statistics on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing Auto Create Statistics on $psitem" { $InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{$(if ($Database) {$PsItem.Name -in $Database}else {$ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $PsItem.Name})}.ForEach{ It "$($psitem.Name) on $($psitem.Parent.Name) should have Auto Create Statistics set to $autocreatestatistics" { $psitem.AutoCreateStatisticsEnabled | Should -Be $autocreatestatistics -Because "This value is expected for autocreate statistics" } } } } } Describe "Auto Update Statistics" -Tags AutoUpdateStatistics, Low, $filename { $autoupdatestatistics = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.database.autoupdatestatistics if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing Auto Update Statistics on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing Auto Update Statistics on $psitem" { $InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{$(if ($Database) {$PsItem.Name -in $Database}else {$ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $PsItem.Name})}.ForEach{ It "$($psitem.Name) on $($psitem.Parent.Name) should have Auto Update Statistics set to $autoupdatestatistics" { $psitem.AutoUpdateStatisticsEnabled | Should -Be $autoupdatestatistics -Because "This value is expected for autoupdate statistics" } } } } } Describe "Auto Update Statistics Asynchronously" -Tags AutoUpdateStatisticsAsynchronously, Low, $filename { $autoupdatestatisticsasynchronously = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.database.autoupdatestatisticsasynchronously if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing Auto Update Statistics Asynchronously on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing Auto Update Statistics Asynchronously on $psitem" { $InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{$(if ($Database) {$PsItem.Name -in $Database}else {$ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $PsItem.Name})}.ForEach{ It "$($psitem.Name) on $($psitem.Parent.Name) should have Auto Update Statistics Asynchronously set to $autoupdatestatisticsasynchronously" { $psitem.AutoUpdateStatisticsAsync | Should -Be $autoupdatestatisticsasynchronously -Because "This value is expected for autoupdate statistics asynchronously" } } } } } Describe "Datafile Auto Growth Configuration" -Tags DatafileAutoGrowthType, Low, $filename { $datafilegrowthtype = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.database.filegrowthtype $datafilegrowthvalue = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.database.filegrowthvalue $exclude = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.database.filegrowthexcludedb $exclude += $ExcludedDatabases if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing datafile growth type on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing datafile growth type on $psitem" { @(Get-DbaDbFile -SqlInstance $psitem -Database $Database -ExcludeDatabase $exclude ).ForEach{ if (-Not (($psitem.Growth -eq 0) -and (Get-DbcConfigValue skip.database.filegrowthdisabled))) { It "$($psitem.LogicalName) on filegroup $($psitem.FileGroupName) should have GrowthType set to $datafilegrowthtype on $($psitem.SqlInstance)" { $psitem.GrowthType | Should -Be $datafilegrowthtype -Because "We expect a certain file growth type" } if ($datafilegrowthtype -eq "kb") { It "$($psitem.LogicalName) on filegroup $($psitem.FileGroupName) should have Growth set equal or higher than $datafilegrowthvalue on $($psitem.SqlInstance)" { $psitem.Growth * 8 | Should -BeGreaterOrEqual $datafilegrowthvalue -because "We expect a certain file growth value" } } else { It "$($psitem.LogicalName) on filegroup $($psitem.FileGroupName) should have Growth set equal or higher than $datafilegrowthvalue on $($psitem.SqlInstance)" { $psitem.Growth | Should -BeGreaterOrEqual $datafilegrowthvalue -because "We expect a certain fFile growth value" } } } } } } } Describe "Trustworthy Option" -Tags Trustworthy, DISA, Varied, $filename { if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing database trustworthy option on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing database trustworthy option on $psitem" { @($InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{$psitem.Name -ne 'msdb' -and ($(if ($Database) {$PsItem.Name -in $Database}else {$ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $PsItem.Name}))}).ForEach{ It "$($psitem.Name) on $($psitem.Parent.Name) should have Trustworthy set to false" { $psitem.Trustworthy | Should -BeFalse -Because "Trustworthy has security implications and may expose your SQL Server to additional risk" } } } } } Describe "Database Orphaned User" -Tags OrphanedUser, CIS, Medium, $filename { if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing database orphaned user event on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing database orphaned user event on $psitem" { $instance = $psitem @($InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{($(if ($Database) {$PsItem.Name -in $Database}else {$ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $PsItem.Name}))}).ForEach{ It "$($psitem.Name) on $($psitem.Parent.Name) should return 0 orphaned users" { @(Get-DbaDbOrphanUser -SqlInstance $instance -ExcludeDatabase $ExcludedDatabases -Database $psitem.Name).Count | Should -Be 0 -Because "We dont want orphaned users" } } } } } Describe "PseudoSimple Recovery Model" -Tags PseudoSimple, Medium, $filename { if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing database is not in PseudoSimple recovery model on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing database is not in PseudoSimple recovery model on $psitem" { @($InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{$psitem.Name -ne 'tempdb' -and $psitem.Name -ne 'model' -and $psitem.Status -ne 'Offline' -and ($(if ($Database) {$PsItem.Name -in $Database}else {$ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $PsItem.Name}))}).ForEach{ if (-not($psitem.RecoveryModel -eq "Simple")) { It "$($psitem.Name) has PseudoSimple recovery model equal false on $($psitem.Parent.Name)" { (Test-DbaDbRecoveryModel -SqlInstance $psitem.Parent -Database $psitem.Name).ActualRecoveryModel -eq "SIMPLE" | Should -BeFalse -Because "PseudoSimple means that a FULL backup has not been taken and the database is still effectively in SIMPLE mode" } } } } } } Describe "Compatibility Level" -Tags CompatibilityLevel, High, $filename { if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing database compatibility level matches server compatibility level on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing database compatibility level matches server compatibility level on $psitem" { @(Test-DbaDbCompatibility -SqlInstance $psitem -ExcludeDatabase $ExcludedDatabases -Database $Database).ForEach{ It "$($psitem.Database) has a database compatibility level equal to the level of $($psitem.SqlInstance)" { $psItem.DatabaseCompatibility | Should -Be $psItem.ServerLevel -Because "it means you are on the appropriate compatibility level for your SQL Server version to use all available features" } } } } } Describe "Foreign keys and check constraints not trusted" -Tags FKCKTrusted, Low, $filename { if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Testing Foreign Keys and Check Constraints are not trusted $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Testing Foreign Keys and Check Constraints are not trusted $psitem" { @(Get-DbaDbForeignKey -SqlInstance $psitem -ExcludeDatabase $ExcludedDatabases -Database $Database).Where{$_.NotForReplication -eq $false}.ForEach{ It "$($psitem.Name) foreign key on table $($psitem.Parent) within database $($psitem.Database) should be trusted on $($psitem.SqlInstance)." { $psitem.IsChecked | Should -Be $true -Because "This can have a huge performance impact on queries. SQL Server won't use untrusted constraints to build better execution plans. It will also avoid data violation" } } @(Get-DbaDbCheckConstraint -SqlInstance $psitem -ExcludeDatabase $ExcludedDatabases -Database $Database).Where{$_.NotForReplication -eq $false -and $_.IsEnabled -eq $true}.ForEach{ It "$($psitem.Name) check constraint on table $($psitem.Parent) within database $($psitem.Database) should be trusted on $($psitem.SqlInstance)." { $psitem.IsChecked | Should -Be $true -Because "This can have a huge performance impact on queries. SQL Server won't use untrusted constraints to build better execution plans. It will also avoid data violation" } } } } } Describe "Database MaxDop" -Tags MaxDopDatabase, MaxDop, Low, $filename { $MaxDopValue = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.database.maxdop [string[]]$exclude = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.database.maxdopexcludedb $exclude += $ExcludedDatabases if ($exclude) {Write-Warning "Excluded $exclude from testing"} if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Database MaxDop setting is correct on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Database MaxDop setting is correct on $psitem" { @(Test-DbaMaxDop -SqlInstance $psitem).Where{$_.Database -ne 'N/A' -and $(if ($database) {$PsItem.Database -in $Database} else {$_.Database -notin $exclude})}.ForEach{ It "Database $($psitem.Database) should have the correct MaxDop setting on $($psitem.SqlInstance)" { Assert-DatabaseMaxDop -MaxDop $PsItem -MaxDopValue $MaxDopValue } } } } } Describe "Database Status" -Tags DatabaseStatus, High, $filename { $ExcludeReadOnly = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.database.status.excludereadonly $ExcludeOffline = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.database.status.excludeoffline $ExcludeRestoring = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.database.status.excluderestoring if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Database status is correct on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { Context "Database status is correct on $psitem" { $instance = $psitem @($InstanceSMO.Databases.Where{$(if ($Database) {$PsItem.Name -in $Database}else {$ExcludedDatabases -notcontains $PsItem.Name})}).Foreach{ It "Database $($psitem.Name) on $instance has the expected status" { Assert-DatabaseStatus -Instance $instance -Database $($psitem.Name) -ExcludeReadOnly $ExcludeReadOnly -ExcludeOffline $ExcludeOffline -ExcludeRestoring $ExcludeRestoring } } } } } Describe "Database Exists" -Tags DatabaseExists, $filename { $Excludedbs = $ExcludedDatabases $expected = Get-DbcConfigValue database.exists if ($Database) {$expected += $Database} $expected = $expected.where{$psitem -notin $ExcludeDatabase} if ($NotContactable -contains $psitem) { Context "Database exists on $psitem" { It "Can't Connect to $Psitem" { $false | Should -BeTrue -Because "The instance should be available to be connected to!" } } } else { $instance = $psitem Context "Database exists on $psitem" { $expected.ForEach{ It "Database $psitem should exist on $($psitem.Parent.Name)" { Assert-DatabaseExists -Instance $instance -Expecteddb $psitem } } } } } } Set-PSFConfig -Module dbachecks -Name global.notcontactable -Value $NotContactable # SIG # Begin signature block # MIINEAYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIINATCCDP0CAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMGkGCisGAQQB # gjcCAQSgWzBZMDQGCisGAQQBgjcCAR4wJgIDAQAABBAfzDtgWUsITrck0sYpfvNR # AgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAMCEwCQYFKw4DAhoFAAQUYL41IQtYnBAL7QMDnUlg0UAW # 3aygggpSMIIFGjCCBAKgAwIBAgIQAsF1KHTVwoQxhSrYoGRpyjANBgkqhkiG9w0B # AQsFADByMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEVMBMGA1UEChMMRGlnaUNlcnQgSW5jMRkwFwYD # VQQLExB3d3cuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tMTEwLwYDVQQDEyhEaWdpQ2VydCBTSEEyIEFz # c3VyZWQgSUQgQ29kZSBTaWduaW5nIENBMB4XDTE3MDUwOTAwMDAwMFoXDTIwMDUx # MzEyMDAwMFowVzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxETAPBgNVBAgTCFZpcmdpbmlhMQ8wDQYD # VQQHEwZWaWVubmExETAPBgNVBAoTCGRiYXRvb2xzMREwDwYDVQQDEwhkYmF0b29s # czCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAI8ng7JxnekL0AO4qQgt # Kr6p3q3SNOPh+SUZH+SyY8EA2I3wR7BMoT7rnZNolTwGjUXn7bRC6vISWg16N202 # 1RBWdTGW2rVPBVLF4HA46jle4hcpEVquXdj3yGYa99ko1w2FOWzLjKvtLqj4tzOh # K7wa/Gbmv0Si/FU6oOmctzYMI0QXtEG7lR1HsJT5kywwmgcjyuiN28iBIhT6man0 # Ib6xKDv40PblKq5c9AFVldXUGVeBJbLhcEAA1nSPSLGdc7j4J2SulGISYY7ocuX3 # tkv01te72Mv2KkqqpfkLEAQjXgtM0hlgwuc8/A4if+I0YtboCMkVQuwBpbR9/6ys # Z+sCAwEAAaOCAcUwggHBMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFFrEuXsqCqOl6nEDwGD5LfZldQ5Y # MB0GA1UdDgQWBBRcxSkFqeA3vvHU0aq2mVpFRSOdmjAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCB4Aw # EwYDVR0lBAwwCgYIKwYBBQUHAwMwdwYDVR0fBHAwbjA1oDOgMYYvaHR0cDovL2Ny # bDMuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tL3NoYTItYXNzdXJlZC1jcy1nMS5jcmwwNaAzoDGGL2h0 # dHA6Ly9jcmw0LmRpZ2ljZXJ0LmNvbS9zaGEyLWFzc3VyZWQtY3MtZzEuY3JsMEwG # A1UdIARFMEMwNwYJYIZIAYb9bAMBMCowKAYIKwYBBQUHAgEWHGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3 # LmRpZ2ljZXJ0LmNvbS9DUFMwCAYGZ4EMAQQBMIGEBggrBgEFBQcBAQR4MHYwJAYI # KwYBBQUHMAGGGGh0dHA6Ly9vY3NwLmRpZ2ljZXJ0LmNvbTBOBggrBgEFBQcwAoZC # aHR0cDovL2NhY2VydHMuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tL0RpZ2lDZXJ0U0hBMkFzc3VyZWRJ # RENvZGVTaWduaW5nQ0EuY3J0MAwGA1UdEwEB/wQCMAAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAD # ggEBANuBGTbzCRhgG0Th09J0m/qDqohWMx6ZOFKhMoKl8f/l6IwyDrkG48JBkWOA # QYXNAzvp3Ro7aGCNJKRAOcIjNKYef/PFRfFQvMe07nQIj78G8x0q44ZpOVCp9uVj # sLmIvsmF1dcYhOWs9BOG/Zp9augJUtlYpo4JW+iuZHCqjhKzIc74rEEiZd0hSm8M # asshvBUSB9e8do/7RhaKezvlciDaFBQvg5s0fICsEhULBRhoyVOiUKUcemprPiTD # xh3buBLuN0bBayjWmOMlkG1Z6i8DUvWlPGz9jiBT3ONBqxXfghXLL6n8PhfppBhn # daPQO8+SqF5rqrlyBPmRRaTz2GQwggUwMIIEGKADAgECAhAECRgbX9W7ZnVTQ7Vv # lVAIMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMGUxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRUwEwYDVQQKEwxEaWdp # Q2VydCBJbmMxGTAXBgNVBAsTEHd3dy5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20xJDAiBgNVBAMTG0Rp # Z2lDZXJ0IEFzc3VyZWQgSUQgUm9vdCBDQTAeFw0xMzEwMjIxMjAwMDBaFw0yODEw # MjIxMjAwMDBaMHIxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRUwEwYDVQQKEwxEaWdpQ2VydCBJbmMx # GTAXBgNVBAsTEHd3dy5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20xMTAvBgNVBAMTKERpZ2lDZXJ0IFNI # QTIgQXNzdXJlZCBJRCBDb2RlIFNpZ25pbmcgQ0EwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUA # A4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQD407Mcfw4Rr2d3B9MLMUkZz9D7RZmxOttE9X/lqJ3bMtdx # 6nadBS63j/qSQ8Cl+YnUNxnXtqrwnIal2CWsDnkoOn7p0WfTxvspJ8fTeyOU5JEj # lpB3gvmhhCNmElQzUHSxKCa7JGnCwlLyFGeKiUXULaGj6YgsIJWuHEqHCN8M9eJN # YBi+qsSyrnAxZjNxPqxwoqvOf+l8y5Kh5TsxHM/q8grkV7tKtel05iv+bMt+dDk2 # DZDv5LVOpKnqagqrhPOsZ061xPeM0SAlI+sIZD5SlsHyDxL0xY4PwaLoLFH3c7y9 # hbFig3NBggfkOItqcyDQD2RzPJ6fpjOp/RnfJZPRAgMBAAGjggHNMIIByTASBgNV # HRMBAf8ECDAGAQH/AgEAMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBhjATBgNVHSUEDDAKBggrBgEF # BQcDAzB5BggrBgEFBQcBAQRtMGswJAYIKwYBBQUHMAGGGGh0dHA6Ly9vY3NwLmRp # Z2ljZXJ0LmNvbTBDBggrBgEFBQcwAoY3aHR0cDovL2NhY2VydHMuZGlnaWNlcnQu # Y29tL0RpZ2lDZXJ0QXNzdXJlZElEUm9vdENBLmNydDCBgQYDVR0fBHoweDA6oDig # NoY0aHR0cDovL2NybDQuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tL0RpZ2lDZXJ0QXNzdXJlZElEUm9v # dENBLmNybDA6oDigNoY0aHR0cDovL2NybDMuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tL0RpZ2lDZXJ0 # QXNzdXJlZElEUm9vdENBLmNybDBPBgNVHSAESDBGMDgGCmCGSAGG/WwAAgQwKjAo # BggrBgEFBQcCARYcaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tL0NQUzAKBghghkgB # hv1sAzAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUWsS5eyoKo6XqcQPAYPkt9mV1DlgwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAU # Reuir/SSy4IxLVGLp6chnfNtyA8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAD7sDVoks/Mi # 0RXILHwlKXaoHV0cLToaxO8wYdd+C2D9wz0PxK+L/e8q3yBVN7Dh9tGSdQ9RtG6l # jlriXiSBThCk7j9xjmMOE0ut119EefM2FAaK95xGTlz/kLEbBw6RFfu6r7VRwo0k # riTGxycqoSkoGjpxKAI8LpGjwCUR4pwUR6F6aGivm6dcIFzZcbEMj7uo+MUSaJ/P # QMtARKUT8OZkDCUIQjKyNookAv4vcn4c10lFluhZHen6dGRrsutmQ9qzsIzV6Q3d # 9gEgzpkxYz0IGhizgZtPxpMQBvwHgfqL2vmCSfdibqFT+hKUGIUukpHqaGxEMrJm # oecYpJpkUe8xggIoMIICJAIBATCBhjByMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEVMBMGA1UEChMM # RGlnaUNlcnQgSW5jMRkwFwYDVQQLExB3d3cuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tMTEwLwYDVQQD # EyhEaWdpQ2VydCBTSEEyIEFzc3VyZWQgSUQgQ29kZSBTaWduaW5nIENBAhACwXUo # dNXChDGFKtigZGnKMAkGBSsOAwIaBQCgeDAYBgorBgEEAYI3AgEMMQowCKACgACh # AoAAMBkGCSqGSIb3DQEJAzEMBgorBgEEAYI3AgEEMBwGCisGAQQBgjcCAQsxDjAM # BgorBgEEAYI3AgEVMCMGCSqGSIb3DQEJBDEWBBSUPoy0dA4hnawLjAcMS4/2Sh/4 # oDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCAQCA6gxCfTdPJ25u1bu5XPerpd97EBVkeQA4nChs # D6iGorbN0FotZQGXCgsVVQCEef91mcyy4n3ML5yuB4BOkG9G58UneUpQHngeNieJ # yXp/ggMOOj0jg0kq2u2qCIch3n2j8/DJxM3jLO51NmbjUWeI6P1AKmn0v25wzLd3 # 7JIEtu53sAMRrPzhzhPXO2vhnpBWQe19cHA6gc+CUwC7+WYYO6mhdxr1DLtVAhj+ # mi5tePIlS3h37YsXfIAcBcloqG7wWnB6Om2lt/QomorzXCJvYEoLeUcEuyWdVSgg # aO/j4MvNTi1WRDPFqfal6z6IXnehNFuRX1wZgbPBVd83dvTk # SIG # End signature block |