
$filename = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".Tests.ps1", "")

Describe "Ola maintenance solution installed" -Tags OlaInstalled, $filename{
    $OlaSPs = @('CommandExecute', 'DatabaseBackup', 'DatabaseIntegrityCheck', 'IndexOptimize')
    $oladb = Get-DbcConfigValue policy.ola.database
        $db = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $PSItem -Database $oladb
        Context "Checking the CommandLog table on $psitem"{            
            It "The CommandLog table exists in $oladb on $PSItem" {
                @($db.tables | Where-Object name -eq "CommandLog").Count | Should -Be 1 -Because 'The command log table is required'
        Context "Checking the Ola Stored Procedures on $psitem" {
            It "The stored procedures exists in $oladb on $PSItem" {
                ($db.StoredProcedures | Where-Object {$PSItem.schema -eq 'dbo' -and $ -in $OlaSPs} | Measure-Object).Count | Should -Be $OlaSPs.Count -Because 'The stored procedures are required for Olas jobs to run'

$jobnames = @()
$jobnames += [pscustomobject]@{JobName='DatabaseBackup - SYSTEM_DATABASES - FULL';      prefix='SystemFull'}
$jobnames += [pscustomobject]@{JobName='DatabaseBackup - USER_DATABASES - FULL';        prefix='UserFull'}
$jobnames += [pscustomobject]@{JobName='DatabaseBackup - USER_DATABASES - DIFF';        prefix='UserDiff'}
$jobnames += [pscustomobject]@{JobName='DatabaseBackup - USER_DATABASES - LOG';         prefix='UserLog'}
$jobnames += [pscustomobject]@{JobName='CommandLog Cleanup';                            prefix='CommandLog'}
$jobnames += [pscustomobject]@{JobName='DatabaseIntegrityCheck - SYSTEM_DATABASES';     prefix='SystemIntegrityCheck'}
$jobnames += [pscustomobject]@{JobName='DatabaseIntegrityCheck - USER_DATABASES';       prefix='UserIntegrityCheck'}
$jobnames += [pscustomobject]@{JobName='IndexOptimize - USER_DATABASES';                prefix='UserIndexOptimize'}
$jobnames += [pscustomobject]@{JobName='Output File Cleanup';                           prefix='OutputFileCleanup'}
$jobnames += [pscustomobject]@{JobName='sp_delete_backuphistory';                       prefix='DeleteBackupHistory'}
$jobnames += [pscustomobject]@{JobName='sp_purge_jobhistory';                           prefix='PurgeJobHistory'}

$jobnames | ForEach-Object {    
    $JobPrefix = $psitem.prefix
    $tagname = "Ola$($JobPrefix)"
    $JobName = $PSItem.Jobname    
    $Enabled = Get-DbcConfigValue "policy.ola.$($JobPrefix)enabled"
    $Scheduled = Get-DbcConfigValue "policy.ola.$($JobPrefix)scheduled"    
    $Retention = Get-DbcConfigValue "policy.ola.$($JobPrefix)retention"     

    #Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "$jobname / $JobPrefix / $tagname"

    Describe "Ola - $Jobname" -tags $tagname, OlaJobs, $filename {
            $job = Get-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance $PSItem -Job $JobName
            Context  "Is job enabled on $PSItem" {
                It "$JobName Should Be enabled - $Enabled " {
                    $job.IsEnabled | Should -Be $Enabled -Because 'If the job is not enabled it will not run'
            Context "Is job scheduled on $PSItem" {
                It "$JobName Should Be scheduled - $Scheduled " {
                    $job.HasSchedule | Should -Be $Scheduled -Because 'If the job is not scheduled it will not run'
                It "$($JobName) schedules Should Be enabled - $Scheduled" {
                    $results = ($job.JobSchedules | Where-Object IsEnabled | Measure-Object ).Count -gt 0
                    $results | Should -BeGreaterThan 0 -Because 'If the schedule is not enabled the jobs will not run'

            if ($Retention) {
                Context "Checking the backup retention on $psitem" {
                    $results = (($job.JobSteps | Where-Object {$_.SubSystem -eq "CmdExec"}).Command.Split("@") | Where-Object {$_ -match "CleanupTime"})
                    It "Is the backup retention set to at least $Retention hours" {                   
                        $results.split("=")[1].split(",").split(" ")[1] | Should -BeGreaterOrEqual $Retention -Because 'The backup retention needs to be correct'