Param( [bool]$Debug = $false, [bool]$NoUpdate = $false, [bool]$Console = $false ) <#============================================================================== File Name : Datastore-Tracker.ps1 Original Author : Kenneth C. Mazie (kcmjr AT : Description : Tracks SAN datastores over time. Emails a daily report on changes. : Notes : Normal operation is with no command line options. : Optional arguments: -Debug $true (defaults to false. Sends emails to debug user) : -NoUpdate $true (runs with current files and doesnt replace them for debugging) : -Console $true (displays runtime info on console) : Warnings : None : Legal : Public Domain. Modify and redistribute freely. No rights reserved. : SCRIPT PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES OF : ANY KIND. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. NO TECHNICAL SUPPORT PROVIDED. : Credits : Code snippets and/or ideas came from many sources including but : not limited to the following: : Based on "Track Datastore Space script" Created by Hugo Peeters of : Last Update by : Kenneth C. Mazie Version History : v1.00 - 09-16-14 - Original Change History : v1.10 - 08-28-15 - Edited to allow color coding of HTML output : v1.20 - 09-16-15 - Added capacity numbers to HTML output : v1.30 - 09-22-15 - Changed output from GB to TB : v2.00 - 11-30-15 - Moved all config data out to xml file and encrypted password : v2.10 - 07-07-17 - Fixed bug causing script to crash. Altered password from XML to use a key. : v3.00 - 09-14-17 - Adjusted script to work with new PowerCLI v6 modules. : v4.00 - 02-22-18 - Major rewrite to fix bugs in calulations and reporting. : v4.10 - 03-02-18 - Minor notation fix for PS Gallery upload : #===============================================================================#> <#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 4.10 .GUID 6a4cea92-a7ae-4785-9c03-a2d724306ae5 .AUTHOR Kenneth C. Mazie (kcmjr AT .DESCRIPTION Tracks VMware SAN datastores over time. Emails a daily report on changes. #> #requires -version 3.0 Clear-host $ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue" $Computer = $Env:ComputerName $Script:ScriptName = ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name).split(".")[0] $Script:LogFile = $PSScriptRoot+"\"+$ScriptName+"_{0:MM-dd-yyyy_HHmmss}.log" -f (Get-Date) $Script:ConfigFile = "$PSScriptRoot\$ScriptName.xml" $body = "" $Script:CapGB = $False #--[ Set to true if output in gigabytes is preferred ]-- $digits = 2 $Script:CurrentArray = @() #--[ Create an array to hold the output ]-- If ($Debug){ $Script:Debug = $true $Script:NoUpdate = $true } get-module -ListAvailable vm* | import-module | Out-Null #--[ Load VMware modules ]-- $Script:CurrentFile = $PSScriptRoot+'\Datastores_Current.xml' $Script:PreviousFile = $PSScriptRoot+'\Datastores_Previous.xml' $Script:DifferenceFile = $PSScriptRoot+'\Datastores_Difference.txt' #--[ Functions ]-------------------------------------------------------- Function SendEmail { #--[ Email settings ]-- $Script:Email = new-object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $Script:Email.From = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.From If ($Script:Debug -or $Script:NoUpdate){ $Script:Email.To.Add($Script:DebugEmail) }Else{ $Script:Email.To.Add($Script:EmailTo) } $Script:Email.Subject = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.Subject $Script:Email.IsBodyHtml = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.HTML $Script:Email.Body = $Script:ReportBody $smtp = new-object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient($Script:SmtpServer) $smtp.Send($Script:Email) If ($Script::Console){Write-Host "-- Email Sent" -ForegroundColor red} } Function LoadConfig { #--[ Read and load configuration file ]------------------------------------- If (!(Test-Path $Script:ConfigFile)){ #--[ Error out if configuration file doesn't exist ]-- Write-Host "---------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "--[ MISSING CONFIG FILE. Script aborted. ]--" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "---------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Red break }Else{ [xml]$Script:Configuration = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\$ScriptName.xml" #--[ Load configuration ]-- $Script:vCenters = ($Script:Configuration.Settings.General.vCenters).split(",") $Script:DebugEmail = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.Debug $Script:EmailTo = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.To $Script:UserName = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Credentials.Username $Script:EncryptedPW = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Credentials.Password $Script:Base64String = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Credentials.Key $Script:SmtpServer = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.SmtpServer $Script:UserName = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Credentials.Username $Script:EncryptedPW = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Credentials.Password $Script:Base64String = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Credentials.Key $ByteArray = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Script:Base64String); $Script:Credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $Script:UserName, ($Script:EncryptedPW | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $ByteArray) $Script:Password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password } } Function CurrentStats { #==[ Get Current Statistics ]=================================================== If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "`r`n--- Collecting Current Statistics --- " -ForegroundColor Yellow} If (Test-Path $Script:CurrentFile){Remove-Item -Path $Script:CurrentFile -Force} #--[ Always clear out the current file. ]-- If (Test-Path $Script:DifferenceFile){Remove-Item -Path $Script:DifferenceFile -Force} #--[ If a Difference file exists remove it as well ]-- ForEach ($VIServer in $Script:vCenters){ If ($Script:Debug -or $Script:Console){Write-Host "`r`n--- Gathering Data From: $VIServer --- " -ForegroundColor Cyan} $VC = Connect-VIServer -Server $VIServer -Credential $Script:Credential #--[ Connect to Virtual Center ]-- $DataStores = Get-Datastore | Sort-Object Name | Select-Object -Unique #--[ Get all datastores and put them in alphabetical order & remove accidental duplicates ]-- ForEach ($Store in $DataStores){ #--[ Loop through datastores ]-- If ($Script:Console){ Write-Host "-- Processing Datastore: " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host ([string]$Store).PadRight(22) -ForegroundColor Magenta -NoNewline } if ($Store -notlike "*Local*"){ $myObjCurrent = "" | Select-Object vCenter, Name, CapacityGB, UsedGB, FreeGB, PercFree, PercUsed $myObjCurrent.CapacityGB = [math]::Round($store.CapacityGB,$digits) $myObjCurrent.UsedGB = [math]::Round(($store.CapacityGB - $store.FreeSpaceGB),$digits) $myObjCurrent.FreeGB = [math]::Round($store.FreeSpaceGB,$digits) $myObjCurrent.vCenter = $VIServer $myObjCurrent.Name = $store.Name $myObjCurrent.PercFree = [math]::Round(100 * $store.FreeSpaceGB / $store.CapacityGB,$digits) #$myObjCurrent.PercFree $myObjCurrent.PercUsed = 100-$myObjCurrent.PercFree #$myObjCurrent.PercUsed $Script:CurrentArray += $myObjCurrent #--[ Add the object to the output array ]-- If ($Script:Console){Write-Host $myObjCurrent } }Else{ If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "-- Bypassed --"} } } Disconnect-VIServer -Confirm:$False #--[ Disconnect from Virtual Center ]-- } $Script:CurrentArray | Export-Clixml -Path $Script:CurrentFile #--[ Export the output to an xml file; the new Current file ]-- $Script:CurrentDate = (Get-Item $Script:CurrentFile).LastWriteTime | Get-Date -Format d #--[ Get file dates for new file names ]-- $Script:PreviousDate = (Get-Item $Script:PreviousFile).LastWriteTime | Get-Date -Format d If ($Script:Console){ Write-Host "`nCurrent Date: $Script:CurrentDate" Write-host "Current File: $Script:CurrentFile`n" Write-host "Previous Date: $Script:PreviousDate" Write-host "Previous File: $Script:PreviousFile`n" } } Function CompareStats { #--[Compare the Current information to that in the Previous file ]-------------- If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "`r`n--- Processing Changes ---" -ForegroundColor Cyan} $Script:PreviousArray = Import-Clixml $Script:PreviousFile #--[ Import the Previous file ]-- $Script:CurrentArray= Import-Clixml $Script:CurrentFile #--[ Import the Current file ]-- $Script:OutputArray = @() #--[ Create an array to hold the differences ]-- If (Test-Path $Script:PreviousFile){ ForEach ($CurrentDS in $Script:CurrentArray){ #--[ Loop through the current datastores ]-- $Script:VCCurrent = $CurrentDS.vCenter $RowData = "" $diff = "" $Script:DataStoreArray = "" | Select-Object vCenter, VolName, Capacity, CurrentUsed, CurrentFree, PreviousUsed, PreviousFree, PercentFree, PercentUsed, Diff #--[ Process the comparison ]------------------------------------------- #--[ Calculate the difference compensating for identical datastore names across multiple vcenters ]-- $diff = Compare-Object ($Script:PreviousArray | Where { ($_.Name -eq $CurrentDS.Name) -and ($_.vCenter -eq $Script:VCCurrent)}) $CurrentDS -Property UsedGB -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #--[ The most important property is the calculated difference between the current and previous values of PercFree. You can substitute it for CurrentUsedGB if you like. ]-- #$Script:DataStoreArray.Diff = ($diff | Where { $_.SideIndicator -eq '=>' }).PercFree - ($diff | Where { $_.SideIndicator -eq '<=' }).PercFree $Script:DataStoreArray.Diff = ($diff | Where { $_.SideIndicator -eq '<=' }).UsedGB - ($diff | Where { $_.SideIndicator -eq '=>' }).UsedGB #$Script:DataStoreArray.Diff = ($diff | Where { $_.SideIndicator -eq '<=' }).FreeGB - ($diff | Where { $_.SideIndicator -eq '=>' }).FreeGB # typical diff = @{FreeGB=2052.90; SideIndicator==>} @{FreeGB=2053.07; SideIndicator=<=} # current => previous <= If (($Script:DataStoreArray.Diff -eq "") -or ($Script:DataStoreArray.Diff -eq $null)){$Script:DataStoreArray.Diff = "0.00"} #--[ Compensate for no results ]-- #==[ Final results for output ]========================================= $Script:DataStoreArray.vCenter = $CurrentDS.vCenter $Script:DataStoreArray.VolName = $CurrentDS.Name $Script:DataStoreArray.Capacity = $CurrentDS.CapacityGB $Script:DataStoreArray.PreviousUsed = ($Script:PreviousArray | Where { $_.vCenter -eq $CurrentDS.vCenter -and $_.Name -eq $CurrentDS.Name }).UsedGB $Script:DataStoreArray.PercentFree = $CurrentDS.PercFree $Script:DataStoreArray.PercentUsed = $CurrentDS.PercUsed $Script:DataStoreArray.CurrentUsed = $CurrentDS.UsedGB $Script:DataStoreArray.CurrentFree = $CurrentDS.FreeGB $Script:DataStoreArray.PreviousFree = ($Script:PreviousArray | Where { $_.vCenter -eq $CurrentDS.vCenter -and $_.Name -eq $CurrentDS.Name }).FreeGB #==[ Final results for output ]========================================= $Script:OutputArray += $Script:DataStoreArray #--[ Add result to the output array ]-- If($Script:Console){ Write-Host $Script:DataStoreArray.vCenter.PadRight(13) -ForegroundColor cyan -NoNewline Write-Host $Script:DataStoreArray.VolName.PadRight(18) -ForegroundColor yellow -NoNewline write-host "Capacity:"([String]$Script:DataStoreArray.Capacity).PadRight(10) -ForegroundColor Magenta -NoNewline write-host "NowFree:"([String]$Script:DataStoreArray.CurrentFree).PadRight(10) -ForegroundColor yellow -NoNewline write-host "NowUsed:"([String]$Script:DataStoreArray.CurrentUsed).PadRight(10) -ForegroundColor white -NoNewline write-host "PrevUsed:"([String]$Script:DataStoreArray.PreviousUsed).PadRight(10) -ForegroundColor cyan -NoNewline If ([String]$Script:DataStoreArray.diff -like "-*"){ Write-Host "Loss (GB):"([String]$Script:DataStoreArray.diff).PadRight(8) -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline }ElseIf ([String]$Script:DataStoreArray.diff -eq "0.00"){ Write-Host "No Change:"([String]$Script:DataStoreArray.diff).PadRight(8) -ForegroundColor White -NoNewline }Else{ Write-Host "Gain (GB):"([String]$Script:DataStoreArray.diff).PadRight(8) -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline } write-host "% Used:"([String]$Script:DataStoreArray.PercentUsed).PadRight(10) -ForegroundColor yellow -NoNewline write-host "% Free:"([String]$Script:DataStoreArray.PercentFree).PadRight(10) -ForegroundColor green #-NoNewline } #--[ Generate HTML row ]------------------------------------------------ $BGColor = "#dfdfdf" #--[ Grey default cell background ]-- $BGColorRed = "#ff0000" #--[ Red background for alerts ]-- $BGColorOra = "#ff9900" #--[ Orange background for alerts ]-- $BGColorYel = "#ffd900" #--[ Yellow background for alerts ]-- $FGColor = "#000000" #--[ Black default cell foreground ]-- $RowData += '<tr>' #--[ Start table row ]-- #--[ Rotate colors between vcenters ]-- If (($Script:vCenters.IndexOf($Script:VCCurrent)) % 2 -eq 0 ){ $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=#408080>' + $Script:DataStoreArray.vCenter + '</td>' }Else{ $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=#808000>' + $Script:DataStoreArray.vCenter + '</td>' } $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=' + $FGColor + '>' + $Script:DataStoreArray.VolName + '</td>' #--[ Add volume name ]-- $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=' + $FGColor + '>' + [math]::Round($Script:DataStoreArray.Capacity,$digits) + '</td>' #--[ Add volume capacity in GB ]-- #$RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=' + $FGColor + '>' + [math]::Round($Script:DataStoreArray.Capacity/1024,$digits) + '</td>' #--[ Add volume capacity in TB ]-- $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=' + $FGColor + '>' + $Script:DataStoreArray.CurrentFree + '</td>' #--[ Add volume current free ]-- $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=' + $FGColor + '>' + $Script:DataStoreArray.CurrentUsed + '</td>' #--[ Add volume current used ]-- If ([int]$Script:DataStoreArray.PreviousUsed -eq 0){ $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=' + $FGColor + '>0.00</td>' #--[ Add volume previous used ]-- }Else{ $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=' + $FGColor + '>' + [math]::Round($Script:DataStoreArray.PreviousUsed,$digits) + '</td>' #--[ Add volume previous used ]-- #$RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=' + $FGColor + '>' + $Script:DataStoreArray.PreviousFree + '</td>' #--[ Add volume previous free ]-- } If ($Script:DataStoreArray.Diff -eq "0.00"){ #--[ Add volume gain/loss ]-- $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=' + $FGColor + '>' + $Script:DataStoreArray.Diff }ElseIf ($Script:DataStoreArray.Diff -lt 0){ $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=#700000><strong>' + $Script:DataStoreArray.Diff + '</strong>' #--[ Red ]-- }Else{ $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=#007000><strong>' + $Script:DataStoreArray.Diff + '</strong>' #--[ Green ]-- } #[int]$Percentage = [Int]$Script:DataStoreArray.PercentFree #--[ be sure to rotate the color order if you switch this ]-- [int]$Percentage = [Int]$Script:DataStoreArray.PercentUsed #--[ See for color mix info ]-- If ($Percentage -gt 95){$BGColor = "#FF0000"} If ($Percentage -le 95){$BGColor = "#ff4000"} If ($Percentage -le 90){$BGColor = "#ff6600"} If ($Percentage -le 85){$BGColor = "#ef8300"} If ($Percentage -le 80){$BGColor = "#e29a00"} If ($Percentage -le 75){$BGColor = "#d9ab00"} If ($Percentage -le 70){$BGColor = "#cfbc00"} If ($Percentage -le 65){$BGColor = "#c9c800"} If ($Percentage -le 60){$BGColor = "#c2d300"} If ($Percentage -le 55){$BGColor = "#bfd900"} If ($Percentage -le 50){$BGColor = "#b2d100"} If ($Percentage -le 45){$BGColor = "#a6c900"} If ($Percentage -le 40){$BGColor = "#99c200"} If ($Percentage -le 35){$BGColor = "#8cba00"} If ($Percentage -le 30){$BGColor = "#80b200"} If ($Percentage -le 25){$BGColor = "#73ab00"} If ($Percentage -le 20){$BGColor = "#66a300"} If ($Percentage -le 15){$BGColor = "#4c9400"} If ($Percentage -le 10){$BGColor = "#338500"} If ($Percentage -le 5) {$BGColor = "#1a7500"} If ($Percentage -le 1) {$BGColor = "#006600"} If ($Percentage -ge 85){ $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColorYel + '><font color=#ff0000><strong>' + $Percentage + ' %</strong></td>' #--[ Add yellow on red if <20% volume percent free ]-- #}ElseIf ($Percentage -lt 85){ # $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=#ffffff><strong>' + $Percentage + ' %</strong></td>' #--[ Add yellow on red volume percent free ]-- }ElseIf ($Percentage -lt 10){ $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=#ffffff><strong>' + $Percentage + ' %</strong></td>' #--[ Add yellow on red volume percent free ]-- }Else{ $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=#000000><strong>' + $Percentage + ' %</strong></td>' #--[ Add volume percent free ]-- } $RowData += '</td></tr>' $Script:ReportBody += $RowData Clear-Variable diff -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue" } $Script:OutputArray | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-File $Script:DifferenceFile -Force -Append #--[ Dump output to difference text file for reference ]-- Clear-Variable RowData -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue" }Else{ If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "`n--- No Previous File Exists. ---" -ForegroundColor red} #--[ No previous file ]-- } If ($Script:OutputArray.Length -ne 0){ #--[ Add file dates to diff file and HTML report ]-- (Get-Content $Script:DifferenceFile) | Where { $_ } | Set-Content $DifferenceFile (Get-Content $Script:DifferenceFile) | Where {$_ -notmatch '----'} | Set-Content $DifferenceFile Add-Content $Script:DifferenceFile –value "`nCurrent-Report $Script:CurrentDate `nPrevious-Report $Script:PreviousDate" #--[ Last line of HTML table ]-- $FGColor = "#000000" $BGColor = "#bbbbbb" $BGColorRed = "#bbbbbb" $BGColorOra = "#bbbbbb" $BGColorYel = "#bbbbbb" $RowData += '<tr>' $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=' + $FGColor + '>Current Report</td>' $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=' + $FGColor + '>' + $Script:CurrentDate + '</td>' $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=' + $FGColor + '> </td>' $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=' + $FGColor + '>Previous Report</td>' $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=' + $FGColor + '>' + $Script:PreviousDate + '</td>' $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=' + $FGColor + '> </td>' $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=' + $FGColor + '> </td>' $RowData += '<td bgcolor=' + $BGColor + '><font color=' + $FGColor + '> </td>' $RowData += '</tr>'#> $Script:ReportBody += $RowData } } #==[ Main Process ]==================================================================== LoadConfig #--[ Create header for HTML email attachment file ]-- $Script:ReportBody = @() $Script:ReportBody += ' <style type="text/css"> table.myTable { border:5px solid black;border-collapse:collapse; } table.myTable td { border:2px solid black;padding:5px} table.myTable th { border:2px solid black;padding:5px;background: #949494 } table.bottomBorder { border-collapse:collapse; } table.bottomBorder td, table.bottomBorder th { border-bottom:1px dotted black;padding:5px; } tr.noBorder td {border: 0; } </style>' $Script:ReportBody += '<table class="myTable"> <tr class="noBorder"><td colspan=8><center><h1>- SAN Volume Utilization Report -</h1></td></tr> <tr class="noBorder"><td colspan=8><center>The following report displays the current SAN volume usage and the percent of change from yesterdays usage.</td></tr> <tr class="noBorder"><td colspan=8><center>The raw data files are retained on the '+$env:computername+' server for use in long term utilization tracking purposes.</center></td></tr> <tr><th>vCenter</th><th>Volume Name</th><th>Capacity GB</th><th>Curr Free GB</th><th>Curr Used GB</th><th>Prev Used GB</th><th>Gain/Loss GB</th><th>Percent Used</th></tr> ' CurrentStats #--[ Call the gather new stats function ]-- CompareStats #--[ Call the compare to previous stats function ]-- #--[ Use this section to add notes to the bottom of the HTML email attachment file. ]-- $Script:ReportBody += '<tr class="noBorder"><td colspan=8><font color=#909090>Script "'+$Script:ScriptName+'" executed from server "'+$env:computername+'".</td></tr>' $Script:ReportBody += '</table><br><br>' #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SendEmail #--[ Send the email ]-- #--[ Cleanup ]---------------------------------------------------- If (!($Script:NoUpdate)){ If (Test-Path $Script:DifferenceFile){rename-Item -Path $Script:DifferenceFile -newname ("$PSScriptRoot\SAN-Vol_{0:MM-dd-yyyy}_Diff.log" -f (Get-Date))} If (Test-Path $Script:PreviousFile){Remove-Item -Path $Script:PreviousFile -Force} #--[ If a Previous file exists remove it ]-- If (Test-Path $Script:CurrentFile){ Copy-Item -Path $Script:CurrentFile -Destination ("$PSScriptRoot\SAN-Vol_{0:MM-dd-yyyy}_Stats.xml" -f (Get-Date)) Rename-Item -Path $Script:CurrentFile -NewName $Script:PreviousFile #--[ If a Current file exists, rename this Current file to Previous ]-- } }Else{ #--[ Dont do anything. Current and diff files will be removed by new stats function. Previous file should remain unchanged ]-- If ($Console){Write-Host "`n--- DEBUG - No File Updates ---"} } If ($Script:Debug){ Write-Host "`n-- Contents of difference file: " -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host Get-Content $DifferenceFile | Out-String } $Credential = "" $CurrentFile = "" $PreviousFile = "" $DifferenceFile = "" $OutBody = "" If ($Script:Console){Write-Host `n"--- Completed ---" -ForegroundColor Red } <#--[ Sample of the XML configuration file ----------------------------------------------------- <!-- Settings & Configuration File --> <Settings> <General> <DebugTarget>testbox</DebugTarget> <vCenters>VCSA1,VCSA2</vCenters> </General> <Email> <From></From> <To>,</To> <Debug></Debug> <Subject>SAN Daily Utilization Status</Subject> <HTML>$true</HTML> <SmtpServer></SmtpServer> </Email> <Credentials> <UserName>domain\serviceaccount</UserName> <Password>76492d1116743f0423413dgdyru3e0a5345MgBB6AHoAeQA0AEcBhAGEAYQBhAGQANQBA2AGQAZAA2ADQAaAB1AFEAPQA9AHwAYwAzADkADQAZQAzAGYANAAyADUAYQQANgA0AGEAMAAwADmAGQAOAA0ADEANgBiADAANwBkADEANAA4AGQAZgA3ADIAYQAwADYAZAA3AGUAZgBkAGYAZAA=</Password> <Key>kdhCh7HCvQAZgBiAGMAYQAYwBkADkADQAZQAzAGYANAAyADUAYQBg44$678mkrJ7IXN0IObie8mE=</Key> </Credentials> </Settings> #> |