
        Start a database export from an environment
        Start a database export from an environment from a LCS project
    .PARAMETER ProjectId
        The project id for the Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations project inside LCS
        Default value can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig
    .PARAMETER BearerToken
        The token you want to use when working against the LCS api
        Default value can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig
    .PARAMETER SourceEnvironmentId
        The unique id of the environment that you want to use as the source for the database export
        The Id can be located inside the LCS portal
    .PARAMETER BackupName
        Name of the backup file when it is being exported from the environment
        The file shouldn't contain any extension at all, just the desired file name
    .PARAMETER LcsApiUri
        URI / URL to the LCS API you want to use
        Depending on whether your LCS project is located in europe or not, there is 2 valid URI's / URL's
        Valid options:
        Default value can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig
    .PARAMETER SkipInitialStatusFetch
        Instruct the cmdlet to skip the first fetch of the database refresh status
        Useful when you have a large script that handles this status validation and you don't want to spend time with this cmdlet
        Default output from this cmdlet is 2 (two) different objects. The first object is the response object for starting the export operation. The second object is the response object from fetching the status of the export operation.
        Setting this parameter (activate it), will affect the number of output objects. If you skip, only the first response object outputted.
    .PARAMETER FailOnErrorMessage
        Instruct the cmdlet to write logging information to the console, if there is an error message in the response from the LCS endpoint
        Used in combination with either Enable-D365Exception cmdlet, or the -EnableException directly on this cmdlet, it will throw an exception and break/stop execution of the script
        This allows you to implement custom retry / error handling logic
    .PARAMETER RetryTimeout
        The retry timeout, before the cmdlet should quit retrying based on the 429 status code
        Needs to be provided in the timspan notation:
        hh is the number of hours, numerical notation only
        mm is the number of minutes
        ss is the numbers of seconds
        Each section of the timeout has to valid, e.g.
        hh can maximum be 23
        mm can maximum be 59
        ss can maximum be 59
        Not setting this parameter will result in the cmdlet to try for ever to handle the 429 push back from the endpoint
    .PARAMETER EnableException
        This parameters disables user-friendly warnings and enables the throwing of exceptions
        This is less user friendly, but allows catching exceptions in calling scripts
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseExport -ProjectId 123456789 -SourceEnvironmentId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae" -BackupName "BackupViaApi" -BearerToken "JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd..." -LcsApiUri ""
        This will start the database export from the Source environment.
        The LCS project is identified by the ProjectId 123456789, which can be obtained in the LCS portal.
        The source environment is identified by the SourceEnvironmentId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae", which can be obtained in the LCS portal.
        The backup name is identified by the BackupName "BackupViaApi", which instructs the API to save the backup with that filename.
        The request will authenticate with the BearerToken "JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd...".
        The http request will be going to the LcsApiUri "" (NON-EUROPE).
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseExport -SourceEnvironmentId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae" -BackupName "BackupViaApi"
        This will start the database export from the Source environment.
        The source environment is identified by the SourceEnvironmentId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae", which can be obtained in the LCS portal.
        The backup name is identified by the BackupName "BackupViaApi", which instructs the API to save the backup with that filename.
        All default values will come from the configuration available from Get-D365LcsApiConfig.
        The default values can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig.
        PS C:\> $databaseExport = Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseExport -SourceEnvironmentId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae" -BackupName "BackupViaApi" -SkipInitialStatusFetch
        PS C:\> $databaseExport | Get-D365LcsDatabaseOperationStatus -EnvironmentId "13cc7700-c13b-4ea3-81cd-2d26fa72ec5e9" -SleepInSeconds 60
        This will start the database export from the Source environment.
        The source environment is identified by the SourceEnvironmentId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae", which can be obtained in the LCS portal.
        The backup name is identified by the BackupName "BackupViaApi", which instructs the API to save the backup with that filename.
        It will skip the first database operation status fetch and only output the details from starting the export.
        The output from Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseExport is stored in the $databaseExport. This will enable you to pass the $databaseExport variable to other cmdlets which should make things easier for you.
        Will pipe the $databaseExport variable to the Get-D365LcsDatabaseOperationStatus cmdlet and get the status from the database export job.
        All default values will come from the configuration available from Get-D365LcsApiConfig.
        The default values can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig.
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseExport -SourceEnvironmentId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae" -BackupName "BackupViaApi" -SkipInitialStatusFetch
        This will start the database export from the Source environment.
        The source environment is identified by the SourceEnvironmentId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae", which can be obtained in the LCS portal.
        The backup name is identified by the BackupName "BackupViaApi", which instructs the API to save the backup with that filename.
        It will skip the first database operation status fetch and only output the details from starting the export.
        All default values will come from the configuration available from Get-D365LcsApiConfig.
        The default values can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig.
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseExport -SourceEnvironmentId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae" -BackupName "BackupViaApi" -RetryTimeout "00:01:00"
        This will start the database export from the Source environment, and allow for the cmdlet to retry for no more than 1 minute.
        The source environment is identified by the SourceEnvironmentId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae", which can be obtained in the LCS portal.
        The backup name is identified by the BackupName "BackupViaApi", which instructs the API to save the backup with that filename.
        All default values will come from the configuration available from Get-D365LcsApiConfig.
        The default values can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig.
        The ActivityId property is a custom property that ISN'T part of the response from the LCS API. The ActivityId is always the same as the OperationActivityId (original LCS property).
        The EnvironmentId property is a custom property that ISN'T part of the response from the LCS API. The EnvironmentId is always the same as the SourceEnvironmentId parameter you have supplied to this cmdlet.
        Default output from this cmdlet is 2 (two) different objects. The first object is the response object for starting the export operation. The second object is the response object from fetching the status of the export operation.
        Setting the SkipInitialStatusFetch parameter (activate it), will affect the number of output objects. If you skip, only the first response object outputted.
        Running with the default (SkipInitialStatusFetch NOT being set), will instruct the cmdlet to call the Get-D365LcsDatabaseOperationStatus cmdlet. This will output a second object, with other properties than the first object outputted.
        Tags: Environment, Config, Configuration, LCS, Database backup, Api, Backup, Bacpac
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseExport {
        [int] $ProjectId = $Script:LcsApiProjectId,
        [string] $BearerToken = $Script:LcsApiBearerToken,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $SourceEnvironmentId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $BackupName,

        [string] $LcsApiUri = $Script:LcsApiLcsApiUri,

        [switch] $SkipInitialStatusFetch,

        [switch] $FailOnErrorMessage,
        [Timespan] $RetryTimeout = "00:00:00",

        [switch] $EnableException

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    if (-not ($BearerToken.StartsWith("Bearer "))) {
        $BearerToken = "Bearer $BearerToken"

    $exportJob = Start-LcsDatabaseExportV2 -ProjectId $ProjectId -BearerToken $BearerToken -SourceEnvironmentId $SourceEnvironmentId -BackupName $BackupName -LcsApiUri $LcsApiUri -RetryTimeout $RetryTimeout

    if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }

    if ($FailOnErrorMessage -and $exportJob.ErrorMessage) {
        $messageString = "The request against LCS succeeded, but the response was an error message for the operation: <c='em'>$($exportJob.ErrorMessage)</c>."
        $errorMessagePayload = "`r`n$($exportJob | ConvertTo-Json)"
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message $messageString -Exception $([System.Exception]::new($($errorMessagePayload))) -Target $exportJob
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors." -Exception $([System.Exception]::new($($errorMessagePayload))) -Target $exportJob

    $temp = [PSCustomObject]@{ EnvironmentId = "$SourceEnvironmentId"; OperationStatus = "NotStarted"; }
    #Hack to silence the PSScriptAnalyzer
    $temp | Out-Null
    $exportJob | Select-PSFObject *, "OperationActivityId as ActivityId", "EnvironmentId from temp as EnvironmentId", "OperationStatus from temp as OperationStatus" -TypeName "D365FO.TOOLS.LCS.Database.Operation.Status"

    if (-not $SkipInitialStatusFetch) {
        Get-D365LcsDatabaseOperationStatus -ProjectId $ProjectId -BearerToken $BearerToken -OperationActivityId $($exportJob.OperationActivityId) -EnvironmentId $SourceEnvironmentId -LcsApiUri $LcsApiUri -WaitForCompletion:$false -SleepInSeconds 60

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End