
        Update the "model.xml" from the bacpac file to a single table
        Update the "model.xml" file from inside the bacpac file to only handle a single table
        This can be used to restore a single table as fast as possible to a new data
        The table will be created like ordinary bacpac restore, expect it will only have the raw table definition and indexes, all other objects are dropped
        The output can be used directly with the Import-D365Bacpac cmdlet and its ModelFile parameter, see the example sections for more details
        Path to the bacpac file that you want to work against
        It can also be a zip file
    .PARAMETER Table
        Name of the table that you want to be kept inside the model file when the update is done
    .PARAMETER Schema
        Schema where the table that you want to work against exists
        The default value is "dbo"
    .PARAMETER OutputPath
        Path to where you want the updated bacpac model file to be saved
        Default value is: "c:\temp\"
    .PARAMETER Force
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to overwrite the bacpac model file specified in the OutputPath
        PS C:\> Update-D365BacpacModelFileSingleTable -Path "c:\temp\\bacpac.model.xml" -Table "SalesTable"
        This will create an updated bacpac.model.xml file with only the SalesTable to be imported.
        It will read the "c:\temp\\bacpac.model.xml" file.
        It will use the default "dbo" as the Schema parameter.
        It will use the "SalesTable" as the Table parameter.
        It will use the "c:\temp\\dbo.salestable.model.xml" as the default path for OutputPath parameter.
        PS C:\> Update-D365BacpacModelFileSingleTable -Path "c:\temp\\bacpac.model.xml" -Table "CommissionSalesGroup" -Schema "AX"
        This will create an updated bacpac.model.xml file with only the "CommissionSalesGroup", from the "AX" schema, to be imported.
        It will read the "c:\temp\\bacpac.model.xml" file.
        It will use the "AX" as the Schema for the table.
        It will use the "CommissionSalesGroup" as the Table parameter.
        It will use the "c:\temp\\ax.CommissionSalesGroup.model.xml" as the default path for OutputPath parameter.
        PS C:\> Update-D365BacpacModelFileSingleTable -Path "c:\temp\\bacpac.model.xml" -Table "SalesTable" -OutputPath "c:\temp\troubleshoot.xml"
        This will create an updated bacpac.model.xml file with only the SalesTable to be imported.
        It will read the "c:\temp\\bacpac.model.xml" file.
        It will use the default "dbo" as the Schema parameter.
        It will use the "SalesTable" as the Table parameter.
        It will use the "c:\temp\troubleshoot.xml" as the path for OutputPath parameter.
        PS C:\> Export-D365BacpacModelFile -Path "c:\Temp\AxDB.bacpac" | Update-D365BacpacModelFileSingleTable -Table SalesTable
        This will create an updated bacpac.model.xml file with only the SalesTable to be imported.
        It will read the bacpac model file generated from the Export-D365BacpacModelFile cmdlet.
        It will use the default "dbo" as the Schema parameter.
        It will use the "SalesTable" as the Table parameter.
        It will use the "c:\temp\\dbo.salestable.model.xml" as the default path for OutputPath parameter.
        PS C:\> Update-D365BacpacModelFileSingleTable -Path "c:\temp\\bacpac.model.xml" -Table "SalesTable" -Force
        This will create an updated bacpac.model.xml file with only the SalesTable to be imported.
        It will read the "c:\temp\\bacpac.model.xml" file.
        It will use the default "dbo" as the Schema parameter.
        It will use the "SalesTable" as the Table parameter.
        It will use the "c:\temp\\dbo.salestable.model.xml" as the default path for OutputPath parameter.
        It will overwrite the "c:\temp\\dbo.salestable.model.xml" if it already exists.
        Tags: Bacpac, Servicing, Data, SqlPackage, Import, Table, Troubleshooting
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Update-D365BacpacModelFileSingleTable {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [string] $Path,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Table,

        [string] $Schema = "dbo",

        [string] $OutputPath = $Script:DefaultTempPath,

        [switch] $Force
    begin {
        Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

        if ([System.IO.File]::GetAttributes($OutputPath).HasFlag([System.IO.FileAttributes]::Directory)) {
            $OutputPath = Join-Path -Path $OutputPath -ChildPath "$Schema.$Table.model.xml"
        if (-not $Force) {
            if ((-not (Test-PathExists -Path $OutputPath -Type Leaf -ShouldNotExist -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue))) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The <c='em'>$OutputPath</c> already exists. Consider changing the <c='em'>OutputPath</c> path or set the <c='em'>Force</c> parameter to overwrite the file."

        if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }

        if ($Schema -NotLike "[*]") {
            $Schema = "[$Schema]"
        if ($Table -NotLike "[*]") {
            $Table = "[$Table]"

    process {
        if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $Path -Type Leaf)) { return }

        if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }
        $xmlFile = [System.Xml.XmlReader]::Create($Path)

        $settings = [System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings]::new()
        $settings.Indent = $true
        $settings.Encoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new($false)
        $outFile = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($OutputPath, $settings)

        while ($xmlFile.Read()) {

            if ($xmlFile.NodeType -in "XmlDeclaration", "ProcessingInstruction") {
                $outFile.WriteProcessingInstruction($xmlFile.Name, $xmlFile.Value)
            elseif ($xmlFile.NodeType -eq "Element" -and $xmlFile.Name -eq "DataSchemaModel") {
                $outFile.WriteStartElement($, "")
                if ($xmlFile.HasAttributes) {
                    while ($xmlFile.MoveToNextAttribute()) {
                        if ($ -ne "xmlns") {
                            $outFile.WriteAttributeString($xmlFile.Name, $xmlFile.Value)
            elseif ($xmlFile.NodeType -eq "Element" -and $xmlFile.Name -eq "Model") {
            elseif ($xmlFile.NodeType -eq "Element" -and $xmlFile.Depth -eq 2) {
                $rawElement = $($xmlFile.ReadOuterXml() -replace 'xmlns=".*"', '')
                if (-not $($rawElement -match 'Type="(?<Type>.*?)".*?>')) {

                if ($Matches.Type -NotIn "SqlSchema", "SqlTable", "SqlDatabaseOptions", "SqlGenericDatabaseScopedConfigurationOptions", "SqlIndex") {
                if ($Matches.Type -eq "SqlSchema") {
                    if (-not $($rawElement -match 'Name="(?<Name>.*?)".*?>')) {
                    if ($Matches.Name -ne $Schema) {

                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "SqlSchema found" -Target $rawElement

                if ($Matches.Type -eq "SqlTable") {
                    if (-not $($rawElement -match 'Name="(?<Name>.*?)".*?>')) {
                    if ($Matches.Name -ne "$Schema.$Table") {
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "SqlTable found" -Target $rawElement

                    $rawElement = $rawElement -replace "\s*.*<AttachedAnnotation Disambiguator=`".*`".*/>", ""
                if ($Matches.Type -eq "SqlIndex") {
                    if (-not $($rawElement -match 'Name="(?<Name>.*?)".*?>')) {
                    if (-not $Matches.Name.StartsWith("$Schema.$Table", [System.StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) {

                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "SqlIndex found" -Target $rawElement
            else {
                if ($xmlFile.NodeType -eq "EndElement" -and $xmlFile.Name -in "Model", "DataSchemaModel") {

            File     = $OutputPath
            Filename = $(Split-Path -Path $OutputPath -Leaf)
    end {
        if ($outFile) {

        if ($xmlFile) {

        Invoke-TimeSignal -End