
        Assign D365 Security configuration
        Assign the same security configuration as the ADMIN user in the D365FO database
    .PARAMETER sqlCommand
        The SQL Command object that should be used when assigning the permissions
        Id of the user inside the D365FO database
        PS C:\> $SqlParams = @{
        DatabaseServer = "localhost"
        DatabaseName = "AXDB"
        SqlUser = "sqladmin"
        SqlPwd = "Pass@word1"
        TrustedConnection = $false
        PS C:\> $SqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand @SqlParams
        PS C:\> Add-AadUserSecurity -SqlCommand $SqlCommand -Id "TestUser"
        This will create a new Sql Command object using the Get-SqlCommand cmdlet and the $SqlParams hashtable containing all the needed parameters.
        With the $SqlCommand in place it calls the Add-AadUserSecurity cmdlet and instructs it to update the "TestUser" to have the same security configuration as the ADMIN user.
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Add-AadUserSecurity {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand] $SqlCommand,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Id

    $commandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\Set-AadUserSecurityInD365FO.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine
    $sqlCommand.CommandText = $commandText

    $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@Id", $Id)

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Setting security roles in D365FO database"

    Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)

    $differenceBetweenNewUserAndAdmin = $sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Difference between new user and admin security roles $differenceBetweenNewUserAndAdmin" -Target $differenceBetweenNewUserAndAdmin

    $differenceBetweenNewUserAndAdmin -eq 0

        Backup a file
        Backup a file in the same directory as the original file with a suffix
        Path to the file that you want to backup
    .PARAMETER Suffix
        The suffix value that you want to append to the file name when backing it up
        PS C:\> Backup-File -File c:\temp\\test.txt -Suffix "Original"
        This will backup the "test.txt" file as "test_Original.txt" inside "c:\temp\\"
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Backup-File {

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $File,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Suffix

    $FileBackup = Get-BackupName $File $Suffix
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Backing up $File to $FileBackup" -Target (@($File, $FileBackup))
    (Get-Content -Path $File) | Set-Content -path $FileBackup

        Complete the upload action in LCS
        Signal to LCS that the upload of the blob has completed
    .PARAMETER Token
        The token to be used for the http request against the LCS API
    .PARAMETER ProjectId
        The project id for the Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations project inside LCS
    .PARAMETER AssetId
        The unique id of the asset / file that you are trying to upload to LCS
    .PARAMETER LcsApiUri
        URI / URL to the LCS API you want to use
        PS C:\> Complete-LcsUpload -Token "Bearer JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd..." -ProjectId 123456789 -AssetId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae" -LcsApiUri ""
        This will commit the upload process for the AssetId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae" in the LCS project with Id 123456789.
        The http request will be using the "Bearer JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd..." token for authentication against the LCS API.
        The http request will be going to the LcsApiUri "" (NON-EUROPE).
        Tags: Environment, Url, Config, Configuration, LCS, Upload, Api, AAD, Token
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Complete-LcsUpload {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    $client = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Http.HttpClient

    $commitFileUri = "$LcsApiUri/box/fileasset/CommitFileAsset/$($ProjectId)?assetId=$AssetId"

    $request = New-JsonRequest -Uri $commitFileUri -Token $Token
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Sending the commit request against LCS" -Target $request

    try {
        $commitResult = Get-AsyncResult -Task $client.SendAsync($request)

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Parsing the commitResult for success" -Target $commitResult
        if (($commitResult.StatusCode -ne [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::NoContent) -and ($commitResult.StatusCode -ne [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::OK)) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The LCS API returned an http error code" -Exception $PSItem.Exception -Target $commitResult
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors" -StepsUpward 1
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the LCS API" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors" -StepsUpward 1

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End


        Convert HashTable into an array
        Convert HashTable with switches inside into an array of Key:Value
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The HashTable object that you want to work against
        Shold only contain Key / Vaule, where value is $true or $false
    .PARAMETER KeyPrefix
        The prefix that you want to append to the key of the HashTable
        The default value is "-"
    .PARAMETER ValuePrefix
        The prefix that you want to append to the value of the HashTable
        The default value is ":"
    .PARAMETER KeepCase
        Instruct the cmdlet to keep the naming case of the properties from the hashtable
        Default value is: $true
        PS C:\> $params = @{NoPrompt = $true; CreateParents = $false}
        PS C:\> $arguments = Convert-HashToArgStringSwitch -Inputs $params
        This will convert the $params into an array of strings, each with the "-Key:Value" pattern.
        PS C:\> $params = @{NoPrompt = $true; CreateParents = $false}
        PS C:\> $arguments = Convert-HashToArgStringSwitch -InputObject $params -KeyPrefix "&" -ValuePrefix "="
        This will convert the $params into an array of strings, each with the "&Key=Value" pattern.
        Tags: HashTable, Arguments
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Convert-HashToArgStringSwitch {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter", "")]
    param (
        [HashTable] $InputObject,

        [string] $KeyPrefix = "-",

        [string] $ValuePrefix = ":",

        [switch] $KeepCase = $true

    foreach ($key in $InputObject.Keys) {
        $value = "{0}" -f $InputObject.Item($key).ToString()
        if (-not $KeepCase) {$value = $value.ToLower()}

        Convert an object to boolean
        Convert an object to boolean or default it to the specified boolean value
    .PARAMETER Object
        Input object that you want to work against
    .PARAMETER Default
        The default boolean value you want returned if the convert / cast fails
        PS C:\> ConvertTo-BooleanOrDefault -Object "1" -Default $true
        This will try and convert the "1" value to a boolean value.
        If the convert would fail, it would return the default value $true.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function ConvertTo-BooleanOrDefault {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingEmptyCatchBlock', '')]
    param (
        [Object] $Object,

        [Boolean] $Default

    [boolean] $result = $Default;
    $stringTrue = @("yes", "true", "ok", "y")

    $stringFalse = @( "no", "false", "n")

    try {
        if (-not ($null -eq $Object) ) {
            switch ($Object.ToString().ToLower()) {
                {$stringTrue -contains $_} {
                    $result = $true
                {$stringFalse -contains $_} {
                    $result = $false
                default {
                    $result = [System.Boolean]::Parser($Object.ToString())
    catch {


        Convert an object into a HashTable
        Convert an object into a HashTable, can be used with json objects to create a HashTable
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The object you want to convert
        PS C:\> $jsonString = '{"Test1": "Test1","Test2": "Test2"}'
        PS C:\> $jsonString | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-Hashtable
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        Original Author: Adam Bertram (@techsnips_io)
        Original blog post with the function explained:

function ConvertTo-Hashtable {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly', '')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseCmdletCorrectly', '')]
    param (

    process {
        ## Return null if the input is null. This can happen when calling the function
        ## recursively and a property is null
        if ($null -eq $InputObject) {
            return $null

        ## Check if the input is an array or collection. If so, we also need to convert
        ## those types into hash tables as well. This function will convert all child
        ## objects into hash tables (if applicable)
        if ($InputObject -is [System.Collections.IEnumerable] -and $InputObject -isnot [string]) {
            $collection = @(
                foreach ($object in $InputObject) {
                    ConvertTo-Hashtable -InputObject $object

            ## Return the array but don't enumerate it because the object may be pretty complex
            Write-Output -NoEnumerate $collection
        elseif ($InputObject -is [psobject]) {
            ## If the object has properties that need enumeration
            ## Convert it to its own hash table and return it
            $hash = @{}
            foreach ($property in $InputObject.PSObject.Properties) {
                $hash[$property.Name] = ConvertTo-Hashtable -InputObject $property.Value
        else {
            ## If the object isn't an array, collection, or other object, it's already a hash table
            ## So just return it.

        Convert a Hashtable into a PSCustomObject
        Convert a Hashtable into a PSCustomObject
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The hashtable you want to convert
        PS C:\> $params = @{SqlUser = ""; SqlPwd = ""}
        PS C:\> $params | ConvertTo-PsCustomObject
        This will create a hashtable with 2 properties.
        It will convert the hashtable into a PSCustomObject
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        Original blog post with the function explained:

function ConvertTo-PsCustomObject {
    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [object[]] $InputObject
    begin { $i = 0 }
    process {
        foreach ($myHashtable in $InputObject) {
            if ($myHashtable.GetType().Name -eq 'hashtable') {
                $output = New-Object -TypeName PsObject
                Add-Member -InputObject $output -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name AddNote -Value {
                    Add-Member -InputObject $this -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $args[0] -Value $args[1]

                $myHashtable.Keys | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object {
                    $output.AddNote($_, $myHashtable.$_)

            elseif ($myHashtable.GetType().Name -eq 'OrderedDictionary') {
                $output = New-Object -TypeName PsObject
                Add-Member -InputObject $output -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name AddNote -Value {
                    Add-Member -InputObject $this -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $args[0] -Value $args[1]

                $myHashtable.Keys | ForEach-Object {
                    $output.AddNote($_, $myHashtable.$_)

            else {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message "Index `$i is not of type [hashtable]" -Target $i

            $i += 1

        Copy local file to Azure Blob Storage
        Copy local file to Azure Blob Storage that is used by LCS
    .PARAMETER FilePath
        Path to the file you want to upload to the Azure Blob storage
    .PARAMETER FullUri
        The full URI, including SAS token and Policy Permissions to the blob
        PS C:\> Copy-FileToLcsBlob -FilePath "C:\temp\\GOLDEN.bacpac" -FullUri ""
        This will upload the "C:\temp\\GOLDEN.bacpac" to the "" Blob Storage location.
        It is required that the FullUri contains all the needed SAS tokens and Policy Permissions for the upload to succeed.
        Tags: Azure Blob, LCS, Upload
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Copy-FileToLcsBlob {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Initializing the needed .net objects to work against Azure Blob." -Target $FullUri
    $cloudblob = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlockBlob -ArgumentList @($FullUri)

    try {
        $uploadResult = Get-AsyncResult -Task $cloudblob.UploadFromFileAsync([System.String]$FilePath)
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while uploading the desired file to Azure Blob." -Exception $PSItem.Exception -Target $FullUri
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Load all necessary information about the D365 instance
        Load all servicing dll files from the D365 instance into memory
        PS C:\> Get-ApplicationEnvironment
        This will load all the different dll files into memory.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-ApplicationEnvironment {
    [System.Collections.ArrayList] $Files2Process = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"

    $AOSPath = Join-Path $script:ServiceDrive "\AOSService\webroot\bin"
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Testing if we are running on a AOS server or not."
    if (-not (Test-Path -Path $AOSPath -PathType Container)) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "The machine is NOT an AOS server."
        $MRPath = Join-Path $script:ServiceDrive "MRProcessService\MRInstallDirectory\Server\Services"
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Testing if we are running on a BI / MR server or not."
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $MRPath -PathType Container)) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "It seems that you ran this cmdlet on a machine that doesn't have the assemblies needed to obtain system details. Most likely you ran it on a <c='em'>personal workstation / personal computer</c>."
        else {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "The machine is a BI / MR server."
            $BasePath = $MRPath

            $null = $Files2Process.Add((Join-Path $script:ServiceDrive "Monitoring\Instrumentation\Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Authentication.Instrumentation.dll"))
    else {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "The machine is an AOS server."
        $BasePath = $AOSPath

        $null = $Files2Process.Add((Join-Path $BasePath "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Authentication.Instrumentation.dll"))

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Shadow cloning all relevant assemblies to the Microsoft.Dynamics.ApplicationPlatform.Environment.dll to avoid locking issues. This enables us to install updates while having loaded"
    $null = $Files2Process.Add((Join-Path $BasePath "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Configuration.Base.dll"))
    $null = $Files2Process.Add((Join-Path $BasePath "Microsoft.Dynamics.BusinessPlatform.SharedTypes.dll"))
    $null = $Files2Process.Add((Join-Path $BasePath "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.EncryptionEngine.dll"))
    $null = $Files2Process.Add((Join-Path $BasePath "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Security.Instrumentation.dll"))
    $null = $Files2Process.Add((Join-Path $BasePath "Microsoft.Dynamics.ApplicationPlatform.Environment.dll"))

    Import-AssemblyFileIntoMemory -Path $($Files2Process.ToArray())

    if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "All assemblies loaded. Getting environment details."
    $environment = [Microsoft.Dynamics.ApplicationPlatform.Environment.EnvironmentFactory]::GetApplicationEnvironment()

        Simple abstraction to handle asynchronous executions
        Simple abstraction to handle asynchronous executions for several other cmdlets
        The task you want to work / wait for to complete
        PS C:\> $client = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Http.HttpClient
        PS C:\> Get-AsyncResult -Task $client.SendAsync($request)
        This will take the client (http) and have it send a request using the asynchronous pattern.
        Tags: Async, Waiter, Wait
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-AsyncResult {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [object] $Task

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Building the Task Waiter and start waiting." -Target $Task

        Get the Azure Service Objectives
        Get the current tiering details from the Azure SQL Database instance
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user.
        PS C:\> Get-AzureServiceObjective -DatabaseServer -DatabaseName AxDB -SqlUser User123 -SqlPwd "Password123"
        This will get the Azure service objective details from the Azure SQL Database instance located at ""
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-AzureServiceObjective {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $SqlUser,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $SqlPwd
    $sqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand @PsBoundParameters -TrustedConnection $false

    $commandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\get-azureserviceobjective.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine

    $sqlCommand.CommandText = $commandText

    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)


        $reader = $sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()
        if ($reader.Read() -eq $true) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Extracting details from the result retrieved from the Azure DB instance"

            $edition = $reader.GetString(1)
            $serviceObjective = $reader.GetString(2)

                DatabaseEdition          = $edition
                DatabaseServiceObjective = $serviceObjective
        else {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The query to detect <c='em'>edition</c> and <c='em'>service objectives</c> from the Azure DB instance <c='em'>failed</c>."
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing parameters"
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

        Get a backup name for the file
        Generate a backup name for the file parsed
        Path to the file that you want a backup name for
    .PARAMETER Suffix
        The name that you want to put into the new backup file name
        PS C:\> Get-BackupName -File "C:\temp\\Test.txt" -Suffix "Original"
        The function will return "C:\temp\\Test_Original.txt"
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-BackupName {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $File,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Suffix

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Getting backup name for file: $File" -Tag $File

    $FileInfo = [System.IO.FileInfo]::new($File)

    $BackupName = "{0}{1}_{2}{3}" -f $FileInfo.Directory, $FileInfo.BaseName, $Suffix, $FileInfo.Extension
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Backup name for the file will be $BackupName" -Tag $BackupName

        Load the Canonical Identity Provider
        Load the necessary dll files from the D365 instance to get the Canonical Identity Provider object
        PS C:\> Get-CanonicalIdentityProvider
        This will get the Canonical Identity Provider from the D365 instance
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-CanonicalIdentityProvider {
    param ()
    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Loading dll files to do some work against the CanonicalIdentityProvider."

        Add-Type -Path "$Script:AOSPath\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.EncryptionEngine.dll"
        Add-Type -Path "$Script:AOSPath\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Security.AuthenticationCommon.dll"

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Executing the CanonicalIdentityProvider lookup logic."
        $Identity = [Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Security.AuthenticationCommon.AadHelper]::GetIdentityProvider()
        $Provider = [Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Security.AuthenticationCommon.AadHelper]::GetCanonicalIdentityProvider($Identity)

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "CanonicalIdentityProvider is: $Provider" -Tag $Provider

        return $Provider
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the CanonicalIdentityProvider." -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

        Clone a hashtable
        Create a deep clone of a hashtable for you to work on it without updating the original object
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The hashtable you want to clone
        PS C:\> Get-DeepClone -InputObject $HashTable
        This will clone the $HashTable variable into a new object and return it to you.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-DeepClone {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly', '')]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        if($InputObject -is [hashtable]) {

            $clone = @{}

            foreach($key in $InputObject.keys)
                $clone[$key] = Get-DeepClone $InputObject[$key]

        } else {

        Get the file version details
        Get the file version details for any given file
        Path to the file that you want to extract the file version details from
        PS C:\> Get-FileVersion -Path "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsAX\Bin\AxServ32.exe"
        This will get the file version details for the AX AOS executable (AxServ32.exe).
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        Inspired by

function Get-FileVersion {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Path

    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $Path -Type Leaf)) { return }

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Extracting the file properties for: $Path" -Target $Path
    $Filepath = Get-Item -Path $Path

        FileVersion           = $Filepath.VersionInfo.FileVersion
        ProductVersion        = $Filepath.VersionInfo.ProductVersion
        FileVersionUpdated    = "$($Filepath.VersionInfo.FileMajorPart).$($Filepath.VersionInfo.FileMinorPart).$($Filepath.VersionInfo.FileBuildPart).$($Filepath.VersionInfo.FilePrivatePart)"
        ProductVersionUpdated = "$($Filepath.VersionInfo.ProductMajorPart).$($Filepath.VersionInfo.ProductMinorPart).$($Filepath.VersionInfo.ProductBuildPart).$($Filepath.VersionInfo.ProductPrivatePart)"

        Get the identity provider
        Execute a web request to get the identity provider for the given email address
    .PARAMETER Email
        Email address on the account that you want to get the Identity Provider details about
        PS C:\> Get-IdentityProvider -Email ""
        This will get the Identity Provider details for the user account with the email address ""
        Author : Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author : M�tz Jensen (@splaxi)

function Get-IdentityProvider {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
    $tenant = Get-TenantFromEmail $Email

    try {
        $webRequest = New-WebRequest "$tenant/.well-known/openid-configuration" $null "GET"

        $response = $WebRequest.GetResponse()

        if ($response.StatusCode -eq [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::Ok) {

            $stream = $response.GetResponseStream()
            $streamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($stream);
            $openIdConfig = $streamReader.ReadToEnd()
        else {
            $statusDescription = $response.StatusDescription
            throw "Https status code : $statusDescription"

        $openIdConfigJSON = ConvertFrom-Json $openIdConfig

    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while executing the web request" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

        Get the instance provider from the D365FO instance
        Get the instance provider from the dll files used for encryption and authentication for D365FO
        PS C:\> Get-InstanceIdentityProvider
        This will return the Instance Identity Provider based on the D365FO instance.
        Author : Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author : M�tz Jensen (@splaxi)

function Get-InstanceIdentityProvider {

    $files = @("$Script:AOSPath\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.EncryptionEngine.dll",

    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $files -Type Leaf)) {

    try {
        Add-Type -Path $files

        $Identity = [Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Security.AuthenticationCommon.AadHelper]::GetIdentityProvider()
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "The found instance identity provider is: $Identity" -Target $Identity

    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the Identity provider" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

        Get the Azure Database instance values
        Extract the PlanId, TenantId and PlanCapability from the Azure Database instance
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user.
    .PARAMETER TrustedConnection
        Should the connection use a Trusted Connection or not
        PS C:\> Get-InstanceValues -DatabaseServer SQLServer -DatabaseName AXDB -SqlUser "SqlAdmin" -SqlPwd "Pass@word1"
        This will extract the PlanId, TenantId and PlanCapability from the AXDB on the SQLServer, using the "SqlAdmin" credentials to do so.
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-InstanceValues {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $SqlUser,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $SqlPwd,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [boolean] $TrustedConnection
    $sqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand @PsBoundParameters

    $commandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\get-instancevalues.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine

    $sqlCommand.CommandText = $commandText

    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)


        $reader = $sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()
        if ($reader.Read() -eq $true) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Extracting details from the result retrieved from the DB instance"

            $tenantId = $reader.GetString(0)
            $planId = $reader.GetGuid(1)
            $planCapability = $reader.GetString(2)

                TenantId       = $tenantId
                PlanId         = $planId
                PlanCapability = $planCapability
        else {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The query to detect <c='em'>TenantId</c>, <c='em'>PlanId</c> and <c='em'>PlanCapability</c> from the database <c='em'>failed</c>."
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing parameters"
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
    finally {

        Get the validation status from LCS
        Get the validation status for a given file in the Asset Library in LCS
    .PARAMETER ProjectId
        The project id for the Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations project inside LCS
    .PARAMETER BearerToken
        The token you want to use when working against the LCS api
    .PARAMETER AssetId
        The unique id of the asset / file that you are trying to deploy from LCS
    .PARAMETER LcsApiUri
        URI / URL to the LCS API you want to use
        PS C:\> Get-LcsAssetValidationStatus -ProjectId 123456789 -BearerToken "JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd..." -AssetId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae" -LcsApiUri ""
        This will check the file with the AssetId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae" in validated or not.
        It will test against the Asset Library located under the LCS project 123456789.
        The BearerToken "JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd..." is used to authenticate against the LCS API endpoint.
        The file will be named "ReadyForTesting" inside the Asset Library in LCS.
        The file is validated against the NON-EUROPE LCS API.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-LcsAssetValidationStatus {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [int] $ProjectId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)]
        [string] $BearerToken,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 3)]
        [string] $AssetId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 4)]
        [string] $LcsApiUri

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start
    $client = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Http.HttpClient

    $checkUri = "$LcsApiUri/box/fileasset/GetFileAssetValidationStatus/$($ProjectId)?assetId=$AssetId"

    $request = New-JsonRequest -Uri $checkUri -Token $BearerToken -HttpMethod "GET"

    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoke LCS request." -Target $request
        $result = Get-AsyncResult -task $client.SendAsync($request)

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Extracting the response received from LCS."
        $responseString = Get-AsyncResult -task $result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Extracting the response received from LCS." -Target $responseString
        $asset = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $responseString -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Extracting the asset json response received from LCS." -Target $asset
        if (-not ($result.StatusCode -eq [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::OK)) {
            if (($asset) -and ($asset.Message)) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Error creating new file asset." -Target $($asset.Message)
                Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
            else {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "API Call returned $($result.StatusCode)." -Target $($result.ReasonPhrase)
                Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

        if (-not ($asset.Id)) {
            if ($asset.Message) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Error creating new file asset." -Target $($asset.Message)
                Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
            else {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Unknown error creating new file asset." -Target $asset
                Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the LCS API." -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End


        Get the status of a LCS deployment
        Get the deployment status for an environment in LCS
    .PARAMETER Token
        The token to be used for the http request against the LCS API
    .PARAMETER ProjectId
        The project id for the Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations project inside LCS
    .PARAMETER BearerToken
        The token you want to use when working against the LCS api
    .PARAMETER ActionHistoryId
        The unique id of the action you got from when starting the deployment to the environment
    .PARAMETER EnvironmentId
        The unique id of the environment that you want to work against
        The Id can be located inside the LCS portal
    .PARAMETER LcsApiUri
        URI / URL to the LCS API you want to use
        PS C:\> Get-LcsDeploymentStatus -Token "Bearer JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd..." -ProjectId 123456789 -ActionHistoryId 123456789 -EnvironmentId "13cc7700-c13b-4ea3-81cd-2d26fa72ec5e" -LcsApiUri ""
        This will start the deployment of the file located in the Asset Library with the AssetId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae" in the LCS project with Id 123456789.
        The http request will be using the "Bearer JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd..." token for authentication against the LCS API.
        The http request will be going to the LcsApiUri "" (NON-EUROPE).
        Tags: Environment, Url, Config, Configuration, LCS, Upload, Api, AAD, Token, Deployment, Deployable Package
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-LcsDeploymentStatus {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [int] $ProjectId,
        [string] $BearerToken,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $ActionHistoryId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $EnvironmentId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $LcsApiUri

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Json payload for LCS generated." -Target $jsonFile
    $client = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Http.HttpClient

    $deployStatusUri = "$LcsApiUri/environment/servicing/v1/monitorupdate/$($ProjectId)?environmentId=$EnvironmentId&actionHistoryId=$ActionHistoryId"

    $request = New-JsonRequest -Uri $deployStatusUri -Token $BearerToken -HttpMethod "GET"

    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoke LCS request."
        $result = Get-AsyncResult -task $client.SendAsync($request)

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Extracting the response received from LCS."
        $responseString = Get-AsyncResult -task $result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()

        $deploymentStatus = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $responseString -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Extracting the response received from LCS."
        if (-not ($result.StatusCode -eq [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::OK)) {
            if (($deploymentStatus) -and ($deploymentStatus.Message)) {
                $errorText = ""
                if ($deploymentStatus.ActivityId) {
                    $errorText = "Error $( $deploymentStatus.LcsErrorCode) in request for status of environment servicing action: '$( $deploymentStatus.Message)' (Activity Id: '$( $deploymentStatus.ActivityId)')"
                else {
                    $errorText = "Error $( $deploymentStatus.LcsErrorCode) in request for status of environment servicing action: '$( $deploymentStatus.Message)'"
            elseif ($deploymentStatus.ActivityId) {
                $errorText = "API Call returned $($result.StatusCode): $($result.ReasonPhrase) (Activity Id: '$($deploymentStatus.ActivityId)')"
            else {
                $errorText = "API Call returned $($result.StatusCode): $($result.ReasonPhrase)"

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Error creating new file asset." -Target $($deploymentStatus.Message)
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message $errorText -Target $($result.ReasonPhrase)
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

        if (-not ( $deploymentStatus.LcsEnvironmentActionStatus)) {
            if ( $deploymentStatus.Message) {
                $errorText = "Error in request for status of environment servicing action: '$( $deploymentStatus.Message)' (Activity Id: '$( $deploymentStatus.ActivityId)')"
            elseif ( $deploymentStatus.ActivityId) {
                $errorText = "Error in request for status of environment servicing action. Activity Id: '$($activity.ActivityId)'"
            else {
                $errorText = "Unknown error in request for status of environment servicing action"

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Unknown error creating new file asset." -Target $deploymentStatus
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message $errorText -Target $($result.ReasonPhrase)
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the LCS API." -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Get the login name from the e-mail address
        Extract the login name from the e-mail address by substring everything before the @ character
    .PARAMETER Email
        The e-mail address that you want to get the login name from
        PS C:\> Get-LoginFromEmail -Email
        This will substring the e-mail address and return "Claire" as the result
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-LoginFromEmail {
    param (

    $email.Substring(0, $Email.LastIndexOf('@')).Trim()

        Get the network domain from the e-mail
        Get the network domain provider (Azure) for the e-mail / user
    .PARAMETER Email
        The e-mail that you want to retrieve the provider for
        PS C:\> Get-NetworkDomain -Email ""
        This will return the provider registered with the "" e-mail address.
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-NetworkDomain {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]

    $tenant = Get-TenantFromEmail $Email
    $provider = Get-InstanceIdentityProvider
    $canonicalIdentityProvider = Get-CanonicalIdentityProvider

    if ($Provider.ToLower().Contains($Tenant.ToLower()) -eq $True) {
    else {

        Get the product information
        Get the product information object from the environment
        PS C:\> Get-ProductInfoProvider
        This will get the product information object and return it
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-ProductInfoProvider {
    Add-Type -Path "$Script:AOSPath\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.BusinessPlatform.ProductInformation.Provider.dll"


        Get the list of Dynamics 365 services
        Get the list of Dynamics 365 service names based on the parameters
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to output all service names
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to output the aos service name
    .PARAMETER Batch
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to output the batch service name
    .PARAMETER FinancialReporter
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to output the financial reporter service name
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to output the data management service name
        PS C:\> Get-ServiceList -All
        This will return all services for an D365 environment
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

Function Get-ServiceList {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter", "")]
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 2 )]
        [switch] $All = $true,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 2 )]
        [switch] $Aos,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 3 )]
        [switch] $Batch,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 4 )]
        [switch] $FinancialReporter,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 5 )]
        [switch] $DMF

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Specific") {
        $All = $false

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "The PSBoundParameters was" -Target $PSBoundParameters

    $aosname = "w3svc"
    $batchname = "DynamicsAxBatch"
    $financialname = "MR2012ProcessService"
    $dmfname = "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Tools.DMF.SSISHelperService.exe"

    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Services = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"

    if ($All) {
        $null = $Services.AddRange(@($aosname, $batchname, $financialname, $dmfname))
    else {
        if ($Aos) {
            $null = $Services.Add($aosname)
        if ($Batch) {
            $null = $Services.Add($batchname)
        if ($FinancialReporter) {
            $null = $Services.Add($financialname)
        if ($DMF) {
            $null = $Services.Add($dmfname)


        Get a SqlCommand object
        Get a SqlCommand object initialized with the passed parameters
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user.
    .PARAMETER TrustedConnection
        Should the connection use a Trusted Connection or not
        PS C:\> Get-SqlCommand -DatabaseServer localhost -DatabaseName AxDB -SqlUser User123 -SqlPwd "Password123" -TrustedConnection $true
        This will initialize a new SqlCommand object (.NET type) with localhost as the server name, AxDB as the database and the User123 sql credentials.
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-SQLCommand {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $SqlUser,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $SqlPwd,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [boolean] $TrustedConnection

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message "Writing the bound parameters" -Target $PsBoundParameters
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Params = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"

    $null = $Params.Add("Server='$DatabaseServer';")
    $null = $Params.Add("Database='$DatabaseName';")

    if ($null -eq $TrustedConnection -or (-not $TrustedConnection)) {
        $null = $Params.Add("User='$SqlUser';")
        $null = $Params.Add("Password='$SqlPwd';")
    else {
        $null = $Params.Add("Integrated Security='SSPI';")

    $null = $Params.Add("Application Name=''")
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Building the SQL connection string." -Target ($Params -join ",")
    $sqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection

    try {
        $sqlConnection.ConnectionString = ($Params -join "")

        $sqlCommand = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
        $sqlCommand.Connection = $sqlConnection
        $sqlCommand.CommandTimeout = 0
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working with the sql server connection objects" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

        Get the size from the parameter
        Get the size from the parameter based on its datatype and value
    .PARAMETER SqlParameter
        The SqlParameter object that you want to get the size from
        PS C:\> $SqlCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
        PS C:\> $SqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Parm1", "1234")
        PS C:\> Get-SqlParameterSize -SqlParameter $SqlCmd.Parameters[0]
        This will extract the size from the first parameter from the SqlCommand object and return it as a formatted string.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-SqlParameterSize {
    param (
        [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter] $SqlParameter

    $res = ""

    $stringSizeTypes = @(

    if ( $stringSizeTypes -contains $SqlParameter.SqlDbType) {
        $res = "($($SqlParameter.Size))"


        Get the value from the parameter
        Get the value that is assigned to the SqlParameter object
    .PARAMETER SqlParameter
        The SqlParameter object that you want to work against
        PS C:\> $SqlCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
        PS C:\> $SqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Parm1", "1234")
        PS C:\> Get-SqlParameterValue -SqlParameter $SqlCmd.Parameters[0]
        This will extract the value from the first parameter from the SqlCommand object.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-SqlParameterValue {
    param (
        [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter] $SqlParameter

    $result = $null

    $stringEscaped = @(
    $stringNumbers = @([System.Data.SqlDbType]::Float, [System.Data.SqlDbType]::Decimal)
    switch ($SqlParameter.SqlDbType) {
        { $stringEscaped -contains $_ } {
            $result = "'{0}'" -f $SqlParameter.Value.ToString().Replace("'", "''")

        { [System.Data.SqlDbType]::Bit } {
            if ((ConvertTo-BooleanOrDefault -Object $SqlParameter.Value.ToString() -Default $true)) {
                $result = '1'
            else {
                $result = '0'
        { $stringNumbers -contains $_ } {
            $result = ([System.Double]$SqlParameter.Value).ToString([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture).Replace("'", "''")

        default {
            $result = $SqlParameter.Value.ToString().Replace("'", "''")


        Get an executable string from a SqlCommand object
        Get an formatted and valid string from a SqlCommand object that contains all variables
    .PARAMETER SqlCommand
        The SqlCommand object that you want to retrieve the string from
        PS C:\> $SqlCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
        PS C:\> $SqlCmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Column = @Parm1"
        PS C:\> $SqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Parm1", "1234")
        PS C:\> Get-SqlString -SqlCommand $SqlCmd
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-SqlString {
    param (
        [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand] $SqlCommand

    $sbDeclare = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
    $sbAssignment = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
    $sbRes = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()

    if ($SqlCommand.CommandType -eq [System.Data.CommandType]::Text) {
        if (-not ($null -eq $SqlCommand.Connection)) {
            $null = $sbDeclare.Append("USE [").Append($SqlCommand.Connection.Database).AppendLine("]")

        foreach ($parameter in $SqlCommand.Parameters) {
            if ($parameter.Direction -eq [System.Data.ParameterDirection]::Input) {
                $null = $sbDeclare.Append("DECLARE ").Append($parameter.ParameterName).Append("`t")
                $null = $sbDeclare.Append($parameter.SqlDbType.ToString().ToUpper())
                $null = $sbDeclare.AppendLine((Get-SqlParameterSize -SqlParameter $parameter))

                $null = $sbAssignment.Append("SET ").Append($parameter.ParameterName).Append(" = ").AppendLine((Get-SqlParameterValue -SqlParameter $parameter))
        $null = $sbRes.AppendLine($sbDeclare.ToString())
        $null = $sbRes.AppendLine($sbAssignment.ToString())
        $null = $sbRes.AppendLine($SqlCommand.CommandText)


        Get the tenant from e-mail address
        Get the tenant (domain) from an e-mail address
    .PARAMETER Email
        The e-mail address you want to get the tenant from
        PS C:\> Get-TenantFromEmail -Email ""
        This will return the tenant (domain) from the "" e-mail address.
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-TenantFromEmail {
    param (
        [string] $email

    $email.Substring($email.LastIndexOf('@') + 1).Trim();

        Get time zone
        Extract the time zone object from the supplied parameter
        Uses regex to determine whether or not the parameter is the ID or the DisplayName of a time zone
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        String value that you want converted into a time zone object
        PS C:\> Get-TimeZone -InputObject "UTC"
        This will return the time zone object based on the UTC id.
        Tag: Time, TimeZone,
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-TimeZone {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [string] $InputObject

    if ($InputObject -match "\s\-\s\[") {
        $search = [regex]::Split($InputObject, "\s\-\s\[")[0]

        [System.TimeZoneInfo]::GetSystemTimeZones() | Where-Object {$PSItem.DisplayName -eq $search} | Select-Object -First 1
    else {
        try {
        catch {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Unable to translate the <c='em'>$InputObject</c> to a known .NET timezone value. Please make sure you filled in a valid timezone."
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because timezone wasn't found." -StepsUpward 1

        Get the SID from an Azure Active Directory (AAD) user
        Get the generated SID that an Azure Active Directory (AAD) user will get in relation to Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations environment
    .PARAMETER SignInName
        The sign in name (email address) for the user that you want the SID from
    .PARAMETER Provider
        The provider connected to the sign in name
        PS C:\> Get-UserSIDFromAad -SignInName "" -Provider "ZXY"
        This will get the SID for Azure Active Directory user ""
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-UserSIDFromAad {
    param     (
        [string] $SignInName,
        [string] $Provider

    try {

        Add-Type -Path "$Script:AOSPath\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.BusinessPlatform.SharedTypes.dll"
        Add-Type -Path "$Script:AOSPath\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.ApplicationPlatform.PerformanceCounters.dll"
        Add-Type -Path "$Script:AOSPath\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.ApplicationPlatform.XppServices.Instrumentation.dll"
        Add-Type -Path "$Script:AOSPath\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Security.SidGenerator.dll"

        $SID = [Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Security.SidGenerator]::Generate($SignInName, $Provider)
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Generated SID: $SID" -Target $SID


    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

        Import an Azure Active Directory (AAD) user
        Import an Azure Active Directory (AAD) user into a Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations environment
    .PARAMETER SqlCommand
        The SQL Command object that should be used when importing the AAD user
    .PARAMETER SignInName
        The sign in name (email address) for the user that you want to import
        The name that the imported user should have inside the D365FO environment
        The ID that the imported user should have inside the D365FO environment
        The SID that correlates to the imported user inside the D365FO environment
    .PARAMETER StartUpCompany
        The default company (legal entity) for the imported user
    .PARAMETER IdentityProvider
        The provider for the imported to validated against
    .PARAMETER NetworkDomain
        The network domain of the imported user
    .PARAMETER ObjectId
        The Azure Active Directory object id for the imported user
        PS C:\> $SqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand -DatabaseServer localhost -DatabaseName AxDB -SqlUser User123 -SqlPwd "Password123"
        PS C:\> Import-AadUserIntoD365FO -SqlCommand $SqlCommand -SignInName "" -Name "Claire" -Id "claire" -SID "123XYZ" -StartupCompany "DAT" -IdentityProvider "XYZ" -NetworkDomain "" -ObjectId "123XYZ"
        This will get a SqlCommand object that will connect to the localhost server and the AXDB database, with the sql credential "User123".
        The SqlCommand object is passed to the Import-AadUserIntoD365FO along with all the necessary details for importing as an user into the D365FO environment.
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Import-AadUserIntoD365FO {
        [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand] $SqlCommand,

        [string] $SignInName,

        [string] $Name,

        [string] $Id,

        [string] $SID,

        [string] $StartUpCompany,

        [string] $IdentityProvider,

        [string] $NetworkDomain,

        [string] $ObjectId

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Testing the Email $signInName" -Target $signInName

    $UserFound = Test-AadUserInD365FO $sqlCommand $SignInName

    if ($UserFound -eq $false) {

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Testing the userid $Id" -Target $Id

        $idTaken = Test-AadUserIdInD365FO $sqlCommand $id

        if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }

        if ($idTaken -eq $false) {

            $userAdded = New-D365FOUser $sqlCommand $SignInName $Name $Id $Sid $StartUpCompany $IdentityProvider $NetworkDomain $ObjectId

            if ($userAdded -eq $true) {

                $securityAdded = Add-AadUserSecurity $sqlCommand $Id

                Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "User $SignInName Imported"

                if ($securityAdded -eq $false) {
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "User $SignInName did not get securityRoles"
                    #Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors" -StepsUpward 1
            else {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "User $SignInName, not added to D365FO"
                #Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors" -StepsUpward 1
        else {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "An User with ID = '$ID' already exists"
            #Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors" -StepsUpward 1

    else {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "An User with Email $SignInName already exists in D365FO"
        #Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors" -StepsUpward 1

        Imports a .NET dll file into memory
        Imports a .NET dll file into memory, by creating a copy (temporary file) and imports it using reflection
        Path to the dll file you want to import
        Accepts an array of strings
        PS C:\> Import-AssemblyFileIntoMemory -Path "C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.BusinessPlatform.ProductInformation.Framework.dll"
        This will create an new file named "C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.BusinessPlatform.ProductInformation.Framework.dll_shawdow.dll"
        The new file is then imported into memory using .NET Reflection.
        After the file has been imported, it will be deleted from disk.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Import-AssemblyFileIntoMemory {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [string[]] $Path

    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $Path -Type Leaf)) {
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because unable to locate file." -StepsUpward 1

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    foreach ($itemPath in $Path) {

        $shadowClonePath = "$itemPath`_shadow.dll"

        try {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Cloning $itemPath to $shadowClonePath"
            Copy-Item -Path $itemPath -Destination $shadowClonePath -Force
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Loading $shadowClonePath into memory"
            $null = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.Load(([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($shadowClonePath)))
        catch {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
        finally {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Removing $shadowClonePath"
            Remove-Item -Path $shadowClonePath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Create a database copy in Azure SQL Database instance
        Create a new database by cloning a database in Azure SQL Database instance
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user
    .PARAMETER NewDatabaseName
        Name of the new / cloned database in the Azure SQL Database instance
        PS C:\> Invoke-AzureBackupRestore -DatabaseServer -DatabaseName AxDB -SqlUser User123 -SqlPwd "Password123" -NewDatabaseName ExportClone
        This will create a database named "ExportClone" in the "" Azure SQL Database instance.
        It uses the SQL credential "User123" to preform the needed actions.
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

Function Invoke-AzureBackupRestore {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $SqlUser,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $SqlPwd,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $NewDatabaseName

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    $StartTime = Get-Date
    $SqlConParams = @{DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer; SqlUser = $SqlUser; SqlPwd = $SqlPwd; TrustedConnection = $false}
    $sqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand @SqlConParams -DatabaseName $DatabaseName
    $commandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\newazuredbfromcopy.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine
    $commandText = $commandText.Replace('@CurrentDatabase', $DatabaseName)
    $commandText = $commandText.Replace('@NewName', $NewDatabaseName)

    $sqlCommand.CommandText = $commandText

    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)

        $null = $sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while creating the copy of the Azure DB" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
    finally {
        if ($sqlCommand.Connection.State -ne [System.Data.ConnectionState]::Closed) {

    $sqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand @SqlConParams -DatabaseName "master"

    $commandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\checkfornewazuredb.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine

    $sqlCommand.CommandText = $commandText

    $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@NewName", $NewDatabaseName)
    $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@Time", $StartTime)

    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)


        $operation_row_count = 0
        #Loop every minute until we get a row, if we get a row copy is done
        while ($operation_row_count -eq 0) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Waiting for the creation of the copy."
            $Reader = $sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()
            $Datatable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
            $operation_row_count = $Datatable.Rows.Count
            Start-Sleep -s 60

    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while checking for the new copy of the Azure DB" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors" -StepsUpward 1
    finally {

        if ($sqlCommand.Connection.State -ne [System.Data.ConnectionState]::Closed) {


    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Clear Azure SQL Database specific objects
        Clears all the objects that can only exists inside an Azure SQL Database instance or disable things that will require rebuilding on the receiving system
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user
        PS C:\> Invoke-ClearAzureSpecificObjects -DatabaseServer -DatabaseName ExportClone -SqlUser User123 -SqlPwd "Password123"
        This will execute all necessary scripts against the "ExportClone" database that exists in the "" Azure SQL Database instance.
        It uses the SQL credential "User123" to preform the needed actions.
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

Function Invoke-ClearAzureSpecificObjects {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $SqlUser,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $SqlPwd
    $sqlCommand = Get-SQLCommand @PsBoundParameters -TrustedConnection $false

    $commandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\clear-azurebacpacdatabase.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine

    $commandText = $commandText.Replace("@NewDatabase", $DatabaseName)
    $sqlCommand.CommandText = $commandText

    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)


        $null = $sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()

    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while clearing the Azure specific objects from the Azure DB" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors" -StepsUpward 1
    finally {
        if ($sqlCommand.Connection.State -ne [System.Data.ConnectionState]::Closed) {


        Clear SQL Server (on-premises) specific objects
        Clears all the objects that can only exists inside a SQL Server (on-premises) instance or disable things that will require rebuilding on the receiving system
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user
    .PARAMETER TrustedConnection
        Should the connection use a Trusted Connection or not
        PS C:\> Invoke-ClearSqlSpecificObjects -DatabaseServer localhost -DatabaseName ExportClone -SqlUser User123 -SqlPwd "Password123"
        This will execute all necessary scripts against the "ExportClone" database that exists in the localhost SQL Server instance.
        It uses the SQL credential "User123" to preform the needed actions.
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

Function Invoke-ClearSqlSpecificObjects {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $SqlUser,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $SqlPwd,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [boolean] $TrustedConnection
    $sqlCommand = Get-SQLCommand @PsBoundParameters

    $commandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\clear-sqlbacpacdatabase.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine

    $sqlCommand.CommandText = $commandText

    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)


        $null = $sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()

    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors" -StepsUpward 1
    finally {
        if ($sqlCommand.Connection.State -ne [System.Data.ConnectionState]::Closed) {


        Invoke the ModelUtil.exe
        A cmdlet that wraps some of the cumbersome work into a streamlined process
    .PARAMETER Command
        Instruct the cmdlet to what process you want to execute against the ModelUtil tool
        Valid options:
        Used for import to point where to import from
        Used for export to point where to export the model to
        The cmdlet only supports an already extracted ".axmodel" file
    .PARAMETER Model
        Name of the model that you want to work against
        Used for export to select the model that you want to export
        Used for delete to select the model that you want to delete
        The path to the bin directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the AOS service PackagesLocalDirectory\bin
        Default value is fetched from the current configuration on the machine
    .PARAMETER MetaDataDir
        The path to the meta data directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory
        PS C:\> Invoke-ModelUtil -Command Import -Path "c:\temp\\CustomModel.axmodel"
        This will execute the import functionality of ModelUtil.exe and have it import the "CustomModel.axmodel" file.
        PS C:\> Invoke-ModelUtil -Command Export -Path "c:\temp\" -Model CustomModel
        This will execute the export functionality of ModelUtil.exe and have it export the "CustomModel" model.
        The file will be placed in "c:\temp\".
        PS C:\> Invoke-ModelUtil -Command Delete -Model CustomModel
        This will execute the delete functionality of ModelUtil.exe and have it delete the "CustomModel" model.
        The folders in PackagesLocalDirectory for the "CustomModel" will NOT be deleted
        PS C:\> Invoke-ModelUtil -Command Replace -Path "c:\temp\\CustomModel.axmodel"
        This will execute the replace functionality of ModelUtil.exe and have it replace the "CustomModel" model.
        Tags: AXModel, Model, ModelUtil, Servicing, Import, Export, Delete, Replace
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-ModelUtil {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter", "")]
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1 )]
        [ValidateSet('Import', 'Export', 'Delete', 'Replace')]
        [string] $Command,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'Import', Position = 1 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'Export', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Path,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'Export', Position = 2 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'Delete', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Model,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $BinDir = "$Script:PackageDirectory\bin",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $MetaDataDir = "$Script:MetaDataDir"

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start
    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $MetaDataDir, $BinDir -Type Container)) {
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing paths." -StepsUpward 1

    $executable = Join-Path $BinDir "ModelUtil.exe"
    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $executable -Type Leaf)) {
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing paths." -StepsUpward 1

    [System.Collections.ArrayList] $params = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Building the parameter options."
    switch ($Command.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'import' {
            if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $Path -Type Leaf)) {
                Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing paths." -StepsUpward 1

            $null = $params.Add("-import")
            $null = $params.Add("-metadatastorepath=`"$MetaDataDir`"")
            $null = $params.Add("-file=`"$Path`"")
        'export' {
            $null = $params.Add("-export")
            $null = $params.Add("-metadatastorepath=`"$MetaDataDir`"")
            $null = $params.Add("-outputpath=`"$Path`"")
            $null = $params.Add("-modelname=`"$Model`"")
        'delete' {
            $null = $params.Add("-delete")
            $null = $params.Add("-metadatastorepath=`"$MetaDataDir`"")
            $null = $params.Add("-modelname=`"$Model`"")
        'replace' {
            if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $Path -Type Leaf)) {
                Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing paths." -StepsUpward 1

            $null = $params.Add("-replace")
            $null = $params.Add("-metadatastorepath=`"$MetaDataDir`"")
            $null = $params.Add("-file=`"$Path`"")

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Starting the $executable with the parameter options." -Target $($params.ToArray() -join " ")
    Start-Process -FilePath $executable -ArgumentList ($($params.ToArray() -join " ")) -NoNewWindow -Wait

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Invoke a process
        Invoke a process and pass the needed parameters to it
        Path to the program / executable that you want to start
    .PARAMETER Params
        Array of string parameters that you want to pass to the executable
    .PARAMETER ShowOriginalProgress
        Instruct the cmdlet to show the standard output in the console
        Default is $false which will silence the standard output
        PS C:\> Invoke-Process -Path "C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin\xppc.exe" -Params "-metadata=`"C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin`"", "-modelmodule=`"ApplicationSuite`"", "-output=`"C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin`"", "-referencefolder=`"C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin`"", "-log=`"C:\temp\\ApplicationSuite\Dynamics.AX.$Module.xppc.log`"", "-xmlLog=`"C:\temp\\ApplicationSuite\Dynamics.AX.ApplicationSuite.xppc.xml`"", "-verbose"
        This will invoke the "C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin\xppc.exe" executable.
        All parameters will be passed to it.
        The standard output will be redirected to a local variable.
        The error output will be redirected to a local variable.
        The standard output will be written to the verbose stream before exiting.
        If an error should occur, both the standard output and error output will be written to the console / host.
        PS C:\> Invoke-Process -ShowOriginalProgress -Path "C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin\xppc.exe" -Params "-metadata=`"C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin`"", "-modelmodule=`"ApplicationSuite`"", "-output=`"C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin`"", "-referencefolder=`"C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin`"", "-log=`"C:\temp\\ApplicationSuite\Dynamics.AX.$Module.xppc.log`"", "-xmlLog=`"C:\temp\\ApplicationSuite\Dynamics.AX.ApplicationSuite.xppc.xml`"", "-verbose"
        This will invoke the "C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin\xppc.exe" executable.
        All parameters will be passed to it.
        The standard output will be outputted directly to the console / host.
        The error output will be outputted directly to the console / host.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-Process {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [string] $Path,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)]
        [string[]] $Params,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3 )]
        [switch] $ShowOriginalProgress

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $Path -Type Leaf)) {return}

    if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }

    $tool = Split-Path -Path $Path -Leaf

    $pinfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
    $pinfo.FileName = "$Path"
    $pinfo.WorkingDirectory = Split-Path -Path $Path -Parent

    if (-not $ShowOriginalProgress) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Output and Error streams will be redirected (silence mode)"

        $pinfo.RedirectStandardError = $true
        $pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true

    $pinfo.UseShellExecute = $false
    $pinfo.Arguments = "$($Params -join " ")"
    $p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
    $p.StartInfo = $pinfo

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Starting the $tool" -Target "$($params -join " ")"
    $p.Start() | Out-Null
    if (-not $ShowOriginalProgress) {
        $stdout = $p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
        $stderr = $p.StandardError.ReadToEnd()

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Waiting for the $tool to complete"

    if ($p.ExitCode -ne 0 -and (-not $ShowOriginalProgress)) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host "Exit code from $tool indicated an error happened. Will output both standard stream and error stream."
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host "Standard output was: \r\n $stdout"
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host "Error output was: \r\n $stderr"

        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because an Exit Code from $tool wasn't 0 (zero) like expected." -StepsUpward 1
    else {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Standard output was: \r\n $stdout"

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Backup & Restore SQL Server database
        Backup a database and restore it back into the SQL Server
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user.
    .PARAMETER TrustedConnection
        Should the connection use a Trusted Connection or not
    .PARAMETER NewDatabaseName
        Name of the new (restored) database
    .PARAMETER BackupDirectory
        Path to a directory that can store the backup file
        PS C:\> Invoke-SqlBackupRestore -DatabaseServer localhost -DatabaseName AxDB -SqlUser User123 -SqlPwd "Password123" -NewDatabaseName "ExportClone" -BackupDirectory "C:\temp\\sqlbackup"
        This will backup the AxDB database and place the backup file inside the "c:\temp\\sqlbackup" directory.
        The backup file will the be used to restore into a new database named "ExportClone".
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

Function Invoke-SqlBackupRestore {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $SqlUser,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $SqlPwd,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [boolean] $TrustedConnection,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $NewDatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $BackupDirectory

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    $Params = @{DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer; DatabaseName = $DatabaseName;
        SqlUser = $SqlUser; SqlPwd = $SqlPwd; TrustedConnection = $TrustedConnection;

    $sqlCommand = Get-SQLCommand @Params

    $sqlCommand.CommandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\backuprestoredb.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine
    $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@CurrentDatabase", $DatabaseName)
    $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@NewName", $NewDatabaseName)
    $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@BackupDirectory", $BackupDirectory)

    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)

        $null = $sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors" -StepsUpward 1
    finally {

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Invoke the sqlpackage executable
        Invoke the sqlpackage executable and pass the necessary parameters to it
    .PARAMETER Action
        Can either be import or export
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user.
    .PARAMETER TrustedConnection
        Should the sqlpackage work with TrustedConnection or not
    .PARAMETER FilePath
        Path to the file, used for either import or export
    .PARAMETER Properties
        Array of all the properties that needs to be parsed to the sqlpackage.exe
        PS C:\> $BaseParams = @{
        DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer
        DatabaseName = $DatabaseName
        SqlUser = $SqlUser
        SqlPwd = $SqlPwd
        PS C:\> $ImportParams = @{
        Action = "import"
        FilePath = $BacpacFile
        PS C:\> Invoke-SqlPackage @BaseParams @ImportParams
        This will start the sqlpackage.exe file and pass all the needed parameters.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@splaxi)

function Invoke-SqlPackage {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('Import', 'Export')]
    $executable = $Script:SqlPackagePath

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    if (!(Test-PathExists -Path $executable -Type Leaf)) {return}

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Starting to prepare the parameters for sqlpackage.exe"

    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Params = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"

    if ($Action -eq "export") {
        $null = $Params.Add("/Action:export")
        $null = $Params.Add("/SourceServerName:$DatabaseServer")
        $null = $Params.Add("/SourceDatabaseName:$DatabaseName")
        $null = $Params.Add("/TargetFile:`"$FilePath`"")
        $null = $Params.Add("/Properties:CommandTimeout=0")
        if (!$UseTrustedConnection) {
            $null = $Params.Add("/SourceUser:$SqlUser")
            $null = $Params.Add("/SourcePassword:$SqlPwd")
        Remove-Item -Path $FilePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force
    else {
        $null = $Params.Add("/Action:import")
        $null = $Params.Add("/TargetServerName:$DatabaseServer")
        $null = $Params.Add("/TargetDatabaseName:$DatabaseName")
        $null = $Params.Add("/SourceFile:`"$FilePath`"")
        $null = $Params.Add("/Properties:CommandTimeout=0")
        if (!$UseTrustedConnection) {
            $null = $Params.Add("/TargetUser:$SqlUser")
            $null = $Params.Add("/TargetPassword:$SqlPwd")

    foreach ($item in $Properties) {
        $null = $Params.Add("/Properties:$item")

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Start sqlpackage.exe with parameters" -Target $Params
    #! We should consider to redirect the standard output & error like this:
    Start-Process -FilePath $executable -ArgumentList ($Params -join " ") -NoNewWindow -Wait
    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Handle time measurement
        Handle time measurement from when a cmdlet / function starts and ends
        Will write the output to the verbose stream (Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose)
    .PARAMETER Start
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet that a start time registration needs to take place
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet that a time registration has come to its end and it needs to do the calculation
        PS C:\> Invoke-TimeSignal -Start
        This will start the time measurement for any given cmdlet / function
        PS C:\> Invoke-TimeSignal -End
        This will end the time measurement for any given cmdlet / function.
        The output will go into the verbose stream.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-TimeSignal {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Start')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Start', Position = 1 )]
        [switch] $Start,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'End', Position = 2 )]
        [switch] $End

    $Time = (Get-Date)

    $Command = (Get-PSCallStack)[1].Command

    if ($Start) {
        if ($Script:TimeSignals.ContainsKey($Command)) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "The command '$Command' was already taking part in time measurement. The entry has been update with current date and time."
            $Script:TimeSignals[$Command] = $Time
        else {
            $Script:TimeSignals.Add($Command, $Time)
    else {
        if ($Script:TimeSignals.ContainsKey($Command)) {
            $TimeSpan = New-TimeSpan -End $Time -Start (($Script:TimeSignals)[$Command])

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Total time spent inside the function was $TimeSpan" -Target $TimeSpan -FunctionName $Command -Tag "TimeSignal"
            $null = $Script:TimeSignals.Remove($Command)
        else {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "The command '$Command' was never started to take part in time measurement."

        Create a new authorization header
        Get a new authorization header by acquiring a token from the authority web service
    .PARAMETER Authority
        The authority that you want to work against
    .PARAMETER ClientId
        The client id that you have registered for getting access to the web resource that you want to work against
    .PARAMETER ClientSecret
        The client secret that enables you to prove that you have privileges to get an authorization header
        The URL to the Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations that you want to work against
        PS C:\> New-AuthorizationHeader -Authority "XYZ" -ClientId "123" -ClientSecret "TopSecretId" -D365FO ""
        This will retrieve a new authorization header from the D365FO instance located at "".
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function New-AuthorizationHeader {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    Param (
        [string] $Authority,
        [string] $ClientId,
        [string] $ClientSecret,
        [string] $D365FO
    $authContext = new-Object Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AuthenticationContext ($Authority, $false)

    $clientCred = New-Object  Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.ClientCredential($ClientId, $ClientSecret)

    $task = $authContext.AcquireTokenAsync($D365FO, $clientCred)

    $taskStatus = $task.Wait(1000)

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Status $TaskStatus"

    $authorizationHeader = $task.Result

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "AuthorizationHeader $authorizationHeader"


        Creates a new user
        Creates a new user in a Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations instance
    .PARAMETER sqlCommand
        The SQL Command object that should be used when creating the new user
    .PARAMETER SignInName
        The sign in name (email address) for the user that you want the SID from
        The name that the imported user should have inside the D365FO environment
        The ID that the imported user should have inside the D365FO environment
        The SID that correlates to the imported user inside the D365FO environment
    .PARAMETER StartUpCompany
        The default company (legal entity) for the imported user
    .PARAMETER IdentityProvider
        The provider for the imported to validated against
    .PARAMETER NetworkDomain
        The network domain of the imported user
    .PARAMETER ObjectId
        The Azure Active Directory object id for the imported user
        PS C:\> $SqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand -DatabaseServer localhost -DatabaseName AxDB -SqlUser User123 -SqlPwd "Password123"
        PS C:\> New-D365FOUser -SqlCommand $SqlCommand -SignInName "" -Name "Claire" -Id "claire" -SID "123XYZ" -StartupCompany "DAT" -IdentityProvider "XYZ" -NetworkDomain "" -ObjectId "123XYZ"
        This will get a SqlCommand object that will connect to the localhost server and the AXDB databae, with the sql credential "User123".
        The SqlCommand object is passed to the Import-AadUserIntoD365FO along with all the necessary details for importing as an user into the D365FO environment.
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)

function New-D365FOUser {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    Param (
        [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand] $SqlCommand,
        [string] $SignInName,
        [string] $Name,
        [string] $Id,
        [string] $SID,
        [string] $StartUpCompany,
        [string] $IdentityProvider,
        [string] $NetworkDomain,
        [string] $ObjectId
    $sqlCommand.CommandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\Add-AadUserIntoD365FO.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Adding User : $SignInName,$Name,$Id,$SID,$StartUpCompany,$IdentityProvider,$NetworkDomain"

    $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@SignInName", $SignInName)
    $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@Name", $Name)
    $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@SID", $SID)
    $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@NetworkDomain", $NetworkDomain)
    $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@IdentityProvider", $IdentityProvider)
    $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@StartUpCompany", $StartUpCompany)
    $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@Id", $Id)
    $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@ObjectId", $ObjectId)

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Creating the user in database"

    Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)

    $rowsCreated = $sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Rows inserted $rowsCreated for user $SignInName"

    $rowsCreated -eq 1

        Create a new self signed certificate
        Create a new self signed certificate and have it password protected
    .PARAMETER CertificateFileName
        Path to the location where you want to store the CER file for the certificate
    .PARAMETER PrivateKeyFileName
        Path to the location where you want to store the PFX file for the certificate
    .PARAMETER Password
        The password that you want to use to protect your different certificates with
        PS C:\> New-D365SelfSignedCertificate -CertificateFileName "C:\temp\\TestAuth.cer" -PrivateKeyFileName "C:\temp\\TestAuth.pfx" -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "pass@word1" -Force -AsPlainText)
        This will generate a new CER certificate that is stored at "C:\temp\\TestAuth.cer".
        This will generate a new PFX certificate that is stored at "C:\temp\\TestAuth.pfx".
        Both certificates will be password protected with "pass@word1".
        Author: Kenny Saelen (@kennysaelen)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function New-D365SelfSignedCertificate {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText", "")]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
        [string] $CertificateFileName = (Join-Path $env:TEMP "TestAuthCert.cer"),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [string] $PrivateKeyFileName = (Join-Path $env:TEMP "TestAuthCert.pfx"),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        [Security.SecureString] $Password = (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "Password1" -Force -AsPlainText)

    try {
        # First generate a self-signed certificate and place it in the local store on the machine
        $certificate = New-SelfSignedCertificate -dnsname -CertStoreLocation cert:\LocalMachine\My -FriendlyName "D365 Automated testing certificate" -Provider "Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider"
        $certificatePath = 'cert:\localMachine\my\' + $certificate.Thumbprint

        # Export the private key
        Export-PfxCertificate -cert $certificatePath -FilePath $PrivateKeyFileName -Password $Password

        # Import the certificate into the local machine's trusted root certificates store
        $importedCertificate = Import-PfxCertificate -FilePath $PrivateKeyFileName -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\Root -Password $Password
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while generating the self-signed certificate and installing it into the local machine's trusted root certificates store." -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors" -StepsUpward 1

    return $importedCertificate

        Decrypt web.config file
        Utilize the built in encryptor utility to decrypt the web.config file from inside the AOS
        Path to the file that you want to work against
        Please be careful not to point to the original file from inside the AOS directory
    .PARAMETER DropPath
        Path to the directory where you want save the file after decryption is completed
        PS C:\> New-DecryptedFile -File "C:\temp\\web.config" -DropPath "c:\temp\\decrypted.config"
        This will take the "C:\temp\\web.config" and decrypt it.
        After decryption the output file will be stored in "c:\temp\\decrypted.config".
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function New-DecryptedFile {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    Param (
        [string] $File,
        [string] $DropPath
    $Decrypter = Join-Path  $AosServiceWebRootPath -ChildPath "bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.ConfigEncryptor.exe"

    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $Decrypter -Type Leaf)) { return }

    $fileInfo = [System.IO.FileInfo]::new($File)
    $DropFile = Join-Path $DropPath $FileInfo.Name
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Extracted file path is: $DropFile" -Target $DropFile
    Copy-Item $File $DropFile -Force -ErrorAction Stop

    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $DropFile -Type Leaf)) { return }
    & $Decrypter -decrypt $DropFile

        Create a new Json HttpRequestMessage
        Create a new HttpRequestMessage with the ContentType = application/json
        The URI / URL for the web site you want to work against
    .PARAMETER Token
        The token that contains the needed authorization permission
    .PARAMETER Content
        The content that you want to include in the HttpRequestMessage
    .PARAMETER HttpMethod
        The method of the HTTP request you wanne make
        Valid options are:
        PS C:\> New-JsonRequest -Token "Bearer JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd..." -Uri ""
        This will create a new HttpRequestMessage what will work against the "".
        It attaches the Token "Bearer JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd..." to the request.
        Tags: Json, Http, HttpRequestMessage, POST
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function New-JsonRequest {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [string] $Uri,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)]
        [string] $Token,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        [string] $Content,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]
        [ValidateSet('POST', 'GET')]
        [string] $HttpMethod = "POST"

    $httpMethodObject = [System.Net.Http.HttpMethod]::New($HttpMethod)

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Building a HttpRequestMessage." -Target $Uri
    $request = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage -ArgumentList @($httpMethodObject, $Uri)
    if (-not ($Content -eq "")) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Adding content to the HttpRequestMessage." -Target $Content
        $request.Content = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Http.StringContent -ArgumentList @($Content, [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8, "application/json")

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Adding Authorization token to the HttpRequestMessage." -Target $Token
    $request.Headers.Authorization = $Token


        Get a web request object
        Get a prepared web request object with all necessary headers and tokens in place
    .PARAMETER RequestUrl
        The URL you want to work against
    .PARAMETER AuthorizationHeader
        The Authorization Header object that you want to use for you web request
    .PARAMETER Action
        The HTTP action you want to preform
        PS C:\> New-WebRequest -RequestUrl "" -AuthorizationHeader $null -Action GET
        This will create a new web request object that will work against the "" URL.
        The HTTP action is GET and in this case we don't need an Authorization Header in place.
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function New-WebRequest {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]

    param    (
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "New Request $RequestUrl, $Action"
    $request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($RequestUrl)

    if ($null -ne $AuthorizationHeader) {
        $request.Headers["Authorization"] = $AuthorizationHeader.CreateAuthorizationHeader()

    $request.Method = $Action

        Rename the value in the web.config file
        Replace the old value with the new value inside a web.config file
        Path to the file that you want to update/rename/replace
    .PARAMETER NewValue
        The new value that replaces the old value
    .PARAMETER OldValue
        The old value that needs to be replaced
        PS C:\> Rename-ConfigValue -File "C:\temp\\web.config" -NewValue "Demo-8.1" -OldValue "usnconeboxax1aos"
        This will open the "C:\temp\\web.config" file and replace all "usnconeboxax1aos" entries with "Demo-8.1"
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Rename-ConfigValue {
    param (
        [string] $File,
        [string] $NewValue,
        [string] $OldValue

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Replace content from $File. Old value is $OldValue. New value is $NewValue." -Target (@($File, $OldValue, $NewValue))
    (Get-Content $File).replace($OldValue, $NewValue) | Set-Content $File

        Short description
        Long description
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        Parameter description
    .PARAMETER Property
        Parameter description
    .PARAMETER ExcludeProperty
        Parameter description
    .PARAMETER TypeName
        Parameter description
        PS C:\> Select-DefaultView -InputObject $result -Property CommandName, Synopsis
        This will help you do it right.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Select-DefaultView {
    This command enables us to send full on objects to the pipeline without the user seeing it
    a lot of this is from boe, thanks boe!
    TypeName creates a new type so that we can use ps1xml to modify the output

    param (
    process {
        if ($null -eq $InputObject) { return }
        if ($TypeName) {
            $InputObject.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, "$TypeName")
        if ($ExcludeProperty) {
            if ($InputObject.GetType().Name.ToString() -eq 'DataRow') {
                $ExcludeProperty += 'Item', 'RowError', 'RowState', 'Table', 'ItemArray', 'HasErrors'
            $props = ($InputObject | Get-Member | Where-Object MemberType -in 'Property', 'NoteProperty', 'AliasProperty' | Where-Object { $_.Name -notin $ExcludeProperty }).Name
            $defaultset = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSPropertySet('DefaultDisplayPropertySet', [string[]]$props)
        else {
            # property needs to be string
            if ("$property" -like "* as *") {
                $newproperty = @()
                foreach ($p in $property) {
                    if ($p -like "* as *") {
                        $old, $new = $p -isplit " as "
                        # Do not be tempted to not pipe here
                        $inputobject | Add-Member -Force -MemberType AliasProperty -Name $new -Value $old -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                        $newproperty += $new
                    else {
                        $newproperty += $p
                $property = $newproperty
            $defaultset = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSPropertySet('DefaultDisplayPropertySet', [string[]]$Property)
        $standardmembers = [System.Management.Automation.PSMemberInfo[]]@($defaultset)
        # Do not be tempted to not pipe here
        $inputobject | Add-Member -Force -MemberType MemberSet -Name PSStandardMembers -Value $standardmembers -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        Provision an user to be the administrator of a Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations environment
        Provision an user to be the administrator by using the supplied tools from Microsoft (AdminUserProvisioning.exe)
    .PARAMETER SignInName
        The sign in name (email address) for the user that you want to be the administrator
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user.
        PS C:\> Set-AdminUser -SignInName "" -DatabaseServer localhost -DatabaseName AxDB -SqlUser User123 -SqlPwd "Password123"
        This will provision the user with the e-mail "" to be the administrator of the D365 for Finance & Operations instance.
        It will handle if the tenant is switching also, and update the necessary details.
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Set-AdminUser {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    Param (
        [string] $SignInName,
        [string] $DatabaseServer,
        [string] $DatabaseName,
        [string] $SqlUser,
        [string] $SqlPwd

    $WebConfigFile = Join-Path $Script:AOSPath $Script:WebConfig

    $MetaDataNode = Select-Xml -XPath "/configuration/appSettings/add[@key='Aos.MetadataDirectory']/@value" -Path $WebConfigFile

    $MetaDataNodeDirectory = $MetaDataNode.Node.Value
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "MetaDataDirectory: $MetaDataNodeDirectory" -Target $MetaDataNodeDirectory

    $AdminFile = "$MetaDataNodeDirectory\Bin\AdminUserProvisioning.exe"

    $TempFileName = New-TemporaryFile
    $TempFileName = $TempFileName.BaseName

    $AdminDll = "$env:TEMP\$TempFileName.dll"

    copy-item -Path $AdminFile -Destination $AdminDll

    $adminAssembly = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($AdminDll)

    $AdminUserUpdater = $adminAssembly.GetType("Microsoft.Dynamics.AdminUserProvisioning.AdminUserUpdater")

    $PublicBinding = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::Public
    $StaticBinding = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::Static
    $CombinedBinding = $PublicBinding -bor $StaticBinding

    $UpdateAdminUser = $AdminUserUpdater.GetMethod("UpdateAdminUser", $CombinedBinding)
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Updating Admin using the values $SignInName, $DatabaseServer, $DatabaseName, $SqlUser, $SqlPwd"
    $params = $SignInName, $null, $null, $DatabaseServer, $DatabaseName, $SqlUser, $SqlPwd

    $UpdateAdminUser.Invoke($null, $params)

        Change the different Azure SQL Database details
        When preparing an Azure SQL Database to be the new database for an Tier 2+ environment you need to set different details
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user
    .PARAMETER AxDeployExtUserPwd
        Password obtained from LCS
    .PARAMETER AxDbAdminPwd
        Password obtained from LCS
    .PARAMETER AxRuntimeUserPwd
        Password obtained from LCS
    .PARAMETER AxMrRuntimeUserPwd
        Password obtained from LCS
    .PARAMETER AxRetailRuntimeUserPwd
        Password obtained from LCS
    .PARAMETER AxRetailDataSyncUserPwd
        Password obtained from LCS
    .PARAMETER AxDbReadonlyUserPwd
        Password obtained from LCS
    .PARAMETER TenantId
        The ID of tenant that the Azure SQL Database instance is going to be run under
        The ID of the type of plan that the Azure SQL Database is going to be using
    .PARAMETER PlanCapability
        The capabilities that the Azure SQL Database instance will be running with
        PS C:\> Set-AzureBacpacValues -DatabaseServer -DatabaseName Import -SqlUser User123 -SqlPwd "Password123" -AxDeployExtUserPwd "Password123" -AxDbAdminPwd "Password123" -AxRuntimeUserPwd "Password123" -AxMrRuntimeUserPwd "Password123" -AxRetailRuntimeUserPwd "Password123" -AxRetailDataSyncUserPwd "Password123" -AxDbReadonlyUserPwd "Password123" -TenantId "TenantIdFromAzure" -PlanId "PlanIdFromAzure" -PlanCapability "Capabilities"
        This will set all the needed details inside the "Import" database that is located in the "" Azure SQL Database instance.
        All service accounts and their passwords will be updated accordingly.
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Set-AzureBacpacValues {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $SqlUser,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $SqlPwd,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $sqlCommand = Get-SQLCommand -DatabaseServer $DatabaseServer -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -SqlUser $SqlUser -SqlPwd $SqlPwd -TrustedConnection $false

    $commandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\set-bacpacvaluesazure.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine

    $commandText = $commandText.Replace('@axdeployextuser', $AxDeployExtUserPwd)
    $commandText = $commandText.Replace('@axdbadmin', $AxDbAdminPwd)
    $commandText = $commandText.Replace('@axruntimeuser', $AxRuntimeUserPwd)
    $commandText = $commandText.Replace('@axmrruntimeuser', $AxMrRuntimeUserPwd)
    $commandText = $commandText.Replace('@axretailruntimeuser', $AxRetailRuntimeUserPwd)
    $commandText = $commandText.Replace('@axretaildatasyncuser', $AxRetailDataSyncUserPwd)
    $commandText = $commandText.Replace('@axdbreadonlyuser', $AxDbReadonlyUserPwd)

    $sqlCommand.CommandText = $commandText

    $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@TenantId", $TenantId)
    $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@PlanId", $PlanId)
    $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@PlanCapability ", $PlanCapability)

    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)


        $null = $sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
    finally {
        if ($sqlCommand.Connection.State -ne [System.Data.ConnectionState]::Closed) {


        Set the SQL Server specific values
        Set the SQL Server specific values when restoring a bacpac file
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user
    .PARAMETER TrustedConnection
        Should the connection use a Trusted Connection or not
        PS C:\> Set-SqlBacpacValues -DatabaseServer localhost -DatabaseName "AxDB" -SqlUser "User123" -SqlPwd "Password123"
        This will connect to the "AXDB" database that is available in the SQL Server instance running on the localhost.
        It will use the "User123" SQL Server credentials to connect to the SQL Server instance.
        This will set all the necessary SQL Server database options and create the needed objects in side the "AxDB" database.
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Set-SqlBacpacValues {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $SqlUser,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $SqlPwd,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [bool] $TrustedConnection
    $Params = @{DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer; DatabaseName = $DatabaseName;
        SqlUser = $SqlUser; SqlPwd = $SqlPwd; TrustedConnection = $TrustedConnection;

    $sqlCommand = Get-SQLCommand @Params

    $commandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\set-bacpacvaluessql.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine
    $commandText = $commandText.Replace('@DATABASENAME', $DatabaseName)

    $sqlCommand.CommandText = $commandText

    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)



    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Critical -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
    finally {
        if ($sqlCommand.Connection.State -ne [System.Data.ConnectionState]::Closed) {


        Start LCS deployment
        Start the deployment of a deployable package from the LCS API
    .PARAMETER BearerToken
        The token you want to use when working against the LCS api
    .PARAMETER ProjectId
        The project id for the Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations project inside LCS
    .PARAMETER AssetId
        The unique id of the asset / file that you are trying to deploy from LCS
    .PARAMETER EnvironmentId
        The unique id of the environment that you want to work against
        The Id can be located inside the LCS portal
    .PARAMETER LcsApiUri
        URI / URL to the LCS API you want to use
        PS C:\> Start-LcsDeployment -BearerToken "Bearer JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd..." -ProjectId 123456789 -AssetId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae" -EnvironmentId "13cc7700-c13b-4ea3-81cd-2d26fa72ec5e" -LcsApiUri ""
        This will start the deployment of the file located in the Asset Library.
        The LCS project is identified by the ProjectId 123456789, which can be obtained in the LCS portal.
        The file is identified by the AssetId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae", which is obtained either by earlier upload or simply looking in the LCS portal.
        The environment is identified by the EnvironmentId "13cc7700-c13b-4ea3-81cd-2d26fa72ec5e", which can be obtained in the LCS portal.
        The request will authenticate with the BearerToken "Bearer JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd...".
        The http request will be going to the LcsApiUri "" (NON-EUROPE).
        Tags: Environment, Url, Config, Configuration, LCS, Upload, Api, AAD, Token, Deployment, Deployable Package
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Start-LcsDeployment {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [int] $ProjectId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $BearerToken,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $AssetId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $EnvironmentId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $LcsApiUri

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Json payload for LCS generated." -Target $jsonFile
    $client = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Http.HttpClient

    $deployUri = "$LcsApiUri/environment/servicing/v1/applyupdate/$($ProjectId)?assetId=$AssetId&environmentId=$EnvironmentId"

    $request = New-JsonRequest -Uri $deployUri -Token $BearerToken -HttpMethod "POST"

    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoke LCS request."
        $result = Get-AsyncResult -task $client.SendAsync($request)

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Extracting the response received from LCS."
        $responseString = Get-AsyncResult -task $result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()

        $asset = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $responseString -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Extracting the response received from LCS."
        if (-not ($result.StatusCode -eq [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::OK)) {
            if (($asset) -and ($asset.Message)) {
                $errorText = ""
                if ($asset.ActivityId) {
                    $errorText = "Error $( $asset.LcsErrorCode) in request for status of environment servicing action: '$( $asset.Message)' (Activity Id: '$( $asset.ActivityId)')"
                else {
                    $errorText = "Error $( $asset.LcsErrorCode) in request for status of environment servicing action: '$( $asset.Message)'"
            elseif ($asset.ActivityId) {
                $errorText = "API Call returned $($result.StatusCode): $($result.ReasonPhrase) (Activity Id: '$($asset.ActivityId)')"
            else {
                $errorText = "API Call returned $($result.StatusCode): $($result.ReasonPhrase)"

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Error creating new file asset." -Target $($asset.Message)
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message $errorText -Target $($result.ReasonPhrase)
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

        if (-not ( $asset.LcsEnvironmentActionStatus)) {
            if ( $asset.Message) {
                $errorText = "Error in request for status of environment servicing action: '$( $asset.Message)' (Activity Id: '$( $asset.ActivityId)')"
            elseif ( $asset.ActivityId) {
                $errorText = "Error in request for status of environment servicing action. Activity Id: '$($activity.ActivityId)'"
            else {
                $errorText = "Unknown error in request for status of environment servicing action"

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Unknown error creating new file asset." -Target $asset
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message $errorText -Target $($result.ReasonPhrase)
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the LCS API." -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Start the upload process to LCS
        Start the flow of actions to upload a file to LCS
    .PARAMETER Token
        The token to be used for the http request against the LCS API
    .PARAMETER ProjectId
        The project id for the Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations project inside LCS
    .PARAMETER FileType
        Type of file you want to upload
        Valid options:
        "Process Data Package"
        "Software Deployable Package"
        "GER Configuration"
        "Data Package"
        "PowerBI Report Model"
        Name to be assigned / shown on LCS
    .PARAMETER Description
        Description to be assigned / shown on LCS
    .PARAMETER LcsApiUri
        URI / URL to the LCS API you want to use
        Depending on whether your LCS project is located in europe or not, there is 2 valid URI's / URL's
        Valid options:
        PS C:\> Start-LcsUpload -Token "Bearer JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd..." -ProjectId 123456789 -FileType "DatabaseBackup" -Name "ReadyForTesting" -Description "Contains all customers & vendors" -LcsApiUri ""
        This will contact the NON-EUROPE LCS API and instruct it that we want to upload a new file to the Asset Library.
        The token "Bearer JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd..." is used to the authorize against the LCS API.
        The ProjectId is 123456789 and FileType is "DatabaseBackup".
        The file will be named "ReadyForTesting" and the Description will be "Contains all customers & vendors".
        Tags: Url, LCS, Upload, Api, Token
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Start-LcsUpload {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Token,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [int] $ProjectId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $FileType,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $Name,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $Description,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $LcsApiUri

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    if ($Description -eq "") {
        $jsonDescription = "null"
    else {
        $jsonDescription = "`"$Description`""
    $fileTypeValue = 0

    switch ($FileType) {
        "Model" { $fileTypeValue = 1 }
        "Process Data Package" { $fileTypeValue = 4 }
        "Software Deployable Package" { $fileTypeValue = 10 }
        "GER Configuration" { $fileTypeValue = 12 }
        "Data Package" { $fileTypeValue = 15 }
        "PowerBI Report Model" { $fileTypeValue = 19 }

    $jsonFile = "{ `"Name`": `"$Name`", `"FileName`": `"$fileName`", `"FileDescription`": $jsonDescription, `"SizeByte`": 0, `"FileType`": $fileTypeValue }"

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Json payload for LCS generated." -Target $jsonFile
    $client = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Http.HttpClient

    $createUri = "$LcsApiUri/box/fileasset/CreateFileAsset/$ProjectId"

    $request = New-JsonRequest -Uri $createUri -Content $jsonFile -Token $Token

    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoke LCS request." -Target $request
        $result = Get-AsyncResult -task $client.SendAsync($request)

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Extracting the response received from LCS."
        $responseString = Get-AsyncResult -task $result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Extracting the response received from LCS." -Target $responseString
        $asset = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $responseString -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Extracting the asset json response received from LCS." -Target $asset
        if (-not ($result.StatusCode -eq [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::OK)) {
            if (($asset) -and ($asset.Message)) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Error creating new file asset." -Target $($asset.Message)
                Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
            else {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "API Call returned $($result.StatusCode)." -Target $($result.ReasonPhrase)
                Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

        if (-not ($asset.Id)) {
            if ($asset.Message) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Error creating new file asset." -Target $($asset.Message)
                Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
            else {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Unknown error creating new file asset." -Target $asset
                Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the LCS API." -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Test to see if a given user ID exists
        Test to see if a given user ID exists in the Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations instance
    .PARAMETER SqlCommand
        The SQL Command object that should be used when testing the user ID
        Id of the user that you want to test exists or not
        PS C:\> $SqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand -DatabaseServer localhost -DatabaseName AxDB -SqlUser User123 -SqlPwd "Password123"
        PS C:\> Test-AadUserIdInD365FO -SqlCommand $SqlCommand -Id "TestUser"
        This will get a SqlCommand object that will connect to the localhost server and the AXDB database, with the sql credential "User123".
        It will query the the database for any user with the Id "TestUser".
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Test-AadUserIdInD365FO {

    param (
        [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand] $SqlCommand,
        [string] $Id

    $commandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\test-aaduseridind365fo.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine

    $sqlCommand.CommandText = $commandText

    $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@Id", $Id)

    Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)

    $NumFound = $sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message  "Number of user rows found in database $NumFound" -Target $NumFound

    $NumFound -ne 0

        Test to see if a given user already exists
        Test to see if a given user already exists in the Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations instance
    .PARAMETER SqlCommand
        The SQL Command object that should be used when testing the user
    .PARAMETER SignInName
        The sign in name (email address) for the user that you want test
        PS C:\> $SqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand -DatabaseServer localhost -DatabaseName AxDB -SqlUser User123 -SqlPwd "Password123"
        PS C:\> Test-AadUserInD365FO -SqlCommand $SqlCommand -SignInName ""
        This will get a SqlCommand object that will connect to the localhost server and the AXDB database, with the sql credential "User123".
        It will query the the database for the user with the e-mail address "".
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Test-AadUserInD365FO {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand] $SqlCommand,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $SignInName

    $sqlCommand.CommandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\test-aaduserind365fo.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine

    $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@Email", $SignInName)

    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)

        $NumFound = $sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Number of user rows found in database $NumFound" -Target $NumFound
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors" -StepsUpward 1
    finally {

    $NumFound -ne 0

        Test if any D365 assemblies are loaded
        Test if any D365 assemblies are loaded into memory and will be a blocking issue
        PS C:\> Test-AssembliesLoaded
        This will test in any D365 specific assemblies are loaded into memory.
        If is, a Stop-PSFFunction test will state that we should stop execution.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Test-AssembliesLoaded {
    param (

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    $assembliesLoaded = [System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | Where-Object Location -ne $null

    $assembliesBlocking = $assembliesLoaded.location -match "AOSService|Dynamics|PackagesLocalDirectory"

    if ($assembliesBlocking.Count -gt 0) {
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because some assembly (DLL) files seems to be loaded into memory." -StepsUpward 1

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Test accessible to the configuration storage
        Test if the desired configuration storage is accessible with the current user context
    .PARAMETER ConfigStorageLocation
        Parameter used to instruct where to store the configuration objects
        The default value is "User" and this will store all configuration for the active user
        Valid options are:
        "System" will store the configuration so all users can access the configuration objects
        PS C:\> Test-ConfigStorageLocation -ConfigStorageLocation "System"
        This will test if the current executing user has enough privileges to save to the system wide configuration storage.
        The system wide configuration storage requires administrator rights.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Test-ConfigStorageLocation {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('User', 'System')]
        [string] $ConfigStorageLocation = "User"
    $configScope = "UserDefault"

    if ($ConfigStorageLocation -eq "System") {
        if ($Script:IsAdminRuntime) {
            $configScope = "SystemDefault"
        else {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Unable to locate save the <c='em'>configuration objects</c> in the <c='em'>system wide configuration store</c> on the machine. Please start an elevated session and run the cmdlet again."
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Elevated permissions needed. Please start an elevated session and run the cmdlet again." -StepsUpward 1


        The multiple paths
        Easy way to test multiple paths for public functions and have the same error handling
        Array of paths you want to test
        They have to be the same type, either file/leaf or folder/container
        Type of path you want to test
        Either 'Leaf' or 'Container'
    .PARAMETER Create
        Instruct the cmdlet to create the directory if it doesn't exist
    .PARAMETER ShouldNotExist
        Instruct the cmdlet to return true if the file doesn't exists
    .PARAMETER DontBreak
        Instruct the cmdlet NOT to break execution whenever the test condition normally should
        PS C:\> Test-PathExists "c:\temp","c:\temp\dir" -Type Container
        This will test if the mentioned paths (folders) exists and the current context has enough permission.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@splaxi)

function Test-PathExists {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1 )]
        [string[]] $Path,

        [ValidateSet('Leaf', 'Container')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2 )]
        [string] $Type,

        [switch] $Create,

        [switch] $ShouldNotExist,

        [switch] $DontBreak
    $res = $false

    $arrList = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
    foreach ($item in $Path) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Testing the path: $item" -Target $item
        $temp = Test-Path -Path $item -Type $Type

        if ((-not $temp) -and ($Create) -and ($Type -eq "Container")) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Creating the path: $item" -Target $item
            $null = New-Item -Path $item -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            $temp = $true
        elseif ($ShouldNotExist) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "The should NOT exists: $item" -Target $item
        elseif (-not $temp ) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The <c='em'>$item</c> path wasn't found. Please ensure the path <c='em'>exists</c> and you have enough <c='em'>permission</c> to access the path."
        $null = $arrList.Add($temp)

    if ($arrList.Contains($false) -and (-not $ShouldNotExist)) {
        if (-not $DontBreak) {
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing paths." -StepsUpward 1
    elseif ($arrList.Contains($true) -and $ShouldNotExist) {
        if (-not $DontBreak) {
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because file exists." -StepsUpward 1
    else {
        $res = $true


        Test if a given registry key exists or not
        Test if a given registry key exists in the path specified
        Path to the registry hive and sub directories you want to work against
        Name of the registry key that you want to test for
        PS C:\> Test-RegistryValue -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dynamics\Deployment\" -Name "InstallationInfoDirectory"
        This will query the LocalMachine hive and the sub directories "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dynamics\Deployment\" for a registry key with the name of "InstallationInfoDirectory".
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

Function Test-RegistryValue {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if (Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Any) {
        $null -ne (Get-ItemProperty $Path).$Name
    else {

        Test PSBoundParameters whether or not to support TrustedConnection
        Test callers PSBoundParameters (HashTable) for details that determines whether or not a SQL Server connection should support TrustedConnection or not
    .PARAMETER Inputs
        HashTable ($PSBoundParameters) with the parameters from the callers invocation
        PS C:\> $UseTrustedConnection = Test-TrustedConnection $PSBoundParameters
        This will send the entire HashTable from the callers invocation, containing all explicit defined parameters to be analyzed whether or not the SQL Server connection should support TrustedConnection or not.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@splaxi)

function Test-TrustedConnection {
    param (
        [HashTable] $Inputs

    if (($Inputs.ContainsKey("ImportModeTier2")) -or ($Inputs.ContainsKey("ExportModeTier2"))){
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Not capable of using Trusted Connection based on Tier validation."
    elseif (($Inputs.ContainsKey("SqlUser")) -or ($Inputs.ContainsKey("SqlPwd"))) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Not capable of using Trusted Connection based on supplied SQL login details."
    elseif ($Inputs.ContainsKey("TrustedConnection")) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "The script was calling with TrustedConnection directly. This overrides all other logic in respect that the caller should know what it is doing. Value was: $($Inputs.TrustedConnection)" -Tag $Inputs.TrustedConnection
    else {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Capabilities based on the centralized logic in the psm1 file." -Target $Script:CanUseTrustedConnection

        Update the broadcast message config variables
        Update the active broadcast message config variables that the module will use as default values
        PS C:\> Update-BroadcastVariables
        This will update the broadcast variables.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Update-BroadcastVariables {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "")]
    param ( )

    $configName = (Get-PSFConfig -FullName "").Value.ToString().ToLower()
    if (-not ($configName -eq "")) {
        $broadcastHash = Get-D365ActiveBroadcastMessageConfig -OutputAsHashtable
        foreach ($item in $broadcastHash.Keys) {
            if ($item -eq "name") { continue }
            $name = "Broadcast" + (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($item)
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "$name - $($broadcastHash[$item])" -Target $broadcastHash[$item]
            Set-Variable -Name $name -Value $broadcastHash[$item] -Scope Script

        Update the broadcast message config variables
        Update the active broadcast message config variables that the module will use as default values
        PS C:\> Update-BroadcastVariables
        This will update the broadcast variables.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Update-LcsUploadVariables {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "")]
    param ( )
    $hashParameters = Get-D365LcsApiConfig -OutputAsHashtable

    foreach ($item in $hashParameters.Keys) {
        $name = "LcsApi" + (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($item)
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "$name - $($hashParameters[$item])" -Target $hashParameters[$item]
        Set-Variable -Name $name -Value $hashParameters[$item] -Scope Script

        Update module variables
        Loads configuration variables again, to make sure things are updated based on changed configuration
        PS C:\> Update-ModuleVariables
        This will update internal variables that the module is dependent on.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Update-ModuleVariables {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "")]
    param ( )

    $Script:AADOAuthEndpoint = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName ""

        Update the module variables based on the PSF Configuration store
        Will read the current PSF Configuration store and create local module variables
        PS C:\> Update-PsfConfigVariables
        This will read all relevant PSF Configuration values and create matching module variables.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@splaxi)

function Update-PsfConfigVariables {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "")]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]

    param ()

    foreach ($config in Get-PSFConfig -FullName "*") {
        $item = $config.FullName.Replace("", "")
        $name = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($item) + "Path"
        Set-Variable -Name $name -Value $config.Value -Scope Script

        Update the topology file
        Update the topology file based on the already installed list of services on the machine
        Path to the folder where the topology XML file that you want to work against is placed
        Should only contain a path to a folder, not a file
        PS C:\> Update-TopologyFile -Path "c:\temp\\DefaultTopologyData.xml"
        This will update the "c:\temp\\DefaultTopologyData.xml" file with all the installed services on the machine.
        # Credit
        Author: Tommy Skaue (@Skaue)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Update-TopologyFile {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $topologyFile = Join-Path $Path 'DefaultTopologyData.xml'
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Creating topology file: $topologyFile"
    [xml]$xml = Get-Content $topologyFile
    $machine = $xml.TopologyData.MachineList.Machine
    $machine.Name = $env:computername
    $serviceModelList = $machine.ServiceModelList
    $null = $serviceModelList.RemoveAll()
    [System.Collections.ArrayList] $Files2Process = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"

    $null = $Files2Process.Add((Join-Path $Path 'Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.AXInstallationInfo.dll'))
    Import-AssemblyFileIntoMemory -Path $($Files2Process.ToArray())
    $models = [Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.AXInstallationInfo.AXInstallationInfo]::GetInstalledServiceModel()

    foreach ($name in $models.Name) {
        $element = $xml.CreateElement('string')
        $element.InnerText = $name

        Save an Azure Storage Account config
        Adds an Azure Storage Account config to the configuration store
        The logical name of the Azure Storage Account you are about to registered in the configuration store
    .PARAMETER AccountId
        The account id for the Azure Storage Account you want to register in the configuration store
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        The access token for the Azure Storage Account you want to register in the configuration store
        The SAS key that you have created for the storage account or blob container
    .PARAMETER Container
        The name of the blob container inside the Azure Storage Account you want to register in the configuration store
    .PARAMETER Force
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to overwrite already registered Azure Storage Account entry
        PS C:\> Add-D365AzureStorageConfig -Name "UAT-Exports" -AccountId "1234" -AccessToken "dafdfasdfasdf" -Container "testblob"
        This will add an entry into the list of Azure Storage Accounts that is stored with the name "UAT-Exports" with AccountId "1234", AccessToken "dafdfasdfasdf" and blob container "testblob".
        PS C:\> Add-D365AzureStorageConfig -Name UAT-Exports -SAS "sv2018-03-28&siunlisted&src&sigAUOpdsfpoWE976ASDhfjkasdf(5678sdfhk" -AccountId "1234" -Container "testblob"
        This will add an entry into the list of Azure Storage Accounts that is stored with the name "UAT-Exports" with AccountId "1234", SAS "sv=2018-03-28&si=unlisted&sr=c&sig=AUOpdsfpoWE976ASDhfjkasdf(5678sdfhk" and blob container "testblob".
        The SAS key enables you to provide explicit access to a given blob container inside an Azure Storage Account.
        The SAS key can easily be revoked and that way you have control over the access to the container and its content.
        Tags: Azure, Azure Storage, Config, Configuration, Token, Blob, Container
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Add-D365AzureStorageConfig {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Name,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $AccountId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "AccessToken")]
        [string] $AccessToken,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "SAS")]
        [string] $SAS,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Container,

        [switch] $Force
    $Details = @{AccountId = $AccountId.ToLower();
        Container           = $Container.ToLower();

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "AccessToken") { $Details.AccessToken = $AccessToken }
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "SAS") {
        if ($SAS.StartsWith("?")) {
            $SAS = $SAS.Substring(1)

        $Details.SAS = $SAS

    $Accounts = [hashtable](Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName "")

    if ($Accounts.ContainsKey($Name)) {
        if ($Force) {
            $Accounts[$Name] = $Details

            Set-PSFConfig -FullName "" -Value $Accounts
            Register-PSFConfig -FullName ""
        else {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "An Azure Storage Account with that name <c='em'>already exists</c>. If you want to <c='em'>overwrite</c> the already registered details please supply the <c='em'>-Force</c> parameter."
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because an Azure Storage Account already exists with that name."
    else {
        $null = $Accounts.Add($Name, $Details)

        Set-PSFConfig -FullName "" -Value $Accounts
        Register-PSFConfig -FullName ""

        Save a broadcast message config
        Adds a broadcast message config to the configuration store
        The logical name of the broadcast configuration you are about to register in the configuration store
    .PARAMETER Tenant
        Azure Active Directory (AAD) tenant id (Guid) that the D365FO environment is connected to, that you want to send a message to
        URL / URI for the D365FO environment you want to send a message to
    .PARAMETER ClientId
        The ClientId obtained from the Azure Portal when you created a Registered Application
    .PARAMETER ClientSecret
        The ClientSecret obtained from the Azure Portal when you created a Registered Application
    .PARAMETER TimeZone
        Id of the Time Zone your environment is running in
        You might experience that the local VM running the D365FO is running another Time Zone than the computer you are running this cmdlet from
        All available .NET Time Zones can be traversed with tab for this parameter
        The default value is "UTC"
    .PARAMETER EndingInMinutes
        Specify how many minutes into the future you want this message / maintenance window to last
        Default value is 60 minutes
        The specified StartTime will always be based on local Time Zone. If you specify a different Time Zone than the local computer is running, the start and end time will be calculated based on your selection.
    .PARAMETER OnPremise
        Specify if environnement is an D365 OnPremise
        Default value is "Not set" (= Cloud Environnement)
    .PARAMETER Temporary
        Instruct the cmdlet to only temporarily add the broadcast message configuration in the configuration store
    .PARAMETER Force
        Instruct the cmdlet to overwrite the broadcast message configuration with the same name
        PS C:\> Add-D365BroadcastMessageConfig -Name "UAT" -Tenant "e674da86-7ee5-40a7-b777-1111111111111" -URL "" -ClientId "dea8d7a9-1602-4429-b138-111111111111" -ClientSecret "Vja/VmdxaLOPR+alkjfsadffelkjlfw234522"
        This will create a new broadcast message configuration with the name "UAT".
        It will save "e674da86-7ee5-40a7-b777-1111111111111" as the Azure Active Directory guid.
        It will save "" as the D365FO environment.
        It will save "dea8d7a9-1602-4429-b138-111111111111" as the ClientId.
        It will save "Vja/VmdxaLOPR+alkjfsadffelkjlfw234522" as ClientSecret.
        It will use the default value "UTC" Time Zone for converting the different time and dates.
        It will use the default end time which is 60 minutes.
        Tags: Servicing, Broadcast, Message, Users, Environment, Config, Configuration, ClientId, ClientSecret
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Add-D365BroadcastMessageConfig {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
        [string] $Name,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
        [string] $Tenant,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [string] $URL,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        [string] $ClientId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]
        [string] $ClientSecret,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5)]
        [string] $TimeZone = "UTC",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 6)]
        [int] $EndingInMinutes = 60,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 7)]
        [switch] $OnPremise,

        [switch] $Temporary,

        [switch] $Force

    if (((Get-PSFConfig -FullName "*.name").Value -contains $Name) -and (-not $Force)) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "A broadcast message configuration with <c='em'>$Name</c> as name <c='em'>already exists</c>. If you want to <c='em'>overwrite</c> the current configuration, please supply the <c='em'>-Force</c> parameter."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because a broadcast message configuration already exists with that name."

    $configName = ""

    #The ':keys' label is used to have a continue inside the switch statement itself
    :keys foreach ($key in $PSBoundParameters.Keys) {
        $configurationValue = $PSBoundParameters.Item($key)
        $configurationName = $key.ToLower()
        $fullConfigName = ""

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Working on $key with $configurationValue" -Target $configurationValue
        switch ($key) {
            "Name" {
                $configName = $Name.ToLower()
                $fullConfigName = "$"

            {"Temporary","Force" -contains $_} {
                continue keys

            "TimeZone" {
                $timeZoneFound = Get-TimeZone -InputObject $TimeZone

                if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }
                $fullConfigName = "$configName.$configurationName"
                $configurationValue = $timeZoneFound.Id

            Default {
                $fullConfigName = "$configName.$configurationName"

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Setting $fullConfigName to $configurationValue" -Target $configurationValue
        Set-PSFConfig -FullName $fullConfigName -Value $configurationValue
        if (-not $Temporary) { Register-PSFConfig -FullName $fullConfigName -Scope UserDefault }

        Save an environment config
        Adds an environment config to the configuration store
        The logical name of the environment you are about to registered in the configuration
        The URL to the environment you want the module to use when possible
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user
    .PARAMETER Company
        The company you want to work against when calling any browser based cmdlets
        The default value is "DAT"
        The URI for the TFS / VSTS account that you are working against.
    .PARAMETER ConfigStorageLocation
        Parameter used to instruct where to store the configuration objects
        The default value is "User" and this will store all configuration for the active user
        Valid options are:
        "System" will store the configuration so all users can access the configuration objects
    .PARAMETER Force
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to overwrite already registered environment entry
        PS C:\> Add-D365EnvironmentConfig -Name "Customer-UAT" -URL "" -Company "DAT"
        This will add an entry into the list of environments that is stored with the name "Customer-UAT" and with the URL "".
        The company is registered "DAT".
        PS C:\> Add-D365EnvironmentConfig -Name "Customer-UAT" -URL "" -Company "DAT" -SqlUser "SqlAdmin" -SqlPwd "Pass@word1"
        This will add an entry into the list of environments that is stored with the name "Customer-UAT" and with the URL "".
        It will register the SqlUser as "SqlAdmin" and the SqlPassword to "Pass@word1".
        This it useful for working on Tier 2 environments where the SqlUser and SqlPassword cannot be extracted from the environment itself.
        Tags: Environment, Url, Config, Configuration, Tfs, Vsts, Sql, SqlUser, SqlPwd
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Add-D365EnvironmentConfig {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Name,
        [string] $URL,

        [string] $SqlUser = "sqladmin",

        [string] $SqlPwd,

        [string] $Company = "DAT",

        [string] $TfsUri,

        [switch] $Force

    $Details = @{URL = $URL; Company = $Company;
        SqlUser = $SqlUser; SqlPwd = $SqlPwd;
        TfsUri = $TfsUri;

    $Environments = [hashtable](Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName "")

    if ($Environments.ContainsKey($Name)) {
        if ($Force) {
            $Environments[$Name] = $Details

            Set-PSFConfig -FullName "" -Value $Environments
            Register-PSFConfig -FullName ""
        else {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "An environment with that name <c='em'>already exists</c>. You want to <c='em'>overwrite</c> the already registered details please supply the <c='em'>-Force</c> parameter."
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because an environment already exists with that name."
    else {
        $null = $Environments.Add($Name, $Details)

        Set-PSFConfig -FullName "" -Value $Environments
        Register-PSFConfig -FullName ""

        Save a lcs environment
        Adds a lcs environment to the configuration store
        The logical name of the lcs environment you are about to register in the configuration store
    .PARAMETER ProjectId
        The project id for the Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations project inside LCS
    .PARAMETER EnvironmentId
        The unique id of the environment that you want to work against
        The Id can be located inside the LCS portal
    .PARAMETER Temporary
        Instruct the cmdlet to only temporarily add the broadcast message configuration in the configuration store
    .PARAMETER Force
        Instruct the cmdlet to overwrite the broadcast message configuration with the same name
        PS C:\> Add-D365LcsEnvironment -Name "UAT" -ProjectId 123456789 -EnvironmentId "13cc7700-c13b-4ea3-81cd-2d26fa72ec5e"
        This will create a new lcs environment entry.
        The name of the registration is determined by the Name "UAT".
        The LCS project is identified by the ProjectId 123456789, which can be obtained in the LCS portal.
        The environment is identified by the EnvironmentId "13cc7700-c13b-4ea3-81cd-2d26fa72ec5e", which can be obtained in the LCS portal.
        Tags: Servicing, Broadcast, Message, Users, Environment, Config, Configuration, ClientId, ClientSecret
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Add-D365LcsEnvironment {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Name,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int] $ProjectId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $EnvironmentId,

        [switch] $Temporary,

        [switch] $Force
    if (((Get-PSFConfig -FullName "*.name").Value -contains $Name) -and (-not $Force)) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "A LCS environment configuration with <c='em'>$Name</c> as name <c='em'>already exists</c>. If you want to <c='em'>overwrite</c> the current configuration, please supply the <c='em'>-Force</c> parameter."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because a environment configuration already exists with that name."

    $configName = ""

    #The ':keys' label is used to have a continue inside the switch statement itself
    :keys foreach ($key in $PSBoundParameters.Keys) {
        $configurationValue = $PSBoundParameters.Item($key)
        $configurationName = $key.ToLower()
        $fullConfigName = ""

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Working on $key with $configurationValue" -Target $configurationValue
        switch ($key) {
            "Name" {
                $configName = $Name.ToLower()
                $fullConfigName = "$"

            {"Temporary","Force" -contains $_} {
                continue keys

            Default {
                $fullConfigName = "$configName.$configurationName"

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Setting $fullConfigName to $configurationValue" -Target $configurationValue
        Set-PSFConfig -FullName $fullConfigName -Value $configurationValue
        if (-not $Temporary) { Register-PSFConfig -FullName $fullConfigName -Scope UserDefault }

        Add a certificate thumbprint to the wif.config.
        Register a certificate thumbprint in the wif.config file.
        This can be useful for example when configuring RSAT on a local machine and add the used certificate thumbprint to that AOS.s
    .PARAMETER CertificateThumbprint
        The thumbprint value of the certificate that you want to register in the wif.config file
        PS C:\> Add-D365RsatWifConfigAuthorityThumbprint -CertificateThumbprint "12312323r424"
        This will open the wif.config file and insert the "12312323r424" thumbprint value into the file.
        Tags: RSAT, Certificate, Testing, Regression Suite Automation Test, Regression, Test, Automation
        Author: Kenny Saelen (@kennysaelen)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Add-D365RsatWifConfigAuthorityThumbprint {

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]

        $wifConfigFile = Join-Path $script:ServiceDrive "\AOSService\webroot\wif.config"

        if($true -eq (Test-Path -Path $wifConfigFile))
            [xml]$wifXml = Get-Content $wifConfigFile

            $authorities = $wifXml.SelectNodes('//system.identityModel//identityConfiguration//securityTokenHandlers//securityTokenHandlerConfiguration//issuerNameRegistry//authority[@name=""]')
            if($authorities.Count -lt 1)
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Critical -Message "Only one authority should be found with the name"
                Stop-PSFFunction -Message  "Stopping because an invalid authority structure was found in the wif.config file."
                foreach ($authority in $authorities)
                    $addElem = $wifXml.CreateElement("add")
                    $addAtt = $wifXml.CreateAttribute("thumbprint")
                    $addAtt.Value = $CertificateThumbprint
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Critical -Message "The wif.config file would not be located on the system."
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message  "Stopping because the wif.config file could not be located."
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while configuring the certificates and the Windows Identity Foundation configuration for the AOS" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors" -StepsUpward 1

        Create a backup of the Metadata directory
        Creates a backup of all the files and folders from the Metadata directory
    .PARAMETER MetaDataDir
        Path to the Metadata directory
        Default value is the PackagesLocalDirectory
    .PARAMETER BackupDir
        Path where you want the backup to be place
        PS C:\> Backup-D365MetaDataDir
        This will backup the PackagesLocalDirectory and create an PackagesLocalDirectory_backup next to it
        Tags: PackagesLocalDirectory, MetaData, MetaDataDir, MeteDataDirectory, Backup, Development
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Backup-D365MetaDataDir {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $MetaDataDir = "$Script:MetaDataDir",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $BackupDir = "$($Script:MetaDataDir)_backup"

    if(!(Test-Path -Path $MetaDataDir -Type Container)) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The <c='em'>$MetaDataDir</c> path wasn't found. Please ensure the path <c='em'>exists </c> and you have enough <c='em'>permission/c> to access the directory."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because the path is missing."

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    $Params = @($MetaDataDir, $BackupDir, "/MT:4", "/E", "/NFL",
    "/NDL", "/NJH", "/NC", "/NS", "/NP")

    Start-Process -FilePath "Robocopy.exe" -ArgumentList $Params -NoNewWindow -Wait

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Backup a runbook file
        Backup a runbook file for you to persist it for later analysis
        Path to the file you want to backup
    .PARAMETER DestinationPath
        Path to the folder where you want the backup file to be placed
    .PARAMETER Force
        Instructs the cmdlet to overwrite the destination file if it already exists
        PS C:\> Backup-D365Runbook -File "C:\DynamicsAX\InstallationRecords\Runbooks\Runbook_20190327.xml"
        This will backup the "C:\DynamicsAX\InstallationRecords\Runbooks\Runbook_20190327.xml".
        The default destination folder is used, "c:\temp\\runbookbackups\".
        PS C:\> Backup-D365Runbook -File "C:\DynamicsAX\InstallationRecords\Runbooks\Runbook_20190327.xml" -Force
        This will backup the "C:\DynamicsAX\InstallationRecords\Runbooks\Runbook_20190327.xml".
        The default destination folder is used, "c:\temp\\runbookbackups\".
        If the file already exists in the destination folder, it will be overwritten.
        PS C:\> Get-D365Runbook | Backup-D365Runbook
        This will backup all runbook files found with the "Get-D365Runbook" cmdlet.
        The default destination folder is used, "c:\temp\\runbookbackups\".
        Tags: Runbook, Backup, Analysis
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Backup-D365Runbook {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [string] $File,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $DestinationPath = $(Join-Path $Script:DefaultTempPath "RunbookBackups"),

        [switch] $Force

    begin {
        if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $DestinationPath -Type Container -Create)) { return }
    process {

        if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $File -Type Leaf)) { return }

        if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }
        $fileName = Split-Path -Path $File -Leaf
        $destinationFile = $(Join-Path $DestinationPath $fileName)

        if (-not $Force) {
            if ((-not (Test-PathExists -Path $destinationFile -Type Leaf -ShouldNotExist -DontBreak))) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The <c='em'>$destinationFile</c> already exists. Consider changing the <c='em'>destination</c> path or set the <c='em'>Force</c> parameter to overwrite the file."

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Copying from: $File" -Target $item
        Copy-Item -Path $File -Destination $destinationFile -Force:$Force -PassThru | Select-PSFObject "Name as Filename", "LastWriteTime as LastModified", "Fullname as File"

        Clear the active broadcast message config
        Clear the active broadcast message config from the configuration store
    .PARAMETER Temporary
        Instruct the cmdlet to only temporarily clear the active broadcast message configuration in the configuration store
        PS C:\> Clear-D365ActiveBroadcastMessageConfig
        This will clear the active broadcast message configuration from the configuration store.
        Tags: Servicing, Broadcast, Message, Users, Environment, Config, Configuration, ClientId, ClientSecret
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Clear-D365ActiveBroadcastMessageConfig {
    param (
        [switch] $Temporary

    $configurationName = ""
    Reset-PSFConfig -FullName $configurationName

    if (-not $Temporary) { Register-PSFConfig -FullName $configurationName -Scope UserDefault }

        Clear the monitoring data from a Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations machine
        Clear the monitoring data that is filling up the service drive on a Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations
        The path to where the monitoring data is located
        The default value is the "ServiceDrive" (j:\ | k:\) and the \MonAgentData\SingleAgent\Tables folder structure
        PS C:\> Clear-D365MonitorData
        This will delete all the files that are located in the default path on the machine.
        Some files might be locked by a process, but the cmdlet will attemp to delete all files.
        Tags: Monitor, MonitorData, MonitorAgent, CleanUp, Servicing
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Clear-D365MonitorData {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string] $Path = (Join-Path $script:ServiceDrive "\MonAgentData\SingleAgent\Tables")
    Get-ChildItem -Path $Path | Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        Sets the environment back into operating state
        Sets the Dynamics 365 environment back into operating / running state after been in maintenance mode
    .PARAMETER MetaDataDir
        The path to the meta data directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory
        The path to the bin directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory\bin
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user.
    .PARAMETER ShowOriginalProgress
        Instruct the cmdlet to show the standard output in the console
        Default is $false which will silence the standard output
        PS C:\> Disable-D365MaintenanceMode
        This will execute the Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe with the default values that was pulled from the environment and put the environment into the operate / running state.
        PS C:\> Disable-D365MaintenanceMode -ShowOriginalProgress
        This will execute the Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe with the default values that was pulled from the environment and put the environment into the operate / running state.
        The output from stopping the services will be written to the console / host.
        The output from the "deployment" process will be written to the console / host.
        The output from starting the services will be written to the console / host.
        Tags: MaintenanceMode, Maintenance, License, Configuration, Servicing
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@splaxi)
        Author: Tommy Skaue (@skaue)
        With administrator privileges:
        The cmdlet wraps the execution of Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe and parses the parameters needed.
        Without administrator privileges:
        Will stop all services, execute a Sql script and start all services.

function Disable-D365MaintenanceMode {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $MetaDataDir = "$Script:MetaDataDir",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 2 )]
        [string] $BinDir = "$Script:BinDir",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 3 )]
        [string] $DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 4 )]
        [string] $DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 5 )]
        [string] $SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 6 )]
        [string] $SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [switch] $ShowOriginalProgress
    if ((Get-Process -Name "devenv" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Count -gt 0) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "It seems that you have a <c='em'>Visual Studio</c> running. Please <c='em'>exit</c> Visual Studio and run the cmdlet again."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of running Visual Studio."

    Stop-D365Environment -All -ShowOriginalProgress:$ShowOriginalProgress | Format-Table

    if(-not ($Script:IsAdminRuntime)) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Setting Maintenance Mode without using executable (which requires local admin)."
        $UseTrustedConnection = Test-TrustedConnection $PSBoundParameters

        $Params = @{
            DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer
            DatabaseName   = $DatabaseName
            SqlUser        = $SqlUser
            SqlPwd         = $SqlPwd

        Invoke-D365SqlScript @Params -FilePath $("$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\disable-maintenancemode.sql") -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection
    else {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Setting Maintenance Mode using executable."

        $executable = Join-Path $BinDir "bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe"

        if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $MetaDataDir,$BinDir -Type Container)) { return }
        if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $executable -Type Leaf)) { return }

        $params = @("-isemulated", "true",
            "-sqluser", "$SqlUser",
            "-sqlpwd", "$SqlPwd",
            "-sqlserver", "$DatabaseServer",
            "-sqldatabase", "$DatabaseName",
            "-metadatadir", "$MetaDataDir",
            "-bindir", "$BinDir",
            "-setupmode", "maintenancemode",
            "-isinmaintenancemode", "false")

        Invoke-Process -Executable $executable -Params $params -ShowOriginalProgress:$ShowOriginalProgress

    Start-D365Environment -All -ShowOriginalProgress:$ShowOriginalProgress | Format-Table

        Disables the user in D365FO
        Sets the enabled to 0 in the userinfo table.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user.
    .PARAMETER Email
        The search string to select which user(s) should be disabled.
        The parameter supports wildcards. E.g. -Email "**"
        PS C:\> Disable-D365User
        This will Disable all users for the environment
        PS C:\> Disable-D365User -Email ""
        This will Disable the user with the email address ""
        PS C:\> Disable-D365User -Email "*"
        This will Disable all users that matches the search "*" in their email address
        Tags: User, Users, Security, Configuration, Permission
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Disable-D365User {

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
        [string]$DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [string]$DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        [string]$SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]
        [string]$SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 5)]
        [string]$Email = "*"


    begin {
        Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

        $UseTrustedConnection = Test-TrustedConnection $PSBoundParameters

        $SqlParams = @{ DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer; DatabaseName = $DatabaseName;
            SqlUser = $SqlUser; SqlPwd = $SqlPwd

        $SqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand @SqlParams -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection

        try {
        catch {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

    process {
        if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }
        $sqlCommand.CommandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\disable-user.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine
        $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue('@Email', $Email.Replace("*", "%"))

        try {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)

            $reader = $sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()
            $NumAffected = 0

            while ($reader.Read() -eq $true) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "User $($reader.GetString(0)), $($reader.GetString(1)), $($reader.GetString(2)) Updated"

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Users updated : $NumAffected"
        catch {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
        finally {

    end {
        if ($sqlCommand.Connection.State -ne [System.Data.ConnectionState]::Closed) {


        Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Sets the environment into maintenance mode
        Sets the Dynamics 365 environment into maintenance mode to enable the user to update the license configuration
    .PARAMETER MetaDataDir
        The path to the meta data directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory
        The path to the bin directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory\bin
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user.
    .PARAMETER ShowOriginalProgress
        Instruct the cmdlet to show the standard output in the console
        Default is $false which will silence the standard output
        PS C:\> Enable-D365MaintenanceMode
        This will execute the Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe with the default values that was pulled from the environment and put the environment into the operate / running state
        PS C:\> Enable-D365MaintenanceMode -ShowOriginalProgress
        This will execute the Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe with the default values that was pulled from the environment and put the environment into the operate / running state
        The output from stopping the services will be written to the console / host.
        The output from the "deployment" process will be written to the console / host.
        The output from starting the services will be written to the console / host.
        Tags: MaintenanceMode, Maintenance, License, Configuration, Servicing
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@splaxi)
        Author: Tommy Skaue (@skaue)
        With administrator privileges:
        The cmdlet wraps the execution of Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe and parses the parameters needed.
        Without administrator privileges:
        Will stop all services, execute a Sql script and start all services.

function Enable-D365MaintenanceMode {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $MetaDataDir = "$Script:MetaDataDir",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 2 )]
        [string] $BinDir = "$Script:BinDir",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 3 )]
        [string] $DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 4 )]
        [string] $DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 5 )]
        [string] $SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 6 )]
        [string] $SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [switch] $ShowOriginalProgress

    if ((Get-Process -Name "devenv" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Count -gt 0) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "It seems that you have a <c='em'>Visual Studio</c> running. Please <c='em'>exit</c> Visual Studio and run the cmdlet again."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of running Visual Studio."
    Stop-D365Environment -All -ShowOriginalProgress:$ShowOriginalProgress | Format-Table

    if(-not ($Script:IsAdminRuntime)) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Setting Maintenance Mode without using executable (which requires local admin)."

        $UseTrustedConnection = Test-TrustedConnection $PSBoundParameters

        $Params = @{
            DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer
            DatabaseName   = $DatabaseName
            SqlUser        = $SqlUser
            SqlPwd         = $SqlPwd

        Invoke-D365SqlScript @Params -FilePath $("$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\enable-maintenancemode.sql") -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection
    else {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Setting Maintenance Mode using executable."

        $executable = Join-Path $BinDir "bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe"

        if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $MetaDataDir,$BinDir -Type Container)) { return }
        if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $executable -Type Leaf)) { return }

        $params = @("-isemulated", "true",
            "-sqluser", "$SqlUser",
            "-sqlpwd", "$SqlPwd",
            "-sqlserver", "$DatabaseServer",
            "-sqldatabase", "$DatabaseName",
            "-metadatadir", "$MetaDataDir",
            "-bindir", "$BinDir",
            "-setupmode", "maintenancemode",
            "-isinmaintenancemode", "true")

        Invoke-Process -Executable $executable -Params $params -ShowOriginalProgress:$ShowOriginalProgress

    Start-D365Environment -Aos -ShowOriginalProgress:$ShowOriginalProgress | Format-Table

        Enables the user in D365FO
        Sets the enabled to 1 in the userinfo table
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user
    .PARAMETER Email
        The search string to select which user(s) should be enabled
        The parameter supports wildcards. E.g. -Email "**"
        Default value is "*" to update all users
        PS C:\> Enable-D365User
        This will enable all users for the environment
        PS C:\> Enable-D365User -Email ""
        This will enable the user with the email address ""
        PS C:\> Enable-D365User -Email "*"
        This will enable all users that matches the search "*" in their email address
        Tags: User, Users, Security, Configuration, Permission
        Author: M�tz Jensen

function Enable-D365User {

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
        [string]$DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [string]$DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        [string]$SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]
        [string]$SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 5)]
        [string]$Email = "*"


    begin {
        Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

        $UseTrustedConnection = Test-TrustedConnection $PSBoundParameters

        $SqlParams = @{ DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer; DatabaseName = $DatabaseName;
            SqlUser = $SqlUser; SqlPwd = $SqlPwd

        $SqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand @SqlParams -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection

        try {
        catch {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

    process {
        if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }

        $sqlCommand.CommandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\enable-user.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine
        $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue('@Email', $Email.Replace("*", "%"))

        try {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)

            $reader = $sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()
            $NumAffected = 0
            while ($reader.Read() -eq $true) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "User $($reader.GetString(0)), $($reader.GetString(1)), $($reader.GetString(2)) Updated"

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Users updated : $NumAffected"
        catch {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
        finally {

    end {
        if ($sqlCommand.Connection.State -ne [System.Data.ConnectionState]::Closed) {


        Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Export a model from Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations
        Export a model from a Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations environment
        Path to the folder where you want to save the model file
    .PARAMETER Model
        Name of the model that you want to work against
        The path to the bin directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the AOS service PackagesLocalDirectory\bin
        Default value is fetched from the current configuration on the machine
    .PARAMETER MetaDataDir
        The path to the meta data directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory
        PS C:\> Export-D365Model -Path c:\temp\ -Model CustomModelName
        This will export the "CustomModelName" model from the default PackagesLocalDirectory path.
        It export the model to the "c:\temp\" location.
        Tags: ModelUtil, Axmodel, Model, Export
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Export-D365Model {
    # [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Path,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 2 )]
        [string] $Model,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3 )]
        [string] $BinDir = "$Script:PackageDirectory\bin",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4 )]
        [string] $MetaDataDir = "$Script:MetaDataDir"

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start
    if($Path.EndsWith("\")) {
        $Path = $Path.Substring(0, $Path.Length - 1)

    Invoke-ModelUtil -Command "Export" -Path $Path -BinDir $BinDir -MetaDataDir $MetaDataDir -Model $Model
    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Extract details from a User Interface Security file
        Extracts and partitions the security details from an User Interface Security file into the same structure as AOT security files
    .PARAMETER FilePath
        Path to the User Interface Security XML file you want to work against
    .PARAMETER OutputDirectory
        Path to the folder where the cmdlet will output and structure the details from the file.
        The cmdlet will create a sub folder named like the input file.
        Default value is: "C:\temp\\security-extraction"
        PS C:\> Export-D365SecurityDetails -FilePath C:\temp\\SecurityDatabaseCustomizations.xml
        This will grab all the details inside the "C:\temp\\SecurityDatabaseCustomizations.xml" file and extract that into the default path "C:\temp\\security-extraction"
        Tags: Security, Configuration, Permission, Development
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@splaxi)
        The work and design of this cmdlet is based on the findings by Alex Meyer (@alexmeyer_ITGuy).
        He wrote about his findings on his blog:
        He published a github repository:
        All credits goes to Alex Meyer

function Export-D365SecurityDetails {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$OutputDirectory = "C:\temp\\security-extraction"
    begin { }
    process {

        if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $FilePath -Type Leaf)) { return }
        if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $OutputDirectory -Type Container)) { return }

        [xml] $xdoc = Get-Content $FilePath
        $fileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($FilePath)
        $OutputDirectory = Join-Path $OutputDirectory $fileName

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Creating the output directory for the extraction" -Target $OutputDirectory
        $null = New-Item -Path $OutputDirectory -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Getting all the security objects."
        $secObjects = $xdoc.SelectNodes("/*/*/*/*/*[starts-with(name(),'AxSec')]")

        if ($secObjects.Count -gt 0) {

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Looping through all the security objects we found"
            foreach ( $secObject in $secObjects) {
                $secPath = Join-Path $OutputDirectory $secObject.LocalName
                $null = New-Item -Path $secPath -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

                $secObjectName = $secObject.Name
                if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($secObjectName))) {
                    $filePathOut = Join-Path $secPath $secObjectName
                    $filePathOut += ".xml"

                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Generating the output file: $filePathOut" -Target $filePathOut
                    $secObject.OuterXml | Out-File $filePathOut
    end {

function Find-D365Command {
        Finds commands searching through the inline help text
        Finds commands searching through the inline help text, building a consolidated json index and querying it because Get-Help is too slow
        Finds all commands tagged with this auto-populated tag
    .PARAMETER Author
        Finds all commands tagged with this author
    .PARAMETER MinimumVersion
        Finds all commands tagged with this auto-populated minimum version
    .PARAMETER MaximumVersion
        Finds all commands tagged with this auto-populated maximum version
    .PARAMETER Rebuild
        Rebuilds the index
    .PARAMETER Pattern
        Searches help for all commands in for the specified pattern and displays all results
    .PARAMETER Confirm
        Confirms overwrite of index
        Displays what would happen if the command is run
    .PARAMETER EnableException
        By default, when something goes wrong we try to catch it, interpret it and give you a friendly warning message.
        This avoids overwhelming you with "sea of red" exceptions, but is inconvenient because it basically disables advanced scripting.
        Using this switch turns this "nice by default" feature off and enables you to catch exceptions with your own try/catch.
        PS C:\> Find-D365Command "snapshot"
        For lazy typers: finds all commands searching the entire help for "snapshot"
        PS C:\> Find-D365Command -Pattern "snapshot"
        For rigorous typers: finds all commands searching the entire help for "snapshot"
        PS C:\> Find-D365Command -Tag copy
        Finds all commands tagged with "copy"
        PS C:\> Find-D365Command -Tag copy,user
        Finds all commands tagged with BOTH "copy" and "user"
        PS C:\> Find-D365Command -Author M�tz
        Finds every command whose author contains "M�tz"
        PS C:\> Find-D365Command -Author M�tz -Tag copy
        Finds every command whose author contains "M�tz" and it tagged as "copy"
        PS C:\> Find-D365Command -Pattern snapshot -Rebuild
        Finds all commands searching the entire help for "snapshot", rebuilding the index (good for developers)
        Tags: Find, Help, Command
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        License: MIT
        This cmdlet / function is copy & paste implementation based on the Find-DbaCommand from the project
        Original author: Simone Bizzotto (@niphold)

        [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
        param (
        begin {
            function Get-D365TrimmedString($Text) {
                return $Text.Trim() -replace '(\r\n){2,}', "`n"
            $tagsRex = ([regex]'(?m)^[\s]{0,15}Tags:(.*)$')
            $authorRex = ([regex]'(?m)^[\s]{0,15}Author:(.*)$')
            $minverRex = ([regex]'(?m)^[\s]{0,15}MinimumVersion:(.*)$')
            $maxverRex = ([regex]'(?m)^[\s]{0,15}MaximumVersion:(.*)$')
            function Get-D365Help([String]$commandName) {
                $thishelp = Get-Help $commandName -Full
                $thebase = @{ }
                $thebase.CommandName = $commandName
                $thebase.Name = $thishelp.Name
                $alias = Get-Alias -Definition $commandName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                $thebase.Alias = $alias.Name -Join ','
                ## fetch the description
                $thebase.Description = $thishelp.Description.Text
                ## fetch examples
                $thebase.Examples = Get-D365TrimmedString -Text ($thishelp.Examples | Out-String -Width 200)
                ## fetch help link
                $thebase.Links = ($thishelp.relatedLinks).NavigationLink.Uri
                ## fetch the synopsis
                $thebase.Synopsis = $thishelp.Synopsis
                ## fetch the syntax
                $thebase.Syntax = Get-D365TrimmedString -Text ($thishelp.Syntax | Out-String -Width 600)
                ## store notes
                $as = $thishelp.AlertSet | Out-String -Width 600
                ## fetch the tags
                $tags = $tagsrex.Match($as).Groups[1].Value
                if ($tags) {
                    $thebase.Tags = $tags.Split(',').Trim()
                ## fetch the author
                $author = $authorRex.Match($as).Groups[1].Value
                if ($author) {
                    $thebase.Author = $author.Trim()
                ## fetch MinimumVersion
                $MinimumVersion = $minverRex.Match($as).Groups[1].Value
                if ($MinimumVersion) {
                    $thebase.MinimumVersion = $MinimumVersion.Trim()
                ## fetch MaximumVersion
                $MaximumVersion = $maxverRex.Match($as).Groups[1].Value
                if ($MaximumVersion) {
                    $thebase.MaximumVersion = $MaximumVersion.Trim()
                ## fetch Parameters
                $parameters = $thishelp.parameters.parameter
                $command = Get-Command $commandName
                $params = @()
                foreach($p in $parameters) {
                    $paramAlias = $command.parameters[$p.Name].Aliases
                    $paramDescr = Get-D365TrimmedString -Text ($p.Description | Out-String -Width 200)
                    $params += , @($p.Name, $paramDescr, ($paramAlias -Join ','), ($p.Required -eq $true), $p.PipelineInput, $p.DefaultValue)
                $thebase.Params = $params
            function Get-D365Index() {
                if ($Pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($dest, "Recreating index")) {
                    $dbamodule = Get-Module -Name
                    $allCommands = $dbamodule.ExportedCommands.Values | Where-Object CommandType -EQ 'Function'
                    $helpcoll = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
                    foreach ($command in $allCommands) {
                        $x = Get-D365Help "$command"
                    # $dest = Get-DbatoolsConfigValue -Name 'Path.TagCache' -Fallback "$(Resolve-Path $PSScriptRoot\..)\dbatools-index.json"
                    $dest = "$moduleDirectory\bin\"
                    $helpcoll | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 | Out-File $dest -Encoding UTF8
            $moduleDirectory = (Get-Module -Name
        process {
            $Pattern = $Pattern.TrimEnd("s")
            $idxFile = "$moduleDirectory\bin\"
            if (!(Test-Path $idxFile) -or $Rebuild) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Rebuilding index into $idxFile"
                $swRebuild = [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Rebuild done in $($swRebuild.ElapsedMilliseconds)ms"
            $consolidated = Get-Content -Raw $idxFile | ConvertFrom-Json
            $result = $consolidated
            if ($Pattern.Length -gt 0) {
                $result = $result | Where-Object { $_.PsObject.Properties.Value -like "*$Pattern*" }
            if ($Tag.Length -gt 0) {
                foreach ($t in $Tag) {
                    $result = $result | Where-Object Tags -Contains $t
            if ($Author.Length -gt 0) {
                $result = $result | Where-Object Author -Like "*$Author*"
            if ($MinimumVersion.Length -gt 0) {
                $result = $result | Where-Object MinimumVersion -GE $MinimumVersion
            if ($MaximumVersion.Length -gt 0) {
                $result = $result | Where-Object MaximumVersion -LE $MaximumVersion
            Select-DefaultView -InputObject $result -Property CommandName, Synopsis

        Get active Azure Storage Account configuration
        Get active Azure Storage Account configuration object from the configuration store
        PS C:\> Get-D365ActiveAzureStorageConfig
        This will get the active Azure Storage configuration
        Tags: Azure, Azure Storage, Config, Configuration, Token, Blob, Container
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365ActiveAzureStorageConfig {
    param ()

    Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName ""

        Get active broadcast message configuration
        Get active broadcast message configuration from the configuration store
    .PARAMETER OutputAsHashtable
        Instruct the cmdlet to return a hastable object
        PS C:\> Get-D365ActiveBroadcastMessageConfig
        This will get the active broadcast message configuration.
        Tags: Servicing, Message, Users, Environment, Config, Configuration, ClientId, ClientSecret
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365ActiveBroadcastMessageConfig {
    param (
        [switch] $OutputAsHashtable

    $configName = (Get-PSFConfig -FullName "").Value

    if ($configName -eq "") {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "It looks like there <c='em'>isn't configured</c> an active broadcast message configuration."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because an active broadcast message configuration wasn't found."

    Get-D365BroadcastMessageConfig -Name $configName -OutputAsHashtable:$OutputAsHashtable

        Get active environment configuration
        Get active environment configuration object from the configuration store
        PS C:\> Get-D365ActiveEnvironmentConfig
        This will get the active environment configuration
        PS C:\> $params = @{}
        PS C:\> $params.SqlUser = (Get-D365ActiveEnvironmentConfig).SqlUser
        PS C:\> $params.SqlPwd = (Get-D365ActiveEnvironmentConfig).SqlPwd
        This gives you a hashtable with the SqlUser and SqlPwd values from the active environment.
        This enables you to use the $params as splatting for other cmdlets.
        Tags: Environment, Url, Config, Configuration, Tfs, Vsts, Sql, SqlUser, SqlPwd
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365ActiveEnvironmentConfig {
    param ()

    (Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName "")

        Search for AOT object
        Enables you to search for different AOT objects
        Path to the package that you want to work against
    .PARAMETER ObjectType
        The type of AOT object you're searching for
        Name of the object that you're looking for
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -Name "Work*status"
        Default value is "*" which will search for all objects
    .PARAMETER SearchInPackages
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to search in packages directly instead
        of searching in the XppMetaData directory under a given package
    .PARAMETER IncludePath
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to include the path for the object found
        PS C:\> Get-D365AOTObject -Name *flush* -ObjectType AxClass -Path "C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\ApplicationFoundation"
        This will search inside the ApplicationFoundation package for all AxClasses that matches the search *flush*.
        PS C:\> Get-D365AOTObject -Name *flush* -ObjectType AxClass -IncludePath -Path "C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\ApplicationFoundation"
        This will search inside the ApplicationFoundation package for all AxClasses that matches the search *flush* and include the full path to the files.
        PS C:\> Get-D365InstalledPackage -Name Application* | Get-D365AOTObject -Name *flush* -ObjectType AxClass
        This searches for all packages that matches Application* and pipes them into Get-D365AOTObject which will search for all AxClasses that matches the search *flush*.
        This is an advanced example and shouldn't be something you resolve to every time.
        PS C:\> Get-D365AOTObject -Path "C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\*" -Name *flush* -ObjectType AxClass -SearchInPackages
        This will search across all packages and will look for the all AxClasses that matches the search *flush*.
        It will NOT search in the XppMetaData directory for each package.
        This can stress your system.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365AOTObject {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 1)]
        [string] $Path,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [ValidateSet('AxAggregateDataEntity', 'AxClass', 'AxCompositeDataEntityView',
            'AxDataEntityView', 'AxForm', 'AxMap', 'AxQuery', 'AxTable', 'AxView')]
        [string[]] $ObjectType = @("AxClass"),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        [string] $Name = "*",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]
        [switch] $SearchInPackages,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5)]
        [switch] $IncludePath
    begin {
    process {
        $SearchList = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"

        foreach ($item in $ObjectType) {
            if ($SearchInPackages) {
                $SearchParent = Split-Path $Path -Leaf

                $null = $SearchList.Add((Join-Path "$Path" "\$SearchParent\$item\*.xml"))
                $SearchParent = $item #* Hack to make the logic when selecting the output work as expected
            else {
                $SearchParent = "XppMetadata"

                $null = $SearchList.Add((Join-Path "$Path" "\$SearchParent\*\$item\*.xml"))
        #* We are searching files - so the last character has to be a *
        if($Name.Substring($Name.Length -1, 1) -ne "*") {$Name = "$Name*"}

        $Files = Get-ChildItem -Path ($SearchList.ToArray()) -Filter $Name

        if($IncludePath) {
            $Files | Select-PSFObject -TypeName "D365FO.TOOLS.AotObject" "BaseName as Name",
            @{Name = "AotType"; Expression = {Split-Path(Split-Path -Path $_.Fullname -Parent) -leaf }},
            @{Name = "Model"; Expression = {Split-Path(($_.Fullname -Split $SearchParent)[0] ) -leaf }},
            "Fullname as Path"
        else {
            $Files | Select-PSFObject -TypeName "D365FO.TOOLS.AotObject" "BaseName as Name",
            @{Name = "AotType"; Expression = {Split-Path(Split-Path -Path $_.Fullname -Parent) -leaf }},
            @{Name = "Model"; Expression = {Split-Path(($_.Fullname -Split $SearchParent)[0] ) -leaf }}
    end {

        Get Azure Storage Account configs
        Get all Azure Storage Account configuration objects from the configuration store
        The name of the Azure Storage Account you are looking for
        Default value is "*" to display all Azure Storage Account configs
        PS C:\> Get-D365AzureStorageConfig
        This will show all Azure Storage Account configs
        Tags: Azure, Azure Storage, Config, Configuration, Token, Blob, Container
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365AzureStorageConfig {
    param (
        [string] $Name = "*"

    $Environments = [hashtable](Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName "")
    foreach ($item in $Environments.Keys) {
        if ($item -NotLike $Name) { continue }
        $temp = [ordered]@{Name = $item}
        $temp += $Environments[$item]

        Get a file from Azure
        Get all files from an Azure Storage Account
    .PARAMETER AccountId
        Storage Account Name / Storage Account Id where you want to look for files
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        The token that has the needed permissions for the search action
        The SAS key that you have created for the storage account or blob container
    .PARAMETER Container
        Name of the blob container inside the storage account you want to look for files
        Name of the file you are looking for
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -Name "Application*Adaptor"
        Default value is "*" which will search for all packages
    .PARAMETER Latest
        Instruct the cmdlet to only fetch the latest file from the Azure Storage Account
        PS C:\> Get-D365AzureStorageFile -AccountId "miscfiles" -AccessToken "xx508xx63817x752xx74004x30705xx92x58349x5x78f5xx34xxxxx51" -Container "backupfiles"
        This will get all files in the blob container "backupfiles".
        It will use the AccessToken "xx508xx63817x752xx74004x30705xx92x58349x5x78f5xx34xxxxx51" to gain access.
        PS C:\> Get-D365AzureStorageFile -AccountId "miscfiles" -AccessToken "xx508xx63817x752xx74004x30705xx92x58349x5x78f5xx34xxxxx51" -Container "backupfiles" -Latest
        This will get the latest (newest) file from the blob container "backupfiles".
        It will use the AccessToken "xx508xx63817x752xx74004x30705xx92x58349x5x78f5xx34xxxxx51" to gain access to the container.
        PS C:\> Get-D365AzureStorageFile -AccountId "miscfiles" -AccessToken "xx508xx63817x752xx74004x30705xx92x58349x5x78f5xx34xxxxx51" -Container "backupfiles" -Name "*UAT*"
        This will get all files in the blob container "backupfiles" that fits the "*UAT*" search value.
        It will use the AccessToken "xx508xx63817x752xx74004x30705xx92x58349x5x78f5xx34xxxxx51" to gain access to the container.
        PS C:\> Get-D365AzureStorageFile -AccountId "miscfiles" -SAS "sv2018-03-28&siunlisted&src&sigAUOpdsfpoWE976ASDhfjkasdf(5678sdfhk" -Container "backupfiles" -Latest
        This will get the latest (newest) file from the blob container "backupfiles".
        It will use the SAS key "sv2018-03-28&siunlisted&src&sigAUOpdsfpoWE976ASDhfjkasdf(5678sdfhk" to gain access to the container.
        Tags: Azure, Azure Storage, Token, Blob, File, Container
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365AzureStorageFile {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $AccountId = $Script:AccountId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $AccessToken = $Script:AccessToken,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $SAS = $Script:SAS,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $Container = $Script:Container,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [string] $Name = "*",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Latest')]
        [switch] $Latest

    if (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AccountId) -eq $true) -or
        ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Container)) -or
        (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AccessToken)) -and ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SAS)))) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "It seems that you are missing some of the parameters. Please make sure that you either supplied them or have the right configuration saved."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing parameters"

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SAS)) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Working against Azure Storage Account with AccessToken"

        $storageContext = new-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $AccountId.ToLower() -StorageAccountKey $AccessToken
    else {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Working against Azure Storage Account with SAS"

        $conString = $("BlobEndpoint=https://{0};QueueEndpoint=https://{0};FileEndpoint=https://{0};TableEndpoint=https://{0};SharedAccessSignature={1}" -f $AccountId.ToLower(), $SAS)
        $storageContext = new-AzureStorageContext -ConnectionString $conString

    $cloudStorageAccount = [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.CloudStorageAccount]::Parse($storageContext.ConnectionString)

    $blobClient = $cloudStorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient()

    $blobcontainer = $blobClient.GetContainerReference($Container);

    try {
        $files = $blobcontainer.ListBlobs() | Sort-Object -Descending { $_.Properties.LastModified }

        if ($Latest) {
            $files | Select-Object -First 1 | Select-PSFObject -TypeName D365FO.TOOLS.Azure.Blob "name", @{Name = "Size"; Expression = {[PSFSize]$_.Properties.Length}}, "IsDeleted", @{Name = "LastModified"; Expression = {[Datetime]::Parse($_.Properties.LastModified)}}
        else {
            foreach ($obj in $files) {
                if ($obj.Name -NotLike $Name) { continue }

                $obj | Select-PSFObject -TypeName D365FO.TOOLS.Azure.Blob "name", @{Name = "Size"; Expression = {[PSFSize]$_.Properties.Length}}, "IsDeleted", @{Name = "LastModified"; Expression = {[Datetime]::Parse($_.Properties.LastModified)}}
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message "Something broke" -ErrorRecord $_

        Get broadcast message from the D365FO environment
        Get broadcast message from the D365FO environment by looking into the database table
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user
    .PARAMETER ExcludeExpired
        Exclude all the records that has already expired
        PS C:\> Get-D365BroadcastMessage
        This will display all the broadcast message records from the SysBroadcastMessage table.
        PS C:\> Get-D365BroadcastMessage -ExcludeExpired
        This will display all active the broadcast message records from the SysBroadcastMessage table.
        Tags: Broadcast, Message, SysBroadcastMessage, Servicing, Message, Users, Environment
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365BroadcastMessage {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
        [string] $DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [string] $DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        [string] $SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]
        [string] $SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword,

        [switch] $ExcludeExpired

    $UseTrustedConnection = Test-TrustedConnection $PSBoundParameters

    $SqlParams = @{ DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer; DatabaseName = $DatabaseName;
        SqlUser = $SqlUser; SqlPwd = $SqlPwd

    $SqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand @SqlParams -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection

    if ($ExcludeExpired) {
        $sqlCommand.CommandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\get-broadcastmessageactive.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine
    else {
        $sqlCommand.CommandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\get-broadcastmessage.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine

    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)

        $reader = $sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()

        while ($reader.Read() -eq $true) {
                StartTime    = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc($($reader.GetDateTime($($reader.GetOrdinal("FROMDATETIME")))), [System.TimeZoneInfo]::Local)
                EndTime      = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc($($reader.GetDateTime($($reader.GetOrdinal("TODATETIME")))), [System.TimeZoneInfo]::Local)
                StartTimeUtc = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc($($reader.GetDateTime($($reader.GetOrdinal("TODATETIME")))), [System.TimeZoneInfo]::Utc)
                EndTimeUtc   = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc($($reader.GetDateTime($($reader.GetOrdinal("TODATETIME")))), [System.TimeZoneInfo]::Utc)
                AOSId        = "$($reader.GetString($($reader.GetOrdinal("AOSID"))))"
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
    finally {

        if ($sqlCommand.Connection.State -ne [System.Data.ConnectionState]::Closed) {


        Get broadcast message configs
        Get all broadcast message configuration objects from the configuration store
        The name of the broadcast message configuration you are looking for
        Default value is "*" to display all broadcast message configs
    .PARAMETER OutputAsHashtable
        Instruct the cmdlet to return a hastable object
        PS C:\> Get-D365BroadcastMessageConfig
        This will display all broadcast message configurations on the machine.
        PS C:\> Get-D365BroadcastMessageConfig -OutputAsHashtable
        This will display all broadcast message configurations on the machine.
        Every object will be output as a hashtable, for you to utilize as parameters for other cmdlets.
        PS C:\> Get-D365BroadcastMessageConfig -Name "UAT"
        This will display the broadcast message configuration that is saved with the name "UAT" on the machine.
        Tags: Servicing, Message, Users, Environment, Config, Configuration, ClientId, ClientSecret
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365BroadcastMessageConfig {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly', '')]
    param (
        [string] $Name = "*",

        [switch] $OutputAsHashtable
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Fetch all configurations based on $Name" -Target $Name

    $Name = $Name.ToLower()
    $configurations = Get-PSFConfig -FullName "$"

    foreach ($configName in $configurations.Value.ToLower()) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Working against the $configName configuration" -Target $configName
        $res = @{}

        $configName = $configName.ToLower()

        foreach ($config in Get-PSFConfig -FullName "$configName.*") {
            $propertyName = $config.FullName.ToString().Replace("$configName.", "")
            $res.$propertyName = $config.Value
        if($OutputAsHashtable) {
        } else {

        Get the ClickOnce configuration
        Creates the needed registry keys and values for ClickOnce to work on the machine
        PS C:\> Get-D365ClickOnceTrustPrompt
        This will get the current ClickOnce configuration
        Tags: ClickOnce, Registry, TrustPrompt
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365ClickOnceTrustPrompt {
    param (
    begin {
    process {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Testing if the registry key exists or not"

        if ((Test-Path -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\.NETFramework\Security\TrustManager\PromptingLevel") -eq $false) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "It looks like ClickOnce trust prompt has never been configured on this machine. Run Set-D365ClickOnceTrustPrompt to fix that"
        else {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Gathering the details from registry"

                UntrustedSites = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\.NETFramework\Security\TrustManager\PromptingLevel" "UntrustedSites").UntrustedSites
                Internet       = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\.NETFramework\Security\TrustManager\PromptingLevel" "Internet").Internet
                MyComputer     = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\.NETFramework\Security\TrustManager\PromptingLevel" "MyComputer").MyComputer
                LocalIntranet  = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\.NETFramework\Security\TrustManager\PromptingLevel" "LocalIntranet").LocalIntranet
                TrustedSites   = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\.NETFramework\Security\TrustManager\PromptingLevel" "TrustedSites").TrustedSites

    end {

        Get databases from the server
        Get the names of databases on either SQL Server or in Azure SQL Database instance
        Name of the database that you are looking for
        Default value is "*" which will show all databases
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user.
        PS C:\> Get-D365Database
        This will show all databases on the default SQL Server / Azure SQL Database instance.
        PS C:\> Get-D365Database -Name AXDB_ORIGINAL
        This will show if the AXDB_ORIGINAL database exists on the default SQL Server / Azure SQL Database instance.
        Tags: Database, DB, Servicing
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365Database {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [string[]] $Name = "*",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2 )]
        [string] $DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3 )]
        [string] $DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4 )]
        [string] $SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5 )]
        [string] $SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword

    $UseTrustedConnection = Test-TrustedConnection $PSBoundParameters

    $SqlParams = @{ DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer; DatabaseName = "master";
        SqlUser = $SqlUser; SqlPwd = $SqlPwd

    $sqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand @SqlParams -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection

    $sqlCommand.CommandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\get-database.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine

    try {
        $reader = $sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()

        while ($reader.Read() -eq $true) {
            $res = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Name             = "$($reader.GetString($($reader.GetOrdinal("NAME"))))"

            if ($res.Name -NotLike $Name) { continue }

    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
    finally {

        if ($sqlCommand.Connection.State -ne [System.Data.ConnectionState]::Closed) {


        Shows the Database Access information for the D365 Environment
        Gets all database information from the D365 environment
        PS C:\> Get-D365DatabaseAccess
        This will get all relevant details, including connection details, for the database configured for the environment
        Tags: Database, Connection, Sql, SqlUser, SqlPwd
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        The cmdlet wraps the call against a dll file that is shipped with Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations.
        The call to the dll file gets all relevant connections details for the database server.

function Get-D365DatabaseAccess {
    param ()

    $environment = Get-ApplicationEnvironment
    return $environment.DataAccess

        Decrypts the AOS config file
        Function used for decrypting the config file used by the D365 Finance & Operations AOS service
    .PARAMETER DropPath
        Place where the decrypted files should be placed
    .PARAMETER AosServiceWebRootPath
        Location of the D365 webroot folder
        PS C:\> Get-D365DecryptedConfigFile -DropPath "c:\temp\"
        This will get the config file from the instance, decrypt it and save it to "c:\temp\"
        Tags: Configuration, Service Account, Sql, SqlUser, SqlPwd, WebConfig, Web.Config, Decryption
        Author : Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author : M�tz Jensen (@splaxi)
        Used for getting the Password for the database and other service accounts used in environment

function Get-D365DecryptedConfigFile {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
        [string]$DropPath = "C:\temp\\ConfigFile_Decrypted",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [string]$AosServiceWebRootPath = $Script:AOSPath

    $WebConfigFile = Join-Path $AosServiceWebRootPath $Script:WebConfig

    if (!(Test-PathExists -Path $WebConfigFile -Type Leaf)) {return}
    if (!(Test-PathExists -Path $DropPath -Type Container -Create)) {return}

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Starting the decryption logic"
    New-DecryptedFile $WebConfigFile $DropPath

        Get a .NET class from the Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations installation
        Get a .NET class from an assembly file (dll) from the package directory
        Name of the .NET class that you are looking for
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -Name "ER*Excel*"
        Default value is "*" which will search for all classes
    .PARAMETER Assembly
        Name of the assembly file that you want to search for the .NET class
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -Name "*AX*Framework*.dll"
        Default value is "*.dll" which will search for assembly files
    .PARAMETER PackageDirectory
        Path to the directory containing the installed packages
        Normally it is located under the AOSService directory in "PackagesLocalDirectory"
        Default value is fetched from the current configuration on the machine
        PS C:\> Get-D365DotNetClass -Name "ERText*"
        Will search across all assembly files (*.dll) that are located in the default package directory after
        any class that fits the search "ERText*"
        PS C:\> Get-D365DotNetClass -Name "ERText*" -Assembly "*LocalizationFrameworkForAx.dll*"
        Will search across all assembly files (*.dll) that are fits the search "*LocalizationFrameworkForAx.dll*",
        that are located in the default package directory, after any class that fits the search "ERText*"
        PS C:\> Get-D365DotNetClass -Name "ERText*" | Export-Csv -Path c:\temp\results.txt -Delimiter ";"
        Will search across all assembly files (*.dll) that are located in the default package directory after
        any class that fits the search "ERText*"
        The output is saved to a file to make it easier to search inside the result set
        Tags: .Net, DotNet, Class, Development
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        The cmdlet supports piping and can be used in advanced scenarios. See more on github and the wiki pages.

function Get-D365DotNetClass {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Name = "*",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 2 )]
        [string] $Assembly = "*.dll",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 3 )]
        [string] $PackageDirectory = $Script:PackageDirectory
    begin {
    process {
        Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

        $files = (Get-ChildItem -Path $PackageDirectory -Filter $Assembly -Recurse -Exclude "*Resources*" | Where-Object Fullname -Notlike "*Resources*" )

        $files | ForEach-Object {
            $path = $_.Fullname
            try {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Loading the dll file: $path" -Target $path
                [Reflection.Assembly]$ass = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($path)

                $res = $ass.GetTypes()

                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Looping through all types from the assembly"
                foreach ($obj in $res) {
                    if ($obj.Name -NotLike $Name) { continue }
                        IsPublic = $obj.IsPublic
                        IsSerial = $obj.IsSerial
                        Name     = $obj.Name
                        BaseType = $obj.BaseType
                        File     = $path
            catch {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while trying to load the path: $path" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
                Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

        Invoke-TimeSignal -End

    end {


        Get a .NET method from the Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations installation
        Get a .NET method from an assembly file (dll) from the package directory
    .PARAMETER Assembly
        Name of the assembly file that you want to search for the .NET method
        Provide the full path for the assembly file you want to work against
        Name of the .NET method that you are looking for
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -Name "parmER*Excel*"
        Default value is "*" which will search for all methods
    .PARAMETER TypeName
        Name of the .NET class that you want to work against
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -Name "*ER*Excel*"
        Default value is "*" which will work against all classes
        PS C:\> Get-D365DotNetMethod -Assembly "C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\ElectronicReporting\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics365.LocalizationFrameworkForAx.dll"
        Will get all methods, across all classes, from the assembly file
        PS C:\> Get-D365DotNetMethod -Assembly "C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\ElectronicReporting\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics365.LocalizationFrameworkForAx.dll" -TypeName "ERTextFormatExcelFileComponent"
        Will get all methods, from the "ERTextFormatExcelFileComponent" class, from the assembly file
        PS C:\> Get-D365DotNetMethod -Assembly "C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\ElectronicReporting\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics365.LocalizationFrameworkForAx.dll" -TypeName "ERTextFormatExcelFileComponent" -Name "*parm*"
        Will get all methods that fits the search "*parm*", from the "ERTextFormatExcelFileComponent" class, from the assembly file
        PS C:\> Get-D365DotNetClass -Name "ERTextFormatExcelFileComponent" -Assembly "*LocalizationFrameworkForAx.dll*" | Get-D365DotNetMethod
        Will get all methods, from the "ERTextFormatExcelFileComponent" class, from any assembly file that fits the search "*LocalizationFrameworkForAx.dll*"
        Tags: .Net, DotNet, Class, Method, Methods, Development
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        The cmdlet supports piping and can be used in advanced scenarios. See more on github and the wiki pages.

function Get-D365DotNetMethod {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Assembly,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 2 )]
        [string] $Name = "*",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 3 )]
        [string] $TypeName = "*"

    begin {
    process {
        Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

        try {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Loading the file" -Target $Assembly
            [Reflection.Assembly]$ass = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($Assembly)

            $types = $ass.GetTypes()

            foreach ($obj in $types) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Type name loaded" -Target $obj.Name

                if ($obj.Name -NotLike $TypeName) {continue}

                $members = $obj.GetMethods()

                foreach ($objI in $members) {
                    if ($objI.Name -NotLike $Name) { continue }
                        TypeName     = $obj.Name
                        TypeIsPublic = $obj.IsPublic
                        MethodName   = $objI.Name

        catch {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message "Something went wrong while working on: $Assembly" -ErrorRecord $_
        Invoke-TimeSignal -End

    end {


        Cmdlet to get the current status for the different services in a Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations environment
        List status for all relevant services that is running in a D365FO environment
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        An array of computers that you want to query for the services status on.
        Set when you want to query all relevant services
        Financial Reporter
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to query the AOS (IIS) service
    .PARAMETER Batch
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet query the batch service
    .PARAMETER FinancialReporter
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet query the financial reporter (Management Reporter 2012)
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet query the DMF service
        PS C:\> Get-D365Environment -All
        Will query all D365FO service on the machine
        PS C:\> Get-D365Environment -ComputerName "TEST-SB-AOS1","TEST-SB-AOS2","TEST-SB-BI1" -All
        Will query all D365FO service on the different machines
        PS C:\> Get-D365Environment -Aos -Batch
        Will query the Aos & Batch services on the machine
        Tags: Environment, Service, Services, Aos, Batch, Servicing
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365Environment {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter", "")]
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 1 )]
        [string[]] $ComputerName = @($env:computername),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 2 )]
        [switch] $All = $true,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 2 )]
        [switch] $Aos,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 3 )]
        [switch] $Batch,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 4 )]
        [switch] $FinancialReporter,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 5 )]
        [switch] $DMF

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Specific") {
        $All = $false

    if ( (-not ($All)) -and (-not ($Aos)) -and (-not ($Batch)) -and (-not ($FinancialReporter)) -and (-not ($DMF))) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "You have to use at least one switch when running this cmdlet. Please run the cmdlet again."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing parameters"

    $Params = Get-DeepClone $PSBoundParameters
    if($Params.ContainsKey("ComputerName")){$null = $Params.Remove("ComputerName")}

    $Services = Get-ServiceList @Params

    $Results = foreach ($server in $ComputerName) {
        Get-Service -ComputerName $server -Name $Services -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue| Select-Object @{Name = "Server"; Expression = {$Server}}, Name, Status, DisplayName
    $Results | Select-PSFObject -TypeName "D365FO.TOOLS.Environment.Service" Server, DisplayName, Status, Name

        Get environment configs
        Get all environment configuration objects from the configuration store
        The name of the environment you are looking for
        Default value is "*" to display all environment configs
        PS C:\> Get-D365EnvironmentConfig
        This will show all environment configs
        Tags: Environment, Url, Config, Configuration, Tfs, Vsts, Sql, SqlUser, SqlPwd
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365EnvironmentConfig {
    param (
        [string] $Name = "*"

    $Environments = [hashtable](Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName "")
    foreach ($item in $Environments.Keys) {
        if ($item -NotLike $Name) { continue }
        $temp = [ordered]@{Name = $item}
        $temp += $Environments[$item]

        Get the D365FO environment settings
        Gets all settings the Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations environment uses.
        PS C:\> Get-D365EnvironmentSettings
        This will get all details available for the environment
        PS C:\> Get-D365EnvironmentSettings | Format-Custom -Property *
        This will get all details available for the environment and format it to show all details in a long custom object.
        Tags: Environment, Configuration, WebConfig, Web.Config, Decryption
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        The cmdlet wraps the call against a dll file that is shipped with Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations.
        The call to the dll file gets all relevant details for the installation.

function Get-D365EnvironmentSettings {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "")]
    param ()


        Returns Exposed services
        Function for getting which services there are exposed from D365
    .PARAMETER ClientId
        Client Id from the AppRegistration
    .PARAMETER ClientSecret
        Client Secret from the AppRegistration
        Url fro the D365 including Https://
    .PARAMETER Authority
        The Authority to issue the token
        PS C:\> Get-D365ExposedService -ClientId "MyClientId" -ClientSecret "MyClientSecret"
        This will show a list of all the services that the D365FO instance is exposing.
        Tags: DMF, OData, RestApi, Data Management Framework
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Idea taken from

function Get-D365ExposedService
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1 )]
        [string] $ClientId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2 )]
        [string] $ClientSecret,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3 )]
        [string] $D365FO,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4 )]
        [string] $Authority

    if($D365FO -eq "") {
        $D365FO = $(Get-D365Url).Url
    if($Authority -eq "") {
        $Authority = Get-InstanceIdentityProvider

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Importing type 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll'"
    $null = add-type -path "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\dll\Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll" -ErrorAction Stop

    $url = $D365FO + "/api/services"

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "D365FO : $D365FO"
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Url : $url"
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -MEssage "Authority : $Authority"
    $authHeader = New-AuthorizationHeader $Authority $ClientId  $ClientSecret $D365FO

    [System.Net.WebRequest] $webRequest  = New-WebRequest $url $authHeader "GET"

    $response = $webRequest.GetResponse()

    if ($response.StatusCode -eq [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::Ok) {

        $stream = $response.GetResponseStream()
        $streamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($stream);
        $exposedServices = $streamReader.ReadToEnd()
    else {
        $statusDescription = $response.StatusDescription
        throw "Https status code : $statusDescription"


        Get installed hotfix
        Get all relevant details for installed hotfix
        The path to the bin directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the AOS Service PackagesLocalDirectory\bin
    .PARAMETER PackageDirectory
        Path to the PackagesLocalDirectory
        Default path is the same as the AOS Service PackagesLocalDirectory
    .PARAMETER Model
        Name of the model that you want to work against
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -Model "*Retail*"
        Default value is "*" which will search for all models
        Name of the hotfix that you are looking for
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -Name "7045*"
        Default value is "*" which will search for all hotfixes
        KB number of the hotfix that you are looking for
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -KB "4045*"
        Default value is "*" which will search for all KB's
        PS C:\> Get-D365InstalledHotfix
        This will display all installed hotfixes found on this machine
        PS C:\> Get-D365InstalledHotfix -Model "*retail*"
        This will display all installed hotfixes found for all models that matches the search for "*retail*" found on this machine
        PS C:\> Get-D365InstalledHotfix -Model "*retail*" -KB "*43*"
        This will display all installed hotfixes found for all models that matches the search for "*retail*" and only with KB's that matches the search for "*43*" found on this machine
        Tags: Hotfix, Servicing, Model, Models, KB, Patch, Patching, PackagesLocalDirectory
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        This cmdlet is inspired by the work of "Ievgen Miroshnikov" (twitter: @IevgenMir)
        All credits goes to him for showing how to extract these information
        His blog can be found here:
        The specific blog post that we based this cmdlet on can be found here:

function Get-D365InstalledHotfix {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $BinDir = "$Script:BinDir\bin",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 2 )]
        [string] $PackageDirectory = $Script:PackageDirectory,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 3 )]
        [string] $Model = "*",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 4 )]
        [string] $Name = "*",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 5 )]
        [string] $KB = "*"


    begin {

    process {
        $files = @((Join-Path -Path $BinDir -ChildPath "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Storage.dll"),
            (Join-Path -Path $BinDir -ChildPath "Microsoft.Dynamics.ApplicationPlatform.XppServices.Instrumentation.dll"))
        if(-not (Test-PathExists -Path $files -Type Leaf)) {

        Add-Type -Path $files

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Testing if the cmdlet is running on a OneBox or not." -Target $Script:IsOnebox
        if ($Script:IsOnebox) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Machine is onebox. Will continue with DiskProvider."

            $diskProviderConfiguration = New-Object Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Storage.DiskProvider.DiskProviderConfiguration
            $metadataProviderFactory = New-Object Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Storage.MetadataProviderFactory
            $metadataProvider = $metadataProviderFactory.CreateDiskProvider($diskProviderConfiguration)

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "MetadataProvider initialized." -Target $metadataProvider
        else {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Machine is NOT onebox. Will continue with RuntimeProvider."

            $runtimeProviderConfiguration = New-Object Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Storage.Runtime.RuntimeProviderConfiguration -ArgumentList $Script:PackageDirectory
            $metadataProviderFactory = New-Object Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Storage.MetadataProviderFactory
            $metadataProvider = $metadataProviderFactory.CreateRuntimeProvider($runtimeProviderConfiguration)

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "MetadataProvider initialized." -Target $metadataProvider

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Initializing the UpdateProvider from the MetadataProvider."
        $updateProvider = $metadataProvider.Updates

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Looping through all modules from the MetadataProvider."
        foreach ($obj in $metadataProvider.ModelManifest.ListModules()) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Filtering out all modules that doesn't match the model search." -Target $obj
            if ($obj.Name -NotLike $Model) {continue}

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Looping through all hotfixes for the module from the UpdateProvider." -Target $obj
            foreach ($objUpdate in $updateProvider.ListObjects($obj.Name)) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Reading all details for the hotfix through UpdateProvider." -Target $objUpdate
                $axUpdateObject = $updateProvider.Read($objUpdate)

                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Filtering out all hotfixes that doesn't match the name search." -Target $axUpdateObject
                if ($axUpdateObject.Name -NotLike $Name) {continue}

                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Filtering out all hotfixes that doesn't match the KB search." -Target $axUpdateObject
                if ($axUpdateObject.KBNumbers -NotLike $KB) {continue}

                    Model   = $obj.Name
                    Hotfix  = $axUpdateObject.Name
                    Applied = $axUpdateObject.AppliedDateTime
                    KBs     = $axUpdateObject.KBNumbers

    end {

        Get installed package from Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations environment
        Get installed package from the machine running the AOS service for Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations
        Name of the package that you are looking for
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -Name "Application*Adaptor"
        Default value is "*" which will search for all packages
    .PARAMETER PackageDirectory
        Path to the directory containing the installed packages
        Normally it is located under the AOSService directory in "PackagesLocalDirectory"
        Default value is fetched from the current configuration on the machine
        PS C:\> Get-D365InstalledPackage
        Shows the entire list of installed packages located in the default location on the machine
        PS C:\> Get-D365InstalledPackage -Name "Application*Adaptor"
        Shows the list of installed packages where the name fits the search "Application*Adaptor"
        A result set example:
        PS C:\> Get-D365InstalledPackage -PackageDirectory "J:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory"
        Shows the entire list of installed packages located in "J:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory" on the machine
        Tags: PackagesLocalDirectory, Servicing, Model, Models, Package, Packages
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        The cmdlet supports piping and can be used in advanced scenarios. See more on github and the wiki pages.

function Get-D365InstalledPackageOld {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Name = "*",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 2 )]
        [string] $PackageDirectory = $Script:PackageDirectory

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Package directory is: $PackageDirectory" -Target $PackageDirectory
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Name is: $Name" -Target $Name

    $Packages = Get-ChildItem -Path $PackageDirectory -Directory -Exclude bin

    foreach ($obj in $Packages) {
        if ($obj.Name -NotLike $Name) { continue }
            PackageName      = $obj.Name
            PackageDirectory = $obj.FullName

        Get installed D365 services
        Get installed Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations services that are installed on the machine
        Path to the folder that contains the "InstallationRecords" folder
        PS C:\> Get-D365InstalledService
        This will get all installed services on the machine.
        Tags: Services, Servicing, Topology
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365InstalledService {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Path = $Script:InstallationRecordsDir
    begin {
    process {
        $servicePath = Join-Path $Path "ServiceModelInstallationRecords"

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Service installation log path is: $servicePath" -Target $servicePath
        $ServiceFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $servicePath -Filter "*_current.xml" -Recurse

        foreach ($obj in $ServiceFiles) {
                ServiceName = ($obj.Name.Split("_")[0])
                Version     = (Select-Xml -XPath "/ServiceModelInstallationInfo/Version" -Path $obj.fullname).Node."#Text"
    end {

        Gets the instance name
        Get the instance name that is registered in the environment
        PS C:\> Get-D365InstanceName
        This will get the service name that the environment has configured
        Tags: Instance, Servicing
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        The cmdlet wraps the call against a dll file that is shipped with Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations.
        The call to the dll file gets HostedServiceName that is registered in the environment.

function Get-D365InstanceName {
    param ()

        InstanceName = "$($(Get-D365EnvironmentSettings).Infrastructure.HostedServiceName)"

        Get label from the label file from Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations environment
        Get label from the label file from the running the Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations instance
        The path to the bin directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the AOS service PackagesLocalDirectory\bin
        Default value is fetched from the current configuration on the machine
    .PARAMETER LabelFileId
        Name / Id of the label "file" that you want to work against
    .PARAMETER Language
        Name / string representation of the language / culture you want to work against
        Default value is "en-US"
        Name of the label that you are looking for
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -Name "@PRO59*"
        Default value is "*" which will search for all labels
        PS C:\> Get-D365Label -LabelFileId PRO
        Shows the entire list of labels that are available from the PRO label file.
        The language is defaulted to "en-US".
        PS C:\> Get-D365Label -LabelFileId PRO -Language da
        Shows the entire list of labels that are available from the PRO label file.
        Shows only all "da" (Danish) labels.
        PS C:\> Get-D365Label -LabelFileId PRO -Name "@PRO59*"
        Shows the labels available from the PRO label file where the name fits the search "@PRO59*"
        A result set example:
        Name Value Language
        ---- ----- --------
        @PRO59 Indicates if the type of the rebate value. en-US
        @PRO594 Pack consumption en-US
        @PRO595 Pack qty now being released to production in the BOM unit. en-US
        @PRO596 Pack unit. en-US
        @PRO597 Pack proposal for release in the packing unit. en-US
        @PRO590 Constant pack qty en-US
        @PRO593 Pack proposal release in BOM unit. en-US
        @PRO598 Pack quantity now being released for the production in the packing unit. en-US
        PS C:\> Get-D365Label -LabelFileId PRO -Name "@PRO59*" -Language da,en-us
        Shows the labels available from the PRO label file where the name fits the search "@PRO59*".
        Shows for both "da" (Danish) and en-US (English)
        Tags: PackagesLocalDirectory, Servicing, Language, Labels, Label
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        This cmdlet is inspired by the work of "Pedro Tornich" (twitter: @ptornich)
        All credits goes to him for showing how to extract these information
        His github repository can be found here:

function Get-D365Label {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $BinDir = "$Script:BinDir\bin",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 2 )]
        [string] $LabelFileId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 3 )]
        [string[]] $Language = "en-US",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 4 )]
        [string] $Name = "*"

    begin {

    process {
        $files = @((Join-Path -Path $BinDir -ChildPath "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Xpp.AxShared.dll"))
        if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $files -Type Leaf)) {

        Add-Type -Path $files

        foreach ($item in $Language) {
            $culture = New-Object System.Globalization.CultureInfo -ArgumentList $item

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Searching for label" -Target $culture
            $labels = [Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.LabelHelper]::GetAllLabels($LabelFileId, $culture)
            foreach ($itemLabel in $labels) {
                foreach ($key in $itemLabel.Keys) {
                    if ($key -notlike $Name) { continue }

                        Name     = $Key
                        Value    = $itemLabel[$key]
                        Language = $item
                        PSTypeName = 'D365FO.TOOLS.Label'

    end {

        Get label file (ids) for packages / modules from Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations environment
        Get label file (ids) for packages / modules from the machine running the AOS service for Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations
        The path to the bin directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the AOS service PackagesLocalDirectory\bin
        Default value is fetched from the current configuration on the machine
    .PARAMETER PackageDirectory
        Path to the directory containing the installed package / module
        Normally it is located under the AOSService directory in "PackagesLocalDirectory"
        Default value is fetched from the current configuration on the machine
    .PARAMETER Module
        Name of the module that you want to work against
        Default value is "*" which will search for all modules
        Name of the label file (id) that you are looking for
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -Name "Acc*Receivable*"
        Default value is "*" which will search for all label file (ids)
        PS C:\> Get-D365LabelFile
        Shows the entire list of label file (ids) for all installed packages / modules located in the default location on the machine
        PS C:\> Get-D365LabelFile -Name "Acc*Receivable*"
        Shows the list of label file (ids) for all installed packages / modules where the label file (ids) name fits the search "Acc*Receivable*"
        A result set example:
        LabelFileId Languages Module
        ----------- --------- ------
        AccountsReceivable {ar-AE, ar, cs, da...} ApplicationSuite
        AccountsReceivable_SalesTaxCodesSA {en-US} ApplicationSuite
        PS C:\> Get-D365LabelFile -PackageDirectory "J:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory"
        Shows the list of label file (ids) for all installed packages / modules located in "J:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory" on the machine
        Tags: PackagesLocalDirectory, Servicing, Language, Labels, Label
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        This cmdlet is inspired by the work of "Pedro Tornich" (twitter: @ptornich)
        All credits goes to him for showing how to extract these information
        His github repository can be found here:

function Get-D365LabelFile {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $BinDir = "$Script:BinDir\bin",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 2 )]
        [string] $PackageDirectory = $Script:PackageDirectory,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 3 )]
        [string] $Module = "*",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 4 )]
        [string] $Name = "*"

    begin {

    process {
        $files = @((Join-Path -Path $BinDir -ChildPath "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Storage.dll"),
            (Join-Path -Path $BinDir -ChildPath "Microsoft.Dynamics.ApplicationPlatform.XppServices.Instrumentation.dll"))
        if(-not (Test-PathExists -Path $files -Type Leaf)) {

        Add-Type -Path $files

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Testing if the cmdlet is running on a OneBox or not." -Target $Script:IsOnebox
        if ($Script:IsOnebox) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Machine is onebox. Will continue with DiskProvider."

            $diskProviderConfiguration = New-Object Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Storage.DiskProvider.DiskProviderConfiguration
            $metadataProviderFactory = New-Object Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Storage.MetadataProviderFactory
            $metadataProvider = $metadataProviderFactory.CreateDiskProvider($diskProviderConfiguration)

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "MetadataProvider initialized." -Target $metadataProvider
        else {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Machine is NOT onebox. Will continue with RuntimeProvider."

            $runtimeProviderConfiguration = New-Object Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Storage.Runtime.RuntimeProviderConfiguration -ArgumentList $Script:PackageDirectory
            $metadataProviderFactory = New-Object Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Storage.MetadataProviderFactory
            $metadataProvider = $metadataProviderFactory.CreateRuntimeProvider($runtimeProviderConfiguration)

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "MetadataProvider initialized." -Target $metadataProvider

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Initializing the LabelProvider from the MetadataProvider."
        $labelProvider = $metadataProvider.LabelFiles

        $res = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, System.Collections.ArrayList]'

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Looping through all modules from the MetadataProvider."
        foreach ($obj in $metadataProvider.ModelManifest.ListModules()) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Filtering out all modules that doesn't match the model search." -Target $obj
            if ($obj.Name -NotLike $Module) {continue}

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "$($obj.Name)"

            $labelFiles = $labelProvider.ListObjects($obj.Name)

            foreach ($objLabelFile in $labelFiles) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "$($objLabelFile)"

                if($objLabelFile -like "*.*") {
                    $chars = $objLabelFile.ToCharArray()
                    $chars[$objLabelFile.LastIndexOf(".")] = "_"
                    $objLabelFile = $chars -join ""

                $labelId = $objLabelFile.Substring(0, $objLabelFile.LastIndexOf("_"))
                $langString = $objLabelFile.Substring($objLabelFile.LastIndexOf("_") + 1)

                if ($labelId -NotLike $Name) {continue}

                if(-not ($res.ContainsKey($labelId))) {
                    $null = $res.Add($labelId, (New-object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"))

                $null = $res[$labelId].Add($langString)

            foreach ($item in $res.Keys) {

                    LabelFileId   = $item
                    Languages  = $res[$item]
                    Module = $obj.Name

    end {

        Get label from the resource file
        Get label details from the resource file
    .PARAMETER FilePath
        The path to resource file that you want to get label details from
        Name of the label you are looking for
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -Name "@PRO*"
        Default value is "*" which will search for all labels in the resource file
    .PARAMETER Value
        Value of the label you are looking for
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -Name "*Qty*"
        Default value is "*" which will search for all values in the resource file
    .PARAMETER IncludePath
        Switch to indicate whether you want the result set to include the path to the resource file or not
        Default is OFF - path details will not be part of the output
        PS C:\> Get-D365Label -Path "C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\ApplicationSuite\Resources\en-US\PRO.resources.dll"
        Will get all labels from the "PRO.resouce.dll" file
        The language is determined by the path to the resource file and nothing else
        PS C:\> Get-D365Label -Path "C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\ApplicationSuite\Resources\en-US\PRO.resources.dll" -Name "@PRO505"
        Will get the label with the name "@PRO505" from the "PRO.resouce.dll" file
        The language is determined by the path to the resource file and nothing else
        PS C:\> Get-D365Label -Path "C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\ApplicationSuite\Resources\en-US\PRO.resources.dll" -Value "*qty*"
        Will get all the labels where the value fits the search "*qty*" from the "PRO.resouce.dll" file
        The language is determined by the path to the resource file and nothing else
        PS C:\> Get-D365InstalledPackage -Name "ApplicationSuite" | Get-D365PackageLabelFile -Language "da" | Get-D365Label -value "*batch*" -IncludePath
        Will get all the labels, across all label files, for the "ApplicationSuite", where the language is "da" and where the label value fits the search "*batch*".
        The path to the label file is included in the output.
        Tags: PackagesLocalDirectory, Label, Labels, Language, Development, Servicing
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        There are several advanced scenarios for this cmdlet. See more on github and the wiki pages.

function Get-D365LabelOld {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 1 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $FilePath,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 2 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 2 )]
        [string] $Name = "*",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 2 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 2 )]
        [string] $Value = "*",

        [switch] $IncludePath

    BEGIN {}

        $assembly = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($FilePath)

        $resNames = $assembly.GetManifestResourceNames()
        $resname = $resNames[0].Replace(".resources", "")
        $resLanguage = $resname.Split(".")[1]

        $resMan = New-Object -TypeName System.Resources.ResourceManager -ArgumentList $resname, $assembly

        $language = New-Object System.Globalization.CultureInfo -ArgumentList "en-US"
        $resources = $resMan.GetResourceSet($language, $true, $true)

        foreach ($obj in $resources) {
            if ($obj.Name -NotLike $Name) { continue }
            if ($obj.Value -NotLike $Value) { continue }
            $res = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Name     = $obj.Name
                Language = $resLanguage
                Value    = $obj.Value

            if ($IncludePath.IsPresent) {
                $res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Path' -Value $FilePath


    END {}

        Get installed languages from Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations environment
        Get installed languages from the running the Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations instance
        Path to the directory containing the BinDir and its assemblies
        Normally it is located under the AOSService directory in "PackagesLocalDirectory"
        Default value is fetched from the current configuration on the machine
        Name of the language that you are looking for
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -Name "fr*"
        Default value is "*" which will search for all languages
        PS C:\> Get-D365Language
        Shows the entire list of installed languages that are available from the running instance
        PS C:\> Get-D365Language -Name "fr*"
        Shows the list of installed languages where the name fits the search "fr*"
        A result set example:
        fr French
        fr-BE French (Belgium)
        fr-CA French (Canada)
        fr-CH French (Switzerland)
        Tags: PackagesLocalDirectory, Servicing, Language, Labels, Label
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        This cmdlet is inspired by the work of "Pedro Tornich" (twitter: @ptornich)
        All credits goes to him for showing how to extract these information
        His github repository can be found here:

function Get-D365Language {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $BinDir = "$Script:BinDir\bin",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 2 )]
        [string] $Name = "*"

    begin {

    process {
        $files = @((Join-Path -Path $BinDir -ChildPath "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Xpp.AxShared.dll"))
        if(-not (Test-PathExists -Path $files -Type Leaf)) {

        Add-Type -Path $files

        $languages = [Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.LabelHelper]::GetInstalledLanguages()

        foreach ($obj in $languages) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Filtering out all modules that doesn't match the model search." -Target $obj
            if ($obj -NotLike $Name) {continue}

            $lang = New-Object System.Globalization.CultureInfo -ArgumentList $obj
                Name        = $obj
                LanguageName  = $lang.DisplayName

    end {

        Get the LCS configuration details
        Get the LCS configuration details from the configuration store
        All settings retrieved from this cmdlets is to be considered the default parameter values across the different cmdlets
    .PARAMETER OutputAsHashtable
        Instruct the cmdlet to return a hashtable object
        PS C:\> Get-D365LcsApiConfig
        This will output the current LCS API configuration.
        The object returned will be a PSCustomObject.
        PS C:\> Get-D365LcsApiConfig -OutputAsHashtable
        This will output the current LCS API configuration.
        The object returned will be a Hashtable.
        Tags: Environment, Url, Config, Configuration, LCS, Upload, ClientId
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365LcsApiConfig {
    param (
        [switch] $OutputAsHashtable

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    $res = [Ordered]@{}

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Extracting all the LCS configuration and building the result object."

    foreach ($config in Get-PSFConfig -FullName "*") {
        if($config.FullName.ToString() -like "*") { continue }
        $propertyName = $config.FullName.ToString().Replace("", "")
        $res.$propertyName = $config.Value

    if($OutputAsHashtable) {
    } else {

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Upload a file to a LCS project
        Upload a file to a LCS project using the API provided by Microsoft
    .PARAMETER ClientId
        The Azure Registered Application Id / Client Id obtained while creating a Registered App inside the Azure Portal
        Default value can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig
    .PARAMETER Username
        The username of the account that you want to impersonate
        It can either be your personal account or a service account
    .PARAMETER Password
        The password of the account that you want to impersonate
    .PARAMETER LcsApiUri
        URI / URL to the LCS API you want to use
        Depending on whether your LCS project is located in europe or not, there is 2 valid URI's / URL's
        Valid options:
        Default value can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig
        PS C:\> Get-D365LcsApiToken -ClientId "9b4f4503-b970-4ade-abc6-2c086e4c4929" -Username "" -Password "TopSecretPassword" -LcsApiUri ""
        This will obtain a valid OAuth 2.0 access token from Azure Active Directory.
        The ClientId "9b4f4503-b970-4ade-abc6-2c086e4c4929" is used in the OAuth 2.0 Grant Flow to authenticate.
        The Username "" and Password "TopSecretPassword" is used in the OAuth 2.0 Grant Flow, to approved that the application should impersonate like "".
        The http request will be going to the LcsApiUri "" (NON-EUROPE).
        PS C:\> Get-D365LcsApiToken -Username "" -Password "TopSecretPassword"
        This will obtain a valid OAuth 2.0 access token from Azure Active Directory.
        The Username "" and Password "TopSecretPassword" is used in the OAuth 2.0 Grant Flow, to approved that the application should impersonate like "".
        All default values will come from the configuration available from Get-D365LcsApiConfig.
        PS C:\> Get-D365LcsApiToken -Username "" -Password "TopSecretPassword" | Set-D365LcsApiConfig
        This will obtain a valid OAuth 2.0 access token from Azure Active Directory and save the needed details.
        The Username "" and Password "TopSecretPassword" is used in the OAuth 2.0 Grant Flow, to approved that the application should impersonate like "".
        The output object received from Get-D365LcsApiToken is piped directly to Set-D365LcsApiConfig.
        Set-D365LcsApiConfig will save the access_token(BearerToken), refresh_token(RefreshToken) and expires_on(ActiveTokenExpiresOn).
        All default values will come from the configuration available from Get-D365LcsApiConfig.
        Tags: Environment, Url, Config, Configuration, LCS, Upload, Api, AAD, Token
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365LcsApiToken {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword", "")]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingUserNameAndPassWordParams", "")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $ClientId = $Script:LcsApiClientId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Username,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $Password,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $LcsApiUri = $Script:LcsApiApiUri

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    $tokenParms = @{}
    $tokenParms.Resource = $LcsApiUri
    $tokenParms.ClientId = $ClientId
    $tokenParms.Username = $Username
    $tokenParms.Password = $Password
    $tokenParms.Scope = "openid"
    $tokenParms.AuthProviderUri = $Script:AADOAuthEndpoint

    Invoke-PasswordGrant @tokenParms

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Get the validation status from LCS
        Get the validation status for a given file in the Asset Library in LCS
    .PARAMETER ProjectId
        The project id for the Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations project inside LCS
        Default value can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig
    .PARAMETER BearerToken
        The token you want to use when working against the LCS api
        Default value can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig
    .PARAMETER AssetId
        The unique id of the asset / file that you are trying to deploy from LCS
    .PARAMETER LcsApiUri
        URI / URL to the LCS API you want to use
        Default value can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig
    .PARAMETER WaitForValidation
        Instruct the cmdlet to wait for the validation process to complete
        The cmdlet will sleep for 60 seconds, before requesting the status of the validation process from LCS
        PS C:\> Get-D365LcsAssetValidationStatus -ProjectId 123456789 -BearerToken "JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd..." -AssetId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae" -LcsApiUri ""
        This will check the validation status for the file in the Asset Library.
        The LCS project is identified by the ProjectId 123456789, which can be obtained in the LCS portal.
        The file is identified by the AssetId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae", which is obtained either by earlier upload or simply looking in the LCS portal.
        The request will authenticate with the BearerToken "Bearer JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd...".
        The http request will be going to the LcsApiUri "" (NON-EUROPE).
        PS C:\> Get-D365LcsAssetValidationStatus -AssetId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae"
        This will check the validation status for the file in the Asset Library.
        The file is identified by the AssetId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae", which is obtained either by earlier upload or simply looking in the LCS portal.
        All default values will come from the configuration available from Get-D365LcsApiConfig.
        PS C:\> Get-D365LcsAssetValidationStatus -AssetId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae" -WaitForValidation
        This will check the validation status for the file in the Asset Library.
        The file is identified by the AssetId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae", which is obtained either by earlier upload or simply looking in the LCS portal.
        The cmdlet will every 60 seconds contact the LCS API endpoint and check if the status of the validation is either success or failure.
        All default values will come from the configuration available from Get-D365LcsApiConfig.
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365LcsUpload -FilePath "C:\temp\\" | Get-D365LcsAssetValidationStatus -WaitForValidation
        This will start the upload of a file to the Asset Library and check the validation status for the file in the Asset Library.
        The file that will be uploaded is based on the FilePath "C:\temp\\".
        The output object received from Invoke-D365LcsUpload is piped directly to Get-D365LcsAssetValidationStatus.
        The cmdlet will every 60 seconds contact the LCS API endpoint and check if the status of the validation is either success or failure.
        All default values will come from the configuration available from Get-D365LcsApiConfig.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365LcsAssetValidationStatus {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int] $ProjectId = $Script:LcsApiProjectId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $BearerToken = $Script:LcsApiBearerToken,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 3)]
        [string] $AssetId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $LcsApiUri = $Script:LcsApiLcsApiUri,

        [switch] $WaitForValidation

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    if (-not ($BearerToken.StartsWith("Bearer "))) {
        $BearerToken = "Bearer $BearerToken"

    do {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Sleeping before hitting the LCS API for Asset Validation Status"
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
        $status = Get-LcsAssetValidationStatus -BearerToken $BearerToken -ProjectId $ProjectId -AssetId $AssetId -LcsApiUri $LcsApiUri
    while (($status.DisplayStatus -eq "Process") -and $WaitForValidation)

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

    $status | Select-PSFObject "ID as AssetId", "DisplayStatus as Status"

        Start the deployment of a deployable package
        Deploy a deployable package from the Asset Library from a LCS project using the API provided by Microsoft
    .PARAMETER ProjectId
        The project id for the Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations project inside LCS
        Default value can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig
    .PARAMETER BearerToken
        The token you want to use when working against the LCS api
        Default value can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig
    .PARAMETER ActionHistoryId
        The unique id of the action that you started from the Invoke-D365LcsDeployment cmdlet
    .PARAMETER EnvironmentId
        The unique id of the environment that you want to work against
        The Id can be located inside the LCS portal
        Default value can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig
    .PARAMETER LcsApiUri
        URI / URL to the LCS API you want to use
        Depending on whether your LCS project is located in europe or not, there is 2 valid URI's / URL's
        Valid options:
        Default value can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig
    .PARAMETER WaitForCompletion
        Instruct the cmdlet to wait for the deployment process to complete
        The cmdlet will sleep for 300 seconds, before requesting the status of the deployment process from LCS
        PS C:\> Get-D365LcsDeploymentStatus -ProjectId 123456789 -ActionHistoryId 123456789 -EnvironmentId "13cc7700-c13b-4ea3-81cd-2d26fa72ec5e" -BearerToken "Bearer JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd..." -LcsApiUri ""
        This will check the deployment status of specific activity against an environment.
        The LCS project is identified by the ProjectId 123456789, which can be obtained in the LCS portal.
        The activity is identified by the ActionHistoryId 123456789, which is obtained from the Invoke-D365LcsDeployment execution.
        The environment is identified by the EnvironmentId "13cc7700-c13b-4ea3-81cd-2d26fa72ec5e", which can be obtained in the LCS portal.
        The request will authenticate with the BearerToken "Bearer JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd...".
        The http request will be going to the LcsApiUri "" (NON-EUROPE).
        PS C:\> Get-D365LcsDeploymentStatus -ActionHistoryId 123456789 -EnvironmentId "13cc7700-c13b-4ea3-81cd-2d26fa72ec5e"
        This will check the deployment status of specific activity against an environment.
        The activity is identified by the ActionHistoryId 123456789, which is obtained from the Invoke-D365LcsDeployment execution.
        The environment is identified by the EnvironmentId "13cc7700-c13b-4ea3-81cd-2d26fa72ec5e", which can be obtained in the LCS portal.
        All default values will come from the configuration available from Get-D365LcsApiConfig.
        PS C:\> Get-D365LcsDeploymentStatus -ActionHistoryId 123456789 -EnvironmentId "13cc7700-c13b-4ea3-81cd-2d26fa72ec5e" -WaitForCompletion
        This will check the deployment status of specific activity against an environment.
        The activity is identified by the ActionHistoryId 123456789, which is obtained from the Invoke-D365LcsDeployment execution.
        The environment is identified by the EnvironmentId "13cc7700-c13b-4ea3-81cd-2d26fa72ec5e", which can be obtained in the LCS portal.
        The cmdlet will every 300 seconds contact the LCS API endpoint and check if the status of the deployment is either success or failure.
        All default values will come from the configuration available from Get-D365LcsApiConfig.
        Tags: Environment, Url, Config, Configuration, LCS, Upload, Api, AAD, Token, Deployment, Deploy
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365LcsDeploymentStatus {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int] $ProjectId = $Script:LcsApiProjectId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $BearerToken = $Script:LcsApiBearerToken,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [string] $ActionHistoryId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $EnvironmentId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $LcsApiUri = $Script:LcsApiLcsApiUri,

        [switch] $WaitForCompletion

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    if (-not ($BearerToken.StartsWith("Bearer "))) {
        $BearerToken = "Bearer $BearerToken"

    do {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Sleeping before hitting the LCS API for Deployment Status"

        Start-Sleep -Seconds 300
        $deploymentStatus = Get-LcsDeploymentStatus -BearerToken $BearerToken -ProjectId $ProjectId -ActionHistoryId $ActionHistoryId -EnvironmentId $EnvironmentId -LcsApiUri $LcsApiUri
    while ((($deploymentStatus.LcsEnvironmentActionStatus -eq "InProgress") -or ($deploymentStatus.LcsEnvironmentActionStatus -eq "NotStarted") -or ($deploymentStatus.LcsEnvironmentActionStatus -eq "PreparingEnvironment")) -and $WaitForCompletion)

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End


        Get lcs environment
        Get all lcs environment objects from the configuration store
        The name of the lcs environment you are looking for
        Default value is "*" to display all lcs environments
    .PARAMETER OutputAsHashtable
        Instruct the cmdlet to return a hashtable object
        PS C:\> Get-D365LcsEnvironment
        This will display all lcs environments on the machine.
        PS C:\> Get-D365LcsEnvironment -OutputAsHashtable
        This will display all lcs environments on the machine.
        Every object will be output as a hashtable, for you to utilize as parameters for other cmdlets.
        PS C:\> Get-D365LcsEnvironment -Name "UAT"
        This will display the lcs environment that is saved with the name "UAT" on the machine.
        Tags: Servicing, Environment, Config, Configuration
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365LcsEnvironment {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly', '')]
    param (
        [string] $Name = "*",

        [switch] $OutputAsHashtable
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Fetch all configurations based on $Name" -Target $Name

    $Name = $Name.ToLower()
    $configurations = Get-PSFConfig -FullName "$"

    foreach ($configName in $configurations.Value.ToLower()) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Working against the $configName configuration" -Target $configName
        $res = @{}

        $configName = $configName.ToLower()

        foreach ($config in Get-PSFConfig -FullName "$configName.*") {
            $propertyName = $config.FullName.ToString().Replace("$configName.", "")
            $res.$propertyName = $config.Value
        if($OutputAsHashtable) {
        } else {

        Get the registered details for Azure Logic App
        Get the details that are stored for the module when
        it has to invoke the Azure Logic App
        PS C:\> Get-D365LogicAppConfig
        This will fetch the current registered Azure Logic App details on the machine.
        Tags: LogicApp, Logic App, Configuration, Url, Email
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365LogicAppConfig {
    param ()
    $Details = [hashtable](Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName "")
    $temp = [ordered]@{Email = $Details.Email;
        Subject = $Details.Subject; URL = $Details.URL

        Get the maintenance mode status of the environment
        Get the maintenance mode status of the Dynamics 365 environment to make sure that things are in the correct state
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user.
        PS C:\> Get-D365MaintenanceMode
        This will get the current state of the maintenance mode of the environment
        Tags: MaintenanceMode, Maintenance, License, Configuration, Servicing
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@splaxi)

function Get-D365MaintenanceMode {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 3 )]
        [string] $DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 4 )]
        [string] $DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 5 )]
        [string] $SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 6 )]
        [string] $SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Getting Maintenance Mode using SQL scripts."

        $UseTrustedConnection = Test-TrustedConnection $PSBoundParameters

    $SqlParams = @{ DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer; DatabaseName = $DatabaseName;
        SqlUser = $SqlUser; SqlPwd = $SqlPwd

    $sqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand @SqlParams -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection

    $sqlCommand.CommandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\get-maintenancemode.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine

    try {
        $reader = $sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()

        while ($reader.Read() -eq $true) {
                MaintenanceModeEnabled          = [bool][int]"$($reader.GetString($($reader.GetOrdinal("VALUE"))))"
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
    finally {

        if ($sqlCommand.Connection.State -ne [System.Data.ConnectionState]::Closed) {


        Get installed package / module from Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations environment
        Get installed package / module from the machine running the AOS service for Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations
        The path to the bin directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the AOS service PackagesLocalDirectory\bin
        Default value is fetched from the current configuration on the machine
    .PARAMETER PackageDirectory
        Path to the directory containing the installed package / module
        Normally it is located under the AOSService directory in "PackagesLocalDirectory"
        Default value is fetched from the current configuration on the machine
        Name of the package / module that you are looking for
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -Name "Application*Adaptor"
        Default value is "*" which will search for all packages / modules
    .PARAMETER Expand
        Adds the version of the package / module to the output
        PS C:\> Get-D365Module
        Shows the entire list of installed packages / modules located in the default location on the machine.
        PS C:\> Get-D365Module -Expand
        Shows the entire list of installed packages / modules located in the default location on the machine.
        Will include the file version for each package / module.
        PS C:\> Get-D365Module -Name "Application*Adaptor"
        Shows the list of installed packages / modules where the name fits the search "Application*Adaptor".
        A result set example:
        PS C:\> Get-D365Module -Name "Application*Adaptor" -Expand
        Shows the list of installed packages / modules where the name fits the search "Application*Adaptor".
        Will include the file version for each package / module.
        PS C:\> Get-D365Module -PackageDirectory "J:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory"
        Shows the entire list of installed packages / modules located in "J:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory" on the machine
        Tags: PackagesLocalDirectory, Servicing, Model, Models, Package, Packages
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        The cmdlet supports piping and can be used in advanced scenarios. See more on github and the wiki pages.

function Get-D365Module {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $BinDir = "$Script:BinDir\bin",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 2 )]
        [string] $PackageDirectory = $Script:PackageDirectory,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 3 )]
        [string] $Name = "*",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 4 )]
        [switch] $Expand

    [System.Collections.ArrayList] $Files2Process = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
    $null = $Files2Process.Add((Join-Path $BinDir "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Management.Delta.dll"))
    $null = $Files2Process.Add((Join-Path $BinDir "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Management.Diff.dll"))
    $null = $Files2Process.Add((Join-Path $BinDir "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Management.Merge.dll"))
    $null = $Files2Process.Add((Join-Path $BinDir "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Management.Core.dll"))
    $null = $Files2Process.Add((Join-Path $BinDir "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.dll"))
    $null = $Files2Process.Add((Join-Path $BinDir "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Core.dll"))
    $null = $Files2Process.Add((Join-Path $BinDir "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Storage.dll"))
    $null = $Files2Process.Add((Join-Path $BinDir "Microsoft.Dynamics.ApplicationPlatform.XppServices.Instrumentation.dll"))

    Import-AssemblyFileIntoMemory -Path $($Files2Process.ToArray())

    if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Intializing RuntimeProvider."

    $runtimeProviderConfiguration = New-Object Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Storage.Runtime.RuntimeProviderConfiguration -ArgumentList $Script:PackageDirectory
    $metadataProviderFactory = New-Object Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Storage.MetadataProviderFactory
    $metadataProvider = $metadataProviderFactory.CreateRuntimeProvider($runtimeProviderConfiguration)

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "MetadataProvider initialized." -Target $metadataProvider

    $modules = $metadataProvider.ModelManifest.ListModules()

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Testing if the cmdlet is running on a OneBox or not." -Target $Script:IsOnebox
    if ($Script:IsOnebox) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Machine is onebox. Initializing DiskProvider too."

        $diskProviderConfiguration = New-Object Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Storage.DiskProvider.DiskProviderConfiguration
        $metadataProviderFactory = New-Object Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Storage.MetadataProviderFactory
        $metadataProvider = $metadataProviderFactory.CreateDiskProvider($diskProviderConfiguration)

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "MetadataProvider initialized." -Target $metadataProvider

        $diskModules = $metadataProvider.ModelManifest.ListModules()

        foreach ($module in $diskModules){
            if ($modules.Name -NotContains $module.Name)
                $modules += $module

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Looping through all modules."

    foreach ($obj in $($modules | Sort-Object Name)) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Filtering out all modules that doesn't match the model search." -Target $obj
        if ($obj.Name -NotLike $Name) {continue}

        if ($Expand -eq $true)
            $modulepath = Join-Path (Join-Path $PackageDirectory $obj.Name) "bin"

            if (Test-Path -Path $modulepath -PathType Container)
                $fileversion = Get-FileVersion -Path (Get-ChildItem $modulepath -Filter "Dynamics.AX.$($obj.Name).dll").FullName
                $version = $fileversion.FileVersion
                $versionUpdated = $fileversion.FileVersionUpdated
                $version = ""
                $versionUpdated = ""
                Module          = $obj.Name
                References      = $obj.References
                Version         = $version
                VersionUpdated  = $versionUpdated

                Module     = $obj.Name
                References = $obj.References

        Gets the registered offline administrator e-mail configured
        Get the registered offline administrator from the "DynamicsDevConfig.xml" file located in the default Package Directory
        PS C:\> Get-D365OfflineAuthenticationAdminEmail
        Will read the DynamicsDevConfig.xml and display the registered Offline Administrator E-mail address.
        Tags: Development, Email, DynamicsDevConfig, Offline, Authentication
        This cmdlet is inspired by the work of "Sheikh Sohail Hussain" (twitter: @SSohailHussain)
        His blog can be found here:
        The specific blog post that we based this cmdlet on can be found here:

function Get-D365OfflineAuthenticationAdminEmail {
    param ()

    $filePath = Join-Path (Join-Path $Script:PackageDirectory "bin") "DynamicsDevConfig.xml"

    if(-not (Test-PathExists -Path $filePath -Type Leaf)) {return}

    $namespace = @{ns=""}
    $OfflineAuthAdminEmail = Select-Xml -XPath "/ns:DynamicsDevConfig/ns:OfflineAuthenticationAdminEmail" -Path $filePath -Namespace $namespace

    $AdminEmail = $OfflineAuthAdminEmail.Node.InnerText
    [PSCustomObject] @{Email = $AdminEmail}

        Get the details from an axscdppkg file
        Get the details from an axscdppkg file by extracting it like a zip file.
        Capable of extracting the manifest details from the inner packages as well
        Path to the axscdppkg file you want to analyze
    .PARAMETER ExtractionPath
        Path where you want the cmdlet to work with extraction of all the files
        Default value is: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp
        KB number of the hotfix that you are looking for
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -KB "4045*"
        Default value is "*" which will search for all KB's
    .PARAMETER Hotfix
        Package Id / Hotfix number the hotfix that you are looking for
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -Hotfix "7045*"
        Default value is "*" which will search for all hotfixes
    .PARAMETER Traverse
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to traverse the inner packages and extract their details
    .PARAMETER KeepFiles
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to keep the files for further manual analyze
    .PARAMETER IncludeRawManifest
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to include the raw content of the manifest file
        Only works with the -Traverse option
        PS C:\> Get-D365PackageBundleDetail -Path "c:\temp\HotfixPackageBundle.axscdppkg" -Traverse
        This will extract all the content from the "HotfixPackageBundle.axscdppkg" file and extract all inner packages. For each inner package it will find the manifest file and fetch the KB numbers. The raw manifest file content is included to be analyzed.
        PS C:\> Get-D365PackageBundleDetail -Path "c:\temp\HotfixPackageBundle.axscdppkg" -ExtractionPath C:\Temp\20180905 -Traverse -KeepFiles
        This will extract all the content from the "HotfixPackageBundle.axscdppkg" file and extract all inner packages. It will extract the content into C:\Temp\20180905 and keep the files after completion.
        Advanced scenario
        PS C:\> Get-D365PackageBundleDetail -Path C:\temp\HotfixPackageBundle.axscdppkg -Traverse -IncludeRawManifest | ForEach-Object {$_.RawManifest | Out-File "C:\temp\$($_.PackageId).txt"}
        This will traverse the "HotfixPackageBundle.axscdppkg" file and save the manifest files into c:\temp. Everything else is omitted and cleaned up.
        Tags: Hotfix, KB, Manifest, HotfixPackageBundle, axscdppkg, Package, Bundle, Deployable
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365PackageBundleDetail {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Path,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2 )]
        [string] $ExtractionPath = ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()),

        [string] $KB = "*",

        [string] $Hotfix = "*",

        [switch] $Traverse,

        [switch] $KeepFiles,

        [switch] $IncludeRawManifest
    begin {
        Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

        if (!(Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Leaf)) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The <c='em'>$Path</c> file wasn't found. Please ensure the file <c='em'>exists </c> and you have enough <c='em'>permission/c> to access the file."
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because a file is missing."

        Unblock-File -Path $Path

        if(!(Test-Path -Path $ExtractionPath)) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "The extract path didn't exists. Creating it." -Target $ExtractionPath
            $null = New-Item -Path $ExtractionPath -Force -ItemType Directory

        if ($Path -notlike "*.zip") {
            $tempPathZip = Join-Path $ExtractionPath "$($(New-Guid).ToString()).zip"

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "The file isn't a zip file. Copying the file to $tempPathZip" -Target $tempPathZip
            Copy-Item -Path $Path -Destination $tempPathZip -Force
            $Path = $tempPathZip

        $packageTemp = Join-Path $ExtractionPath ((Get-Random -Maximum 99999).ToString())

        $oldprogressPreference = $global:progressPreference
        $global:progressPreference = 'silentlyContinue'

    process {
        if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) {return}

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Extracting the zip file to $packageTemp" -Target $packageTemp
        Expand-Archive -Path $Path -DestinationPath $packageTemp

        if ($Traverse) {
            $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $packageTemp -Filter "*.axscdp"
            foreach ($item in $files) {
                $filename = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($item.Name)
                $tempFile = Join-Path $packageTemp "$"
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Coping $($item.FullName) to $tempFile" -Target $tempFile
                Copy-Item -Path $item.FullName -Destination $tempFile

                $tempDir = (Join-Path $packageTemp ($filename.Replace("DynamicsAX_", "")))
                $null = New-Item -Path $tempDir -ItemType Directory -Force

                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Extracting the zip file $tempFile to $tempDir" -Target $tempDir
                Expand-Archive -Path $tempFile -DestinationPath $tempDir

            $manifestFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $packageTemp -Recurse -Filter "PackageManifest.xml"

            $namespace = @{ns = "";
                           nsKB = ""}

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Getting all the information from the manifest file"

            foreach ($item in $manifestFiles) {
                $raw = (Get-Content -Path $item.FullName) -join [Environment]::NewLine
                $xmlDoc = [xml]$raw
                $kbs = Select-Xml -Xml $xmlDoc -XPath "//ns:UpdatePackageManifest/ns:KBNumbers/nsKB:string" -Namespace $namespace
                $packageId = Select-Xml -Xml $xmlDoc -XPath "//ns:UpdatePackageManifest/ns:PackageId/ns:PackageId" -Namespace $namespace
                $strPackage = $packageId.Node.InnerText
                $arrKbs = $kbs.node.InnerText

                if($packageId.Node.InnerText -notlike $Hotfix) {continue}
                if(@($arrKbs) -notlike $KB) {continue} #* Search across an array with like

                $Obj = [PSCustomObject]@{Hotfix = $strPackage
                KBs = ($arrKbs -Join ";")}

                if($IncludeRawManifest) {$Obj.RawManifest = $raw}

                $Obj | Select-PSFObject -TypeName "D365FO.TOOLS.PackageBundleManifestDetail"
        else {
            Get-ChildItem -Path $packageTemp -Filter "*.*" | Select-PSFObject -TypeName "D365FO.TOOLS.PackageBundleDetail" "BaseName as Name"
    end {
        if(!$Keepfiles) {
            Remove-Item -Path $packageTemp -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

            if(![system.string]::IsNullOrEmpty($tempPathZip)) {
                Remove-Item -Path $tempPathZip -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        $global:progressPreference = $oldprogressPreference

        Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Get label file from a package
        Get label file (resource file) from the package directory
    .PARAMETER PackageDirectory
        Path to the package that you want to get a label file from
        Name of the label file you are looking for
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -Name "Fixed*Accounting"
        Default value is "*" which will search for all label files
    .PARAMETER Language
        The language of the label file you are looking for
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -Language "en*"
        Default value is "en-US" which will search for en-US language files
        PS C:\> Get-D365PackageLabelFile -PackageDirectory "C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\ApplicationSuite"
        Shows all the label files for ApplicationSuite package
        PS C:\> Get-D365PackageLabelFile -PackageDirectory "C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\ApplicationSuite" -Name "Fixed*Accounting"
        Shows the label files for ApplicationSuite package where the name fits the search "Fixed*Accounting"
        PS C:\> Get-D365InstalledPackage -Name "ApplicationSuite" | Get-D365PackageLabelFile
        Shows all label files (en-US) for the ApplicationSuite package
        Tags: PackagesLocalDirectory, Label, Labels, Language, Development, Servicing, Module, Package, Packages
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        The cmdlet supports piping and can be used in advanced scenarios. See more on github and the wiki pages.

function Get-D365PackageLabelFileOld {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 1 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $PackageDirectory,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 2 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 2 )]
        [string] $Name = "*",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 3 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 3 )]
        [string] $Language = "en-US"

    BEGIN {}

        $Path = $PackageDirectory

        if (Test-Path "$Path\Resources\$Language") {
            $files = Get-ChildItem -Path ("$Path\Resources\$Language\*.resources.dll")

            foreach ($obj in $files) {
                if ($obj.Name.Replace(".resources.dll", "") -NotLike $Name) { continue }
                    LabelName    = ($obj.Name).Replace(".resources.dll", "")
                    LanguageName = (Get-Command $obj.FullName).FileVersionInfo.Language
                    Language     = $
                    FilePath     = $obj.FullName
        else {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Skipping `"$("$Path\Resources\$Language")`" because it doesn't exist."

    END {}

        Returns information about D365FO
        Gets detailed information about application and platform
        PS C:\> Get-D365ProductInformation
        This will get product, platform and application version details for the environment
        Tags: Build, Version, Reference, ProductVersion, ProductDetails, Product
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        The cmdlet wraps the call against a dll file that is shipped with Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations.
        The call to the dll file gets all relevant product details for the environment.

function Get-D365ProductInformation {
    param ()
    return Get-ProductInfoProvider

        Get the thumbprint from the RSAT certificate
        Locate the thumbprint for the certificate created during the RSAT installation
        PS C:\> Get-D365RsatCertificateThumbprint
        This will locate any certificates that has in its name.
        It will show the subject and the thumbprint values.
        Tags: RSAT, Certificate, Testing, Regression Suite Automation Test, Regression, Test, Automation.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365RsatCertificateThumbprint {
    param ( )
    Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\My | Where-Object Subject -like "**"

        Get the RSAT playback files
        Get all the RSAT playback files from the last executions
        The path where the RSAT tool will be writing the files
        The default path is:
        Name of Test Case that you are looking for
        Default value is "*" which will search for all Test Cases and their corresponding files
    .PARAMETER ExecutionUsername
        Name of the user account has been running the RSAT tests on a machine that isn't the same as the current user
        Will enable you to log on to RSAT server that is running the tests from a console, automated, and is other account than the current user
        PS C:\> Get-D365RsatPlaybackFile
        This will get all the RSAT playback files.
        It will search for the files in the current user AppData system folder.
        PS C:\> Get-D365RsatPlaybackFile -Name *4080*
        This will get all the RSAT playback files which has "4080" as part of its name.
        It will search for the files in the current user AppData system folder.
        PS C:\> Get-D365RsatPlaybackFile -ExecutionUsername RSAT-ServiceAccount
        This will get all the RSAT playback files that were executed by the RSAT-ServiceAccount user.
        It will search for the files in the RSAT-ServiceAccount user AppData system folder.
        Tags: RSAT, Testing, Regression Suite Automation Test, Regression, Test, Automation, Playback
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365RsatPlaybackFile {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Default")]
        [string] $Path = $Script:RsatplaybackPath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $Name = "*",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "ExecutionUser")]
        [string] $ExecutionUsername
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ExecutionUser") {
        $Path = $Path.Replace("$($env:UserName)", $ExecutionUsername)

        if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $Path -Type Container)) { return }

    Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.Name -like $Name } | Select-PSFObject "LastWriteTime as LastRuntime", "Name as Filename", "Fullname as File"

        Get the SOAP hostname for the D365FO environment
        Get the SOAP hostname from the IIS configuration, to be used during the Rsat configuration
        PS C:\> Get-D365RsatSoapHostname
        This will get the SOAP hostname from IIS.
        It will display the SOAP URL / URI correctly formatted, to be used during the configuration of Rsat.
        Tags: RSAT, Testing, Regression Suite Automation Test, Regression, Test, Automation, SOAP
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365RsatSoapHostname {
    param ()

        SoapHostname = (Get-WebBinding | Where-Object bindingInformation -like *soap*).bindingInformation.Replace("*:443:", "")

        Get a Dynamics 365 Runbook
        Get the full path and filename of a Dynamics 365 Runbook
        Path to the folder containing the runbook files
        The default path is "InstallationRecord" which is normally located on the "C:\DynamicsAX\InstallationRecords"
        Name of the runbook file that you are looking for
        The parameter accepts wildcards. E.g. -Name *hotfix-20181024*
    .PARAMETER Latest
        Instruct the cmdlet to only get the latest runbook file, based on the last written attribute
        PS C:\> Get-D365Runbook
        This will list all runbooks that are available in the default location.
        PS C:\> Get-D365Runbook -Latest
        This will get the latest runbook file from the default InstallationRecords directory on the machine.
        PS C:\> Get-D365Runbook -Latest | Invoke-D365RunbookAnalyzer
        This will find the latest runbook file and have it analyzed by the Invoke-D365RunbookAnalyzer cmdlet to output any error details.
        PS C:\> Get-D365Runbook -Latest | Invoke-D365RunbookAnalyzer | Out-File "C:\Temp\\runbook-analyze-results.xml"
        This will find the latest runbook file and have it analyzed by the Invoke-D365RunbookAnalyzer cmdlet to output any error details.
        The output will be saved into the "C:\Temp\\runbook-analyze-results.xml" file.
        PS C:\> Get-D365Runbook | Backup-D365Runbook
        This will save a copy of all runbooks from the default location and save them to "c:\temp\\runbookbackups"
        PS C:\> notepad.exe (Get-D365Runbook -Latest).File
        This will find the latest runbook file and open it with notepad.
        Tags: Runbook, Servicing, Hotfix, DeployablePackage, Deployable Package, InstallationRecordsDirectory, Installation Records Directory
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365Runbook {
    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string] $Path = (Join-Path $Script:InstallationRecordsDir "Runbooks"),

        [string] $Name = "*",

        [switch] $Latest

    begin {
        if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $Path -Type Container )) { return }
    process {
        if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }

        $files = Get-ChildItem -Path "$Path\*.xml" | Sort-Object -Descending { $_.LastWriteTime }

        if ($Latest) {
            $obj = $files | Select-Object -First 1

            $obj | Select-PSFObject "Name as Filename", "LastWriteTime as LastModified", "Fullname as File"
        else {
            foreach ($obj in $files) {
                if ($obj.Name -NotLike $Name) { continue }

                $obj | Select-PSFObject "Name as Filename", "LastWriteTime as LastModified", "Fullname as File"

        Get runbook id
        Get the runbook id from inside a runbook file
        Path to the runbook file that you want to analyse
        Accepts value from pipeline, also by property
        PS C:\> Get-D365RunbookId -Path "C:\DynamicsAX\InstallationRecords\Runbooks\Runbook.xml"
        This will inspect the Runbook.xml file and output the runbookid from inside the XML document.
        PS C:\> Get-D365Runbook | Get-D365RunbookId
        This will find all runbook file(s) and have them analyzed by the Get-D365RunbookId cmdlet to output the runbookid(s).
        PS C:\> Get-D365Runbook -Latest | Get-D365RunbookId
        This will find the latest runbook file and have it analyzed by the Get-D365RunbookId cmdlet to output the runbookid.
        Tags: Runbook, Analyze, RunbookId, Runbooks
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365RunbookId {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string] $Path

    process {
        if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $Path -Type Leaf)) { return }

        [xml]$xmlRunbook = Get-Content $Path

            RunbookId = $xmlRunbook.SelectSingleNode("/RunbookData/RunbookID")."#text"

        Get the cleanup retention period
        Gets the configured retention period before updates are deleted
        PS C:\> Get-D365SDPCleanUp
        This will get the configured retention period from the registry
        Tags: CleanUp, Retention, Servicing, Cut Off, DeployablePackage, Deployable Package
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        This cmdlet is based on the findings from Alex Kwitny (@AlexOnDAX)
        See his blog for more info:

function Get-D365SDPCleanUp {
    param (
    $RegSplat = @{
        Path = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dynamics\Deployment\"
        Name = "CutoffDaysForCleanup"
    [PSCustomObject] @{
        CutoffDaysForCleanup = $( if (Test-RegistryValue @RegSplat) {Get-ItemPropertyValue @RegSplat} else {""} )

        Get a table
        Get a table either by TableName (wildcard search allowed) or by TableId
        Name of the table that you are looking for
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -Name "Cust*"
        Default value is "*" which will search for all tables
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user
        The specific id for the table you are looking for
        PS C:\> Get-D365Table -Name CustTable
        Will get the details for the CustTable
        PS C:\> Get-D365Table -Id 10347
        Will get the details for the table with the id 10347.
        Tags: Table, Tables, AOT, TableId, Development
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@splaxi)
        The cmdlet supports piping and can be used in advanced scenarios. See more on github and the wiki pages.

function Get-D365Table {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [string[]] $Name = "*",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'TableId', Position = 1 )]
        [int] $Id,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2 )]
        [string] $DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3 )]
        [string] $DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4 )]
        [string] $SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5 )]
        [string] $SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword

    BEGIN {}


        $UseTrustedConnection = Test-TrustedConnection $PSBoundParameters

        $SqlParams = @{ DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer; DatabaseName = $DatabaseName;
            SqlUser = $SqlUser; SqlPwd = $SqlPwd

        $sqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand @SqlParams -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection

        $sqlCommand.CommandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\get-tables.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine

        $dataTable = New-Object system.Data.DataSet
        $dataAdapter = New-Object system.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter($sqlCommand)
        $dataAdapter.fill($dataTable) | Out-Null

        foreach ($localName in $Name) {
            if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Default") {
                foreach ($obj in $dataTable.Tables.Rows) {
                    if ($obj.AotName -NotLike $localName) { continue }
                        TableId   = $obj.TableId
                        TableName = $obj.AotName
                        SqlName   = $obj.SqlName
            else {
                $obj = $dataTable.Tables.Rows | Where-Object TableId -eq $Id | Select-Object -First 1
                    TableId   = $obj.TableId
                    TableName = $obj.AotName
                    SqlName   = $obj.SqlName

    END {}

        Get a field from table
        Get a field either by FieldName (wildcard search allowed) or by FieldId
    .PARAMETER TableId
        The id of the table that the field belongs to
        Name of the field that you are looking for
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -Name "Account*"
        Default value is "*" which will search for all fields
    .PARAMETER FieldId
        Id of the field that you are looking for
        Type is integer
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user
    .PARAMETER TableName
        Name of the table that the field belongs to
        Search will only return the first hit (unordered) and work against that hit
    .PARAMETER IncludeTableDetails
        Switch options to enable the result set to include extended details
    .PARAMETER SearchAcrossTables
        Switch options to force the cmdlet to search across all tables when looking for the field
        PS C:\> Get-D365TableField -TableId 10347
        Will get all field details for the table with id 10347.
        PS C:\> Get-D365TableField -TableName CustTable
        Will get all field details for the CustTable table.
        PS C:\> Get-D365TableField -TableId 10347 -FieldId 175
        Will get the details for the field with id 175 that belongs to the table with id 10347.
        PS C:\> Get-D365TableField -TableId 10347 -Name "VATNUM"
        Will get the details for the "VATNUM" that belongs to the table with id 10347.
        PS C:\> Get-D365TableField -TableId 10347 -Name "VAT*"
        Will get the details for all fields that fits the search "VAT*" that belongs to the table with id 10347.
        PS C:\> Get-D365TableField -Name AccountNum -SearchAcrossTables
        Will search for the AccountNum field across all tables.
        Tags: Table, Tables, Fields, TableField, Table Field, TableName, TableId
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@splaxi)
        The cmdlet supports piping and can be used in advanced scenarios. See more on github and the wiki pages.

function Get-D365TableField {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 1 )]
        [int] $TableId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 2 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'TableName', Position = 2 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SearchByNameForce', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Name = "*",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 3 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'TableName', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 3 )]
        [int] $FieldId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 4 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'TableName', Position = 4 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SearchByNameForce', Position = 3 )]
        [string] $DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 5 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'TableName', Position = 5 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SearchByNameForce', Position = 4 )]
        [string] $DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 6 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'TableName', Position = 6 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SearchByNameForce', Position = 5 )]
        [string] $SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 7 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'TableName', Position = 7 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'SearchByNameForce', Position = 6 )]
        [string] $SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'TableName', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $TableName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'TableName')]
        [switch] $IncludeTableDetails,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'SearchByNameForce', Position = 2 )]
        [switch] $SearchAcrossTables
    BEGIN {
        $UseTrustedConnection = Test-TrustedConnection $PSBoundParameters

        $SqlParams = @{ DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer; DatabaseName = $DatabaseName;
            SqlUser = $SqlUser; SqlPwd = $SqlPwd

        $sqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand @SqlParams -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection

        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "TableName") {
            $TableId = (Get-D365Table -Name $TableName | Select-Object -First 1).TableId

        if ($SearchAcrossTables) {
            $sqlCommand.CommandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\get-alltablefields.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine
        else {
            $sqlCommand.CommandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\get-tablefields.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine
            $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@TableId", $TableId)

        $dataTable = New-Object system.Data.DataSet
        $dataAdapter = New-Object system.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter($sqlCommand)
        $dataAdapter.fill($dataTable) | Out-Null

        foreach ($obj in $dataTable.Tables.Rows) {
            if ($obj.FieldId -eq 0) {
                $TableName = $obj.AotName


            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("FieldId")) {
                if ($obj.FieldId -NotLike $FieldId) { continue }
            else {
                if ($obj.AotName -NotLike $Name) { continue }
            $res = [PSCustomObject]@{
                FieldId   = $obj.FieldId
                FieldName = $obj.AotName
                SqlName   = $obj.SqlName

            if ($IncludeTableDetails) {
                $res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'TableId' -Value $obj.TableId
                $res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'TableName' -Value $TableName
            if ($SearchAcrossTables) {
                $res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'TableId' -Value $obj.TableId


    END {}

        Get the sequence object for table
        Get the sequence details for tables
    .PARAMETER TableName
        Name of the table that you want to work against
        Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -TableName "Cust*"
        Default value is "*" which will search for all tables
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user.
        PS C:\> Get-D365TableSequence | Format-Table
        This will get all the sequence details for all tables inside the database.
        It will format the output as a table for better overview.
        PS C:\> Get-D365TableSequence -TableName "Custtable" | Format-Table
        This will get the sequence details for the CustTable in the database.
        It will format the output as a table for better overview.
        PS C:\> Get-D365TableSequence -TableName "Cust*" | Format-Table
        This will get the sequence details for all tables that matches the search "Cust*" in the database.
        It will format the output as a table for better overview.
        PS C:\> Get-D365Table -Name CustTable | Get-D365TableSequence | Format-Table
        This will get the table details from the Get-D365Table cmdlet and pipe that into Get-D365TableSequence.
        This will get the sequence details for the CustTable in the database.
        It will format the output as a table for better overview.
        Tags: Table, RecId, Sequence, Record Id
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365TableSequence {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 1 )]
        [string] $TableName = "*",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2 )]
        [string] $DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3 )]
        [string] $DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4 )]
        [string] $SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5 )]
        [string] $SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword
    BEGIN {}
        $UseTrustedConnection = Test-TrustedConnection $PSBoundParameters

        $SqlParams = @{ DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer; DatabaseName = $DatabaseName;
            SqlUser = $SqlUser; SqlPwd = $SqlPwd

        $SqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand @SqlParams -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection
        $sqlCommand.CommandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\get-tablesequence.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine
        $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue('@TableName', $TableName.Replace("*", "%"))
        $datatable = New-Object system.Data.DataSet
        $dataadapter = New-Object system.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter($sqlcommand)
        $dataadapter.fill($datatable) | Out-Null

        foreach ($obj in $datatable.Tables.Rows) {
            $res = [PSCustomObject]@{
                SequenceName   = $obj.sequence_name
                TableName = $obj.table_name
                StartValue   = $obj.start_value
                Increment = $obj.increment
                MinimumValue = $obj.minimum_value
                MaximumValue = $obj.maximum_value
                IsCached = $obj.is_cached
                CacheSize = $obj.cache_size
                CurrentValue = $obj.current_value


    END {}

        Get the TFS / VSTS registered URL / URI
        Gets the URI from the configuration of the local tfs connection in visual studio
        Path to the tf.exe file that the cmdlet will invoke
        PS C:\> Get-D365TfsUri
        This will invoke the default tf.exe client located in the Visual Studio 2015 directory
        and fetch the configured URI.
        Tags: TFS, VSTS, URL, URI, Servicing, Development
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365TfsUri {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [string]$Path = $Script:TfDir
    $executable = Join-Path $Path "tf.exe"
    if (!(Test-PathExists -Path $executable -Type Leaf)) {return}

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking tf.exe"
    #* Small hack to get the output from the execution into a variable.
    $res = & $executable "settings" "connections" 2>$null
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Result from tf.exe: $res" -Target $res

    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($res)) {
            TfsUri = $res[2].Split(" ")[0]
    else {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "No TFS / VSTS connections found. It looks like you haven't configured the server connection and workspace yet."

        Get the TFS / VSTS registered workspace path
        Gets the workspace path from the configuration of the local tfs in visual studio
        Path to the directory where the Team Foundation Client executable is located
        Uri to the TFS / VSTS that the workspace is connected to
        PS C:\> Get-D365TfsWorkspace -TfsUri
        This will invoke the default tf.exe client located in the Visual Studio 2015 directory
        and fetch the configured URI.
        Tags: TFS, VSTS, URL, URI, Servicing, Development
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365TfsWorkspace {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [string]$Path = $Script:TfDir,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 2 )]
        [string]$TfsUri = $Script:TfsUri
    $executable = Join-Path $Path "tf.exe"
    if (!(Test-PathExists -Path $executable -Type Leaf)) {return}

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The supplied uri <c='em'>was empty</c>. Please update the active d365 environment configuration or simply supply the -TfsUri to the cmdlet."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because TFS URI is missing."

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking tf.exe"
    #* Small hack to get the output from the execution into a variable.
    $res = & $executable "vc" "workspaces" "/collection:$TfsUri" "/format:detailed" 2>$null

    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($res)) {
            TfsWorkspacePath = ($res | select-string "meta").ToString().Trim().Split(" ")[1]
    else {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "No matching workspace configuration found for the specified URI. Either the URI is wrong or you haven't configured the server connection / workspace details correctly."

        Get a hashtable with all the stored parameters
        Gets a hashtable with all the stored parameters to be used with Import-D365Bacpac or New-D365Bacpac for Tier 2 environments
    .PARAMETER OutputType
        Used to specify the desired object type of the output
        The default value is: HashTable
        Valid options are:
        PS C:\> $params = Get-D365Tier2Params
        This will extract the stored parameters and create a hashtable object.
        The hashtable is assigned to the $params variable.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-D365Tier2Params {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
        [ValidateSet("HashTable", "PSCustomObject")]
        [string] $OutputType = "HashTable"

    $jsonString = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName ""

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Retrieved json string" -Target $jsonString

    if($OutputType -eq "HashTable") {
        $jsonString | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-Hashtable
    else {
        $jsonString | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-Hashtable | ConvertTo-PsCustomObject

        Get the url for accessing the instance
        Get the complete URL for accessing the Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations instance running on this machine
    .PARAMETER Force
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to retrieve the name from the system files
        instead of the name stored in memory after loading this module.
        PS C:\> Get-D365Url
        This will get the correct URL to access the environment
        Tags: URL, URI, Servicing
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        The cmdlet wraps the call against a dll file that is shipped with Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations.
        The call to the dll file gets all registered URL for the environment.

function Get-D365Url {
    param (
        [switch] $Force
    if ($Force) {
        $Url = "https://$($(Get-D365EnvironmentSettings).Infrastructure.FullyQualifiedDomainName)"
    else {
        $Url = $Script:Url
        Url = $Url

        Get users from the environment
        Get all relevant user details from the Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user
    .PARAMETER Email
        The search string to select which user(s) should be updated
        The parameter supports wildcards. E.g. -Email "**"
        Default value is "*" to get all users
    .PARAMETER ExcludeSystemUsers
        Instructs the cmdlet to filter out all known system users
        PS C:\> Get-D365User
        This will get all users from the environment.
        PS C:\> Get-D365User -ExcludeSystemUsers
        This will get all users from the environment, but filter out all known system user accounts.
        PS C:\> Get-D365User -Email "*"
        This will search for all users with an e-mail address containing '' from the environment.
        Tags: User, Users
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)

function Get-D365User {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
        [string]$DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [string]$DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        [string]$SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]
        [string]$SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5)]
        [string]$Email = "*",



    $exclude = @("", "")

    $UseTrustedConnection = Test-TrustedConnection $PSBoundParameters

    $SqlParams = @{ DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer; DatabaseName = $DatabaseName;
        SqlUser = $SqlUser; SqlPwd = $SqlPwd

    $SqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand @SqlParams -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection

    $sqlCommand.CommandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\get-user.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine

    $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@Email", $Email.Replace("*", "%"))

    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)

        $reader = $sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()

        while ($reader.Read() -eq $true) {
            $res = [PSCustomObject]@{
                UserId           = "$($reader.GetString($($reader.GetOrdinal("ID"))))"
                Name             = "$($reader.GetString($($reader.GetOrdinal("NAME"))))"
                NetworkAlias     = "$($reader.GetString($($reader.GetOrdinal("NETWORKALIAS"))))"
                NetworkDomain    = "$($reader.GetString($($reader.GetOrdinal("NETWORKDOMAIN"))))"
                Sid              = "$($reader.GetString($($reader.GetOrdinal("SID"))))"
                IdentityProvider = "$($reader.GetString($($reader.GetOrdinal("IDENTITYPROVIDER"))))"
                Enabled          = [bool][int]"$($reader.GetInt32($($reader.GetOrdinal("ENABLE"))))"
                Email            = "$($reader.GetString($($reader.GetOrdinal("NETWORKALIAS"))))"
                Company          = "$($reader.GetString($($reader.GetOrdinal("COMPANY"))))"

            if ($ExcludeSystemUsers) {
                $temp = $res.Email.Split("@")[1]
                if ($exclude -contains $temp) {
                elseif ($res.UserId -eq 'Guest') {

    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
    finally {

        if ($sqlCommand.Connection.State -ne [System.Data.ConnectionState]::Closed) {


        Cmdlet used to get authentication details about a user
        The cmdlet will take the e-mail parameter and use it to lookup all the needed details for configuring authentication against Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations
    .PARAMETER Email
        The e-mail address / login name of the user that the cmdlet must gather details about
        PS C:\> Get-D365UserAuthenticationDetail -Email ""
        This will get all the authentication details for the user account with the email address ""
        Tags: User, Users, Security, Configuration, Authentication
        Author : Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author : M�tz Jensen (@splaxi)

function Get-D365UserAuthenticationDetail {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1)]

    $instanceProvider = Get-InstanceIdentityProvider

    [string]$identityProvider = Get-CanonicalIdentityProvider
    $networkDomain = get-NetworkDomain $Email

    $instanceProviderName = $instanceProvider.TrimEnd('/')
    $instanceProviderName = $instanceProviderName.Substring($instanceProviderName.LastIndexOf('/')+1)
    $instanceProviderIdentityProvider = Get-IdentityProvider "sample@$instanceProviderName"
    $emailIdentityProvider = Get-IdentityProvider $Email

    if ($instanceProviderIdentityProvider -ne $emailIdentityProvider) {
        $identityProvider = $emailIdentityProvider

    $SID = Get-UserSIDFromAad $Email $identityProvider

    @{"SID"                = $SID
        "NetworkDomain"    = $networkDomain
        "IdentityProvider" = $identityProvider
        "InstanceProvider" = $instanceProvider

        Get activation status
        Get all the important license and activation information from the machine
        PS C:\> Get-D365WindowsActivationStatus
        This will get the remaining grace and rearm activation information for the machine
        Tags: Windows, License, Activation, Arm, Rearm
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        The cmdlet uses CIM objects to access the activation details

function Get-D365WindowsActivationStatus {
    param ()

    begin {}

    process {
        $a = Get-CimInstance -Class SoftwareLicensingProduct -Namespace root/cimv2 -ComputerName . -Filter "Name LIKE '%Windows%'"
        $b = Get-CimInstance -Class SoftwareLicensingService -Namespace root/cimv2 -ComputerName .

        $res = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $a.Name
            Description = $a.Description
            "Grace Periode (days)" =  [math]::Round(($a.graceperiodremaining / 1440))

        $res | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ReArms left' -Value $b.RemainingWindowsReArmCount

    end {}

        Used to import Aad users into D365FO
        Provides a method for importing a AAD UserGroup or a comma separated list of AadUsers into D365FO.
    .PARAMETER AadGroupName
        Azure Active directory user group containing users to be imported
    .PARAMETER Users
        Array of users that you want to import into the D365FO environment
    .PARAMETER StartupCompany
        Startup company of users imported.
        Default is DAT
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        Alternative SQL Database server, Default is the one provided by the DataAccess object
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        Alternative SQL Database, Default is the one provided by the DataAccess object
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        Alternative SQL user, Default is the one provided by the DataAccess object
        Alternative SQL user password, Default is the one provided by the DataAccess object
    .PARAMETER IdPrefix
        A text that will be prefixed into the ID field. E.g. -IdPrefix "EXT-" will import users and set ID starting with "EXT-..."
    .PARAMETER NameSuffix
        A text that will be suffixed into the NAME field. E.g. -NameSuffix "(Contoso)" will import users and append "(Contoso)"" to the NAME
    .PARAMETER IdValue
        Specify which field to use as ID value when importing the users.
        Available options 'Login' / 'FirstName'
        Default is 'Login'
    .PARAMETER NameValue
        Specify which field to use as NAME value when importing the users.
        Available options 'FirstName' / 'DisplayName'
        Default is 'DisplayName'
    .PARAMETER AzureAdCredential
        Use a PSCredential object for connecting with AzureAd
    .PARAMETER SkipAzureAd
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to skip validating against the Azure Active Directory
    .PARAMETER ForceExactAadGroupName
        Force to find the exact name of the Azure Active Directory Group
    .PARAMETER AadGroupId
        Azure Active directory user group ID containing users to be imported
        PS C:\> Import-D365AadUser -Users "",""
        Imports Claire and Allen as users
        PS C:\> $myPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString "MyPasswordIsSecret" -AsPlainText -Force
        PS C:\> $myCredentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("MyEmailIsAlso", $myPassword)
        PS C:\> Import-D365AadUser -Users "","" -AzureAdCredential $myCredentials
        This will import Claire and Allen as users.
        PS C:\> Import-D365AadUser -AadGroupName "CustomerTeam1"
        if more than one group match the AadGroupName, you can use the ExactAadGroupName parameter
        Import-D365AadUser -AadGroupName "CustomerTeam1" -ForceExactAadGroupName
        PS C:\> Import-D365AadUser -AadGroupId "99999999-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-9999999999"
        Imports all the users that is present in the AAD Group called CustomerTeam1
        Tags: User, Users, Security, Configuration, Permission, AAD, Azure Active Directory, Group, Groups
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: Charles Colombel (@dropshind)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        At no circumstances can this cmdlet be used to import users into a PROD environment.
        Only users from an Azure Active Directory that you have access to, can be imported.
        Use AAD B2B implementation if you want to support external people.
        Every imported users will get the System Administration / Administrator role assigned on import

function Import-D365AadUser {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'UserListImport')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ParameterSetName = "GroupNameImport")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ParameterSetName = "UserListImport")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [string]$StartupCompany = 'DAT',

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        [string]$DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]
        [string]$DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5)]
        [string]$SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 6)]
        [string]$SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 7)]
        [string]$IdPrefix = "",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 8)]
        [string]$NameSuffix = "",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 9)]
        [ValidateSet('Login', 'FirstName')]
        [string]$IdValue = "Login",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 10)]
        [ValidateSet('FirstName', 'DisplayName')]
        [string]$NameValue = "DisplayName",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 11)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 12, ParameterSetName = "UserListImport")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 13, ParameterSetName = "GroupNameImport")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 14, ParameterSetName = "GroupIdImport")]

    $UseTrustedConnection = Test-TrustedConnection $PSBoundParameters

    $SqlParams = @{ DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer; DatabaseName = $DatabaseName;
        SqlUser = $SqlUser; SqlPwd = $SqlPwd

    $SqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand @SqlParams -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection

    $instanceProvider = Get-InstanceIdentityProvider
    $canonicalProvider = Get-CanonicalIdentityProvider

    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Trying to connect to the Azure Active Directory"

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("AzureAdCredential") -eq $true) {
            $null = Connect-AzureAD  -ErrorAction Stop -Credential $AzureAdCredential
        else {
            if ($SkipAzureAd -eq $false) {
                $null = Connect-AzureAD  -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while connecting to Azure Active Directory" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

    $azureAdUsers = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"

    if (( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "GroupNameImport") -or ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "GroupIdImport")) {

        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'GroupIdImport') {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Search AadGroup by its ID : $AadGroupId"
            $group = Get-AzureADGroup -ObjectId $AadGroupId
        else {
            if ($ForceExactAadGroupName -eq $true) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Search AadGroup by its exactly name : $AadGroupName"
                $group = Get-AzureADGroup -Filter "DisplayName eq '$AadGroupName'"
            else {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Search AadGroup by searching with its name : $AadGroupName"
                $group = Get-AzureADGroup -SearchString $AadGroupName

        if ($null -eq $group) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Unable to find the specified group in the AAD. Please ensure the group exists and that you have enough permissions to access it."
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
        else {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Processing Azure AD user Group `"$($group[0].DisplayName)`""

        if ($group.Length -gt 1) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "More than one group found"
            foreach ($foundGroup in $group) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Group found $($foundGroup.DisplayName)"
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

        $userlist = Get-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $group[0].ObjectId

        foreach ($user in $userlist) {
            if ($user.ObjectType -eq "User") {
                $azureAdUser = Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId $user.ObjectId
                if($null -eq $azureAdUser.Mail) {
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Critical "User $($user.ObjectId) did not have an Mail"
                else {
                    $null = $azureAdUsers.Add((Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId $user.ObjectId))
    else {
        foreach ($user in $Users) {

            if ($SkipAzureAd -eq $true) {
                $name = Get-LoginFromEmail $user
                $null = $azureAdUsers.Add([PSCustomObject]@{
                        Mail        = $user
                        GivenName   = $name
                        DisplayName = $name
                        ObjectId    = ''
            else {
                $aadUser = Get-AzureADUser -SearchString $user

                if ($null -eq $aadUser) {
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Critical "Could not find user $user in AzureAAd"
                else {
                    $null = $azureAdUsers.Add($aadUser)

    try {

        foreach ($user in $azureAdUsers) {

            $identityProvider = $canonicalProvider

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Getting tenant from $($user.Mail)."
            $tenant = Get-TenantFromEmail $user.Mail

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Getting domain from $($user.Mail)."
            $networkDomain = get-NetworkDomain $user.Mail

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "InstanceProvider : $InstanceProvider"
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Tenant : $Tenant"

            if ($user.Mail.ToLower().Contains("") -eq $true) {
                $identityProvider = ""
            else {
                if ($instanceProvider.ToLower().Contains($tenant.ToLower()) -ne $True) {
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Getting identity provider from $($user.Mail)."
                    $identityProvider = Get-IdentityProvider $user.Mail

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Getting sid from $($user.Mail) and identity provider : $identityProvider."
            $sid = Get-UserSIDFromAad $user.Mail $identityProvider
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Generated SID : $sid"
            $id = ""
            if ($IdValue -eq 'Login') {
                $id = $IdPrefix + $(Get-LoginFromEmail $user.Mail)
            else {
                $id = $IdPrefix + $user.GivenName
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Id for user $($user.Mail) : $id"

            $name = ""
            if ($NameValue -eq 'DisplayName') {
                $name = $user.DisplayName + $NameSuffix

            else {
                $name = $user.GivenName + $NameSuffix
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Name for user $($user.Mail) : $name"
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Importing $($user.Mail) - SID $sid - Provider $identityProvider"

            Import-AadUserIntoD365FO $SqlCommand $user.Mail $name $id $sid $StartupCompany $identityProvider $networkDomain $user.ObjectId

            if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
    finally {
        if ($sqlCommand.Connection.State -ne [System.Data.ConnectionState]::Closed) {

        Import a bacpac file
        Import a bacpac file to either a Tier1 or Tier2 environment
    .PARAMETER ImportModeTier1
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet that it will import into a Tier1 environment
        The cmdlet will expect to work against a SQL Server instance
    .PARAMETER ImportModeTier2
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet that it will import into a Tier2 environment
        The cmdlet will expect to work against an Azure DB instance
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user
    .PARAMETER BacpacFile
        Path to the bacpac file you want to import into the database server
    .PARAMETER NewDatabaseName
        Name of the new database that will be created while importing the bacpac file
        This will create a new database on the database server and import the content of the bacpac into
    .PARAMETER AxDeployExtUserPwd
        Password that is obtained from LCS
    .PARAMETER AxDbAdminPwd
        Password that is obtained from LCS
    .PARAMETER AxRuntimeUserPwd
        Password that is obtained from LCS
    .PARAMETER AxMrRuntimeUserPwd
        Password that is obtained from LCS
    .PARAMETER AxRetailRuntimeUserPwd
        Password that is obtained from LCS
    .PARAMETER AxRetailDataSyncUserPwd
        Password that is obtained from LCS
    .PARAMETER AxDbReadonlyUserPwd
        Password that is obtained from LCS
    .PARAMETER CustomSqlFile
        Parameter description
    .PARAMETER ImportOnly
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to only import the bacpac into the new database
        The cmdlet will create a new database and import the content of the bacpac file into this
        Nothing else will be executed
        PS C:\> Import-D365Bacpac -ImportModeTier1 -BacpacFile "C:\temp\uat.bacpac" -NewDatabaseName "ImportedDatabase"
        PS C:\> Switch-D365ActiveDatabase -NewDatabaseName "ImportedDatabase"
        This will instruct the cmdlet that the import will be working against a SQL Server instance.
        It will import the "C:\temp\uat.bacpac" file into a new database named "ImportedDatabase".
        The next thing to do is to switch the active database out with the new one you just imported.
        "ImportedDatabase" will be switched in as the active database, while the old one will be named "AXDB_original".
        PS C:\> Import-D365Bacpac -ImportModeTier2 -SqlUser "sqladmin" -SqlPwd "XyzXyz" -BacpacFile "C:\temp\uat.bacpac" -AxDeployExtUserPwd "XxXx" -AxDbAdminPwd "XxXx" -AxRuntimeUserPwd "XxXx" -AxMrRuntimeUserPwd "XxXx" -AxRetailRuntimeUserPwd "XxXx" -AxRetailDataSyncUserPwd "XxXx" -AxDbReadonlyUserPwd "XxXx" -NewDatabaseName "ImportedDatabase"
        PS C:\> Switch-D365ActiveDatabase -NewDatabaseName "ImportedDatabase" -SqlUser "sqladmin" -SqlPwd "XyzXyz"
        This will instruct the cmdlet that the import will be working against an Azure DB instance.
        It requires all relevant passwords from LCS for all the builtin user accounts used in a Tier 2 environment.
        It will import the "C:\temp\uat.bacpac" file into a new database named "ImportedDatabase".
        The next thing to do is to switch the active database out with the new one you just imported.
        "ImportedDatabase" will be switched in as the active database, while the old one will be named "AXDB_original".
        Tags: Database, Bacpac, Tier1, Tier2, Golden Config, Config, Configuration
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Import-D365Bacpac {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ImportTier1')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ImportTier1', Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ImportTier2', Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ImportOnlyTier2', Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1 )]
        [string]$DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2 )]
        [string]$DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ImportTier2', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 3)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'ImportTier1', Position = 3)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ImportOnlyTier2', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 3)]
        [string]$SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ImportTier2', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 4)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'ImportTier1', Position = 4)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ImportOnlyTier2', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 4)]
        [string]$SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 5 )]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 6 )]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ImportTier2', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 7)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'ImportOnlyTier2', Position = 7)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ImportTier2', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 8)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'ImportOnlyTier2', Position = 8)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ImportTier2', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 9)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'ImportOnlyTier2', Position = 9)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ImportTier2', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 10)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'ImportOnlyTier2', Position = 10)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ImportTier2', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 11)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'ImportOnlyTier2', Position = 11)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ImportTier2', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 12)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'ImportOnlyTier2', Position = 12)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ImportTier2', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 13)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'ImportOnlyTier2', Position = 13)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 14 )]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'ImportTier1')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ImportOnlyTier2')]

    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $BacpacFile -Type Leaf)) {

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("CustomSqlFile")) {
        if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $CustomSqlFile -Type Leaf)) {
        else {
            $ExecuteCustomSQL = $true

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start
    $UseTrustedConnection = Test-TrustedConnection $PSBoundParameters

    $BaseParams = @{
        DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer
        DatabaseName   = $DatabaseName
        SqlUser        = $SqlUser
        SqlPwd         = $SqlPwd

    $ImportParams = @{
        Action   = "import"
        FilePath = $BacpacFile

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Testing if we are working against a Tier2 / Azure DB"
    if ($ImportModeTier2) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Start collecting the current Azure DB instance settings"

        $Objectives = Get-AzureServiceObjective @BaseParams

        if ($null -eq $Objectives) { return }

        $Properties = @("DatabaseEdition=$($Objectives.DatabaseEdition)",

        $ImportParams.Properties = $Properties
    $Params = Get-DeepClone $BaseParams
    $Params.DatabaseName = $NewDatabaseName
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Start importing the bacpac with a new database name and current settings"
    $res = Invoke-SqlPackage @Params @ImportParams -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection

    if (-not ($res)) {return}
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Importing completed"

    if (-not ($ImportOnly)) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Start working on the configuring the new database"

        if ($ImportModeTier2) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Building sql statement to update the imported Azure database"

            $InstanceValues = Get-InstanceValues @BaseParams -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection

            if ($null -eq $InstanceValues) { return }

            $AzureParams = @{
                AxDeployExtUserPwd = $AxDeployExtUserPwd; AxDbAdminPwd = $AxDbAdminPwd;
                AxRuntimeUserPwd = $AxRuntimeUserPwd; AxMrRuntimeUserPwd = $AxMrRuntimeUserPwd;
                AxRetailRuntimeUserPwd = $AxRetailRuntimeUserPwd; AxRetailDataSyncUserPwd = $AxRetailDataSyncUserPwd;
                AxDbReadonlyUserPwd = $AxDbReadonlyUserPwd;

            $res = Set-AzureBacpacValues @Params @AzureParams @InstanceValues

            if (-not ($res)) {return}
        else {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Building sql statement to update the imported SQL database"

            $res = Set-SqlBacpacValues @Params -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection
            if (-not ($res)) {return}

        if ($ExecuteCustomSQL) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the Execution of custom SQL script"
            $res = Invoke-D365SqlScript @Params -FilePath $CustomSqlFile -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection

            if (-not ($res)) {return}

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Import a model into Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations
        Import a model into a Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations environment
        Path to the axmodel file that you want to import
    .PARAMETER Model
        Name of the model that you want to work against
        The path to the bin directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the AOS service PackagesLocalDirectory\bin
        Default value is fetched from the current configuration on the machine
    .PARAMETER MetaDataDir
        The path to the meta data directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory
    .PARAMETER Replace
        Instruct the cmdlet to replace an already existing model
        PS C:\> Import-D365Model -Path c:\temp\\CustomModel.axmodel
        This will import the "c:\temp\\CustomModel.axmodel" model into the PackagesLocalDirectory location.
        PS C:\> Import-D365Model -Path c:\temp\\CustomModel.axmodel -Replace
        This will import the "c:\temp\\CustomModel.axmodel" model into the PackagesLocalDirectory location.
        If the model already exists it will replace it.
        Tags: ModelUtil, Axmodel, Model, Import, Replace, Source Control, Vsts, Azure DevOps
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Import-D365Model {
    # [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Path,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2 )]
        [string] $BinDir = "$Script:PackageDirectory\bin",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3 )]
        [string] $MetaDataDir = "$Script:MetaDataDir",

        [switch] $Replace

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start
    if($Replace) {
        Invoke-ModelUtil -Command "Replace" -Path $Path -BinDir $BinDir -MetaDataDir $MetaDataDir
    else {
        Invoke-ModelUtil -Command "Import" -Path $Path -BinDir $BinDir -MetaDataDir $MetaDataDir

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Create and configure test automation certificate
        Creates a new self signed certificate for automated testing and reconfigures the AOS Windows Identity Foundation configuration to trust the certificate
    .PARAMETER CertificateFileName
        Filename to be used when exporting the cer file
    .PARAMETER PrivateKeyFileName
        Filename to be used when exporting the pfx file
    .PARAMETER Password
        The password that you want to use to protect your certificate with
    .PARAMETER CertificateOnly
        Switch specifying if only the certificate needs to be created.
        If specified, then only the certificate is created and the thumbprint is not added to the wif.config on the AOS side.
        If not specified (default) then the certificate is created and installed and the corresponding thumbprint is added to the wif.config on the local machine.
        PS C:\> Initialize-D365RsatCertificate
        This will generate a certificate for issuer and install it in the trusted root certificates and modify the wif.config of the AOS to include the thumbprint and trust the certificate.
        PS C:\> Initialize-D365RsatCertificate -CertificateOnly
        This will generate a certificate for issuer and install it in the trusted root certificates.
        No actions will be taken regarding modifying the AOS wif.config file.
        Use this when installing RSAT on a machine different from the AOS where RSAT is pointing to.
        Tags: Automated Test, Test, Regression, Certificate, Thumbprint
        Author: Kenny Saelen (@kennysaelen)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Initialize-D365RsatCertificate {

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText", "")]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
        [string] $CertificateFileName = (Join-Path $env:TEMP "TestAuthCert.cer"),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [string] $PrivateKeyFileName = (Join-Path $env:TEMP "TestAuthCert.pfx"),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        [Security.SecureString] $Password = (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "Password1" -Force -AsPlainText),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]
        [switch] $CertificateOnly

    if (-not $Script:IsAdminRuntime) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Critical -Message "The cmdlet needs administrator permission (Run As Administrator) to be able to update the configuration. Please start an elevated session and run the cmdlet again."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Elevated permissions needed. Please start an elevated session and run the cmdlet again."

    try {
        # Create the certificate and place it in the right stores
        $X509Certificate = New-D365SelfSignedCertificate -CertificateFileName $CertificateFileName -PrivateKeyFileName $PrivateKeyFileName -Password $Password

        if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Critical -Message "The self signed certificate creation was interrupted."
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors."

        if($false -eq $CertificateOnly)
            # Modify the wif.config of the AOS to have this thumbprint added to the authority
            Add-D365RsatWifConfigAuthorityThumbprint -CertificateThumbprint $X509Certificate.Thumbprint

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Generated certificate: $X509Certificate"

    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while configuring the certificates and the Windows Identity Foundation configuration for the AOS" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

        Download a file to Azure
        Download any file to an Azure Storage Account
    .PARAMETER AccountId
        Storage Account Name / Storage Account Id where you want to fetch the file from
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        The token that has the needed permissions for the download action
        The SAS key that you have created for the storage account or blob container
    .PARAMETER Container
        Name of the blob container inside the storage account you where the file is
    .PARAMETER FileName
        Name of the file that you want to download
        Path to the folder / location you want to save the file
        The default path is "c:\temp\"
    .PARAMETER Latest
        Instruct the cmdlet to download the latest file from Azure regardless of name
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365AzureStorageDownload -AccountId "miscfiles" -AccessToken "xx508xx63817x752xx74004x30705xx92x58349x5x78f5xx34xxxxx51" -Container "backupfiles" -FileName "OriginalUAT.bacpac" -Path "c:\temp"
        Will download the "OriginalUAT.bacpac" file from the storage account and save it to "c:\temp\OriginalUAT.bacpac"
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365AzureStorageDownload -AccountId "miscfiles" -AccessToken "xx508xx63817x752xx74004x30705xx92x58349x5x78f5xx34xxxxx51" -Container "backupfiles" -Path "c:\temp" -Latest
        Will download the file with the latest modified datetime from the storage account and save it to "c:\temp\".
        The complete path to the file will returned as output from the cmdlet.
        PS C:\> $AzureParams = Get-D365ActiveAzureStorageConfig
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365AzureStorageDownload @AzureParams -Path "c:\temp" -Latest
        This will get the current Azure Storage Account configuration details
        and use them as parameters to download the latest file from an Azure Storage Account
        Will download the file with the latest modified datetime from the storage account and save it to "c:\temp\".
        The complete path to the file will returned as output from the cmdlet.
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365AzureStorageDownload -Latest
        This will use the default parameter values that are based on the configuration stored inside "Get-D365ActiveAzureStorageConfig".
        Will download the file with the latest modified datetime from the storage account and save it to "c:\temp\".
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365AzureStorageDownload -AccountId "miscfiles" -SAS "sv2018-03-28&siunlisted&src&sigAUOpdsfpoWE976ASDhfjkasdf(5678sdfhk" -Container "backupfiles" -Path "c:\temp" -Latest
        Will download the file with the latest modified datetime from the storage account and save it to "c:\temp\".
        A SAS key is used to gain access to the container and downloading the file from it.
        The complete path to the file will returned as output from the cmdlet.
        Tags: Azure, Azure Storage, Config, Configuration, Token, Blob, File, Files, Latest, Bacpac, Container
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        The cmdlet supports piping and can be used in advanced scenarios. See more on github and the wiki pages.

function Invoke-D365AzureStorageDownload {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $AccountId = $Script:AccountId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $AccessToken = $Script:AccessToken,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $SAS = $Script:SAS,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $Container = $Script:Container,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [string] $FileName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $Path = $Script:DefaultTempPath,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Latest', Position = 4 )]
        [switch] $Latest

    BEGIN {
        if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $Path -Type Container -Create)) {

        if (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AccountId) -eq $true) -or
            ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Container)) -or
            (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AccessToken)) -and ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SAS)))) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "It seems that you are missing some of the parameters. Please make sure that you either supplied them or have the right configuration saved."
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing parameters"
        if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) {return}

        Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

        try {

            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SAS)) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Working against Azure Storage Account with AccessToken"

                $storageContext = new-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $AccountId.ToLower() -StorageAccountKey $AccessToken
            else {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Working against Azure Storage Account with SAS"

                $conString = $("BlobEndpoint=https://{0};QueueEndpoint=https://{0};FileEndpoint=https://{0};TableEndpoint=https://{0};SharedAccessSignature={1}" -f $AccountId.ToLower(), $SAS)
                $storageContext = new-AzureStorageContext -ConnectionString $conString

            $cloudStorageAccount = [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.CloudStorageAccount]::Parse($storageContext.ConnectionString)

            $blobClient = $cloudStorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient()

            $blobContainer = $blobClient.GetContainerReference($Container.ToLower());

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Start download from Azure Storage Account"

            if ($Latest) {
                $files = $blobContainer.ListBlobs()
                $File = ($files | Sort-Object -Descending { $_.Properties.LastModified } | Select-Object -First 1)
                $NewFile = Join-Path $Path $($File.Name)

                $File.DownloadToFile($NewFile, [System.IO.FileMode]::Create)

                $FileName = $File.Name
            else {
                $NewFile = Join-Path $Path $FileName

                $blockBlob = $blobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference($FileName);
                $blockBlob.DownloadToFile($NewFile, [System.IO.FileMode]::Create)

            Get-Item -Path $NewFile | Select-PSFObject "Name as Filename", @{Name = "Size"; Expression = {[PSFSize]$_.Length}}, "LastWriteTime as LastModified", "Fullname as File"
        catch {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while downloading the file from Azure" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
        finally {
            Invoke-TimeSignal -End

    END {}

        Upload a file to Azure
        Upload any file to an Azure Storage Account
    .PARAMETER AccountId
        Storage Account Name / Storage Account Id where you want to store the file
    .PARAMETER AccessToken
        The token that has the needed permissions for the upload action
        The SAS key that you have created for the storage account or blob container
    .PARAMETER Container
        Name of the blob container inside the storage account you want to store the file
    .PARAMETER Filepath
        Path to the file you want to upload
    .PARAMETER DeleteOnUpload
        Switch to tell the cmdlet if you want the local file to be deleted after the upload completes
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365AzureStorageUpload -AccountId "miscfiles" -AccessToken "xx508xx63817x752xx74004x30705xx92x58349x5x78f5xx34xxxxx51" -Container "backupfiles" -Filepath "c:\temp\bacpac\UAT_20180701.bacpac" -DeleteOnUpload
        This will upload the "c:\temp\bacpac\UAT_20180701.bacpac" up to the "backupfiles" container, inside the "miscfiles" Azure Storage Account that is access with the "xx508xx63817x752xx74004x30705xx92x58349x5x78f5xx34xxxxx51" token.
        After upload the local file will be deleted.
        PS C:\> $AzureParams = Get-D365ActiveAzureStorageConfig
        PS C:\> New-D365Bacpac | Invoke-D365AzureStorageUpload @AzureParams
        This will get the current Azure Storage Account configuration details and use them as parameters to upload the file to an Azure Storage Account.
        PS C:\> New-D365Bacpac | Invoke-D365AzureStorageUpload
        This will generate a new bacpac file using the "New-D365Bacpac" cmdlet.
        The file will be uploaded to an Azure Storage Account using the "Invoke-D365AzureStorageUpload" cmdlet.
        This will use the default parameter values that are based on the configuration stored inside "Get-D365ActiveAzureStorageConfig" for the "Invoke-D365AzureStorageUpload" cmdlet.
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365AzureStorageUpload -AccountId "miscfiles" -SAS "sv2018-03-28&siunlisted&src&sigAUOpdsfpoWE976ASDhfjkasdf(5678sdfhk" -Container "backupfiles" -Filepath "c:\temp\bacpac\UAT_20180701.bacpac" -DeleteOnUpload
        This will upload the "c:\temp\bacpac\UAT_20180701.bacpac" up to the "backupfiles" container, inside the "miscfiles" Azure Storage Account.
        A SAS key is used to gain access to the container and uploading the file to it.
        Tags: Azure, Azure Storage, Config, Configuration, Token, Blob, File, Files, Bacpac, Container
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        The cmdlet supports piping and can be used in advanced scenarios. See more on github and the wiki pages.

function Invoke-D365AzureStorageUpload {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $AccountId = $Script:AccountId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $AccessToken = $Script:AccessToken,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $SAS = $Script:SAS,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $Container = $Script:Container,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default', ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Pipeline', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [string] $Filepath,

        [switch] $DeleteOnUpload
    BEGIN {
        if (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AccountId) -eq $true) -or
            ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Container)) -or
            (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AccessToken)) -and ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SAS)))) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "It seems that you are missing some of the parameters. Please make sure that you either supplied them or have the right configuration saved."
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing parameters"
        if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }

        Invoke-TimeSignal -Start
        try {

            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SAS)) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Working against Azure Storage Account with AccessToken"

                $storageContext = new-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $AccountId.ToLower() -StorageAccountKey $AccessToken
            else {
                $conString = $("BlobEndpoint=https://{0};QueueEndpoint=https://{0};FileEndpoint=https://{0};TableEndpoint=https://{0};SharedAccessSignature={1}" -f $AccountId.ToLower(), $SAS)

                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Working against Azure Storage Account with SAS" -Target $conString
                $storageContext = new-AzureStorageContext -ConnectionString $conString

            $cloudStorageAccount = [Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.CloudStorageAccount]::Parse($storageContext.ConnectionString)

            $blobClient = $cloudStorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient()

            $blobContainer = $blobClient.GetContainerReference($Container.ToLower());
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Start uploading the file to Azure"

            $FileName = Split-Path $Filepath -Leaf
            $blockBlob = $blobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference($FileName)

            if ($DeleteOnUpload) {
                Remove-Item $Filepath -Force

                File     = $Filepath
                Filename = $FileName
        catch {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the Azure Storage Account" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
        finally {
            Invoke-TimeSignal -End

    END {}

        Run the Best Practice
        Run the Best Practice checks against modules and models
        The path to the bin directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the AOS service PackagesLocalDirectory\bin
    .PARAMETER MetaDataDir
        The path to the meta data directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory
    .PARAMETER Module
        Name of the Module to analyse
    .PARAMETER Model
        Name of the Model to analyse
        Path where you want to store the log outputs generated from the best practice analyser
    .PARAMETER PackagesRoot
        Instructs the cmdlet to use binary metadata
    .PARAMETER ShowOriginalProgress
        Instruct the cmdlet to show the standard output in the console
        Default is $false which will silence the standard output
    .PARAMETER RunFixers
        Instructs the cmdlet to invoke the fixers for the identified warnings
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365BestPractice -module "ApplicationSuite" -model "MyOverLayerModel"
        This will execute the best practice checks against MyOverLayerModel in the ApplicationSuite Module.
        The default output will be silenced.
        The XML log file will be written to "c:\temp\\ApplicationSuite\Dynamics.AX.MyOverLayerModel.xppbp.xml".
        The log file will be written to "c:\temp\\ApplicationSuite\Dynamics.AX.MyOverLayerModel.xppbp.log".
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365BestPractice -module "ApplicationSuite" -model "MyOverLayerModel" -ShowOriginalProgress
        This will execute the best practice checks against MyOverLayerModel in the ApplicationSuite Module.
        The output from the best practice check process will be written to the console / host.
        The XML log file will be written to "c:\temp\\ApplicationSuite\Dynamics.AX.MyOverLayerModel.xppbp.xml".
        The log file will be written to "c:\temp\\ApplicationSuite\Dynamics.AX.MyOverLayerModel.xppbp.log".
        Tags: Best Practice, BP, BPs, Module, Model, Quality
        Author: Gert Van Der Heyden (@gertvdheyden)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-D365BestPractice {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1 )]
        [string] $BinDir = "$Script:PackageDirectory\bin",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2 )]
        [string] $MetaDataDir = "$Script:MetaDataDir",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 3 )]
        [string] $Module,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 4 )]
        [string] $Model,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5 )]
        [string] $LogDir = (Join-Path $Script:DefaultTempPath $Module),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 6 )]
        [switch] $PackagesRoot,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 7 )]
        [switch] $ShowOriginalProgress,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 8 )]
        [switch] $RunFixers

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    $tool = "xppbp.exe"
    $executable = Join-Path $BinDir $tool

    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $MetaDataDir, $BinDir -Type Container)) {return}
    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $LogDir -Type Container -Create)) {return}
    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $executable -Type Leaf)) {return}

    $logFile = Join-Path $LogDir "Dynamics.AX.$Model.xppbp.log"
    $logXmlFile = Join-Path $LogDir "Dynamics.AX.$Model.xppbp.xml"

    $params = @(
    if ($PackagesRoot -eq $true)
        $params +="-packagesroot=`"$MetaDataDir`""

    if ($RunFixers -eq $true)
        $params +="-runfixers"

    Invoke-Process -Executable $executable -Params $params -ShowOriginalProgress:$ShowOriginalProgress

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        LogFile = $logFile
        XmlLogFile = $logXmlFile

        Invoke the one of the data flush classes
        Invoke one of the runnable classes that is clearing cache, data or something else
        URL to the Dynamics 365 instance you want to clear the AOD cache on
    .PARAMETER Class
        The class that you want to execute.
        Default value is "SysFlushAod"
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365DataFlush
        This will make a call against the default URL for the machine and
        have it execute the SysFlushAOD class.
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365DataFlush -Class SysFlushData,SysFlushAod
        This will make a call against the default URL for the machine and
        have it execute the SysFlushData and SysFlushAod classes.
        Tags: Flush, Url, Servicing
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-D365DataFlush {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Url,

        [ValidateSet('SysFlushData', 'SysFlushAod', 'SysDataCacheParameters')]
        [string[]] $Class = "SysFlushAod"

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("URL")) {
        foreach ($item in $Class) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Executing Invoke-D365SysRunnerClass with $item" -Target $item
            Invoke-D365SysRunnerClass -ClassName $item -Url $URL
    else {
        foreach ($item in $Class) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Executing Invoke-D365SysRunnerClass with $item" -Target $item
            Invoke-D365SysRunnerClass -ClassName $item

        Invoke the synchronization process used in Visual Studio
        Uses the sync.exe (engine) to synchronize the database for the environment
    .PARAMETER BinDirTools
        Path to where the tools on the machine can be found
        Default value is normally the AOS Service PackagesLocalDirectory\bin
    .PARAMETER MetadataDir
        Path to where the tools on the machine can be found
        Default value is normally the AOS Service PackagesLocalDirectory
    .PARAMETER LogPath
        The path where the log file will be saved
    .PARAMETER SyncMode
        The sync mode the sync engine will use
        Default value is: "FullAll"
    .PARAMETER Verbosity
        Parameter used to instruct the level of verbosity the sync engine has to report back
        Default value is: "Normal"
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365DBSync
        This will invoke the sync engine and have it work against the database.
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365DBSync -Verbose
        This will invoke the sync engine and have it work against the database. It will output the same level of details that Visual Studio would normally do.
        Tags: Database, Sync, SyncDB, Synchronization, Servicing
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        When running the 'FullAll' (default) the command requires an elevated console / Run As Administrator.

function Invoke-D365DBSync {
    param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)]
        [string]$BinDirTools = $Script:BinDirTools,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
        [string]$MetadataDir = $Script:MetaDataDir,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [string]$LogPath = "C:\temp\D365FO.Tools\Sync",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        #[ValidateSet('None', 'PartialList','InitialSchema','FullIds','PreTableViewSyncActions','FullTablesAndViews','PostTableViewSyncActions','KPIs','AnalysisEnums','DropTables','FullSecurity','PartialSecurity','CleanSecurity','ADEs','FullAll','Bootstrap','LegacyIds','Diag')]
        [string]$SyncMode = 'FullAll',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]
        [ValidateSet('Normal', 'Quiet', 'Minimal', 'Normal', 'Detailed', 'Diagnostic')]
        [string]$Verbosity = 'Normal',

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5)]
        [string]$DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 6)]
        [string]$DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 7)]
        [string]$SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 8)]
        [string]$SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword

    #! The way the sync engine works is that it uses the connection string for some operations,
    #! but for FullSync / FullAll it depends on the database details from the same assemblies that
    #! we rely on. So the testing of how to run this cmdlet is a bit different than others

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message "Testing if run on LocalHostedTier1 and console isn't elevated"
    if ($Script:EnvironmentType -eq [EnvironmentType]::LocalHostedTier1 -and !$script:IsAdminRuntime){
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "It seems that you ran this cmdlet <c='em'>non-elevated</c> and on a <c='em'>local VM / local vhd</c>. Being on a local VM / local VHD requires you to run this cmdlet from an elevated console. Please exit the current console and start a new with `"Run As Administrator`""
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing parameters"
    elseif (!$script:IsAdminRuntime -and $Script:UserIsAdmin -and $Script:EnvironmentType -ne [EnvironmentType]::LocalHostedTier1) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "It seems that you ran this cmdlet <c='em'>non-elevated</c> and as an <c='em'>administrator</c>. You should either logon as a non-admin user account on this machine or run this cmdlet from an elevated console. Please exit the current console and start a new with `"Run As Administrator`" or simply logon as another user"
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing parameters"

    $executable = Join-Path $BinDirTools "SyncEngine.exe"
    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $executable -Type Leaf)) {return}
    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $MetadataDir -Type Container)) {return}
    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $LogPath -Type Container -Create)) {return}

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message "Testing if the SyncEngine is already running."
    $syncEngine = Get-Process -Name "SyncEngine" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($null -ne $syncEngine) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "A instance of SyncEngine is <c='em'>already running</c>. Please <c='em'>wait</c> for it to finish or <c='em'>kill it</c>."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because SyncEngine.exe already running"
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message "Build the parameters for the command to execute."
    $param = " -syncmode=$($SyncMode.ToLower())"
    $param += " -verbosity=$($Verbosity.ToLower())"
    $param += " -metadatabinaries=`"$MetadataDir`""
    $param += " -connect=`"server=$DatabaseServer;Database=$DatabaseName; User Id=$SqlUser;Password=$SqlPwd;`""

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message "Starting the SyncEngine with the parameters." -Target $param
    $process = Start-Process -FilePath $executable -ArgumentList  $param -PassThru -RedirectStandardOutput "$LogPath\output.log" -RedirectStandardError "$LogPath\error.log" -WindowStyle "Hidden"
    $lineTotalCount = 0
    $lineCount = 0

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    while ($process.HasExited -eq $false) {
        foreach ($line in Get-Content "$LogPath\output.log") {
            if ($lineCount -gt $lineTotalCount) {
                Write-Verbose $line
        $lineCount = 0
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 2


    foreach ($line in Get-Content "$LogPath\output.log") {
        if ($lineCount -gt $lineTotalCount) {
            Write-Verbose $line

    foreach ($line in Get-Content "$LogPath\error.log") {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Critical -Message "$line"

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Install a license for a 3. party solution
        Install a license for a 3. party solution using the builtin "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe" executable
        Path to the license file
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user
    .PARAMETER MetaDataDir
        The path to the meta data directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory
        The path to the bin directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory\bin
    .PARAMETER ShowOriginalProgress
        Instruct the cmdlet to show the standard output in the console
        Default is $false which will silence the standard output
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365InstallLicense -Path c:\temp\\license.txt
        This will use the default paths and start the Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe with the needed parameters to import / install the license file.
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365InstallLicense -Path c:\temp\\license.txt -ShowOriginalProgress
        This will use the default paths and start the Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe with the needed parameters to import / install the license file.
        The output from the installation process will be written to the console / host.
        Tags: License, Install, ISV, 3. Party, Servicing
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@splaxi)

function Invoke-D365InstallLicense {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Path,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [string] $DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        [string] $DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]
        [string] $SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5)]
        [string] $SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 6 )]
        [string] $MetaDataDir = "$Script:MetaDataDir",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 7 )]
        [string] $BinDir = "$Script:BinDir",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [switch] $ShowOriginalProgress

    $executable = Join-Path $BinDir "bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe"

    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $MetaDataDir,$BinDir -Type Container)) {return}
    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $Path,$executable -Type Leaf)) {return}

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    $params = @("-isemulated", "true",
        "-sqluser", "$SqlUser",
        "-sqlpwd", "$SqlPwd",
        "-sqlserver", "$DatabaseServer",
        "-sqldatabase", "$DatabaseName",
        "-metadatadir", "$MetaDataDir",
        "-bindir", "$BinDir",
        "-setupmode", "importlicensefile",
        "-licensefilename", "`"$Path`"")

    Invoke-Process -Executable $executable -Params $params -ShowOriginalProgress:$ShowOriginalProgress

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Refresh the token for lcs communication
        Invoke the refresh logic that refreshes the token object based on the ClientId and RefreshToken
    .PARAMETER ClientId
        The Azure Registered Application Id / Client Id obtained while creating a Registered App inside the Azure Portal
    .PARAMETER RefreshToken
        The Refresh Token that you want to use for the authentication process
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The entire object that you received from the Get-D365LcsApiToken command, which contains the needed RefreshToken
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365LcsApiRefreshToken -ClientId "9b4f4503-b970-4ade-abc6-2c086e4c4929" -RefreshToken "Tsdljfasfe2j32324"
        This will refresh an OAuth 2.0 access token, and obtain a (new) valid OAuth 2.0 access token from Azure Active Directory.
        The ClientId "9b4f4503-b970-4ade-abc6-2c086e4c4929" is used in the OAuth 2.0 "Refresh Token" Grant Flow to authenticate.
        The RefreshToken "Tsdljfasfe2j32324" is used to prove to Azure Active Directoy that we are allowed to obtain a new valid Access Token.
        PS C:\> $temp = Get-D365LcsApiToken -LcsApiUri "" -ClientId "9b4f4503-b970-4ade-abc6-2c086e4c4929" -Username "" -Password "TopSecretPassword"
        PS C:\> $temp = Invoke-D365LcsApiRefreshToken -ClientId "9b4f4503-b970-4ade-abc6-2c086e4c4929" -InputObject $temp
        This will refresh an OAuth 2.0 access token, and obtain a (new) valid OAuth 2.0 access token from Azure Active Directory.
        This will obtain a new token object from the Get-D365LcsApiToken cmdlet and store it in $temp.
        Then it will pass $temp to the Invoke-D365LcsApiRefreshToken along with the ClientId "9b4f4503-b970-4ade-abc6-2c086e4c4929".
        The new token object will be save into $temp.
        PS C:\> Get-D365LcsApiConfig | Invoke-D365LcsApiRefreshToken | Set-D365LcsApiConfig
        This will refresh an OAuth 2.0 access token, and obtain a (new) valid OAuth 2.0 access token from Azure Active Directory.
        This will fetch the current LCS API details from Get-D365LcsApiConfig.
        The output from Get-D365LcsApiConfig is piped directly to Invoke-D365LcsApiRefreshToken, which will fetch a new token object.
        The new token object is piped directly into Set-D365LcsApiConfig, which will save the needed details into the configuration store.
        Tags: LCS, API, Token, BearerToken
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-D365LcsApiRefreshToken {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = "Simple")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Object")]
        [string] $ClientId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = "Simple")]
        [string] $RefreshToken,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Object")]
        [PSCustomObject] $InputObject

    if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Simple") {
        Invoke-RefreshToken -AuthProviderUri $Script:AADOAuthEndpoint @PSBoundParameters
    else {
        Invoke-RefreshToken -AuthProviderUri $Script:AADOAuthEndpoint -ClientId $ClientId -RefreshToken $InputObject.refresh_token

        Start the deployment of a deployable package
        Deploy a deployable package from the Asset Library from a LCS project using the API provided by Microsoft
    .PARAMETER ProjectId
        The project id for the Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations project inside LCS
        Default value can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig
    .PARAMETER BearerToken
        The token you want to use when working against the LCS api
        Default value can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig
    .PARAMETER AssetId
        The unique id of the asset / file that you are trying to deploy from LCS
    .PARAMETER EnvironmentId
        The unique id of the environment that you want to work against
        The Id can be located inside the LCS portal
        Default value can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig
    .PARAMETER LcsApiUri
        URI / URL to the LCS API you want to use
        Depending on whether your LCS project is located in europe or not, there is 2 valid URI's / URL's
        Valid options:
        Default value can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365LcsDeployment -ProjectId 123456789 -AssetId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae" -EnvironmentId "13cc7700-c13b-4ea3-81cd-2d26fa72ec5e" -BearerToken "Bearer JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd..." -LcsApiUri ""
        This will start the deployment of the file located in the Asset Library.
        The LCS project is identified by the ProjectId 123456789, which can be obtained in the LCS portal.
        The file is identified by the AssetId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae", which is obtained either by earlier upload or simply looking in the LCS portal.
        The environment is identified by the EnvironmentId "13cc7700-c13b-4ea3-81cd-2d26fa72ec5e", which can be obtained in the LCS portal.
        The request will authenticate with the BearerToken "Bearer JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd...".
        The http request will be going to the LcsApiUri "" (NON-EUROPE).
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365LcsDeployment -AssetId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae"
        This will start the deployment of the file located in the Asset Library.
        The file is identified by the AssetId "958ae597-f089-4811-abbd-c1190917eaae", which is obtained either by earlier upload or simply looking in the LCS portal.
        All default values will come from the configuration available from Get-D365LcsApiConfig.
        Tags: Environment, Url, Config, Configuration, LCS, Upload, Api, AAD, Token, Deployment, Deploy
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-D365LcsDeployment {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int] $ProjectId = $Script:LcsApiProjectId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $BearerToken = $Script:LcsApiBearerToken,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 3)]
        [string] $AssetId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $EnvironmentId = $Script:LcsApiEnvironmentId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $LcsApiUri = $Script:LcsApiLcsApiUri

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    if (-not ($BearerToken.StartsWith("Bearer "))) {
        $BearerToken = "Bearer $BearerToken"

    $deploymentStatus = Start-LcsDeployment -BearerToken $BearerToken -ProjectId $ProjectId -AssetId $AssetId -EnvironmentId $EnvironmentId -LcsApiUri $LcsApiUri

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End


        Upload a file to a LCS project
        Upload a file to a LCS project using the API provided by Microsoft
    .PARAMETER ProjectId
        The project id for the Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations project inside LCS
        Default value can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig
    .PARAMETER BearerToken
        The token you want to use when working against the LCS api
        Default value can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig
    .PARAMETER FilePath
        Path to the file that you want to upload to the Asset Library on LCS
    .PARAMETER FileType
        Type of file you want to upload
        Valid options:
        "Process Data Package"
        "Software Deployable Package"
        "GER Configuration"
        "Data Package"
        "PowerBI Report Model"
        Default value is "Software Deployable Package"
    .PARAMETER FileName
        Name to be assigned / shown on LCS
    .PARAMETER FileDescription
        Description to be assigned / shown on LCS
    .PARAMETER LcsApiUri
        URI / URL to the LCS API you want to use
        Depending on whether your LCS project is located in europe or not, there is 2 valid URI's / URL's
        Valid options:
        Default value can be configured using Set-D365LcsApiConfig
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365LcsUpload -ProjectId 123456789 -BearerToken "Bearer JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd..." -FilePath "C:\temp\\" -FileType "Software Deployable Package" -FileName "Release-2019-05-05" -FileDescription "Build based on sprint: SuperSprint-1" -LcsApiUri ""
        This will start the upload of a file to the Asset Library.
        The LCS project is identified by the ProjectId 123456789, which can be obtained in the LCS portal.
        The file that will be uploaded is based on the FilePath "C:\temp\\".
        The file type "Software Deployable Package" determines where inside the Asset Library the file will end up.
        The name inside the Asset Library is based on the FileName "Release-2019-05-05".
        The description inside the Asset Library is based on the FileDescription "Build based on sprint: SuperSprint-1".
        The request will authenticate with the BearerToken "Bearer JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd...".
        The http request will be going to the LcsApiUri "" (NON-EUROPE).
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365LcsUpload -FilePath "C:\temp\\" -FileType "Software Deployable Package" -FileName "Release-2019-05-05"
        This will start the upload of a file to the Asset Library.
        The file that will be uploaded is based on the FilePath "C:\temp\\".
        The file type "Software Deployable Package" determines where inside the Asset Library the file will end up.
        The name inside the Asset Library is based on the FileName "Release-2019-05-05".
        All default values will come from the configuration available from Get-D365LcsApiConfig.
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365LcsUpload -FilePath "C:\temp\\"
        This will start the upload of a file to the Asset Library.
        The file that will be uploaded is based on the FilePath "C:\temp\\".
        All default values will come from the configuration available from Get-D365LcsApiConfig.
        Tags: Environment, Url, Config, Configuration, LCS, Upload, Api, AAD, Token
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-D365LcsUpload {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int]$ProjectId = $Script:LcsApiProjectId,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $BearerToken = $Script:LcsApiBearerToken,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $FilePath,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $FileType = "Software Deployable Package",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $FileName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $FileDescription,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $LcsApiUri = $Script:LcsApiLcsApiUri

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    $fileNameExtracted = Split-Path $FilePath -Leaf

    if ($FileName -eq "") {
        $FileName = $fileNameExtracted

    if (-not ($BearerToken.StartsWith("Bearer "))) {
        $BearerToken = "Bearer $BearerToken"
    $blobDetails = Start-LcsUpload -Token $BearerToken -ProjectId $ProjectId -FileType $FileType -LcsApiUri $LcsApiUri -Name $FileName -Description $FileDescription

    if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Start response" -Target $blobDetails

    $uploadResponse = Copy-FileToLcsBlob -FilePath $FilePath -FullUri $blobDetails.FileLocation

    if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Upload response" -Target $uploadResponse

    $ackResponse = Complete-LcsUpload -Token $BearerToken -ProjectId $ProjectId -AssetId $blobDetails.Id -LcsApiUri $LcsApiUri

    if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Commit response" -Target $ackResponse

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        AssetId = $blobDetails.Id
        Name = $FileName

        Invoke a http request for a Logic App
        Invoke a Logic App using a http request and pass a json object with details about the calling function
        The URL for the http endpoint that you want to invoke
    .PARAMETER Payload
        The data content you want to send to the LogicApp
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365SyncDB | Invoke-D365LogicApp
        This will execute the sync process and when it is done it will invoke a Azure Logic App with the default parameters that have been configured for the system.
        Tags: LogicApp, Logic App, Configuration, Url, Notification
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-D365LogicApp {
    param (
        [string] $Url = (Get-D365LogicAppConfig).Url,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $Payload = "{}"

    Invoke-PSNHttpEndpoint -Url $URL -Payload $Payload

        Invoke a http request for a Logic App
        Invoke a Logic App using a http request and pass a json object with details about the calling function
        The URL for the http endpoint that you want to invoke
    .PARAMETER Email
        The email address of the receiver of the message that the cmdlet will send
    .PARAMETER Subject
        Subject string to apply to the email and to the IM message
    .PARAMETER Message
        The message you want to pass onto the Logic App
    .PARAMETER IncludeAll
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to include all cmdlets (names only) from the pipeline
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to run the invocation as a job (async)
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365SyncDB | Invoke-D365LogicAppMessage
        This will execute the sync process and when it is done it will invoke a Azure Logic App with the default parameters that have been configured for the system.
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365SyncDB | Invoke-D365LogicAppMessage -Email -Subject "Work is done" -Url
        This will execute the sync process and when it is done it will invoke a Azure Logic App with the email, subject and URL parameters that are needed to invoke an Azure Logic App.
        Tags: LogicApp, Logic App, Configuration, Url, Email, Notification, Message, Email
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-D365LogicAppMessage {
    param (
        [string] $Url = (Get-D365LogicAppConfig).Url,

        [string] $Email = (Get-D365LogicAppConfig).Email,

        [string] $Subject = (Get-D365LogicAppConfig).Subject,

        [string] $Message,

        [switch] $IncludeAll,
        [switch] $AsJob


    begin {
    process {
        $pipes = $MyInvocation.Line.Split("|")
        $arrList = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
        foreach ($item in $pipes.Trim()) {
            $null = $arrList.Add( $item.Split(" ")[0])

        $strMessage = "";

        if ($IncludeAll) {
            $strMessage = $arrList -Join ", "
            $strMessage = "The following list of cmdlets has executed: $strMessage"
        elseif (-not ($null -eq $Message) -and (-not("" -eq $Message))) {
            $strMessage = $Message
        else {
            $strMessage = $arrList[$MyInvocation.PipelinePosition - 2]
            $strMessage = "The following list of cmdlets has executed: $strMessage"

        Invoke-PSNMessage -Url $URL -ReceiverEmail $Email -Subject $Subject -Message $strMessage -AsJob:$AsJob
    end {

        Compile a package / module / model
        Compile a package / module / model using the builtin "xppc.exe" executable to compile source code
    .PARAMETER Module
        The package to compile
    .PARAMETER OutputDir
        The path to the folder to save generated artifacts
        The path to the folder to save logs
    .PARAMETER MetaDataDir
        The path to the meta data directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory
    .PARAMETER ReferenceDir
        The full path of a folder containing all assemblies referenced from X++ code
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory
        The path to the bin directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory\bin
    .PARAMETER ShowOriginalProgress
        Instruct the cmdlet to show the standard output in the console
        Default is $false which will silence the standard output
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365ModuleCompile -Module MyModel
        This will use the default paths and start the xppc.exe with the needed parameters to compile MyModel package.
        The default output from the compile will be silenced.
        If an error should occur, both the standard output and error output will be written to the console / host.
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365ModuleCompile -Module MyModel -ShowOriginalProgress
        This will use the default paths and start the xppc.exe with the needed parameters to compile MyModel package.
        The output from the compile will be written to the console / host.
        Tags: Compile, Model, Servicing, X++
        Author: Ievgen Miroshnikov (@IevgenMir)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-D365ModuleCompile {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Module,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2 )]
        [string] $OutputDir = (Join-Path $Script:MetaDataDir $Module),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3 )]
        [string] $LogDir = (Join-Path $Script:DefaultTempPath $Module),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4 )]
        [string] $MetaDataDir = $Script:MetaDataDir,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5)]
        [string] $ReferenceDir = $Script:MetaDataDir,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 6 )]
        [string] $BinDir = $Script:BinDirTools,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 7 )]
        [switch] $ShowOriginalProgress

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    $tool = "xppc.exe"
    $executable = Join-Path $BinDir $tool

    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $MetaDataDir, $BinDir -Type Container)) {return}
    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $executable -Type Leaf)) {return}
    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $LogDir -Type Container -Create)) {return}

    if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }

    $logFile = Join-Path $LogDir "Dynamics.AX.$Module.xppc.log"
    $logXmlFile = Join-Path $LogDir "Dynamics.AX.$Module.xppc.xml"

    $params = @("-metadata=`"$MetaDataDir`"",

    Invoke-Process -Executable $executable -Params $params -ShowOriginalProgress:$ShowOriginalProgress

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        LogFile = $logFile
        XmlLogFile = $logXmlFile
        PSTypeName = 'D365FO.TOOLS.ModuleCompileOutput'

        Compile a package
        Compile a package using the builtin "xppc.exe" executable to compile source code, "labelc.exe" to compile label files and "reportsc.exe" to compile reports
    .PARAMETER Module
        The package to compile
    .PARAMETER OutputDir
        The path to the folder to save assemblies
        The path to the folder to save logs
    .PARAMETER MetaDataDir
        The path to the meta data directory for the environment
    .PARAMETER ReferenceDir
        The full path of a folder containing all assemblies referenced from X++ code
        The path to the bin directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory\bin
    .PARAMETER ShowOriginalProgress
        Instruct the cmdlet to show the standard output in the console
        Default is $false which will silence the standard output
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365ModuleFullCompile -Module MyModel
        This will use the default paths and start the xppc.exe with the needed parameters to compile MyModel package.
        The default output from all the different steps will be silenced.
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365ModuleFullCompile -Module MyModel -ShowOriginalProgress
        This will use the default paths and start the xppc.exe with the needed parameters to copmile MyModel package.
        The default output from the different steps will be written to the console / host.
        Tags: Compile, Model, Servicing
        Author: Ievgen Miroshnikov (@IevgenMir)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-D365ModuleFullCompile {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Module,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2 )]
        [string] $OutputDir = (Join-Path $Script:MetaDataDir $Module),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3 )]
        [string] $LogDir = (Join-Path $Script:DefaultTempPath $Module),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4 )]
        [string] $MetaDataDir = $Script:MetaDataDir,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5)]
        [string] $ReferenceDir = $Script:MetaDataDir,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 6 )]
        [string] $BinDir = $Script:BinDirTools,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 7 )]
        [switch] $ShowOriginalProgress

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $MetaDataDir, $BinDir -Type Container)) {return}
    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $LogDir -Type Container -Create)) {return}

    $resModuleCompile = Invoke-D365ModuleCompile @PSBoundParameters

    $resLabelGeneration = Invoke-D365ModuleLabelGeneration @PSBoundParameters

    $resReportsCompile = Invoke-D365ModuleReportsCompile @PSBoundParameters

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

    $resModuleCompile #| Select-PSFObject -TypeName "D365FO.TOOLS.ModuleCompileOutput" @{Name = "OutputOrigin"; Expression = {"ModuleCompile"}}, "LogFile as LogFile", "XmlLogFile as XmlLogFile", @{Name = "ErrorLogFile"; Expression = {""}}

    $resLabelGeneration #| Select-PSFObject @{Name = "OutputOrigin"; Expression = {"LabelGeneration"}}, "OutLogFile as LogFile", @{Name = "XmlLogFile"; Expression = {""}}, "ErrorLogFile as ErrorLogFile"

    $resReportsCompile #| Select-PSFObject @{Name = "OutputOrigin"; Expression = {"ReportsCompile"}}, "LogFile as LogFile", "XmlLogFile as XmlLogFile", @{Name = "ErrorLogFile"; Expression = {""}}


        Generate labels for a package / module / model
        Generate labels for a package / module / model using the builtin "labelc.exe"
    .PARAMETER Module
        Name of the package that you want to work against
    .PARAMETER OutputDir
        The path to the folder to save generated artifacts
        The path to the folder to save logs
    .PARAMETER MetaDataDir
        The path to the meta data directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory
    .PARAMETER ReferenceDir
        The full path of a folder containing all assemblies referenced from X++ code
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory
        The path to the bin directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory\bin
    .PARAMETER ShowOriginalProgress
        Instruct the cmdlet to show the standard output in the console
        Default is $false which will silence the standard output
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365ModuleLabelGeneration -Module MyModel
        This will use the default paths and start the labelc.exe with the needed parameters to labels from the MyModel package.
        The default output from the generation process will be silenced.
        If an error should occur, both the standard output and error output will be written to the console / host.
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365ModuleLabelGeneration -Module MyModel -ShowOriginalProgress
        This will use the default paths and start the labelc.exe with the needed parameters to labels from the MyModel package.
        The output from the compile will be written to the console / host.
        Tags: Compile, Model, Servicing, Label, Labels
        Author: Ievgen Miroshnikov (@IevgenMir)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-D365ModuleLabelGeneration {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Module,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2 )]
        [string] $OutputDir = (Join-Path $Script:MetaDataDir $Module),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3 )]
        [string] $LogDir = (Join-Path $Script:DefaultTempPath $Module),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4 )]
        [string] $MetaDataDir = $Script:MetaDataDir,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5)]
        [string] $ReferenceDir = $Script:MetaDataDir,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 6 )]
        [string] $BinDir = $Script:BinDirTools,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 7 )]
        [switch] $ShowOriginalProgress

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    $tool = "labelc.exe"
    $executable = Join-Path $BinDir $tool

    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $MetaDataDir, $BinDir -Type Container)) {return}
    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $executable -Type Leaf)) {return}
    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $LogDir -Type Container -Create)) {return}

    $logFile = Join-Path $LogDir "Dynamics.AX.$Module.labelc.log"
    $logErrorFile = Join-Path $LogDir "Dynamics.AX.$Module.labelc.err"
    $params = @("-metadata=`"$MetaDataDir`"",
    Invoke-Process -Executable $executable -Params $params -ShowOriginalProgress:$ShowOriginalProgress

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        OutLogFile = $logFile
        ErrorLogFile = $logErrorFile
        PSTypeName = 'D365FO.TOOLS.ModuleLabelGenerationOutput'

        Generate reports for a package / module / model
        Generate reports for a package / module / model using the builtin "ReportsC.exe"
    .PARAMETER Module
        Name of the package that you want to work against
    .PARAMETER OutputDir
        The path to the folder to save generated artifacts
        The path to the folder to save logs
    .PARAMETER MetaDataDir
        The path to the meta data directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory
    .PARAMETER ReferenceDir
        The full path of a folder containing all assemblies referenced from X++ code
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory
        The path to the bin directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory\bin
    .PARAMETER ShowOriginalProgress
        Instruct the cmdlet to show the standard output in the console
        Default is $false which will silence the standard output
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365ModuleReportsCompile -Module MyModel
        This will use the default paths and start the ReportsC.exe with the needed parameters to compile the reports from the MyModel package.
        The default output from the reports compile will be silenced.
        If an error should occur, both the standard output and error output will be written to the console / host.
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365ModuleReportsCompile -Module MyModel -ShowOriginalProgress
        This will use the default paths and start the ReportsC.exe with the needed parameters to compile the reports from the MyModel package.
        The output from the compile will be written to the console / host.
        Tags: Compile, Model, Servicing, Report, Reports
        Author: Ievgen Miroshnikov (@IevgenMir)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-D365ModuleReportsCompile {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Module,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2 )]
        [string] $OutputDir = (Join-Path $Script:MetaDataDir $Module),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 3 )]
        [string] $LogDir = (Join-Path $Script:DefaultTempPath $Module),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4 )]
        [string] $MetaDataDir = $Script:MetaDataDir,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5)]
        [string] $ReferenceDir = $Script:MetaDataDir,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 6 )]
        [string] $BinDir = $Script:BinDirTools,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 7 )]
        [switch] $ShowOriginalProgress

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    $tool = "ReportsC.exe"
    $executable = Join-Path $BinDir $tool

    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $MetaDataDir, $BinDir -Type Container)) {return}
    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $executable -Type Leaf)) {return}
    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $LogDir -Type Container -Create)) {return}

    $logFile = Join-Path $LogDir "Dynamics.AX.$Module.ReportsC.log"
    $logXmlFile = Join-Path $LogDir "Dynamics.AX.$Module.ReportsC.xml"

    $params = @("-metadata=`"$MetaDataDir`"",

    Invoke-Process -Executable $executable -Params $params -ShowOriginalProgress:$ShowOriginalProgress

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        LogFile = $logFile
        XmlLogFile = $logXmlFile
        PSTypeName = 'D365FO.TOOLS.ModuleReportsCompileOutput'

        Invokes the Rearm of Windows license
        Function used for invoking the rearm functionality inside Windows
    .PARAMETER Restart
        Instruct the cmdlet to restart the machine
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365ReArmWindows
        This will re arm the Windows installation if there is any activation retries left
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365ReArmWindows -Restart
        This will re arm the Windows installation if there is any activation retries left and restart the computer.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-D365ReArmWindows {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the rearm process."

    $instance = Get-CimInstance -Class SoftwareLicensingService -Namespace root/cimv2 -ComputerName .
    Invoke-CimMethod -InputObject $instance -MethodName ReArmWindows
    if ($Restart) {
        Restart-Computer -Force

        Analyze the runbook
        Get all the important details from a failed runbook
        Path to the runbook file that you work against
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365RunbookAnalyzer -Path "C:\DynamicsAX\InstallationRecords\Runbooks\Runbook.xml"
        This will analyze the Runbook.xml and output all the details about failed steps, the connected error logs and all the unprocessed steps.
        PS C:\> Get-D365Runbook -Latest | Invoke-D365RunbookAnalyzer
        This will find the latest runbook file and have it analyzed by the Invoke-D365RunbookAnalyzer cmdlet to output any error details.
        PS C:\> Get-D365Runbook -Latest | Invoke-D365RunbookAnalyzer | Out-File "C:\Temp\\runbook-analyze-results.xml"
        This will find the latest runbook file and have it analyzed by the Invoke-D365RunbookAnalyzer cmdlet to output any error details.
        The output will be saved into the "C:\Temp\\runbook-analyze-results.xml" file.
        PS C:\> Get-D365Runbook -Latest | Backup-D365Runbook -Force | Invoke-D365RunbookAnalyzer
        This will get the latest runbook from the default location.
        This will backup the file onto the default "c:\temp\\runbookbackups\".
        This will start the Runbook Analyzer on the backup file.
        Tags: Runbook, Servicing, Hotfix, DeployablePackage, Deployable Package, InstallationRecordsDirectory, Installation Records Directory
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-D365RunbookAnalyzer {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string] $Path
    process {
        if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $Path -Type Leaf)) { return }

        $null = $sb = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
        $null = $sb.AppendLine("<D365FO.Tools.Runbook.Analyzer.Output>")

        [xml]$xmlRunbook = Get-Content $Path

        $failedSteps = $xmlRunbook.SelectNodes("//RunbookStepList/Step/StepState[text()='Failed']")

        $failedSteps | ForEach-Object {
            $null = $sb.AppendLine("<FailedStepInfo>")

            $stepId = $_.ParentNode | Select-Object -ExpandProperty childnodes | Where-Object {$ -like 'ID'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InnerText
            $failedLogs = $xmlRunbook.SelectNodes("//RunbookLogs/Log/StepID[text()='$stepId']")

            $null = $sb.AppendLine($_.ParentNode.OuterXml)

            $failedLogs | ForEach-Object { $null = $sb.AppendLine( $_.ParentNode.OuterXml)}

            $null = $sb.AppendLine("</FailedStepInfo>")
        $inProgressSteps = $xmlRunbook.SelectNodes("//RunbookStepList/Step/StepState[text()='InProgress']")

        $null = $sb.AppendLine("<InProgressStepInfo>")

        $inProgressSteps | ForEach-Object { $null = $sb.AppendLine( $_.ParentNode.OuterXml)}

        $null = $sb.AppendLine("</InProgressStepInfo>")

        $unprocessedSteps = $xmlRunbook.SelectNodes("//RunbookStepList/Step/StepState[text()='NotStarted']")

        $null = $sb.AppendLine("<UnprocessedStepInfo>")

        $unprocessedSteps | ForEach-Object { $null = $sb.AppendLine( $_.ParentNode.OuterXml)}

        $null = $sb.AppendLine("</UnprocessedStepInfo>")


        $null = $sb.AppendLine("</D365FO.Tools.Runbook.Analyzer.Output>")

        [xml]$xmlRaw = $sb.ToString()
        $stringWriter = New-Object System.IO.StringWriter;
        $xmlWriter = New-Object System.Xml.XmlTextWriter $stringWriter;
        $xmlWriter.Formatting = "indented";

        Invoke the SCDPBundleInstall.exe file
        A cmdlet that wraps some of the cumbersome work of installing updates / hotfixes into a streamlined process
    .PARAMETER InstallOnly
        Instructs the cmdlet to only run the Install option and ignore any TFS / VSTS folders and source control in general
        Use it when testing an update on a local development machine (VM) / onebox
    .PARAMETER Command
        The command / job you want the cmdlet to execute
        Valid options are:
        Default value is "Prepare"
        Path to the update package that you want to install into the environment
        The cmdlet only supports an already extracted ".axscdppkg" file
    .PARAMETER MetaDataDir
        The path to the meta data directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory
    .PARAMETER TfsWorkspaceDir
        The path to the TFS Workspace directory that you want to work against
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory
        The URI for the TFS Team Site / VSTS Portal that you want to work against
        Default URI is the one that is configured from inside Visual Studio
    .PARAMETER ShowModifiedFiles
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to show all the modified files afterwards
    .PARAMETER ShowProgress
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to output progress details while servicing the installation
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365SCDPBundleInstall -Path "c:\temp\HotfixPackageBundle.axscdppkg" -InstallOnly
        This will install the "HotfixPackageBundle.axscdppkg" into the default PackagesLocalDirectory location on the machine.
        Tags: Hotfix, Hotfixes, Updates, Prepare, VSTS, axscdppkg
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@splaxi)
        Author: Tommy Skaue (@skaue)

function Invoke-D365SCDPBundleInstall {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'InstallOnly')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'InstallOnly', Position = 0 )]
        [switch] $InstallOnly,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Tfs', Position = 0 )]
        [ValidateSet('Prepare', 'Install')]
        [string] $Command = 'Prepare',

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Path,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 2 )]
        [string] $MetaDataDir = "$Script:MetaDataDir",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Tfs', Position = 3 )]
        [string] $TfsWorkspaceDir = "$Script:MetaDataDir",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ParameterSetName = 'Tfs', Position = 4 )]
        [string] $TfsUri = "$Script:TfsUri",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 4 )]
        [switch] $ShowModifiedFiles,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 5 )]
        [switch] $ShowProgress


    if (!$script:IsAdminRuntime) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The cmdlet needs <c='em'>administrator permission</c> (Run As Administrator) to be able to update the configuration. Please start an <c='em'>elevated</c> session and run the cmdlet again."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because the function is not run elevated"

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start
    $StartTime = Get-Date
    $executable = Join-Path $Script:BinDir "\bin\SCDPBundleInstall.exe"

    if (!(Test-PathExists -Path $Path,$executable -Type Leaf)) {return}
    if (!(Test-PathExists -Path $MetaDataDir -Type Container)) {return}
    Unblock-File -Path $Path #File is typically downloaded and extracted

    if ($InstallOnly) {
        $param = @("-install",

        if ($TfsUri -eq ""){
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "No TFS URI provided. Unable to complete the command."
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because missing TFS URI parameter."

            "Prepare" {
                $param = @("-prepare")
                $param = @("-install")
        $param = $param + @("-packagepath=`"$Path`"",

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking SCDPBundleInstall.exe with $Command" -Target $param
    if ($ShowProgress) {
        $process = Start-Process -FilePath $executable -ArgumentList $param -PassThru

        while (-not ($process.HasExited)) {
            $timeout = New-TimeSpan -Days 1
            $stopwatch = [Diagnostics.StopWatch]::StartNew();
            $bundleRoot = "$env:localappdata\temp\SCDPBundleInstall"
            [xml]$manifest = Get-Content $(join-path $bundleRoot "PackageDependencies.dgml") -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            $bundleCounter = 0
            if ($manifest)
                $bundleTotalCount = $manifest.DirectedGraph.Nodes.ChildNodes.Count
            while ($manifest -and (-not ($process.HasExited)) -and $stopwatch.elapsed -lt $timeout)
                $currentBundleFolder = Get-ChildItem $bundleRoot -Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                if ($currentBundleFolder)
                    $currentBundle = $currentBundleFolder.Name
                    if ($announcedBundle -ne $currentBundle)
                        $announcedBundle = $currentBundle
                        $bundleCounter = $bundleCounter + 1
                        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "$bundleCounter/$bundleTotalCount : Processing hotfix package $announcedBundle"
            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
    else {
        Start-Process -FilePath $executable -ArgumentList $param -NoNewWindow -Wait
    if ($ShowModifiedFiles) {
        $res = Get-ChildItem -Path $MetaDataDir -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $StartTime}

        $res | ForEach-Object {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Object modified by the install: $($_.FullName)"


    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Invoke the AxUpdateInstaller.exe file from Software Deployable Package (SDP)
        A cmdlet that wraps some of the cumbersome work into a streamlined process.
        The process are detailed in the Microsoft documentation here:
        Path to the update package that you want to install into the environment
        The cmdlet only supports a path to an already extracted and unblocked zip-file
    .PARAMETER MetaDataDir
        The path to the meta data directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory
    .PARAMETER QuickInstallAll
        Use this switch to let the runbook reside in memory. You will not get a runbook on disc which you can examine for steps
    .PARAMETER DevInstall
        Use this when running on developer box without administrator privileges (Run As Administrator)
    .PARAMETER Command
        The command you want the cmdlet to execute when it runs the AXUpdateInstaller.exe
        Valid options are:
        The default value is "SetTopology"
        The step number that you want to work against
    .PARAMETER RunbookId
        The runbook id of the runbook that you want to work against
        Default value is "Runbook"
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365SDPInstall -Path "c:\temp\" -QuickInstallAll
        This will install the extracted package in c:\temp\ using a runbook in memory while executing.
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365SDPInstall -Path "c:\temp\" -Command SetTopology
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365SDPInstall -Path "c:\temp\" -Command Generate -RunbookId 'MyRunbook'
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365SDPInstall -Path "c:\temp\" -Command Import -RunbookId 'MyRunbook'
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365SDPInstall -Path "c:\temp\" -Command Execute -RunbookId 'MyRunbook'
        Manual operations that first create Topology XML from current environment, then generate runbook with id 'MyRunbook', then import it and finally execute it.
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365SDPInstall -Path "c:\temp\" -Command RunAll
        Create Topology XML from current environment. Using default runbook id 'Runbook' and run all the operations from generate, to import to execute.
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365SDPInstall -Path "c:\temp\" -Command RerunStep -Step 18 -RunbookId 'MyRunbook'
        Rerun runbook with id 'MyRunbook' from step 18.
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365SDPInstall -Path "c:\temp\" -Command SetStepComplete -Step 24 -RunbookId 'MyRunbook'
        Mark step 24 complete in runbook with id 'MyRunbook' and continue the runbook from the next step.
        Author: Tommy Skaue (@skaue)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        Inspired by blogpost

function Invoke-D365SDPInstall {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'QuickInstall')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Path,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2 )]
        [string] $MetaDataDir = "$Script:MetaDataDir",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'QuickInstall', Position = 3 )]
        [switch] $QuickInstallAll,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'DevInstall', Position = 3 )]
        [switch] $DevInstall,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Manual', Position = 3 )]
        [ValidateSet('SetTopology', 'Generate', 'Import', 'Execute', 'RunAll', 'ReRunStep', 'SetStepComplete', 'Export', 'VersionCheck')]
        [string] $Command = 'SetTopology',

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4 )]
        [int] $Step,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5 )]
        [string] $RunbookId = "Runbook"
    if ((Get-Process -Name "devenv" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Count -gt 0) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "It seems that you have a <c='em'>Visual Studio</c> running. Please ensure <c='em'>exit</c> Visual Studio and run the cmdlet again."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of running Visual Studio."


    if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "It seems that you have executed some cmdlets that required to <c='em'>load</c> some Dynamics 356 Finance & Operations <c='em'>assemblies</c> into memory. Please <c='em'>close and restart</c> you PowerShell session / console, and <c='em'>start a fresh</c>. Please note that you should execute the failed command <c='em'>immediately</c> after importing the module."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of loaded assemblies."

    $arrRunbookIds = Get-D365Runbook | Get-D365RunbookId

    if(($Command -eq "RunAll") -and ($arrRunbookIds.Runbookid -contains $RunbookId)) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "It seems that you have entered an <c='em'>already used RunbookId</c>. Please consider if you are <c='em'>trying to re-run some steps</c> or simply pass <c='em'>another RunbookId</c>."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of RunbookId already used on this machine."

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    # Input is a relative path, hence we set the path to the current directory
    if ($Path -eq ".") {
        $currentPath = [System.IO.Directory]::GetCurrentDirectory()
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Updating path to '$currentPath' as relative paths are not supported"
        $Path = $currentPath

    $Util = Join-Path $Path "AXUpdateInstaller.exe"
    $topologyFile = Join-Path $Path 'DefaultTopologyData.xml'

    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $topologyFile, $Util -Type Leaf)) { return }
    Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse | Unblock-File

    if ($QuickInstallAll) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Using QuickInstallAll mode"
        $param = "quickinstallall"
        Start-Process -FilePath $Util -ArgumentList  $param  -NoNewWindow -Wait
    elseif ($DevInstall) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Using DevInstall mode"
        $param = "devinstall"
        Start-Process -FilePath $Util -ArgumentList  $param  -NoNewWindow -Wait
    else {
        $Command = $Command.ToLowerInvariant()
        $runbookFile = Join-Path $Path "$runbookId.xml"
        $serviceModelFile = Join-Path $Path 'DefaultServiceModelData.xml'
        $topologyFile = Join-Path $Path 'DefaultTopologyData.xml'
        if ($Command -eq 'runall') {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Running all manual steps in one single operation"

            $ok = Update-TopologyFile -Path $Path
            if ($ok) {
                $param = @(
                & $Util generate $param
                & $Util import "-runbookfile=`"$runbookFile`""
                & $Util execute "-runbookId=`"$runbookId`""
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "All manual steps complete."
        else {
            $RunCommand = $true
            switch ($Command) {
                'settopology' {
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Updating topology file xml."
                    $ok = Update-TopologyFile -Path $Path
                    $RunCommand = $false
                'generate' {
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Generating runbook file."
                    $param = @(
                'import' {
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Importing runbook file."
                    $param = @(
                'execute' {
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Executing runbook file."
                    $param = @(
                'rerunstep' {
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Rerunning runbook step number $step."
                    $param = @(
                'setstepcomplete' {
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Marking step $step complete and continuing from next step."
                    $param = @(
                'export' {
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Exporting runbook for reuse."
                    & $Util export
                    $param = @(
                'versioncheck' {
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Running version check on runbook."
                    $param = @(

            if ($RunCommand) { & $Util $param }

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Downloads the Selenium web driver files and deploys them to the specified destinations.
        Downloads the Selenium web driver files and deploys them to the specified destinations.
    .PARAMETER RegressionSuiteAutomationTool
        Switch to specify if the Selenium files need to be installed in the Regression Suite Automation Tool folder.
        Switch to specify if the Selenium files need to be installed in the PerfSDK folder.
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365SeleniumDownload -RegressionSuiteAutomationTool -PerfSDK
        This will download the Selenium zip archives and extract the files into both the Regression Suite Automation Tool folder and the PerfSDK folder.
        Author: Kenny Saelen (@kennysaelen)

  function Invoke-D365SeleniumDownload
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]

    if(!$RegressionSuiteAutomationTool -and !$PerfSDK)
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Critical -Message "Either the -RegressionSuiteAutomationTool or the -PerfSDK switch needs to be specified."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of no switch parameters speficied."
    $seleniumDllZipLocalPath = (Join-Path $env:TEMP "")
    $ieDriverZipLocalPath = (Join-Path $env:TEMP "")
    $zipExtractionPath = (Join-Path $env:TEMP "D365Seleniumextraction")
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Downloading Selenium files"
        $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
        $WebClient.DownloadFile("", $seleniumDllZipLocalPath)
        $WebClient.DownloadFile("", $ieDriverZipLocalPath)

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Extracting zip files"
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
        [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($seleniumDllZipLocalPath, $zipExtractionPath)
        [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($ieDriverZipLocalPath, $zipExtractionPath)

        $targetPath = [String]::Empty
        $seleniumPath = [String]::Empty

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Making Selenium folder structure in the Regression Suite Automation Tool folder"
            $targetPath = Join-Path ([Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles(x86)")) "Regression Suite Automation Tool"
            $seleniumPath = Join-Path $targetPath "Common\External\Selenium"

            # Check if the Regression Suite Automation Tool is installed on the machine and Selenium not already installed
            if (Test-PathExists -Path $targetPath -Type Container)
                if(-not(Test-PathExists -Path $seleniumPath -Type Container -Create))
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Critical -Message [String]::Format("The folder for the Selenium files could not be created: {0}", $seleniumPath)

                Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Copying Selenium files to destination folder"
                Copy-Item (Join-Path $zipExtractionPath "IEDriverServer.exe") $seleniumPath
                Copy-Item (Join-Path $zipExtractionPath "net40\*") $seleniumPath
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message ([String]::Format("Selenium files have been downloaded and installed in the following folder: {0}", $seleniumPath))
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message [String]::Format("The RegressionSuiteAutomationTool switch parameter is specified but the tool could not be located in the following folder: {0}", $targetPath)
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Making Selenium folder structure in the PerfSDK folder"
            $targetPath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PerfSDK")
            $seleniumPath = Join-Path $targetPath "Common\External\Selenium"

            # Check if the PerfSDK is installed on the machine and Selenium not already installed
            if (Test-PathExists -Path $targetPath -Type Container)
                if(-not(Test-PathExists -Path $seleniumPath -Type Container -Create))
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Critical -Message [String]::Format("The folder for the Selenium files could not be created: {0}", $seleniumPath)

                Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Copying Selenium files to destination folder"
                Copy-Item (Join-Path $zipExtractionPath "IEDriverServer.exe") $seleniumPath
                Copy-Item (Join-Path $zipExtractionPath "net40\*") $seleniumPath
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message ([String]::Format("Selenium files have been downloaded and installed in the following folder: {0}", $seleniumPath))
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message [String]::Format("The PerfSDK switch parameter is specified but the tool could not be located in the following folder: {0}", $targetPath)
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while downloading and installing the Selenium files." -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Cleaning up temporary files"
        Remove-Item -Path $seleniumDllZipLocalPath -Recurse
        Remove-Item -Path $ieDriverZipLocalPath -Recurse
        Remove-Item -Path $zipExtractionPath -Recurse

        Execute a SQL Script
        Execute a SQL Script against the D365FO SQL Server database
    .PARAMETER FilePath
        Path to the file containing the SQL Script that you want executed
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user.
    .PARAMETER TrustedConnection
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet whether the connection should be using Windows Authentication or not
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365SqlScript -FilePath "C:\temp\\DeleteUser.sql"
        This will execute the "C:\temp\\DeleteUser.sql" against the registered SQL Server on the machine.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@splaxi)

Function Invoke-D365SqlScript {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1 )]
        [string] $FilePath,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2 )]
        [string] $DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3 )]
        [string] $DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4 )]
        [string] $SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5 )]
        [string] $SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 6)]
        [bool] $TrustedConnection = $false

    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $FilePath -Type Leaf)) { return }

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    $UseTrustedConnection = Test-TrustedConnection $PSBoundParameters

    $Params = @{}

    #Hack to get all variables for the function, regardless of they were assigned from the caller or with default values.
    #The TrustedConnection is the real deal breaker. If $true user and password are ignored in Get-SqlCommand.
    $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Keys | Get-Variable -ErrorAction Ignore | ForEach-Object { $Params.Add($_.Name, $_.Value) };
    $null = $Params.Remove('FilePath')
    $Params.TrustedConnection = $UseTrustedConnection

    $sqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand @Params

    $sqlCommand.CommandText = (Get-Content "$FilePath") -join [Environment]::NewLine

    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)


        $null = $sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors" -StepsUpward 1
    finally {
        if ($sqlCommand.Connection.State -ne [System.Data.ConnectionState]::Closed) {


    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Invoke the SysFlushAos class
        Invoke the runnable class SysFlushAos to clear the AOD cache
        URL to the Dynamics 365 instance you want to clear the AOD cache on
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365SysFlushAodCache
        This will a call against the default URL for the machine and
        have it execute the SysFlushAOD class
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-D365SysFlushAodCache {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Url

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("URL")) {
        Invoke-D365SysRunnerClass -ClassName "SysFlushAOD" -Url $URL
    else {
        Invoke-D365SysRunnerClass -ClassName "SysFlushAOD"

        Start a browser session that executes SysRunnerClass
        Makes it possible to call any runnable class directly from the browser, without worrying about the details
    .PARAMETER ClassName
        The name of the class you want to execute
    .PARAMETER Company
        The company for which you want to execute the class against
        Default value is: "DAT"
        The URL you want to execute against
        Default value is the Fully Qualified Domain Name registered on the machine
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365SysRunnerClass -ClassName SysFlushAOD
        Will execute the SysRunnerClass and have it execute the SysFlushAOD class and will run it against the "DAT" (default value) company
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365SysRunnerClass -ClassName SysFlushAOD -Company "USMF"
        Will execute the SysRunnerClass and have it execute the SysFlushAOD class and will run it against the "USMF" company
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365SysRunnerClass -ClassName SysFlushAOD -Url
        Will execute the SysRunnerClass and have it execute the SysFlushAOD class and will run it against the "DAT" company, on the URL
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Invoke-D365SysRunnerClass {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $ClassName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 2 )]
        [string] $Company = $Script:Company,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 3 )]
        [string] $Url = $Script:Url

    $executingUrl = "$Url`?cmp=$Company&mi=SysClassRunner&cls=$ClassName"

    Start-Process $executingUrl

        Start a browser session that will show the table browser
        Makes it possible to call the table browser for a given table directly from the web browser, without worrying about the details
    .PARAMETER TableName
        The name of the table you want to see the rows for
    .PARAMETER Company
        The company for which you want to see the data from in the given table
        Default value is: "DAT"
        The URL you want to execute against
        Default value is the Fully Qualified Domain Name registered on the machine
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365TableBrowser -TableName SalesTable
        Will open the table browser and show all the records in Sales Table from the "DAT" company (default value).
        PS C:\> Invoke-D365TableBrowser -TableName SalesTable -Company "USMF"
        Will open the table browser and show all the records in Sales Table from the "USMF" company.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        The cmdlet supports piping and can be used in advanced scenarios. See more on github and the wiki pages.

function Invoke-D365TableBrowser {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 1 )]
        [string] $TableName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 2 )]
        [string] $Company = $Script:Company,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 3 )]
        [string] $Url = $Script:Url
    BEGIN {}

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Table name: $TableName" -Target $TableName
        $executingUrl = "$Url`?cmp=$Company&mi=SysTableBrowser&tablename=$TableName"

        Start-Process $executingUrl

        #* Allow the browser to start and process first request if it isn't running already
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

    END {}

        Generate a bacpac file from a database
        Takes care of all the details and steps that is needed to create a valid bacpac file to move between Tier 1 (onebox or Azure hosted) and Tier 2 (MS hosted), or vice versa
        Supports to create a raw bacpac file without prepping. Can be used to automate backup from Tier 2 (MS hosted) environment
    .PARAMETER ExportModeTier1
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet that the export will be done against a classic SQL Server installation
    .PARAMETER ExportModeTier2
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet that the export will be done against an Azure SQL DB instance
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user.
    .PARAMETER BackupDirectory
        The path where to store the temporary backup file when the script needs to handle that
    .PARAMETER NewDatabaseName
        The name for the database the script is going to create when doing the restore process
    .PARAMETER BacpacFile
        The path where you want the cmdlet to store the bacpac file that will be generated
    .PARAMETER CustomSqlFile
        The path to a custom sql server script file that you want executed against the database
    .PARAMETER ExportOnly
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to either just create a dump bacpac file or run the prepping process first
        PS C:\> New-D365Bacpac -ExportModeTier1 -BackupDirectory c:\Temp\backup\ -NewDatabaseName Testing1 -BacpacFile "C:\Temp\Bacpac\Testing1.bacpac"
        Will backup the "AXDB" database and restore is as "Testing1" again the localhost SQL Server.
        Will run the prepping process against the restored database.
        Will export a bacpac file to "C:\Temp\Bacpac\Testing1.bacpac".
        Will delete the restored database.
        It will use trusted connection (Windows authentication) while working against the SQL Server.
        PS C:\> New-D365Bacpac -ExportModeTier2 -DatabaseServer localhost -DatabaseName AxDB -SqlUser User123 -SqlPwd "Password123" -NewDatabaseName Testing1 -BacpacFile C:\Temp\Bacpac\Testing1.bacpac
        Will create a copy the db database on the dbserver1 in Azure.
        Will run the prepping process against the copy database.
        Will export a bacpac file.
        Will delete the copy database.
        PS C:\> New-D365Bacpac -ExportModeTier2 -SqlUser User123 -SqlPwd "Password123" -NewDatabaseName Testing1 -BacpacFile C:\Temp\Bacpac\Testing1.bacpac
        Normally used for a Tier-2 export and preparation for Tier-1 import
        Will create a copy of the registered D365 database on the registered D365 Azure SQL DB instance.
        Will run the prepping process against the copy database.
        Will export a bacpac file.
        Will delete the copy database.
        PS C:\> New-D365Bacpac -ExportModeTier2 -SqlUser User123 -SqlPwd "Password123" -NewDatabaseName Testing1 -BacpacFile C:\Temp\Bacpac\Testing1.bacpac -ExportOnly
        Will export a bacpac file.
        The bacpac should be able to restore back into the database without any preparing because it is coming from the environment from the beginning
        The cmdlet supports piping and can be used in advanced scenarios. See more on github and the wiki pages.
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function New-D365Bacpac {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ExportTier2')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ExportTier1', Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ExportTier2', Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1 )]
        [string]$DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2 )]
        [string]$DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ExportTier2', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 3)]
        [string]$SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ExportTier2', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 4)]
        [string]$SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'ExportTier1', Position = 5 )]
        [string]$BackupDirectory = "C:\Temp\\SqlBackups",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 6 )]
        [string]$NewDatabaseName = "$Script:DatabaseName`_export",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 7 )]
        [string]$BacpacFile = "C:\Temp\\$DatabaseName.bacpac",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 8 )]


    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    $UseTrustedConnection = Test-TrustedConnection $PSBoundParameters
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("CustomSqlFile")) {
        if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $CustomSqlFile -Type Leaf)) {return}
        $ExecuteCustomSQL = $true

    if ($BacpacFile -notlike "*.bacpac") {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The path for the bacpac file must contain the <c='em'>.bacpac</c> extension. Please update the <c='em'>BacpacFile</c> parameter and try again."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "The BacpacFile path was not correct."

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("BackupDirectory") -or $ExportModeTier1) {
        if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $BackupDirectory -Type Container -Create)) { return }
    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path (Split-Path $BacpacFile -Parent) -Type Container -Create)) { return }

    $Properties = @("VerifyFullTextDocumentTypesSupported=false",

    $BaseParams = @{
        DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer
        DatabaseName   = $DatabaseName
        SqlUser        = $SqlUser
        SqlPwd         = $SqlPwd

    $ExportParams = @{
        Action     = "export"
        FilePath   = $BacpacFile
        Properties = $Properties

    if ($ExportOnly) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the export of the bacpac file only."

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the sqlpackage with parameters" -Target $BaseParams
        $res = Invoke-SqlPackage @BaseParams @ExportParams

        if (!$res) {return}

            File     = $BacpacFile
            Filename = (Split-Path $BacpacFile -Leaf)
    else {
        if ($ExportModeTier1) {
            $Params = @{
                BackupDirectory   = $BackupDirectory
                NewDatabaseName   = $NewDatabaseName
                TrustedConnection = $UseTrustedConnection
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the Tier 1 - SQL backup & restore process"
            $res = Invoke-SqlBackupRestore @BaseParams @Params

            if ((Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) -or (-not $res)) { return }

            $Params = Get-DeepClone $BaseParams
            $Params.DatabaseName = $NewDatabaseName

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the Tier 1 - Clear SQL objects"
            $res = Invoke-ClearSqlSpecificObjects @Params -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection

            if ((Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) -or (-not $res)) { return }

            if ($ExecuteCustomSQL) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the Tier 1 - Execution of custom SQL script"
                $res = Invoke-D365SqlScript @Params -FilePath $CustomSqlFile -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection

                if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the Tier 1 - Export of the bacpac file from SQL"
            $res = Invoke-SqlPackage @Params @ExportParams -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection
            if (!$res) {return}

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the Tier 1 - Remove database from SQL"
            Remove-D365Database @Params

                File     = $BacpacFile
                Filename = (Split-Path $BacpacFile -Leaf)
        else {
            $Params = @{
                NewDatabaseName = $NewDatabaseName

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the Tier 2 - Creation of Azure DB copy"
            $res = Invoke-AzureBackupRestore @BaseParams @Params
            if ((Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) -or (-not $res)) { return }
            $Params = Get-DeepClone $BaseParams
            $Params.DatabaseName = $NewDatabaseName
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the Tier 2 - Clear Azure DB objects"
            $res = Invoke-ClearAzureSpecificObjects @Params

            if ((Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) -or (-not $res)) { return }

            if ($ExecuteCustomSQL) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the Tier 2 - Execution of custom SQL script"
                $res = Invoke-D365SqlScript @Params -FilePath $CustomSqlFile -TrustedConnection $false

                if (!$res) {return}
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the Tier 2 - Export of the bacpac file from Azure DB"
            $res = Invoke-SqlPackage @Params @ExportParams -TrustedConnection $false

            if (!$res) {return}

            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the Tier 2 - Remove database from Azure DB"
            Remove-D365Database @Params

                File     = $BacpacFile
                Filename = (Split-Path $BacpacFile -Leaf)

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Generate the Customization's Analysis Report (CAR)
        A cmdlet that wraps some of the cumbersome work into a streamlined process
        Full path to CAR file (xlsx-file)
        The path to the bin directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the AOS service PackagesLocalDirectory\bin
    .PARAMETER MetaDataDir
        The path to the meta data directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory
    .PARAMETER Module
        Name of the Module to analyse
    .PARAMETER Model
        Name of the Model to analyse
        Path where you want to store the Xml log output generated from the best practice analyser
        PS C:\> New-D365CAReport -Path "c:\temp\CAReport.xlsx" -module "ApplicationSuite" -model "MyOverLayerModel"
        This will generate a CAR report against MyOverLayerModel in the ApplicationSuite Module, and save the report to "c:\temp\CAReport.xlsx"
        Author: Tommy Skaue (@Skaue)

function New-D365CAReport {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Path = (Join-Path $Script:DefaultTempPath "CAReport.xlsx"),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2 )]
        [string] $BinDir = "$Script:PackageDirectory\bin",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3 )]
        [string] $MetaDataDir = "$Script:MetaDataDir",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 4 )]
        [string] $Module,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 5 )]
        [string] $Model,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 6 )]
        [string] $XmlLog = (Join-Path $Script:DefaultTempPath "BPCheckLogcd.xml")

    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $MetaDataDir, $BinDir -Type Container)) {return}

    $executable = Join-Path $BinDir "xppbp.exe"
    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $executable -Type Leaf)) {return}

    $param = @(

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Starting the $executable with the parameter options." -Target $param
    Start-Process -FilePath $executable -ArgumentList  ($param -join " ") -NoNewWindow -Wait

        Create a license deployable package
        Create a deployable package with a license file inside
    .PARAMETER LicenseFile
        Path to the license file that you want to have inside a deployable package
        Path to the template zip file for creating a deployable package with a license file
        Default path is the same as the aos service "PackagesLocalDirectory\bin\CustomDeployablePackage\"
    .PARAMETER OutputPath
        Path where you want the generated deployable package stored
        Default value is: "C:\temp\\"
        PS C:\> New-D365ISVLicense -LicenseFile "C:\temp\ISVLicenseFile.txt"
        This will take the "C:\temp\ISVLicenseFile.txt" file and locate the "" template file under the "PackagesLocalDirectory\bin\CustomDeployablePackage\".
        It will extract the "", load the ISVLicenseFile.txt and compress (zip) the files into a deployable package.
        The package will be exported to "C:\temp\\"
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@splaxi)

function New-D365ISVLicense {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [string] $LicenseFile,

        [string] $Path = "$Script:BinDirTools\CustomDeployablePackage\",

        [string] $OutputPath = "C:\temp\\"


    begin {
        $oldprogressPreference = $global:progressPreference
        $global:progressPreference = 'silentlyContinue'
    process {

        if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $Path, $LicenseFile -Type "Leaf")) {return}

        $null = New-Item -Path (Split-Path $OutputPath -Parent) -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        Unblock-File $Path
        Unblock-File $LicenseFile

        $ExtractionPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()

        $packageTemp = Join-Path $ExtractionPath ((Get-Random -Maximum 99999).ToString())

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Extracting the template zip file to $packageTemp." -Target $packageTemp
        Expand-Archive -Path $Path -DestinationPath $packageTemp

        $licenseMergePath = Join-Path $packageTemp "AosService\Scripts\License"

        Get-ChildItem -Path $licenseMergePath | Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Copying the license file into place."
        Copy-Item -Path $LicenseFile -Destination $licenseMergePath

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Compressing the folder into a zip file and storing it at $OutputPath" -Target $OutputPath
        Compress-Archive -Path "$packageTemp\*" -DestinationPath $OutputPath -Force

            File = $OutputPath

    end {
        $global:progressPreference = $oldprogressPreference

        Create a new topology file
        Build a new topology file based on a template and update the ServiceModelList
        Path to the template topology file
    .PARAMETER Services
        The array with all the service names that you want to fill into the topology file
    .PARAMETER NewPath
        Path to where you want to save the new file after it has been created
        PS C:\> New-D365TopologyFile -Path C:\Temp\DefaultTopologyData.xml -Services "ALMService","AOSService","BIService" -NewPath C:\temp\CurrentTopology.xml
        This will read the "DefaultTopologyData.xml" file and fill in "ALMService","AOSService" and "BIService"
        as the services in the ServiceModelList tag. The new file is stored at "C:\temp\CurrentTopology.xml"
        PS C:\> $Services = @(Get-D365InstalledService | ForEach-Object {$_.Servicename})
        PS C:\> New-D365TopologyFile -Path C:\Temp\DefaultTopologyData.xml -Services $Services -NewPath C:\temp\CurrentTopology.xml
        This will get all the services already installed on the machine. Afterwards the list is piped
        to New-D365TopologyFile where all services are import into the new topology file that is stored at "C:\temp\CurrentTopology.xml"
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function New-D365TopologyFile {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Path,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 2 )]
        [string[]] $Services,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 3 )]
        [string] $NewPath
    begin {
    process {

        if (Test-PathExists -Path $Path -Type Leaf) {
            Remove-Item -Path $NewPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            [xml]$topology = [xml](Get-Content -Path $Path)

            [System.Collections.ArrayList] $ServicesList = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
            foreach ($obj in $Services) {
                $null = $ServicesList.Add("<string>$obj</string>")

            $topology.TopologyData.MachineList.Machine.ServiceModelList.InnerXml = (($ServicesList.ToArray()) -join [Environment]::NewLine )
            $sw = New-Object System.Io.Stringwriter
            $writer = New-Object System.Xml.XmlTextWriter($sw)
            $writer.Formatting = [System.Xml.Formatting]::Indented
            $writer.Indentation = 4;

        else {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Critical -Message "The base topology file wasn't found at the specified location. Please check the path and run the cmdlet again."
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
    end {

        Deploy Report
        Deploy SSRS Report to SQL Server Reporting Services
    .PARAMETER Module
        Name of the module that you want to works against
        Accepts an array of strings
        Default value is "*" and will work against all modules loaded on the machine
    .PARAMETER ReportName
        Name of the report that you want to deploy
        Default value is "*" and will deploy all reports from the module(s) that you speficied
    .PARAMETER LogFile
        Path to the file that should contain the logging information
        Default value is "c:\temp\\AxReportDeployment.log"
    .PARAMETER PackageDirectory
        Path to the PackagesLocalDirectory
        Default path is the same as the AOS Service PackagesLocalDirectory
    .PARAMETER ToolsBasePath
        Base path to the folder containing the needed PowerShell manifests that the cmdlet utilizes
        Default path is the same as the AOS Service PackagesLocalDirectory
    .PARAMETER ReportServerIp
        IP Address of the server that has SQL Reporting Services installed
        Default value is "127.0.01"
        PS C:\> Publish-D365SsrsReport -Module ApplicationSuite -ReportName TaxVatRegister.Report
        This will deploy the report which is named "TaxVatRegister.Report".
        The cmdlet will look for the report inside the ApplicationSuite module.
        The cmdlet will be using the default while deploying the report.
        PS C:\> Publish-D365SsrsReport -Module ApplicationSuite -ReportName *
        This will deploy the all reports from the ApplicationSuite module.
        The cmdlet will be using the default while deploying the report.
        Tags: SSRS, Report, Reports, Deploy, Publish
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Publish-D365SsrsReport {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string[]] $Module = "*",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string[]] $ReportName = "*",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $LogFile = (Join-Path $Script:DefaultTempPath "AxReportDeployment.log"),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $PackageDirectory = $Script:PackageDirectory,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $ToolsBasePath = $Script:PackageDirectory,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string[]]$ReportServerIp = ""

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start

    $LogDirectory = Split-Path $LogFile -Parent
    $toolsPath = Join-Path $ToolsBasePath "Plugins\AxReportVmRoleStartupTask"
    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $toolsPath, $PackageDirectory -Type Container)) { return }
    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $LogDirectory -Type Container -Create)) { return }

    $aosCommonManifest = Join-Path $toolsPath "AosCommon.psm1"
    $reportingManifest = Join-Path $toolsPath "Reporting.psm1"

    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $aosCommonManifest, $reportingManifest -Type Leaf)) { return }

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Importing the Microsoft AosCommon PowerShell manifest file." -Target $aosCommonManifest
    Import-Module "$aosCommonManifest" -Force -DisableNameChecking
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Importing the Microsoft Reporting PowerShell manifest file." -Target $reportingManifest
    Import-Module "$reportingManifest" -Force -DisableNameChecking

    # create JSON config string for Deploy-AxReports
    $settings = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property @{
        "BiReporting.ReportingServers"                       = $($ReportServerIp -join ",")
        "Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.AosConfig.AzureConfig.bindir" = $PackageDirectory
        "Module"                                             = $Module
        "ReportName"                                         = $ReportName

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Done building the settings object that will be parsed." -Target $settings
    $jsonConfig = ConvertTo-Json $settings

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Settings object converted to json." -Target $jsonConfig

    $jsonConfig = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($jsonConfig))

    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the 'Deploy-AxReport' cmdlet from Microsoft."

        Deploy-AxReport -Config $jsonConfig -Log $LogFile
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while deploying the SSRS Report(s)" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End
        LogFile = $LogFile

        Register Azure Storage Configurations
        Register all Azure Storage Configurations
    .PARAMETER ConfigStorageLocation
        Parameter used to instruct where to store the configuration objects
        The default value is "User" and this will store all configuration for the active user
        Valid options are:
        "System" will store the configuration as default for all users, so they can access the configuration objects
        PS C:\> Register-D365AzureStorageConfig -ConfigStorageLocation "System"
        This will store all Azure Storage Configurations as defaults for all users on the machine.
        Tags: Configuration, Azure, Storage
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Register-D365AzureStorageConfig {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('User', 'System')]
        [string] $ConfigStorageLocation = "User"

    $configScope = Test-ConfigStorageLocation -ConfigStorageLocation $ConfigStorageLocation
    Register-PSFConfig -FullName "" -Scope $configScope

        Remove broadcast message configuration
        Remove a broadcast message configuration from the configuration store
        Name of the broadcast message configuration you want to remove from the configuration store
    .PARAMETER Temporary
        Instruct the cmdlet to only temporarily remove the broadcast message configuration from the configuration store
        PS C:\> Remove-D365BroadcastMessageConfig -Name "UAT"
        This will remove the broadcast message configuration name "UAT" from the machine.
        Tags: Servicing, Broadcast, Message, Users, Environment, Config, Configuration, ClientId, ClientSecret
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Remove-D365BroadcastMessageConfig {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [string] $Name,

        [switch] $Temporary

    $Name = $Name.ToLower()

    if ($Name -match '\*') {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The name cannot contain <c='em'>wildcard character</c>."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because the name contains wildcard character."

    if (-not ((Get-PSFConfig -FullName "*.name").Value -contains $Name)) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "A broadcast message configuration with that name <c='em'>doesn't exists</c>."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because a broadcast message configuration with that name doesn't exists."

    $res = (Get-PSFConfig -FullName "").Value

    if ($res -eq $Name) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The active broadcast message configuration is the <c='em'>same as the one you're trying to remove</c>. Please set another configuration as active, before removing this one. You could also call Clear-D365ActiveBroadcastMessageConfig."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because the active broadcast message configuration is the same as the one trying to be removed."

    foreach ($config in Get-PSFConfig -FullName "$Name.*") {
        Set-PSFConfig -FullName $config.FullName -Value ""

        if (-not $Temporary) { Unregister-PSFConfig -FullName $config.FullName -Scope UserDefault }

        Removes a Database
        Removes a Database
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user
        PS C:\> Remove-D365Database -DatabaseName "ExportClone"
        This will remove the "ExportClone" from the default SQL Server instance that is registered on the machine.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Remove-D365Database {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
        [string]$DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [string]$DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        [string]$SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]
        [string]$SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword

    $UseTrustedConnection = Test-TrustedConnection $PSBoundParameters
    $null = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO')

    $srv = new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server("$DatabaseServer")

    if (-not $UseTrustedConnection) {
    try {
        $db = $srv.Databases["$DatabaseName"]

        if (!$db) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Database $DatabaseName not found. Nothing to remove."

        if ($srv.ServerType -ne "SqlAzureDatabase") {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Dropping $DatabaseName" -Target $DatabaseName
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while removing the DB" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

        Remove lcs environment
        Remove a lcs environment from the configuration store
        Name of the lcs environment you want to remove from the configuration store
    .PARAMETER Temporary
        Instruct the cmdlet to only temporarily remove the lcs environment from the configuration store
        PS C:\> Remove-D365LcsEnvironment -Name "UAT"
        This will remove the lcs environment named "UAT" from the machine.
        Tags: Servicing, Environment, Config, Configuration,
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Remove-D365LcsEnvironment {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [string] $Name,

        [switch] $Temporary

    $Name = $Name.ToLower()

    if ($Name -match '\*') {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The name cannot contain <c='em'>wildcard character</c>."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because the name contains wildcard character."

    if (-not ((Get-PSFConfig -FullName "*.name").Value -contains $Name)) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "A lcs environment with that name <c='em'>doesn't exists</c>."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because a lcs environment with that name doesn't exists."

    foreach ($config in Get-PSFConfig -FullName "$Name.*") {
        Set-PSFConfig -FullName $config.FullName -Value ""

        if (-not $Temporary) { Unregister-PSFConfig -FullName $config.FullName -Scope UserDefault }

        Remove a model from Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations
        Remove a model from a Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations environment
    .PARAMETER Model
        Name of the model that you want to work against
        The path to the bin directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the AOS service PackagesLocalDirectory\bin
        Default value is fetched from the current configuration on the machine
    .PARAMETER MetaDataDir
        The path to the meta data directory for the environment
        Default path is the same as the aos service PackagesLocalDirectory
    .PARAMETER DeleteFolders
        Instruct the cmdlet to delete the model folder
        This is useful when you are trying to clean up the folders in your source control / branch
        PS C:\> Remove-D365Model -Model CustomModelName
        This will remove the "CustomModelName" model from the D365FO environment.
        It will NOT remove the folders inside the PackagesLocalDirectory location.
        PS C:\> Remove-D365Model -Model CustomModelName -DeleteFolders
        This will remove the "CustomModelName" model from the D365FO environment.
        It will remove the folders inside the PackagesLocalDirectory location.
        This is helpful when dealing with source control and you want to remove the model entirely.
        Tags: ModelUtil, Axmodel, Model, Remove, Delete, Source Control, Vsts, Azure DevOps
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Remove-D365Model {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Model,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2 )]
        [string] $BinDir = "$Script:PackageDirectory\bin",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3 )]
        [string] $MetaDataDir = "$Script:MetaDataDir",

        [switch] $DeleteFolders

    Invoke-TimeSignal -Start
    Invoke-ModelUtil -Command "Delete" -Path $Path -BinDir $BinDir -MetaDataDir $MetaDataDir -Model $Model

    if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }

    $modelPath = Join-Path $MetaDataDir $Model

    if ($DeleteFolders) {
        if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $modelPath -Type Container)) { return }

        Remove-Item $modelPath -Force  -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    Invoke-TimeSignal -End

        Delete an user from the environment
        Deletes the user from the database, including security configuration
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user.
    .PARAMETER Email
        The search string to select which user(s) should be updated.
        You have to specific the explicit email address of the user you want to remove
        The cmdlet will not be able to delete the ADMIN user, this is to prevent you
        from being locked out of the system.
        PS C:\> Remove-D365User -Email ""
        This will move all security and user details from the user with the email address
        PS C:\> Get-D365User -Email * | Remove-D365User
        This will first get all users from the database that matches the *
        search and pipe their emails to Remove-D365User for it to delete them.
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Remove-D365User {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
        [string] $DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [string] $DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        [string] $SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]
        [string] $SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 5)]
        [string] $Email


    BEGIN {
        $UseTrustedConnection = Test-TrustedConnection $PSBoundParameters

        $SqlParams = @{ DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer; DatabaseName = $DatabaseName;
            SqlUser = $SqlUser; SqlPwd = $SqlPwd

        $SqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand @SqlParams -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection

        try {
        catch {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
        if(Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) {return}

        $SqlCommand.CommandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\remove-user.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine
        $null = $SqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Email", $Email)
        try {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)

            $null = $SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
        catch {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

    END {
        try {
            if ($sqlCommand.Connection.State -ne [System.Data.ConnectionState]::Closed) {
        catch {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

        Function for renaming computer.
        Renames Computer and changes the SSRS Configration
        When doing development on-prem, there is as need for changing the Computername.
        Function both changes Computername and SSRS Configuration
    .PARAMETER NewName
        The new name for the computer
    .PARAMETER SSRSReportDatabase
        Name of the SSRS reporting database
        PS C:\> Rename-D365ComputerName -NewName "Demo-8.1" -SSRSReportDatabase "ReportServer"
        This will rename the local machine to the "Demo-8.1" as the new Windows machine name.
        It will update the registration inside the SQL Server Reporting Services configuration to handle the new name of the machine.
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Rename-D365ComputerName {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [string] $NewName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,Position = 2)]
        [string] $SSRSReportDatabase = "DynamicsAxReportServer"

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Testing for elevated runtime"
    if (!$script:IsAdminRuntime) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The cmdlet needs <c='em'>administrator permission</c> (Run As Administrator) to be able to update the configuration. Please start an <c='em'>elevated</c> session and run the cmdlet again."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because the function is not run elevated"

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Renaming computer to $NewName"

    Rename-Computer -NewName $NewName -Force

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Setting SSRS Reporting server database server to localhost"

    $rsconfig = "$Script:SQLTools\rsconfig.exe"
    $arguments = "-s localhost -a Windows -c -d `"$SSRSReportDatabase`""

    Start-Process -Wait -NoNewWindow -FilePath $rsconfig -ArgumentList $arguments -Verbose

        Rename as D365FO Demo/Dev box
        The Rename function, changes the config values used by a D365FO dev box for identifying its name. Standard it is called 'usnconeboxax1aos'
    .PARAMETER NewName
        The new name wanted for the D365FO instance
    .PARAMETER AosServiceWebRootPath
        Path to the webroot folder for the AOS service 'Default value : C:\AOSService\Webroot
    .PARAMETER IISServerApplicationHostConfigFile
        Path to the IISService Application host file, [Where the binding configurations is stored] 'Default value : C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\Config\applicationHost.config'
    .PARAMETER HostsFile
        Place of the host file on the current system [Local DNS record] ' Default value C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts'
    .PARAMETER BackupExtension
        Backup name for all the files that are changed
    .PARAMETER MRConfigFile
        Path to the Financial Reporter (Management Reporter) configuration file
        PS C:\> Rename-D365Instance -NewName "Demo1"
        This will rename the D365 for Finance & Operations instance to "Demo1".
        This IIS will be restarted while doing it.
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        The function restarts the IIS Service.
        Elevated privileges are required.

function Rename-D365Instance {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [string]$AosServiceWebRootPath = $Script:AOSPath,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        [string]$IISServerApplicationHostConfigFile = $Script:IISHostFile,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]
        [string]$HostsFile = $Script:Hosts,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5)]
        [string]$BackupExtension = "bak",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 6)]
        [string]$MRConfigFile = $Script:MRConfigFile


    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Testing for elevated runtime"

    if ($Script:EnvironmentType -ne [EnvironmentType]::LocalHostedTier1) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "It seems that you ran this cmdlet on a machine that is not a local hosted tier 1 / one box. This cmdlet is only supporting on a <c='em'>onebox / local tier 1</c> machine."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because machine isn't a onebox"
    elseif (!$script:IsAdminRuntime) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The cmdlet needs <c='em'>administrator permission</c> (Run As Administrator) to be able to update the configuration. Please start an <c='em'>elevated</c> session and run the cmdlet again."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because the function is not run elevated"

    $OldName = (Get-D365InstanceName).Instancename

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Old name collected and will be used to rename." -Target $OldName

    # Variables
    $replaceValue = $OldName
    $NewNameDot = "$NewName."
    $replaceValueDot = "$replaceValue."

    $WebConfigFile = join-Path -path $AosServiceWebRootPath $Script:WebConfig
    $WifServicesFile = Join-Path -Path $AosServiceWebRootPath $Script:WifServicesConfig

    $Files = @($WebConfigFile, $WifServicesFile, $IISServerApplicationHostConfigFile, $HostsFile, $MRConfigFile)
    if(-not (Test-PathExists -Path $Files -Type Leaf)) {

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Stopping the IIS."
    iisreset /stop

    # Backup files
    if ($null -ne $BackupExtension -and $BackupExtension -ne '') {
        foreach ($item in $Files) {
            Backup-File $item $BackupExtension

    # WebConfig - D365 web config file
    Rename-ConfigValue $WebConfigFile $NewName $replaceValue
    # Wif.Services - D365 web config file (services)
    Rename-ConfigValue $WifServicesFile $NewName $replaceValue
    #ApplicationHost - IIS Bindings
    Rename-ConfigValue $IISServerApplicationHostConfigFile $NewNameDot $replaceValueDot
    #Hosts file - local DNS cache
    Rename-ConfigValue $HostsFile $NewNameDot $replaceValueDot
    #Management Reporter
    Rename-ConfigValue $MRConfigFile $NewName $replaceValue

    #Start IIS again
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Starting the IIS."
    iisreset /start

    Get-D365Url -Force

        Restart the different services
        Restart the different services in a Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations environment
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        An array of computers that you want to work against
        Instructs the cmdlet work against all relevant services
        Financial Reporter
        Instructs the cmdlet to work against the AOS (IIS) service
    .PARAMETER Batch
        Instructs the cmdlet to work against the Batch service
    .PARAMETER FinancialReporter
        Instructs the cmdlet to work against the Financial Reporter (Management Reporter 2012)
        Instructs the cmdlet to work against the DMF service
    .PARAMETER ShowOriginalProgress
        Instruct the cmdlet to show the standard output in the console
        Default is $false which will silence the standard output
        PS C:\> Restart-D365Environment -All
        This will stop all services and then start all services again.
        PS C:\> Restart-D365Environment -All -ShowOriginalProgress
        This will stop all services and then start all services again.
        The progress of Stopping the different services will be written to the console / host.
        The progress of Starting the different services will be written to the console / host.
        PS C:\> Restart-D365Environment -ComputerName "TEST-SB-AOS1","TEST-SB-AOS2","TEST-SB-BI1" -All
        This will work against the machines: "TEST-SB-AOS1","TEST-SB-AOS2","TEST-SB-BI1".
        This will stop all services and then start all services again.
        PS C:\> Restart-D365Environment -Aos -Batch
        This will stop the AOS and Batch services and then start the AOS and Batch services again.
        Tags: Environment, Service, Services, Aos, Batch, Servicing
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Restart-D365Environment {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter", "")]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 1 )]
        [string[]] $ComputerName = @($env:computername),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 2 )]
        [switch] $All = $true,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 2 )]
        [switch] $Aos,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 3 )]
        [switch] $Batch,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 4 )]
        [switch] $FinancialReporter,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 5 )]
        [switch] $DMF,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [switch] $ShowOriginalProgress

    Stop-D365Environment @PSBoundParameters | Format-Table

    Start-D365Environment @PSBoundParameters | Format-Table

        Send broadcast message to online users in D365FO
        Utilize the same messaging framework available from LCS and send a broadcast message to all online users in the environment
    .PARAMETER Tenant
        Azure Active Directory (AAD) tenant id (Guid) that the D365FO environment is connected to, that you want to send a message to
        URL / URI for the D365FO environment you want to send a message to
    .PARAMETER ClientId
        The ClientId obtained from the Azure Portal when you created a Registered Application
    .PARAMETER ClientSecret
        The ClientSecret obtained from the Azure Portal when you created a Registered Application
    .PARAMETER TimeZone
        Id of the Time Zone your environment is running in
        You might experience that the local VM running the D365FO is running another Time Zone than the computer you are running this cmdlet from
        All available .NET Time Zones can be traversed with tab for this parameter
        The default value is "UTC"
    .PARAMETER StartTime
        The time and date you want the message to be displayed for the users
        Default value is NOW
        The specified StartTime will always be based on local Time Zone. If you specify a different Time Zone than the local computer is running, the start and end time will be calculated based on your selection.
    .PARAMETER EndingInMinutes
        Specify how many minutes into the future you want this message / maintenance window to last
        Default value is 60 minutes
        The specified StartTime will always be based on local Time Zone. If you specify a different Time Zone than the local computer is running, the start and end time will be calculated based on your selection.
    .PARAMETER OnPremise
        Specify if environnement is an D365 OnPremise
        Default value is "Not set" (= Cloud Environnement)
        PS C:\> Send-D365BroadcastMessage
        This will send a message to all active users that are working on default D365FO environment.
        See the RELATED LINKS section for the supporting cmdlets needed to store a default configuration.
        PS C:\> Send-D365BroadcastMessage -Tenant "e674da86-7ee5-40a7-b777-1111111111111" -URL "" -ClientId "dea8d7a9-1602-4429-b138-111111111111" -ClientSecret "Vja/VmdxaLOPR+alkjfsadffelkjlfw234522"
        This will send a message to all active users that are working on the D365FO environment located at "".
        It will authenticate against the Azure Active Directory with the "e674da86-7ee5-40a7-b777-1111111111111" guid.
        It will use the ClientId "dea8d7a9-1602-4429-b138-111111111111" and ClientSecret "Vja/VmdxaLOPR+alkjfsadffelkjlfw234522" go get access to the environment.
        It will use the default value "UTC" Time Zone for converting the different time and dates.
        It will use the default start time which is NOW.
        It will use the default end time which is 60 minutes.
        PS C:\> Send-D365BroadcastMessage -OnPremise -Tenant "https://adfs.local/adfs" -URL "https://ax-sandbox.d365fo.local" -ClientId "dea8d7a9-1602-4429-b138-111111111111" -ClientSecret "Vja/VmdxaLOPR+alkjfsadffelkjlfw234522"
        This will send a message to all active users that are working on the D365FO OnPremise environment located at "https://ax-sandbox.d365fo.local".
        It will authenticate against Local ADFS with the "https://adfs.local/adfs" path
        It will use the ClientId "dea8d7a9-1602-4429-b138-111111111111" and ClientSecret "Vja/VmdxaLOPR+alkjfsadffelkjlfw234522" go get access to the environment.
        It will use the default value "UTC" Time Zone for converting the different time and dates.
        It will use the default start time which is NOW.
        It will use the default end time which is 60 minutes.
        The specified StartTime will always be based on local Time Zone. If you specify a different Time Zone than the local computer is running, the start and end time will be calculated based on your selection.
        For OnPremise environnement use -OnPremise flag to added "namespaces/AXSF" path to D365 URL and allow to get token from local ADFS server
        Tags: Servicing, Message, Users, Environment
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Send-D365BroadcastMessage {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
        [string] $Tenant = $Script:BroadcastTenant,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [string] $URL = $Script:BroadcastUrl,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        [string] $ClientId = $Script:BroadcastClientId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]
        [string] $ClientSecret = $Script:BroadcastClientSecret,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5)]
        [string] $TimeZone = $Script:BroadcastTimeZone,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 6)]
        [datetime] $StartTime = (Get-Date),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 7)]
        [int] $EndingInMinutes = $Script:BroadcastEndingInMinutes,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 8)]
        [switch] $OnPremise = $Script:BroadcastOnPremise

     $bearerParms = @{
            Resource        = $URL
            ClientId        = $ClientId
            ClientSecret    = $ClientSecret

    if ($OnPremise)
        $bearerParms.AuthProviderUri = "$Tenant/oauth2/token"
        $bearerParms.AuthProviderUri = "$Tenant/oauth2/token"

    $bearer = Invoke-ClientCredentialsGrant @bearerParms | Get-BearerToken

    $headerParms = @{
        URL         = $URL
        BearerToken = $bearer

    $headers = New-AuthorizationHeaderBearerToken @headerParms

    [System.UriBuilder] $messageEndpoint = $URL

        $messageEndpoint.Path = "namespaces/AXSF/api/services/SysBroadcastMessageServices/SysBroadcastMessageService/AddMessage"
        $messageEndpoint.Path = "api/services/SysBroadcastMessageServices/SysBroadcastMessageService/AddMessage"

    $endTime = $StartTime.AddMinutes($EndingInMinutes)
    $timeZoneFound = Get-TimeZone -InputObject $TimeZone

    if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }
    $startTimeConverted = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTime($startTime, [System.TimeZoneInfo]::Local, $timeZoneFound)
    $endTimeConverted = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTime($endTime, [System.TimeZoneInfo]::Local, $timeZoneFound)

    $body = @"
    "request": {
        "FromDateTime": "$($startTimeConverted.ToString("s"))",
        "ToDateTime": "$($endTimeConverted.ToString("s"))"

    try {
            MessageId = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $messageEndpoint.Uri.AbsoluteUri -Headers $headers -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $body
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while trying to send a message to the users." -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors."

        Set the active Azure Storage Account configuration
        Updates the current active Azure Storage Account configuration with a new one
        The name the Azure Storage Account configuration you want to load into the active Azure Storage Account configuration
    .PARAMETER ConfigStorageLocation
        Parameter used to instruct where to store the configuration objects
        The default value is "User" and this will store all configuration for the active user
        Valid options are:
        "System" will store the configuration so all users can access the configuration objects
    .PARAMETER Temporary
        Instruct the cmdlet to only temporarily override the persisted settings in the configuration storage
        PS C:\> Set-D365ActiveAzureStorageConfig -Name "UAT-Exports"
        This will import the "UAT-Exports" set from the Azure Storage Account configurations.
        It will update the active Azure Storage Account configuration.
        PS C:\> Set-D365ActiveAzureStorageConfig -Name "UAT-Exports" -ConfigStorageLocation "System"
        This will import the "UAT-Exports" set from the Azure Storage Account configurations.
        It will update the active Azure Storage Account configuration.
        The data will be stored in the system wide configuration storage, which makes it accessible from all users.
        PS C:\> Set-D365ActiveAzureStorageConfig -Name "UAT-Exports" -Temporary
        This will import the "UAT-Exports" set from the Azure Storage Account configurations.
        It will update the active Azure Storage Account configuration.
        The update will only last for the rest of this PowerShell console session.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        You will have to run the Initialize-D365Config cmdlet first, before this will be capable of working.
        You will have to run the Add-D365AzureStorageConfig cmdlet at least once, before this will be capable of working.

function Set-D365ActiveAzureStorageConfig {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [string] $Name,

        [ValidateSet('User', 'System')]
        [string] $ConfigStorageLocation = "User",
        [switch] $Temporary

    $configScope = Test-ConfigStorageLocation -ConfigStorageLocation $ConfigStorageLocation

    if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }

    $azureStorageConfigs = [hashtable] (Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName "")

    if (-not ($azureStorageConfigs.ContainsKey($Name))) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "An Azure Storage Account with that name <c='em'>doesn't exists</c>."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because an Azure Storage Account with that name doesn't exists."
    else {
        $azureDetails = $azureStorageConfigs[$Name]

        Set-PSFConfig -FullName "" -Value $azureDetails
        if (-not $Temporary) { Register-PSFConfig -FullName ""  -Scope $configScope }

        $Script:AccountId = $azureDetails.AccountId
        $Script:AccessToken = $azureDetails.AccessToken
        $Script:Container = $azureDetails.Container
        $Script:SAS = $azureDetails.SAS

        Set the active broadcast message configuration
        Updates the current active broadcast message configuration with a new one
        Name of the broadcast message configuration you want to load into the active broadcast message configuration
    .PARAMETER Temporary
        Instruct the cmdlet to only temporarily override the persisted settings in the configuration store
        PS C:\> Set-D365ActiveBroadcastMessageConfig -Name "UAT"
        This will set the broadcast message configuration named "UAT" as the active configuration.
        Tags: Servicing, Message, Users, Environment, Config, Configuration, ClientId, ClientSecret, OnPremise
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Set-D365ActiveBroadcastMessageConfig {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [string] $Name,

        [switch] $Temporary

    if($Name -match '\*') {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The name cannot contain <c='em'>wildcard character</c>."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because the name contains wildcard character."

    if (-not ((Get-PSFConfig -FullName "*.name").Value -contains $Name)) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "A broadcast message configuration with that name <c='em'>doesn't exists</c>."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because a broadcast message configuration with that name doesn't exists."

    Set-PSFConfig -FullName "" -Value $Name
    if (-not $Temporary) { Register-PSFConfig -FullName ""  -Scope UserDefault }


        Set the active environment configuration
        Updates the current active environment configuration with a new one
        The name the environment configuration you want to load into the active environment configuration
    .PARAMETER ConfigStorageLocation
        Parameter used to instruct where to store the configuration objects
        The default value is "User" and this will store all configuration for the active user
        Valid options are:
        "System" will store the configuration so all users can access the configuration objects
    .PARAMETER Temporary
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to only temporarily override the persisted settings in the configuration storage
        PS C:\> Set-D365ActiveEnvironmentConfig -Name "UAT"
        This will import the "UAT-Exports" set from the Environment configurations.
        It will update the active Environment Configuration.
        PS C:\> Set-D365ActiveEnvironmentConfig -Name "UAT" -ConfigStorageLocation "System"
        This will import the "UAT-Exports" set from the Environment configurations.
        It will update the active Environment Configuration.
        The data will be stored in the system wide configuration storage, which makes it accessible from all users.
        PS C:\> Set-D365ActiveEnvironmentConfig -Name "UAT" -Temporary
        This will import the "UAT-Exports" set from the Environment configurations.
        It will update the active Environment Configuration.
        The update will only last for the rest of this PowerShell console session.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        You will have to run the Initialize-D365Config cmdlet first, before this will be capable of working.
        You will have to run the Add-D365EnvironmentConfig cmdlet at least once, before this will be capable of working.

function Set-D365ActiveEnvironmentConfig {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [string] $Name,

        [ValidateSet('User', 'System')]
        [string] $ConfigStorageLocation = "User",
        [switch] $Temporary

    $configScope = Test-ConfigStorageLocation -ConfigStorageLocation $ConfigStorageLocation

    if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }

    $environmentConfigs = [hashtable](Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName "")
    if (-not ($environmentConfigs.ContainsKey($Name))) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "An environment with that name <c='em'>doesn't exists</c>."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because an environment with that name doesn't exists."
    else {
        $environmentDetails = $environmentConfigs[$Name]

        Set-PSFConfig -FullName "" -Value $environmentDetails
        if (-not $Temporary) { Register-PSFConfig -FullName "" -Scope $configScope }

        $Script:Url = $environmentDetails.URL
        $Script:DatabaseUserName = $environmentDetails.SqlUser
        $Script:DatabaseUserPassword = $environmentDetails.SqlPwd
        $Script:Company = $environmentDetails.Company

        $Script:TfsUri = $environmentDetails.TfsUri

        Powershell implementation of the AdminProvisioning tool
        Cmdlet using the AdminProvisioning tool from D365FO
    .PARAMETER AdminSignInName
        Email for the Admin
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        Alternative SQL Database server, Default is the one provided by the DataAccess object
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        Alternative SQL Database, Default is the one provided by the DataAccess object
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        Alternative SQL user, Default is the one provided by the DataAccess object
        Alternative SQL user password, Default is the one provided by the DataAccess object
        PS C:\> Set-D365Admin ""
        This will provision as administrator for the environment
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Set-D365Admin {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [string]$DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        [string]$DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]
        [string]$SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5)]
        [string]$SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword


    if (-not ($script:IsAdminRuntime)) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The cmdlet needs <c='em'>administrator permission</c> (Run As Administrator) to be able to update the configuration. Please start an <c='em'>elevated</c> session and run the cmdlet again."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because the function is not run elevated"

    Set-AdminUser $AdminSignInName $DatabaseServer $DatabaseName $SqlUser $SqlPwd

        Set the ClickOnce needed configuration
        Creates the needed registry keys and values for ClickOnce to work on the machine
        PS C:\> Set-D365ClickOnceTrustPrompt
        This will create / or update the current ClickOnce configuration.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Set-D365ClickOnceTrustPrompt {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param ( )
    begin { }
    process {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Testing if the registry key exists or not"

        if (-not (Test-Path -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\.NETFramework\Security\TrustManager\PromptingLevel")) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Registry key was not found. Will create it now."
            $null = New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\.NETFramework\Security\TrustManager" -Name "PromptingLevel" -Force
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Setting all necessary registry keys."

        Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\.NETFramework\Security\TrustManager\PromptingLevel" -Name "UntrustedSites" -Type STRING -Value "Disabled" -Force
        Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\.NETFramework\Security\TrustManager\PromptingLevel" -Name "Internet" -Type STRING -Value "Enabled" -Force
        Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\.NETFramework\Security\TrustManager\PromptingLevel" -Name "MyComputer" -Type STRING -Value "Enabled" -Force
        Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\.NETFramework\Security\TrustManager\PromptingLevel" -Name "LocalIntranet" -Type STRING -Value "Enabled" -Force
        Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\.NETFramework\Security\TrustManager\PromptingLevel" -Name "TrustedSites" -Type STRING -Value "Enabled" -Force
    end { }

        Enable the favorite bar and add an URL
        Enable the favorite bar in internet explorer and put in the URL as a favorite
        The URL of the shortcut you want to add to the favorite bar
        Instruct the cmdlet that you want the populate the D365FO favorite entry
    .PARAMETER AzureDevOps
        Instruct the cmdlet that you want the populate the AzureDevOps favorite entry
        PS C:\> Set-D365FavoriteBookmark -Url ""
        This will add the "" to the favorite bar, enable the favorite bar and lock it.
        PS C:\> Get-D365Url | Set-D365FavoriteBookmark
        This will get the URL from the environment and add that to the favorite bar, enable the favorite bar and lock it.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Set-D365FavoriteBookmark {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [string] $URL,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "D365FO")]
        [switch] $D365FO,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "AzureDevOps")]
        [switch] $AzureDevOps
    begin {
    process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "D365FO") {
            $fileName = "D365FO.url"
            $fileName = "AzureDevOps.url"
        $filePath = Join-Path (Join-Path $Home "Favorites\Links") $fileName

        $pathShowBar = 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MINIE\'
        $propShowBar = 'LinksBandEnabled'
        $pathLockBar = 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar\'
        $propLockBar = 'Locked'

        $value = "00000001"
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Setting the show bar and lock bar registry values."
        Set-ItemProperty -Path $pathShowBar -Name $propShowBar -Value $value -Type "DWord"
        Set-ItemProperty -Path $pathLockBar -Name $propLockBar -Value $value -Type "DWord"

        $null = New-Item -Path $filePath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        $LinkContent = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\misc\$fileName") -Join [Environment]::NewLine
        $LinkContent.Replace("##URL##", $URL) | Out-File $filePath -Force
    end {

        Set the LCS configuration details
        Set the LCS configuration details and save them into the configuration store
    .PARAMETER ProjectId
        The project id for the Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations project inside LCS
    .PARAMETER ClientId
        The Azure Registered Application Id / Client Id obtained while creating a Registered App inside the Azure Portal
    .PARAMETER EnvironmentId
        The unique id of the environment that you want to work against
        The Id can be located inside the LCS portal
    .PARAMETER BearerToken
        The token you want to use when working against the LCS api
    .PARAMETER ActiveTokenExpiresOn
        The point in time where the current bearer token will expire
        The time is measured in Unix Time, total seconds since 1970-01-01
    .PARAMETER RefreshToken
        The Refresh Token that you want to use for the authentication process
    .PARAMETER LcsApiUri
        URI / URL to the LCS API you want to use
        Depending on whether your LCS project is located in europe or not, there is 2 valid URI's / URL's
        Valid options:
    .PARAMETER Temporary
        Instruct the cmdlet to only temporarily override the persisted settings in the configuration storage
        PS C:\> Set-D365LcsApiConfig -ProjectId 123456789 -ClientId "9b4f4503-b970-4ade-abc6-2c086e4c4929" -BearerToken "JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd..." -ActiveTokenExpiresOn 1556909205 -RefreshToken "Tsdljfasfe2j32324" -LcsApiUri ""
        This will set the LCS API configuration.
        The ProjectId 123456789 will be saved as the default ProjectId for all cmdlets that will interact with LCS, if they require a ProjectId.
        The ClientId "9b4f4503-b970-4ade-abc6-2c086e4c4929" will be saved as the default ClientId for all cmdlets that will interact with LCS, if they require a ClientId.
        The BearerToken "JldjfafLJdfjlfsalfd..." will be saved as the default BearerToken. Remember the BearerToken will expire, so you should fill in the ActiveTokenExpiresOn and RefreshToken parameters also.
        The ActiveTokenExpiresOn 1556909205 will be saved to assist the module in determine whether the BearerToken is still valid or not.
        The RefreshToken "Tsdljfasfe2j32324" will be saved as the default RefreshToken for all cmdlets that will interact with tokens.
        The LcsApiUri "" will be saved as the default LCS HTTP endpoint for all cmdlets that will interact with LCS.
        PS C:\> Get-D365LcsApiToken -Username "" -Password "TopSecretPassword" | Set-D365LcsApiConfig
        This will obtain a valid OAuth 2.0 access token from Azure Active Directory and save the needed details.
        The Username "" and Password "TopSecretPassword" is used in the OAuth 2.0 Grant Flow, to approved that the application should impersonate like "".
        The output object received from Get-D365LcsApiToken is piped directly to Set-D365LcsApiConfig.
        Set-D365LcsApiConfig will save the access_token(BearerToken), refresh_token(RefreshToken) and expires_on(ActiveTokenExpiresOn).
        All default values will come from the configuration available from Get-D365LcsApiConfig.
        Tags: Environment, Url, Config, Configuration, LCS, Upload, ClientId
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Set-D365LcsApiConfig {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int] $ProjectId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $ClientId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $EnvironmentId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [string] $BearerToken,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [long] $ActiveTokenExpiresOn,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [string] $RefreshToken,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [string] $LcsApiUri = "",
        [switch] $Temporary


    #The ':keys' label is used to have a continue inside the switch statement itself
    :keys foreach ($key in $PSBoundParameters.Keys) {
        $configurationValue = $PSBoundParameters.Item($key)
        $configurationName = $key.ToLower()
        $fullConfigName = ""

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Working on $key with $configurationValue" -Target $configurationValue
        switch ($key) {
            "Temporary" {
                continue keys

            Default {
                $fullConfigName = "$configurationName"

        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Setting $fullConfigName to $configurationValue" -Target $configurationValue
        Set-PSFConfig -FullName $fullConfigName -Value $configurationValue
        if (-not $Temporary) { Register-PSFConfig -FullName $fullConfigName -Scope UserDefault }


        Set the details for the logic app invoke cmdlet
        Store the needed details for the module to execute an Azure Logic App using a HTTP request
        The URL for the http request endpoint of the desired
        logic app
    .PARAMETER Email
        The receiving email address that should be notified
    .PARAMETER Subject
        The subject of the email that you want to send
    .PARAMETER ConfigStorageLocation
        Parameter used to instruct where to store the configuration objects
        The default value is "User" and this will store all configuration for the active user
        Valid options are:
        "System" will store the configuration so all users can access the configuration objects
    .PARAMETER Temporary
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to only temporarily override the persisted settings in the configuration storage
        PS C:\> Set-D365LogicAppConfig -Email -Subject "Work is done" -Url
        This will set all the details about invoking the Logic App.
        PS C:\> Set-D365LogicAppConfig -Email -Subject "Work is done" -Url -ConfigStorageLocation "System"
        This will set all the details about invoking the Logic App.
        The data will be stored in the system wide configuration storage, which makes it accessible from all users.
        PS C:\> Set-D365LogicAppConfig -Email -Subject "Work is done" -Url -Temporary
        This will set all the details about invoking the Logic App.
        The update will only last for the rest of this PowerShell console session.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Set-D365LogicAppConfig {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true )]
        [string] $Url,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false )]
        [string] $Email,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false )]
        [string] $Subject,

        [ValidateSet('User', 'System')]
        [string] $ConfigStorageLocation = "User",

        [switch] $Temporary

    $configScope = Test-ConfigStorageLocation -ConfigStorageLocation $ConfigStorageLocation

    if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }

    $logicDetails = @{URL = $URL; Email = $Email;
        Subject = $Subject;

    Set-PSFConfig -FullName "" -Value $logicDetails
    if (-not $Temporary) { Register-PSFConfig -FullName "" -Scope $configScope }

    $Script:LogicAppEmail = $logicDetails.Email
    $Script:LogicAppSubject = $logicDetails.Subject
    $Script:LogicAppUrl = $logicDetails.Url

        Sets the offline administrator e-mail
        Sets the registered offline administrator in the "DynamicsDevConfig.xml" file located in the default Package Directory
    .PARAMETER Email
        The desired email address of the to be offline administrator
        PS C:\> Set-D365OfflineAuthenticationAdminEmail -Email ""
        Will update the Offline Administrator E-mail address in the DynamicsDevConfig.xml file with ""
        This cmdlet is inspired by the work of "Sheikh Sohail Hussain" (twitter: @SSohailHussain)
        His blog can be found here:
        The specific blog post that we based this cmdlet on can be found here:
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Set-D365OfflineAuthenticationAdminEmail {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Email

    if (-not ($script:IsAdminRuntime)) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The cmdlet needs <c='em'>administrator permission</c> (Run As Administrator) to be able to update the configuration. Please start an <c='em'>elevated</c> session and run the cmdlet again."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because the function is not run elevated"

    $filePath = Join-Path (Join-Path $Script:PackageDirectory "bin") "DynamicsDevConfig.xml"

    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $filePath -Type Leaf)) {return}

    $namespace = @{ns=""}
    $xmlDoc = [xml] (Get-Content -Path $filePath)
    $OfflineAuthAdminEmail = Select-Xml -Xml $xmlDoc -XPath "/ns:DynamicsDevConfig/ns:OfflineAuthenticationAdminEmail"  -Namespace $namespace

    $oldValue = $OfflineAuthAdminEmail.Node.InnerText
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Old value found in the file was: $oldValue" -Target $oldValue

    $OfflineAuthAdminEmail.Node.InnerText = $Email

        Set different RSAT configuration values
        Update different RSAT configuration values while using the tool
    .PARAMETER LogGenerationEnabled
        Will set the LogGeneration property
        $true will make RSAT start generating logs
        $false will stop RSAT from generating logs
    .PARAMETER VerboseSnapshotsEnabled
        Will set the VerboseSnapshotsEnabled property
        $true will make RSAT start generating snapshots and store related details
        $false will stop RSAT from generating snapshots and store related details
    .PARAMETER AddOperatorFieldsToExcelValidationEnabled
        Will set the AddOperatorFieldsToExcelValidation property
        $true will make RSAT start adding the operation options in the excel parameter file
        $false will stop RSAT from adding the operation options in the excel parameter file
        PS C:\> Set-D365RsatConfiguration -LogGenerationEnabled $true
        This will enable the log generation logic of RSAT.
        PS C:\> Set-D365RsatConfiguration -VerboseSnapshotsEnabled $true
        This will enable the snapshot generation logic of RSAT.
        PS C:\> Set-D365RsatConfiguration -AddOperatorFieldsToExcelValidationEnabled $true
        This will enable the operator generation logic of RSAT.
        Tags: RSAT, Testing, Regression Suite Automation Test, Regression, Test, Automation, Configuration
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Set-D365RsatConfiguration {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [bool] $LogGenerationEnabled,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [bool] $VerboseSnapshotsEnabled,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [bool] $AddOperatorFieldsToExcelValidationEnabled

    $configPath = Join-Path $Script:RsatPath "Microsoft.Dynamics.RegressionSuite.WindowsApp.exe.config"

    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $configPath -Type Leaf)) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Critical -Message "The 'Microsoft.Dynamics.RegressionSuite.WindowsApp.exe.config' file could not be found on the system."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message  "Stopping because the 'Microsoft.Dynamics.RegressionSuite.WindowsApp.exe.config' file could not be located."

    try {
        [xml]$xmlConfig = Get-Content $configPath

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "LogGenerationEnabled") {
            $logGenerationAttribute = $xmlConfig.SelectNodes('//appSettings//add[@key="LogGeneration"]')
            $logGenerationAttribute.SetAttribute('value', $LogGenerationEnabled.ToString().ToLower())

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "VerboseSnapshotsEnabled") {
            $verboseSnapshotsAttribute = $xmlConfig.SelectNodes('//appSettings//add[@key="VerboseSnapshotsEnabled"]')
            $verboseSnapshotsAttribute.SetAttribute('value', $VerboseSnapshotsEnabled.ToString().ToLower())

        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "AddOperatorFieldsToExcelValidationEnabled") {
            $addOperatorFieldsToExcelValidationAttribute = $xmlConfig.SelectNodes('//appSettings//add[@key="AddOperatorFieldsToExcelValidation"]')
            $addOperatorFieldsToExcelValidationAttribute.SetAttribute('value', $AddOperatorFieldsToExcelValidationEnabled.ToString().ToLower())

    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while updating the RSAT configuration file" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

        Set the needed configuration to work on Tier2+ environments
        Set the needed registry settings for when you are running RSAT against a Tier2+ environment
        PS C:\> Set-D365RsatTier2Crypto
        This will configure the registry to support RSAT against a Tier2+ environment.
        Tags: RSAT, Testing, Regression Suite Automation Test, Regression, Test, Automation, Configuration
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Set-D365RsatTier2Crypto {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]

    param ()
    if ((Test-Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319")) {
        Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319" -Name SchUseStrongCrypto -Value 1 -Type dword -Force -Confirm:$false

        Set the cleanup retention period
        Sets the configured retention period before updates are deleted
    .PARAMETER NumberOfDays
        Number of days that deployable software packages should remain on the server
        PS C:\> Set-D365SDPCleanUp -NumberOfDays 10
        This will set the retention period to 10 days inside the the registry
        The cmdlet REQUIRES elevated permissions to run, otherwise it will fail
        This cmdlet is based on the findings from Alex Kwitny (@AlexOnDAX)
        See his blog for more info:
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Set-D365SDPCleanUp {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [int] $NumberOfDays = 30

    if (-not ($Script:IsAdminRuntime)) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "It seems that you ran this cmdlet <c='em'>non-elevated</c>. Making changes to the registry requires you to run this cmdlet from an elevated console. Please exit the current console and start a new with `"Run As Administrator`""
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing parameters"

    Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dynamics\Deployment" -Name "CutoffDaysForCleanup" -Type STRING -Value "$NumberOfDays" -Force

        Set the path for SqlPackage.exe
        Update the path where the module will be looking for the SqlPackage.exe executable
        Path to the SqlPackage.exe
        PS C:\> Set-D365SqlPackagePath -Path "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\150\DAC\bin\SqlPackage.exe"
        This will update the path for the SqlPackage.exe in the modules configuration
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Set-D365SqlPackagePath {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [string] $Path

    if (-not (Test-PathExists -Path $Path -Type Leaf)) { return }

    if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }

    Set-PSFConfig -FullName "" -Value $Path

        Sets the start page in internet explorer
        Function for setting the start page in internet explorer
        Name of the D365 Instance
        URL of the D365 for Finance & Operations instance that you want to have as your start page
        PS C:\> Set-D365StartPage -Name 'Demo1'
        This will update the start page for the current user to ""
        PS C:\> Set-D365StartPage -URL ""
        This will update the start page for the current user to ""
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Set-D365StartPage() {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ParameterSetName = 'Default')]
        [String] $Name,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Url')]
        [String] $Url
    $path = 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\'
    $propName = 'start page'
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("URL")) {
        $value = $Url
    else {
        $value = "https://$"

    Set-Itemproperty -Path $path -Name $propName -Value $value

        Set a user to sysadmin
        Set a user to sysadmin inside the SQL Server
        The user that you want to make sysadmin
        Most be well formatted server\user or domain\user.
        Default value is: machinename\administrator
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user.
        PS C:\> Set-D365SysAdmin
        This will configure the local administrator on the machine as a SYSADMIN inside SQL Server
        For this to run you need to be running it from a elevated console
        PS C:\> Set-D365SysAdmin -SqlPwd Test123
        This will configure the local administrator on the machine as a SYSADMIN inside SQL Server.
        It will logon as the default SqlUser but use the provided SqlPwd.
        This can be run from a non-elevated console
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@splaxi)

function Set-D365SysAdmin {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
        [string] $User = "$env:computername\administrator",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [string] $DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        [string] $DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]
        [string] $SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5)]
        [string] $SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword

    $SqlParams = @{ DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer; DatabaseName = $DatabaseName;
        SqlUser = $SqlUser; SqlPwd = $SqlPwd
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message "Testing if running either elevated or with -SqlPwd set."
    if ((-not ($script:IsAdminRuntime)) -and (-not ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SqlPwd")))) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "It seems that you ran this cmdlet <c='em'>non-elevated</c> and without the <c='em'>-SqlPwd parameter</c>. If you don't want to supply the -SqlPwd you must run the cmdlet elevated (Run As Administrator) otherwise simply use the -SqlPwd parameter"
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing parameters"

    $commandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\set-sysadmin.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine
    $commandText = $commandText.Replace('@USER', $User)

    $sqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand @SqlParams

    $sqlCommand.CommandText = $commandText

    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)


        $null = $sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
    finally {
        if ($sqlCommand.Connection.State -ne [System.Data.ConnectionState]::Closed) {


        Save hashtable with parameters
        Saves the hashtable as a json string into the configuration store
        This cmdlet is only intended to be used for New-D365Bacpac and Import-D365Bacpac for Tier2 environments
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The hashtable containing all the parameters you want to store
    .PARAMETER ConfigStorageLocation
        Parameter used to instruct where to store the configuration objects
        The default value is "User" and this will store all configuration for the active user
        Valid options are:
        "System" will store the configuration so all users can access the configuration objects
    .PARAMETER Temporary
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet to only temporarily override the persisted settings in the configuration storage
        PS C:\> $params = @{ SqlUser = "sqladmin"
        PS C:\> SqlPwd = "pass@word1"
        PS C:\> }
        PS C:\> Set-D365Tier2Params -InputObject $params
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Set-D365Tier2Params {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "")]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [HashTable] $InputObject,

        [ValidateSet('User', 'System')]
        [string] $ConfigStorageLocation = "User",
        [switch] $Temporary

    if ($null -eq $($InputObject.Keys)) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The input object seems to be empty. Please ensure that the input object is a hashtable and it actually contains data."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because the input object didn't contain data."
    $configScope = Test-ConfigStorageLocation -ConfigStorageLocation $ConfigStorageLocation

    $jsonString = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $InputObject

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Converted hashtable to json string" -Target $jsonString

    Set-PSFConfig -FullName "" -Value $jsonString

    if (-not $Temporary) { Register-PSFConfig -FullName ""  -Scope $configScope }

        Set the Workstation mode
        Set the Workstation mode to enabled or not
        It is used to enable the tool to run on a personal machine and still be able to call Invoke-D365TableBrowser and Invoke-D365SysRunnerClass
    .PARAMETER Enabled
        $True enables the workstation mode while $false deactivated the workstation mode
        PS C:\> Set-D365WorkstationMode -Enabled $true
        This will enable the Workstation mode.
        You will have to restart the powershell session when you switch around.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)
        You will have to run the Initialize-D365Config cmdlet first, before this will be capable of working.

function Set-D365WorkstationMode {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [boolean] $Enabled

    Set-PSFConfig -FullName "" -Value $Enabled
    Get-PSFConfig -FullName "" | Register-PSFConfig

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Please <c='em'>restart</c> the powershell session / console. This change affects core functionality that <c='em'>requires</c> the module to be <c='em'>reloaded</c>."

        Cmdlet to start the different services in a Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations environment
        Can start all relevant services that is running in a D365FO environment
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        An array of computers that you want to start services on.
        Set when you want to start all relevant services
        Financial Reporter
        Start the Aos (iis) service
    .PARAMETER Batch
        Start the batch service
    .PARAMETER FinancialReporter
        Start the financial reporter (Management Reporter 2012) service
        Start the Data Management Framework service
    .PARAMETER ShowOriginalProgress
        Instruct the cmdlet to show the standard output in the console
        Default is $false which will silence the standard output
        PS C:\> Start-D365Environment
        This will run the cmdlet with the default parameters.
        Default is "-All".
        This will start all D365FO services on the machine.
        PS C:\> Start-D365Environment -ShowOriginalProgress
        This will run the cmdlet with the default parameters.
        Default is "-All".
        This will start all D365FO services on the machine.
        The progress of starting the different services will be written to the console / host.
        PS C:\> Start-D365Environment -All
        This will start all D365FO services on the machine.
        PS C:\> Start-D365Environment -Aos -Batch
        This will start the Aos & Batch D365FO services on the machine.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Start-D365Environment {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter", "")]
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 1 )]
        [string[]] $ComputerName = @($env:computername),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 2 )]
        [switch] $All = $true,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 2 )]
        [switch] $Aos,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 3 )]
        [switch] $Batch,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 4 )]
        [switch] $FinancialReporter,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 5 )]
        [switch] $DMF,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 6 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 6 )]
        [switch] $ShowOriginalProgress

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Specific") {
        $All = $false

    if ( (-not ($All)) -and (-not ($Aos)) -and (-not ($Batch)) -and (-not ($FinancialReporter)) -and (-not ($DMF))) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "You have to use at least <c='em'>one switch</c> when running this cmdlet. Please run the cmdlet again."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing parameters"

    $warningActionValue = "SilentlyContinue"
    if ($ShowOriginalProgress) {$warningActionValue = "Continue"}

    $Params = Get-DeepClone $PSBoundParameters
    if ($Params.ContainsKey("ComputerName")) {$null = $Params.Remove("ComputerName")}
    if ($Params.ContainsKey("ShowOriginalProgress")) {$null = $Params.Remove("ShowOriginalProgress")}

    $Services = Get-ServiceList @Params

    $Results = foreach ($server in $ComputerName) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Working against: $server - starting services"
        Get-Service -ComputerName $server -Name $Services -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Start-Service -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction $warningActionValue

    $Results = foreach ($server in $ComputerName) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Working against: $server - listing services"
        Get-Service -ComputerName $server -Name $Services -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue| Select-Object @{Name = "Server"; Expression = {$Server}}, Name, Status, DisplayName

    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Results are: $Results" -Target ($Results.Name -join ",")

    $Results | Select-PSFObject -TypeName "D365FO.TOOLS.Environment.Service" Server, DisplayName, Status, Name

        Cmdlet to stop the different services in a Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations environment
        Can stop all relevant services that is running in a D365FO environment
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        An array of computers that you want to stop services on.
        Set when you want to stop all relevant services
        Financial Reporter
        Stop the Aos (iis) service
    .PARAMETER Batch
        Stop the batch service
    .PARAMETER FinancialReporter
        Start the financial reporter (Management Reporter 2012) service
        Start the Data Management Framework service
    .PARAMETER ShowOriginalProgress
        Instruct the cmdlet to show the standard output in the console
        Default is $false which will silence the standard output
        PS C:\> Stop-D365Environment
        This will run the cmdlet with the default parameters.
        Default is "-All".
        This will stop all D365FO services on the machine.
        PS C:\> Stop-D365Environment -ShowOriginalProgress
        This will run the cmdlet with the default parameters.
        Default is "-All".
        This will Stop all D365FO services on the machine.
        The progress of Stopping the different services will be written to the console / host.
        PS C:\> Stop-D365Environment -All
        This will stop all D365FO services on the machine.
        PS C:\> Stop-D365Environment -Aos -Batch
        This will stop the Aos & Batch D365FO services on the machine.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Stop-D365Environment {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter", "")]
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 1 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 1 )]
        [string[]] $ComputerName = @($env:computername),

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 2 )]
        [switch] $All = $true,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 2 )]
        [switch] $Aos,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 3 )]
        [switch] $Batch,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 4 )]
        [switch] $FinancialReporter,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 5 )]
        [switch] $DMF,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Specific', Position = 6 )]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 6 )]
        [switch] $ShowOriginalProgress

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Specific") {
        $All = $false

    if ((-not ($All)) -and (-not ($Aos)) -and (-not ($Batch)) -and (-not ($FinancialReporter)) -and (-not ($DMF))) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "You have to use at least <c='em'>one switch</c> when running this cmdlet. Please run the cmdlet again."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing parameters"

    $warningActionValue = "SilentlyContinue"
    if ($ShowOriginalProgress) {$warningActionValue = "Continue"}

    $Params = Get-DeepClone $PSBoundParameters
    if ($Params.ContainsKey("ComputerName")) {$null = $Params.Remove("ComputerName")}
    if ($Params.ContainsKey("ShowOriginalProgress")) {$null = $Params.Remove("ShowOriginalProgress")}

    $Services = Get-ServiceList @Params
    $Results = foreach ($server in $ComputerName) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Working against: $server - stopping services"
        Get-Service -ComputerName $server -Name $Services -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Service -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction $warningActionValue

    $Results = foreach ($server in $ComputerName) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Working against: $server - listing services"
        Get-Service -ComputerName $server -Name $Services -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue| Select-Object @{Name = "Server"; Expression = {$Server}}, Name, Status, DisplayName
    Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose "Results are: $Results" -Target ($Results.Name -join ",")
    $Results | Select-PSFObject -TypeName "D365FO.TOOLS.Environment.Service" Server, DisplayName, Status, Name

        Switches the 2 databases. The Old wil be renamed _original
        Switches the 2 databases. The Old wil be renamed _original
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user
    .PARAMETER NewDatabaseName
        The database that takes the DatabaseName's place
        PS C:\> Switch-D365ActiveDatabase -NewDatabaseName "GoldenConfig"
        This will switch the default database AXDB out and put "GoldenConfig" in its place instead.
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Switch-D365ActiveDatabase {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
        [string]$DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [string]$DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        [string]$SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]
        [string]$SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 5)]

    $Params = Get-DeepClone $PSBoundParameters
    if ($Params.ContainsKey("NewDatabaseName")) { $null = $Params.Remove("NewDatabaseName") }
    $dbName = Get-D365Database -Name "$DatabaseName`_original" @Params

    if (-not($null -eq $dbName)) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "There <c='em'>already exists</c> a database named: <c='em'>`"$DatabaseName`_original`"</c> on the server. You need to run the <c='em'>Remove-D365Database</c> cmdlet to remove the already existing database. Re-run this cmdlet once the other database has been removed."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because database already exists on the server."

    $UseTrustedConnection = Test-TrustedConnection $PSBoundParameters

    $SqlParams = @{ DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer; DatabaseName = $NewDatabaseName;
        SqlUser = $SqlUser; SqlPwd = $SqlPwd

    $SqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand @SqlParams -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection

    $SqlCommand.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM dbo.USERINFO WHERE ID = 'Admin'"

    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)

        $null = $sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "It seems that the new database either doesn't exists, isn't a valid AxDB database or your don't have enough permissions." -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
    finally {
        if ($sqlCommand.Connection.State -ne [System.Data.ConnectionState]::Closed) {
    $SqlParams = @{ DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer; DatabaseName = "Master";
        SqlUser = $SqlUser; SqlPwd = $SqlPwd

    $SqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand @SqlParams -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection

    if ($DatabaseServer -like "*") {
        $commandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\switch-database-tier2.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine
    else {
        $commandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\switch-database-tier1.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine
    $sqlCommand.CommandText = $commandText

    $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OrigName", $DatabaseName)
    $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NewName", $NewDatabaseName)

    try {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)


        $null = $sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the DB" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
    finally {
        if ($sqlCommand.Connection.State -ne [System.Data.ConnectionState]::Closed) {
        OldDatabaseNewName = "$DatabaseName`_original"

        Validate or show parameter set details with colored output
        Analyze a function and it's parameters
        The cmdlet / function is capable of validating a string input with function name and parameters
    .PARAMETER CommandText
        The string that you want to analyze
        If there is parameter value present, you have to use the opposite quote strategy to encapsulate the string correctly
        E.g. for double quotes
        -CommandText 'Import-D365Bacpac -ImportModeTier2 -SqlUser "sqladmin" -SqlPwd "XyzXyz" -BacpacFile2 "C:\temp\uat.bacpac"'
        E.g. for single quotes
        -CommandText "Import-D365Bacpac -ExportModeTier2 -SqlUser 'sqladmin' -SqlPwd 'XyzXyz' -BacpacFile2 'C:\temp\uat.bacpac'"
        The operation mode of the cmdlet / function
        Valid options are:
        - Validate
        - ShowParameters
    .PARAMETER SplatInput
        Pass in your hashtable that you use for your command execution and have it validated
    .PARAMETER ShowSplatStyleV1
        Include an hashtable splatting for all parameter sets in the output
        The example is built like this:
        PS C:\> $params = @{}
        PS C:\> $params.PropertyName = "SAMPLEVALUE"
        PS C:\> Test-FakeCommand @params
    .PARAMETER ShowSplatStyleV2
        Include an hashtable splatting for all parameter sets in the output
        The example is built like this:
        PS C:\> $params = @{
        PS C:\> PropertyName = "SAMPLEVALUE"
        PS C:\> }
        PS C:\> Test-FakeCommand @params
    .PARAMETER IncludeHelp
        Switch to instruct the cmdlet / function to output a simple guide with the colors in it
        PS C:\> Test-D365Command -CommandText 'Import-D365Bacpac -ImportModeTier2 -SqlUser "sqladmin" -SqlPwd "XyzXyz" -BacpacFile2 "C:\temp\uat.bacpac"' -Mode "Validate" -IncludeHelp
        This will validate all the parameters that have been passed to the Import-D365Bacpac cmdlet.
        All supplied parameters that matches a parameter will be marked with an asterisk.
        Will print the coloring help.
        PS C:\> Test-D365Command -CommandText 'Import-D365Bacpac' -Mode "ShowParameters" -IncludeHelp
        This will display all the parameter sets and their individual parameters.
        Will print the coloring help.
        PS C:\> $params = @{}
        PS C:\> $params.DatabaseName = "SAMPLEVALUE"
        PS C:\> Test-D365Command -CommandText 'Import-D365Bacpac -ImportModeTier2' -SplatInput $params -Mode "Validate"
        This builds a hashtable with a property names "DatabaseName".
        The hashtable is passed to the cmdlet to be part of the validation.
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Test-D365Command {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [string] $CommandText,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)]
        [ValidateSet('Validate', 'ShowParameters')]
        [string] $Mode,

        [hashtable] $SplatInput,

        [switch] $ShowSplatStyleV1,

        [switch] $ShowSplatStyleV2,

        [switch] $IncludeHelp

    $commonParameters = 'Verbose', 'Debug', 'ErrorAction', 'WarningAction', 'InformationAction', 'ErrorVariable', 'WarningVariable', 'InformationVariable', 'OutVariable', 'OutBuffer', 'PipelineVariable', 'Confirm', 'WhatIf'
    $colorParmsNotFound = "Red"
    $colorCommandName = "Green"
    $colorMandatoryParam = "Yellow"
    $colorNonMandatoryParam = "DarkGray"
    $colorFoundAsterisk = "Green"
    $colorNotFoundAsterisk = "Magenta"
    $colParmValue = "DarkCyan"
    $colorEqualSign = "DarkGray"
    $colorVariable = "Green"
    $colorProperty = "White"
    $colorCommandNameSplat = "Yellow"
    $colorComment = "DarkGreen"

    if(-not ($null -eq $SplatInput)) {
        $CommandText = "$CommandText "+ $(($SplatInput.Keys | ForEach-Object {"-$($_) `"$($SplatInput.Item($_))`""}) -Join " " )

    #Match to find the command name: Non-Whitespace until the first whitespace
    $commandMatch = ($CommandText | Select-String '\S+\s*').Matches

    if ($null -eq $commandMatch) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The function was unable to extract a valid command name from the supplied command text. Please try again."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing command name."

    $commandName = $commandMatch.Value.Trim()

    $res = Get-Command $commandName -ErrorAction Ignore

    if ($null -eq $res) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The function was unable to get the help of the command. Make sure that the command name is valid and try again."
        Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because command name didn't return any help."

    $sbHelp = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
    $sbParmsNotFound = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
    $sbSplatStyleV1 = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
    $sbSplatStyleV2 = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder

    switch ($Mode) {
        "Validate" {
            #Match to find the parameters: Whitespace Dash Non-Whitespace
            $inputParameterMatch = ($CommandText | Select-String '\s{1}[-]\S+' -AllMatches).Matches
            if (-not ($null -eq $inputParameterMatch)) {
                $inputParameterNames = $inputParameterMatch.Value.Trim("-", " ")
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "All input parameters - $($inputParameterNames -join ",")" -Target ($inputParameterNames -join ",")
            else {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The function was unable to extract any parameters from the supplied command text. Please try again."
                Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of missing input parameters."

            $availableParameterNames = (Get-Command $commandName).Parameters.keys | Where-Object {$commonParameters -NotContains $_}
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Available parameters - $($availableParameterNames -join ",")" -Target ($availableParameterNames -join ",")

            $inputParameterNotFound = $inputParameterNames | Where-Object {$availableParameterNames -NotContains $_}

            if ($inputParameterNotFound.Length -gt 0) {
                $null = $sbParmsNotFound.AppendLine("Parameters that <c='em'>don't exists</c>")
                $inputParameterNotFound | ForEach-Object {
                    $null = $sbParmsNotFound.AppendLine("<c='$colorParmsNotFound'>$($_)</c>")

            foreach ($parmSet in (Get-Command $commandName).ParameterSets) {
                $null = $sb = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
                $null = $sb.AppendLine("ParameterSet Name: <c='em'>$($parmSet.Name)</c> - Validated List")
                $null = $sb.Append("<c='$colorCommandName'>$commandName </c>")

                $parmSetParameters = $parmSet.Parameters | Where-Object name -NotIn $commonParameters
                foreach ($parameter in $parmSetParameters) {
                    $parmFoundInCommandText = $parameter.Name -In $inputParameterNames
                    $color = "$colorNonMandatoryParam"
                    if ($parameter.IsMandatory -eq $true) { $color = "$colorMandatoryParam" }
                    $null = $sb.Append("<c='$color'>-$($parameter.Name)</c>")
                    if ($parmFoundInCommandText) {
                        $null = $sb.Append("<c='$colorFoundAsterisk'>* </c>")
                    elseif ($parameter.IsMandatory -eq $true) {
                        $null = $sb.Append("<c='$colorNotFoundAsterisk'>* </c>")
                    else {
                        $null = $sb.Append(" ")
                    if (-not ($parameter.ParameterType -eq [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter])) {
                        $null = $sb.Append("<c='$colParmValue'>PARAMVALUE </c>")
                $null = $sb.AppendLine("")
                Write-PSFHostColor -String "$($sb.ToString())"

            $null = $sbHelp.AppendLine("")
            $null = $sbHelp.AppendLine("<c='$colorParmsNotFound'>$colorParmsNotFound</c> = Parameter not found")
            $null = $sbHelp.AppendLine("<c='$colorCommandName'>$colorCommandName</c> = Command Name")
            $null = $sbHelp.AppendLine("<c='$colorMandatoryParam'>$colorMandatoryParam</c> = Mandatory Parameter")
            $null = $sbHelp.AppendLine("<c='$colorNonMandatoryParam'>$colorNonMandatoryParam</c> = Optional Parameter")
            $null = $sbHelp.AppendLine("<c='$colParmValue'>$colParmValue</c> = Parameter value")
            $null = $sbHelp.AppendLine("<c='$colorFoundAsterisk'>*</c> = Parameter was filled")
            $null = $sbHelp.AppendLine("<c='$colorNotFoundAsterisk'>*</c> = Mandatory missing")

        "ShowParameters" {
            foreach ($parmSet in (Get-Command $commandName).ParameterSets) {
                $sb = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
                $sbSplatStyleV1 = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
                $sbSplatStyleV2 = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder

                $null = $sb.AppendLine("ParameterSet Name: <c='em'>$($parmSet.Name)</c> - Parameter List")
                $null = $sb.Append("<c='$colorCommandName'>$commandName </c>")
                $null = $sbSplatStyleV1.AppendLine("<c='$colorComment'>#Hashtable splatting style V1 - ParameterSet Name: </c><c='em'>$($parmSet.Name)</c>").AppendLine("<c='$colorVariable'>`$params</c> <c='$colorEqualSign'>=</c> <c='$colorProperty'>@{}</c>")
                $null = $sbSplatStyleV2.AppendLine("<c='$colorComment'>#Hashtable splatting style V2 - ParameterSet Name: </c><c='em'>$($parmSet.Name)</c>").AppendLine("<c='$colorVariable'>`$params</c> <c='$colorEqualSign'>=</c> <c='$colorProperty'>@{</c>")

                $parmSetParameters = $parmSet.Parameters | Where-Object name -NotIn $commonParameters
                foreach ($parameter in $parmSetParameters) {
                    $color = "$colorNonMandatoryParam"
                    $mandatoryComment = $null

                    if ($parameter.IsMandatory -eq $true) {
                        $color = "$colorMandatoryParam"

                        $mandatoryComment = " <c='$color'>#MANDATORY</c>"

                    $null = $sbSplatStyleV1.AppendLine("<c='$colorVariable'>`$params</c><c='$colorProperty'>.$($parameter.Name)</c> <c='$colorEqualSign'>=</c> <c='$colParmValue'>`"SAMPLEVALUE`"</c>$mandatoryComment")
                    $null = $sbSplatStyleV2.AppendLine("<c='$colorProperty'>$($parameter.Name)</c> <c='$colorEqualSign'>=</c> <c='$colParmValue'>`"SAMPLEVALUE`"</c>$mandatoryComment")
                    $null = $sb.Append("<c='$color'>-$($parameter.Name) </c>")
                    if (-not ($parameter.ParameterType -eq [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter])) {
                        $null = $sb.Append("<c='$colParmValue'>PARAMVALUE </c>")
                $null = $sb.AppendLine("")
                $null = $sbSplatStyleV2.AppendLine("<c='$colorProperty'>}</c>")
                $null = $sbSplatStyleV1.AppendLine("<c='$colorCommandNameSplat'>$commandName</c> <c='$colorVariable'>@params</c>")
                $null = $sbSplatStyleV2.AppendLine("<c='$colorCommandNameSplat'>$commandName</c> <c='$colorVariable'>@params</c>")

                Write-PSFHostColor -String "$($sb.ToString())"
                if ($ShowSplatStyleV1) { Write-PSFHostColor -String "$($sbSplatStyleV1.ToString())" }
                if ($ShowSplatStyleV2) { Write-PSFHostColor -String "$($sbSplatStyleV2.ToString())" }

            $null = $sbHelp.AppendLine("")
            $null = $sbHelp.AppendLine("<c='$colorCommandName'>$colorCommandName</c> = Command Name")
            $null = $sbHelp.AppendLine("<c='$colorMandatoryParam'>$colorMandatoryParam</c> = Mandatory Parameter")
            $null = $sbHelp.AppendLine("<c='$colorNonMandatoryParam'>$colorNonMandatoryParam</c> = Optional Parameter")
            $null = $sbHelp.AppendLine("<c='$colParmValue'>$colParmValue</c> = Parameter value")
        Default {}

    if ($sbParmsNotFound.ToString().Trim().Length -gt 0) {
        Write-PSFHostColor -String "$($sbParmsNotFound.ToString())"
    if ($IncludeHelp) {
        Write-PSFHostColor -String "$($sbHelp.ToString())"

        Updates the user details in the database
        Is capable of updating all the user details inside the UserInfo table to enable a user to sign in
    .PARAMETER DatabaseServer
        The name of the database server
        If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
        If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseName
        The name of the database
    .PARAMETER SqlUser
        The login name for the SQL Server instance
        The password for the SQL Server user.
    .PARAMETER Email
        The search string to select which user(s) should be updated.
        The parameter supports wildcards. E.g. -Email "**"
    .PARAMETER Company
        The company the user should start in.
        PS C:\> Update-D365User -Email ""
        This will search for the user with the e-mail address and update it with needed information based on the tenant owner of the environment
        PS C:\> Update-D365User -Email "*"
        This will search for all users with an e-mail address containing '' and update them with needed information based on the tenant owner of the environment
        Author: Rasmus Andersen (@ITRasmus)
        Author: M�tz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Update-D365User {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
        [string]$DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]
        [string]$DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)]
        [string]$SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)]
        [string]$SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 5)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 6)]

    begin {
        Invoke-TimeSignal -Start
        $UseTrustedConnection = Test-TrustedConnection $PSBoundParameters

        $SqlParams = @{ DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer; DatabaseName = $DatabaseName;
            SqlUser = $SqlUser; SqlPwd = $SqlPwd

        $SqlCommand = Get-SqlCommand @SqlParams -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection
        $sqlCommand_Update = Get-SqlCommand @SqlParams -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection

        try {

        catch {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"

    process {
        $sqlCommand.CommandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\get-user.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine

        $null = $sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@Email", $Email.Replace("*", "%"))

        $sqlCommand_Update.CommandText = (Get-Content "$script:ModuleRoot\internal\sql\update-user.sql") -join [Environment]::NewLine

        try {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $SqlCommand)
            $reader = $sqlCommand.ExecuteReader()

            while ($reader.Read() -eq $true) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Building the update statement with the needed details."

                $userId = "$($reader.GetString($($reader.GetOrdinal("ID"))))"
                $networkAlias = "$($reader.GetString($($reader.GetOrdinal("NETWORKALIAS"))))"

                $userAuth = Get-D365UserAuthenticationDetail $networkAlias

                $null = $sqlCommand_Update.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", $userId)
                $null = $sqlCommand_Update.Parameters.AddWithValue("@networkDomain", $userAuth["NetworkDomain"])
                $null = $sqlCommand_Update.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sid", $userAuth["SID"])
                $null = $sqlCommand_Update.Parameters.AddWithValue("@identityProvider", $userAuth["IdentityProvider"])

                $null = $sqlCommand_Update.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Company", $Company)

                Write-PSFMessage -Level InternalComment -Message "Executing a script against the database." -Target (Get-SqlString $sqlCommand_Update)

                $null = $sqlCommand_Update.ExecuteNonQuery()

        catch {
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Something went wrong while working against the database" -Exception $PSItem.Exception
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors"
        finally {
    end {
        if ($sqlCommand_Update.Connection.State -ne [System.Data.ConnectionState]::Closed) {

        if ($sqlCommand.Connection.State -ne [System.Data.ConnectionState]::Closed) {


        Invoke-TimeSignal -End