.SYNOPSIS Generate a bacpac file from a database .DESCRIPTION Takes care of all the details and steps that is needed to create a valid bacpac file to move between Tier 1 (onebox or Azure hosted) and Tier 2 (MS hosted), or vice versa Supports to create a raw bacpac file without prepping. Can be used to automate backup from Tier 2 (MS hosted) environment .PARAMETER ExecutionMode Tell what source database you want to work against. Depending on whether the source database is a classic SQL or Azure DB, the script has to execute different logic. .PARAMETER DatabaseServer The name of the database server If on-premises or classic SQL Server, use either short name og Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). If Azure use the full address to the database server, e.g. .PARAMETER DatabaseName The name of the database .PARAMETER SqlUser The login name for the SQL Server instance .PARAMETER SqlPwd The password for the SQL Server user. .PARAMETER BackupDirectory The path where to store the temporary backup file when the script needs to handle that .PARAMETER NewDatabaseName The name for the database the script is going to create when doing the restore process .PARAMETER BacpacDirectory The path where to store the bacpac file that will be generated .PARAMETER BacpacName The filename of the bacpac file that will be generate - without extension .PARAMETER RawBacpacOnly Switch to instruct the cmdlet to either just create a dump bacpac file or run the prepping process first .EXAMPLE New-D365Bacpac -ExecutionMode FromSql -DatabaseServer localhost -DatabaseName db -SqlUser User123 -SqlPwd "Password123" -BackupDirectory c:\Temp\backup\ -NewDatabaseName Testing1 -BacpacDirectory C:\Temp\Bacpac\ -BacpacName Testing1 Will backup and restore the db database again the localhost server. Will run the prepping process against the restored database. Will export a bacpac file. Will delete the restored database. .EXAMPLE New-D365Bacpac -ExecutionMode FromAzure -DatabaseServer -DatabaseName db -SqlUser User123 -SqlPwd "Password123" -NewDatabaseName Testing1 -BacpacDirectory C:\Temp\Bacpac\ -BacpacName Testing1 Will create a copy the db database on the dbserver1 in Azure. Will run the prepping process against the copy database. Will export a bacpac file. Will delete the copy database. .EXAMPLE New-D365Bacpac -ExecutionMode FromAzure -SqlUser User123 -SqlPwd "Password123" -NewDatabaseName Testing1 -BacpacDirectory C:\Temp\Bacpac\ -BacpacName Testing1 Normally used for a Tier-2 export and preparation for Tier-1 import Will create a copy the registered D365 database on the registered D365 Azure SQL Server. Will run the prepping process against the copy database. Will export a bacpac file. Will delete the copy database. .EXAMPLE New-D365Bacpac -ExecutionMode FromAzure -DatabaseServer -DatabaseName db -SqlUser User123 -SqlPwd "Password123" -BacpacDirectory C:\Temp\Bacpac\ -BacpacName Testing1 -RawBacpacOnly Will export a bacpac file. The bacpac should be able to restore back into the database without any preparing because it is coming from the environment from the beginning .NOTES The cmdlet supports piping and can be used in advanced scenarios. See more on github and the wiki pages. #> function New-D365Bacpac { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ExportTier2')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ExportTier1', Position = 0)] [switch]$ExportModeTier1, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ExportTier2', Position = 0)] [switch]$ExportModeTier2, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1 )] [string]$DatabaseServer = $Script:DatabaseServer, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2 )] [string]$DatabaseName = $Script:DatabaseName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3 )] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ExportTier2', Position = 3)] [string]$SqlUser = $Script:DatabaseUserName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4 )] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ExportTier2', Position = 4)] [string]$SqlPwd = $Script:DatabaseUserPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5 )] [string]$BackupDirectory = "C:\Temp\\SqlBackups", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 6 )] [string]$NewDatabaseName = "$Script:DatabaseName`_export", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 7 )] [Alias('File')] [string]$BacpacFile = "C:\Temp\\$DatabaseName.bacpac", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 8 )] [string]$CustomSqlFile, [switch]$ExportOnly ) Invoke-TimeSignal -Start $UseTrustedConnection = Test-TrustedConnection $PSBoundParameters $ExecuteCustomSQL = $false if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("CustomSqlFile")) { if ((Test-Path $CustomSqlFile -PathType Leaf) -eq $false) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "You used the <c='em'>CustomSqlFile</c> parameter, but the cmdlet is unable to locate the file on the machine. Please make sure that the path exists and you have enough permissions." Stop-PSFFunction -Message "The CustomSqlFile path was not located." return } else { $ExecuteCustomSQL = $true } } if($BacpacFile -notlike "*.bacpac") { Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "The path for the bacpac file must contain the <c='em'>.bacpac</c> extension. Please update the <c='em'>BacpacFile</c> parameter and try again." Stop-PSFFunction -Message "The BacpacFile path was not correct." return } if ((Test-path $BackupDirectory -PathType Container) -eq $false) { $null = new-item -ItemType directory -path $BackupDirectory } if ((Test-path (Split-Path $BacpacFile -Parent) -PathType Container) -eq $false) { $null = new-item -ItemType directory -path (Split-Path $BacpacFile -Parent) } $Properties = @("VerifyFullTextDocumentTypesSupported=false", "Storage=File" ) $BaseParams = @{ DatabaseServer = $DatabaseServer DatabaseName = $DatabaseName SqlUser = $SqlUser SqlPwd = $SqlPwd } $ExportParams = @{ Action = "export" FilePath = $BacpacFile Properties = $Properties } if ($ExportOnly.IsPresent) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the export of the bacpac file only." Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the sqlpackage with parameters" -Target $BaseParams $res = Invoke-SqlPackage @BaseParams @ExportParams if (!$res) {return} [PSCustomObject]@{ File = $BacpacFile Filename = (Split-Path $BacpacFile -Leaf) } } else { if ($ExportModeTier1) { $Params = @{ BackupDirectory = $BackupDirectory NewDatabaseName = $NewDatabaseName TrustedConnection = $UseTrustedConnection } Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the Tier 1 - SQL backup & restore process" $res = Invoke-SqlBackupRestore @BaseParams @Params if(!$res) {return} $Params = Get-DeepClone $BaseParams $Params.DatabaseName = $NewDatabaseName Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the Tier 1 - Clear SQL objects" $res = Invoke-ClearSqlSpecificObjects @Params -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection if(!$res) {return} if ($ExecuteCustomSQL) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the Tier 1 - Execution of custom SQL script" $res = Invoke-CustomSqlScript @Params -FilePath $CustomSqlFile -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection if(!$res) {return} } Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the Tier 1 - Export of the bacpac file from SQL" $res = Invoke-SqlPackage @Params @ExportParams -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection if (!$res) {return} Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the Tier 1 - Remove database from SQL" Remove-D365Database @Params -TrustedConnection $UseTrustedConnection [PSCustomObject]@{ File = $BacpacFile Filename = (Split-Path $BacpacFile -Leaf) } } else { $Params = @{ NewDatabaseName = $NewDatabaseName } Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the Tier 2 - Creation of Azure DB copy" $res = Invoke-AzureBackupRestore @BaseParams @Params if (!$res) {return} $Params = Get-DeepClone $BaseParams $Params.DatabaseName = $NewDatabaseName Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the Tier 2 - Clear Azure DB objects" $res = Invoke-ClearAzureSpecificObjects @Params if (!$res) {return} if ($ExecuteCustomSQL) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the Tier 2 - Execution of custom SQL script" $res = Invoke-CustomSqlScript @Params -FilePath $CustomSqlFile -TrustedConnection $false if(!$res) {return} } Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the Tier 2 - Export of the bacpac file from Azure DB" $res = Invoke-SqlPackage @Params @ExportParams -TrustedConnection $false if (!$res) {return} Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Invoking the Tier 2 - Remove database from Azure DB" Remove-D365Database @Params [PSCustomObject]@{ File = $BacpacFile Filename = (Split-Path $BacpacFile -Leaf) } } } Invoke-TimeSignal -End } |