
Get a .NET method from the Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations installation
Get a .NET method from an assembly file (dll) from the package directory
Name of the assembly file that you want to search for the .NET method
Provide the full path for the assembly file you want to work against
Name of the .NET method that you are looking for
Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -Name "parmER*Excel*"
Default value is "*" which will search for all methods
Name of the .NET class that you want to work against
Accepts wildcards for searching. E.g. -Name "*ER*Excel*"
Default value is "*" which will work against all classes
Get-D365DotNetMethod -Assembly "C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\ElectronicReporting\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics365.LocalizationFrameworkForAx.dll"
Will get all methods, across all classes, from the assembly file
Get-D365DotNetMethod -Assembly "C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\ElectronicReporting\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics365.LocalizationFrameworkForAx.dll" -TypeName "ERTextFormatExcelFileComponent"
Will get all methods, from the "ERTextFormatExcelFileComponent" class, from the assembly file
Get-D365DotNetMethod -Assembly "C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\ElectronicReporting\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics365.LocalizationFrameworkForAx.dll" -TypeName "ERTextFormatExcelFileComponent" -Name "*parm*"
Will get all methods that fits the search "*parm*", from the "ERTextFormatExcelFileComponent" class, from the assembly file
Get-D365DotNetClass -Name "ERTextFormatExcelFileComponent" -Assembly "*LocalizationFrameworkForAx.dll*" | Get-D365DotNetMethod
Will get all methods, from the "ERTextFormatExcelFileComponent" class, from any assembly file that fits the search "*LocalizationFrameworkForAx.dll*"
The cmdlet supports piping and can be used in advanced scenarios. See more on github and the wiki pages.

function Get-D365DotNetMethod {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 1 )]
        [string] $Assembly,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 2 )]
        [string] $Name = "*",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Default', Position = 3 )]
        [string] $TypeName = "*"

    begin {
    process {
        $StartTime = Get-Date

        try {
            Write-Verbose "Loading the file"
            [Reflection.Assembly]$ass = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($Assembly)

            Write-Verbose "Getting all the types"
            $types = $ass.GetTypes()

            Write-Verbose "Looping all the types"
            foreach ($obj in $types) {
                Write-Verbose "$($obj.Name)"

                if ($obj.Name -NotLike $TypeName) {continue}

                $members = $obj.GetMethods()

                foreach ($objI in $members) {
                    if ($objI.Name -NotLike $Name) { continue }
                        TypeName     = $obj.Name
                        TypeIsPublic = $obj.IsPublic
                        MethodName   = $objI.Name

        catch {
            # write-Error $_.Exception.Message
            # Write-Error $_.Exception

            Write-Verbose "Failed to load: $path"

        $EndTime = Get-Date
        $TimeSpan = New-TimeSpan -End $EndTime -Start $StartTime
        if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"].IsPresent) {
            Write-Host "Time Taken inside: Get-D365DotNetMethod" -ForegroundColor Green
            Write-Host "$TimeSpan" -ForegroundColor Green

    end {
