<# .SYNOPSIS Update a set of Data Entities in Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations .DESCRIPTION Updates a set of Data Entities, defined as a json payloads, using the OData endpoint of the Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations The entire payload will be batched into a single request against the OData endpoint .PARAMETER EntityName Name of the Data Entity you want to work against The parameter is Case Sensitive, because the OData endpoint in D365FO is Case Sensitive Remember that most Data Entities in a D365FO environment is named by its singular name, but most be retrieve using the plural name E.g. The version 3 of the customers Data Entity is named CustomerV3, but can only be retrieving using CustomersV3 Look at the Get-D365ODataPublicEntity cmdlet to help you obtain the correct name .PARAMETER Payload The array of PSCustomObjects that you want to update in the D365FO environment Each PSCustomObject needs to have a Key and a Payload property The Key must be a string The Payload must be a json string .PARAMETER PayloadCharset The charset / encoding that you want the cmdlet to use while updating the odata entity The default value is: "UTF8" The charset has to be a valid http charset like: ASCII, ANSI, ISO-8859-1, UTF-8 .PARAMETER CrossCompany Instruct the cmdlet / function to ensure the request against the OData endpoint will work across all companies .PARAMETER Tenant Azure Active Directory (AAD) tenant id (Guid) that the D365FO environment is connected to, that you want to access through OData .PARAMETER Url URL / URI for the D365FO environment you want to access through OData .PARAMETER ClientId The ClientId obtained from the Azure Portal when you created a Registered Application .PARAMETER ClientSecret The ClientSecret obtained from the Azure Portal when you created a Registered Application .PARAMETER RawOutput Instructs the cmdlet to output the raw json string directly .PARAMETER Token Pass a bearer token string that you want to use for while working against the endpoint This can improve performance if you are iterating over a large collection/array .PARAMETER EnableException This parameters disables user-friendly warnings and enables the throwing of exceptions This is less user friendly, but allows catching exceptions in calling scripts .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $payload = '{"SalesTaxGroup":"DK"}' PS C:\> $updates = @([PSCustomObject]@{Key = "dataAreaId='USMF',CustomerAccount='Customer1'"; Payload = $payload}) PS C:\> $updates += [PSCustomObject]@{Key = "dataAreaId='USMF',CustomerAccount='Customer2'"; Payload = $payload} PS C:\> Update-D365ODataEntityBatchMode -EntityName "CustomersV3" -Payload $($updates.ToArray()) This will update a set of Data Entities in Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations using the OData endpoint. The payload that needs to be updated for all entities is saved in the $payload variable. The desired customers that needs to be updated are saved into the $updates, with their unique key and the payload. The $updates variable is passed to the cmdlet. It will use the default OData configuration details that are stored in the configuration store. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $token = Get-D365ODataToken PS C:\> $payload = '{"SalesTaxGroup":"DK"}' PS C:\> $updates = @([PSCustomObject]@{Key = "dataAreaId='USMF',CustomerAccount='Customer1'"; Payload = $payload}) PS C:\> $updates += [PSCustomObject]@{Key = "dataAreaId='USMF',CustomerAccount='Customer2'"; Payload = $payload} PS C:\> Update-D365ODataEntityBatchMode -EntityName "CustomersV3" -Payload $($updates.ToArray()) -Token $token This will update a set of Data Entities in Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations using the OData endpoint. It will get a fresh token, saved it into the token variable and pass it to the cmdlet. The payload that needs to be updated for all entities is saved in the $payload variable. The desired customers that needs to be updated are saved into the $updates, with their unique key and the payload. The $updates variable is passed to the cmdlet. It will use the default OData configuration details that are stored in the configuration store. .NOTES Tags: OData, Data, Entity, Update, Upload, Batch Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi) #> function Update-D365ODataEntityBatchMode { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")] [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType('System.String')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $EntityName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PsCustomObject[]] $Payload, [string] $PayloadCharset = "UTF-8", [switch] $CrossCompany, [Alias('$AadGuid')] [string] $Tenant = $Script:ODataTenant, [Alias('Uri')] [string] $Url = $Script:ODataUrl, [string] $ClientId = $Script:ODataClientId, [string] $ClientSecret = $Script:ODataClientSecret, [switch] $RawOutput, [string] $Token, [switch] $EnableException ) begin { if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($SystemUrl)) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "The SystemUrl parameter was empty, using the Url parameter as the OData endpoint base address." -Target $SystemUrl $SystemUrl = $Url } if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Url) -or [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($SystemUrl)) { $messageString = "It seems that you didn't supply a valid value for the Url parameter. You need specify the Url parameter or add a configuration with the <c='em'>Add-D365ODataConfig</c> cmdlet." Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message $messageString -Exception $PSItem.Exception -Target $entityName Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors." -Exception $([System.Exception]::new($($messageString -replace '<[^>]+>', ''))) -ErrorRecord $_ return } if ($Url.Substring($Url.Length - 1) -eq "/") { Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "The Url parameter had a tailing slash, which shouldn't be there. Removing the tailling slash." -Target $Url $Url = $Url.Substring(0, $Url.Length - 1) } if ($SystemUrl.Substring($SystemUrl.Length - 1) -eq "/") { Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "The SystemUrl parameter had a tailing slash, which shouldn't be there. Removing the tailling slash." -Target $Url $SystemUrl = $SystemUrl.Substring(0, $SystemUrl.Length - 1) } if (-not $Token) { $bearerParms = @{ Url = $Url ClientId = $ClientId ClientSecret = $ClientSecret Tenant = $Tenant } $bearer = New-BearerToken @bearerParms } else { $bearer = $Token } $headerParms = @{ URL = $Url BearerToken = $bearer } $headers = New-AuthorizationHeaderBearerToken @headerParms $dataBuilder = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() } process { Invoke-TimeSignal -Start Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Building batch request for the OData endpoint for entity named: $EntityName." -Target $EntityName $idbatch = $(New-Guid).ToString() $idchangeset = $(New-Guid).ToString() $batchPayload = "batch_$idbatch" $changesetPayload = "changeset_$idchangeset" $request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create("$URL/data/`$batch") $request.Headers["Authorization"] = $headers.Authorization $request.Method = "POST" $request.ContentType = "multipart/mixed; boundary=batch_$idBatch" $dataBuilder.Clear() > $null $dataBuilder.AppendLine("--$batchPayLoad ") > $null #Space is important! $dataBuilder.AppendLine("Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=changeset_$idchangeset {0}" -f [System.Environment]::NewLine) > $null $dataBuilder.AppendLine("--$changeSetPayLoad ") > $null #Space is important! $payLoadEnumerator = $PayLoad.GetEnumerator() $counter = 0 while ($payLoadEnumerator.MoveNext()) { $key = $payLoadEnumerator.Current.Key $localEntity = "$EntityName($key)" Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Parsing the payload for the batch request." $counter ++ $localPayload = $payLoadEnumerator.Current.Payload.Trim() $dataBuilder.Append((New-BatchContent -Url "$URL/data/$localEntity" -Payload $LocalPayload -Count $counter -Method "PATCH")) > $null if ($PayLoad.Count -eq $counter) { $dataBuilder.AppendLine("--$changesetPayload--") > $null } else { $dataBuilder.AppendLine("--$changesetPayload") > $null } } $dataBuilder.Append("--$batchPayload--") > $null $data = $dataBuilder.ToString() Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message "Parsing data to debug log next." Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message $data Add-WebRequestContent -WebRequest $request -Payload $data try { Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Executing batch http request against the OData endpoint." $response = $request.GetResponse() } catch { $messageString = "Something went wrong while importing batch data through the OData endpoint for the entity: $EntityName" Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message $messageString -Exception $PSItem.Exception -Target $EntityName Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because of errors." -Exception $([System.Exception]::new($($messageString -replace '<[^>]+>', ''))) -ErrorRecord $_ return } #Might need to be something else than OK and Created if ($response.StatusCode -ne [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::Ok -and $response.StatusCode -ne [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::Created) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Status code not 'Ok' and not 'Created', Description $($response.StatusDescription)" Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping" -Exception $([System.Exception]::new("Returned status code indicates that the request was unsuccessful.")) return } $stream = $response.GetResponseStream() $streamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($stream) $res = $streamReader.ReadToEnd() $streamReader.Close(); if ($RawOutput) { $res } else { } Invoke-TimeSignal -End } } |