.SYNOPSIS A function used for export / import data from / into D365 using recurring datajobs .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER Configuration Parameter contains either a string containing json or a filename containing the configuration used for calling D365. Use Get-IntegrationTemplate to get the Format .PARAMETER IntegrationType ExhaustQueue will run 10 times where all jobs from the configuration failed Normal will do a normal run, it will retry the download 5 times if a HTTP 500 is recieved upon the download .EXAMPLE Invoke-Integration "C:\temp\Integration.json" -verbose .NOTES General notes #> function Invoke-D365Integration { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [string]$Configuration, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)] [ValidateSet('Normal', 'ExhaustQueue')] [string]$IntegrationType = 'Normal' ) if (Test-Path $Configuration) { $config = Get-Content $Configuration | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop } else { $config = $Configuration | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop } $d365FO = $Config.D365FO $authority = $Config.Authority $clientId = $Config.ClientId $clientSecret = $Config.ClientSecret $action = $Config.Action $jobs = $Config.Jobs $containerName = $Config.ContainerName if ($config.Storage -eq "azure") { import-module "" $storageContext = new-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $config.AccountId -StorageAccountKey $config.AccessToken if ($config.action -eq 'GET') { $newContainerName = "$containerName$(get-date -UFormat '%Y%m%d')" $container = get-AzureStorageContainer -name $newContainerName.toLower() -context $storageContext -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($container -eq $null) { $container = New-AzureStorageContainer -name $newContainerName.ToLower() -context $storageContext } else { $newContainerName = "$containerName$(get-date -UFormat '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')" $container = New-AzureStorageContainer -name $newContainerName.ToLower() -context $storageContext } } else { $container = get-AzureStorageContainer -name $containerName.ToLower() -context $storageContext } } write-verbose "D365FO : $d365FO" write-verbose "authority : $authority" write-verbose "clientId : $clientId" write-verbose "clientSecret : $clientSecret" write-verbose "Action : $action" $null = add-type -path "$script:PSModuleRoot\internal\dll\Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll" $jobStatus = @() foreach ($job in $jobs) { add-member -InputObject $job -membertype noteproperty -name "Status" -value "Begin" add-member -InputObject $job -membertype noteproperty -name "ErrorMessage" -value "" $jobStatus += $job } $exhaustRuns = 10 do { foreach ($job in $jobStatus) { try { $jobId = $job.Job_Id $file = $job.FilePath Write-Verbose "job_id : $jobId" Write-Verbose "File :$file" if ($action -eq 'GET') { Invoke-DequeueIntegration $config $job $storageContext $container } elseif ($action -eq 'POST') { Invoke-EnqueueIntegration $config $job $storageContext $container } $job.Status = "Completed" } catch { write-Error $_.Exception.Message Write-Error $_.Exception Write-Error "Integration $jobId failed" $job.Status = 'Failed' $job.ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message } finally { } } $jobFailed = $false; $jobCompleted = $false; foreach ($job in $jobStatus) { if ($job.Status -eq "Failed") { $jobFailed = $true } if ($job.Status -eq "Completed") { $jobCompleted = $true } } if ($jobFailed -eq $true -and $jobCompleted -eq $false) {$exhaustRuns-- } } while ($IntegrationType -eq 'ExhaustQueue' -and $exhaustRuns -gt 0) foreach ($job in $jobStatus) { $jobId = $job.Job_Id $file = $job.FilePath $errmessage = $job.ErrorMessage if ($job.Status -eq "Failed") { Write-Host "JobId: $jobid,File : $file, Message : $errmessage" -ForegroundColor Red } else { Write-Host "JobId: $jobid,File : $file, Integration succesfully completed" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } } |