
        Get PowerPlatform / Dataverse Solution from the environment
        Enables the user to list solutions and their meta data, on a given environment
    .PARAMETER EnvironmentId
        The id of the environment that you want to work against
        This can be obtained from the Get-BapEnvironment cmdlet
    .PARAMETER SolutionId
        The id of the solution that you want to work against
        Leave blank to get all solutions
    .PARAMETER IncludeManaged
        Instruct the cmdlet to include all managed solution
    .PARAMETER AsExcelOutput
        Instruct the cmdlet to output all details directly to an Excel file
        This makes it easier to deep dive into all the details returned from the API, and makes it possible for the user to persist the current state
        PS C:\> Get-BapEnvironmentSolution -EnvironmentId eec2c11a-a4c7-4e1d-b8ed-f62acc9c74c6
        This will query the specific environment.
        It will only list Unmanaged / NON-Managed solutions.
        Sample output:
        SolutionId Name IsManaged SystemName Description
        ---------- ---- --------- ---------- -----------
        fd140aae-4df4-11dd-bd17-0019b9312238 Active Solution False Active Placeholder solutio…
        PS C:\> Get-BapEnvironmentSolution -EnvironmentId eec2c11a-a4c7-4e1d-b8ed-f62acc9c74c6 -IncludeManaged
        This will query the specific environment.
        It will list all solutions.
        Sample output:
        SolutionId Name IsManaged SystemName Description
        ---------- ---- --------- ---------- -----------
        169edc7d-5f1e-4ee4-8b5c-135b3ba82ea3 Access Team True AccessTeam Access Team solution
        fd140aae-4df4-11dd-bd17-0019b9312238 Active Solution False Active Placeholder solutio…
        458c32fb-4476-4431-97cb-49cfd069c31d Activities True msdynce_Activities Dynamics 365 worklo…
        7553bb8a-fc5e-424c-9698-113958c28c98 Activities Patch True msdynce_ActivitiesP… Patch for Dynamics …
        3ac10775-0808-42e0-bd23-83b6c714972f ActivitiesInfra Solution Anch… True msft_ActivitiesInfr… ActivitiesInfra Sol…
        PS C:\> Get-BapEnvironmentSolution -EnvironmentId eec2c11a-a4c7-4e1d-b8ed-f62acc9c74c6 -IncludeManaged
        This will query the specific environment.
        It will list all solutions, unmanaged / managed.
        Sample output:
        SolutionId Name IsManaged SystemName Description
        ---------- ---- --------- ---------- -----------
        169edc7d-5f1e-4ee4-8b5c-135b3ba82ea3 Access Team True AccessTeam Access Team solution
        fd140aae-4df4-11dd-bd17-0019b9312238 Active Solution False Active Placeholder solutio…
        458c32fb-4476-4431-97cb-49cfd069c31d Activities True msdynce_Activities Dynamics 365 worklo…
        7553bb8a-fc5e-424c-9698-113958c28c98 Activities Patch True msdynce_ActivitiesP… Patch for Dynamics …
        3ac10775-0808-42e0-bd23-83b6c714972f ActivitiesInfra Solution Anch… True msft_ActivitiesInfr… ActivitiesInfra Sol…
        PS C:\> Get-BapEnvironmentSolution -EnvironmentId eec2c11a-a4c7-4e1d-b8ed-f62acc9c74c6 -IncludeManaged -SolutionId 3ac10775-0808-42e0-bd23-83b6c714972f
        This will query the specific environment.
        It will list all solutions, unmanaged / managed.
        It will search for the 3ac10775-0808-42e0-bd23-83b6c714972f solution.
        Sample output:
        SolutionId Name IsManaged SystemName Description
        ---------- ---- --------- ---------- -----------
        3ac10775-0808-42e0-bd23-83b6c714972f ActivitiesInfra Solution Anch… True msft_ActivitiesInfr… ActivitiesInfra Sol…
        PS C:\> Get-BapEnvironmentSolution -EnvironmentId eec2c11a-a4c7-4e1d-b8ed-f62acc9c74c6 -IncludeManaged -AsExcelOutput
        This will query the specific environment.
        It will list all solutions, unmanaged / managed.
        Will output all details into an Excel file, that will auto open on your machine.
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-BapEnvironmentSolution {
    param (
        [parameter (mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $EnvironmentId,

        [string] $SolutionId,

        [switch] $IncludeManaged,

        [switch] $AsExcelOutput
    begin {
        # Make sure all *BapEnvironment* cmdlets will validate that the environment exists prior running anything.
        $envObj = Get-BapEnvironment -EnvironmentId $EnvironmentId | Select-Object -First 1

        if ($null -eq $envObj) {
            $messageString = "The supplied EnvironmentId: <c='em'>$EnvironmentId</c> didn't return any matching environment details. Please verify that the EnvironmentId is correct - try running the <c='em'>Get-BapEnvironment</c> cmdlet."
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message $messageString
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because environment was NOT found based on the id." -Exception $([System.Exception]::new($($messageString -replace '<[^>]+>', '')))
        if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }

        $baseUri = $envObj.LinkedMetaPpacEnvUri
        $tokenWebApi = Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl $baseUri
        $headersWebApi = @{
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($tokenWebApi.Token)"
    process {
        if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }
        $localUri = $baseUri + '/api/data/v9.2/solutions'
        $search = '?$filter=ismanaged eq false'

        if (-not $IncludeManaged) {
            $localUri += $search

        $resSolutions = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $localUri -Headers $headersWebApi

        $resCol = @(
            foreach ($solObj in  $($resSolutions.value | Sort-Object -Property friendlyname)) {
                if ((-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($SolutionId)) -and $solObj.SolutionId -ne $SolutionId) { continue }
                $solObj | Select-PSFObject -TypeName "D365Bap.Tools.Solution" -Property "uniquename as SystemName",
                "friendlyname as Name",

        if ($AsExcelOutput) {
            $resCol | Export-Excel

    end {