
        Get application users from environment
        Enables the user to fetch all application users from the environment
        Utilizes the built-in "applicationusers" OData entity
    .PARAMETER EnvironmentId
        The id of the environment that you want to work against
        This can be obtained from the Get-BapEnvironment cmdlet
    .PARAMETER AsExcelOutput
        Instruct the cmdlet to output all details directly to an Excel file
        This makes it easier to deep dive into all the details returned from the API, and makes it possible for the user to persist the current state
        PS C:\> Get-BapEnvironmentApplicationUser -EnvironmentId eec2c11a-a4c7-4e1d-b8ed-f62acc9c74c6
        This will fetch all ApplicationUsers from the environment.
        Sample output:
        AppId AppName ApplicationUserId SolutionId
        ----- ------- ----------------- ----------
        b6e52ceb-f771-41ff-bd99-917523b28eaf AIBuilder_StructuredML_Prod_C… 3bafba76-60bf-413d-a4c4-5c49ccabfb12 bf85e0c8-aa47…
        21ceaf7c-054c-43f6-8b14-ef6d04b90a21 AIBuilderProd 560c9a6c-4535-4066-a415-480d1493cf98 bf85e0c8-aa47…
        c76313fd-5c6f-4f1f-9869-c884fa7fe226 AppDeploymentOrchestration d88a3535-ebf0-4b2b-ad23-90e686660a64 99aee001-009e…
        29494271-7e38-4433-8bf8-06d335299a17 AriaMdlExporter 8bf8862f-5036-42b0-a4f8-1b638db7896b 99aee001-009e…
        PS C:\> Get-BapEnvironmentApplicationUser -EnvironmentId eec2c11a-a4c7-4e1d-b8ed-f62acc9c74c6 -AsExcelOutput
        This will fetch all ApplicationUsers from the environment.
        Will output all details into an Excel file, that will auto open on your machine.
        Author: Mötz Jensen (@Splaxi)

function Get-BapEnvironmentApplicationUser {
    param (
        [parameter (mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $EnvironmentId,

        [switch] $AsExcelOutput
    begin {
        # Make sure all *BapEnvironment* cmdlets will validate that the environment exists prior running anything.
        $envObj = Get-BapEnvironment -EnvironmentId $EnvironmentId | Select-Object -First 1

        if ($null -eq $envObj) {
            $messageString = "The supplied EnvironmentId: <c='em'>$EnvironmentId</c> didn't return any matching environment details. Please verify that the EnvironmentId is correct - try running the <c='em'>Get-BapEnvironment</c> cmdlet."
            Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message $messageString
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Stopping because environment was NOT found based on the id." -Exception $([System.Exception]::new($($messageString -replace '<[^>]+>', '')))
        if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }

        $baseUri = $envObj.LinkedMetaPpacEnvUri
        $tokenWebApi = Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl $baseUri
        $headersWebApi = @{
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($tokenWebApi.Token)"

    process {
        $resAppUsers = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $($baseUri + '/api/data/v9.2/applicationusers') -Headers $headersWebApi
        $resCol = @(
            foreach ($appUsrObj in  $($resAppUsers.value | Sort-Object -Property applicationname)) {
                $appUsrObj | Select-PSFObject -TypeName "D365Bap.Tools.AppUser" -ExcludeProperty "@odata.etag" -Property "applicationid as AppId",
                "applicationname as AppName",

        if ($AsExcelOutput) {
            $resCol | Export-Excel


    end {