function Get-alVcenterObject { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets Vcenter Connector datacenters .DESCRIPTION Gets Vcenter Connector datacenters .PARAMETER websession Existing Webrequest session for ELM Appliance .PARAMETER configid Connector ID .PARAMETER vcenter vCenter Hostname .PARAMETER vcenterpass Password to authenticate to vcenter .PARAMETER username Username to authenticate to vcenter .PARAMETER type Type of object to return .PARAMETER dc vCenter Datacenter ID to query .PARAMETER vmfolder vCenter folder ID to query .PARAMETER name Name of object to return .EXAMPLE Get-alVcenterObjectDataCenter -websession $websession -configid $vcenter.pccId -username $vcenter.pccConfig.userName -vcenter $vcenter.pccConfig.vCenterServer -Verbose #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$websession, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$configid, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$vcenter, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$vcenterpass, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateSet("Datacenter", "Host", "Datastore", "Network", "VMTemplate", "VMFolder")][string]$type, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$dc, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$vmfolder, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][SupportsWildcards()][string]$name = "*" ) Begin { Write-Verbose "BEGIN: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($configid) -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($vcenterpass)) { throw "If CONFIGID is not used a password must be set" } #Case sensitive for JSON switch ($type) { "datacenter" { $typemod = "Datacenter" } "host" { $typemod = "HostSystem" } "datastore" { $typemod = "Datastore" } "network" { $typemod = "Network" } "vmtemplate" { $typemod = "VirtualMachine" } "vmfolder" { $typemod = "Folder" } } } Process { #do the request $headers = @{ "Cookie" = ("UMCSessionCoookie=" + $($websession.token)) "Accept" = "*/*" "Content-Type" = "application/json" "Host" = "$($websession.aplip):3504" "Referer" = "https://$($websession.aplip):3504/ui/" } if ($typemod -eq "Datacenter") { Write-Verbose "Building Datacenter Body" $body = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'configId' = $configid 'properties' = ( 'name', 'vmFolder' ) 'recursive' = $True 'type' = 'Datacenter' 'userName' = $username 'vCenterServer' = $vcenter } } elseif ($typemod -eq "VirtualMachine") { Write-Verbose "Building VirtualMachine Body" $body = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'configId' = $configid 'vCenterServer' = $vcenter 'userName' = $username 'root' = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'attributes' = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'type' = 'Folder' "xsi:type" = "ManagedObjectReference" } '$value' = $vmfolder } 'type' = $typemod 'properties' = @( 'name', 'parent', 'datastore', 'network', 'runtime', 'config') 'recursive' = $True } } elseif ($typemod -eq "Folder") { Write-Verbose "Building Folder Body" $body = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'configId' = $configid 'vCenterServer' = $vcenter 'userName' = $username 'root' = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'attributes' = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'type' = 'Folder' "xsi:type" = "ManagedObjectReference" } '$value' = $vmfolder } 'type' = $typemod 'properties' = @('name') 'recursive' = $True } } else { Write-Verbose "Building $type Body" if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($dc)) { throw "DC Parameter required" } $body = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'configId' = $configid 'vCenterServer' = $vcenter 'userName' = $username 'root' = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'attributes' = [PSCustomObject]@{'type' = 'Datacenter' } '$value' = $dc } 'type' = $typemod 'properties' = @('name') 'recursive' = $True } } #If password is used to authenticate against vcenter if ($vcenterpass) { $body.configId = "" $body | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "password" -NotePropertyValue $vcenterpass } try { $content = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri "https://$($websession.aplip):3504/api/VmwareManagedObjects/findByType" -Headers $headers -Body ($body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100) } catch { if ($_.ErrorDetails.Message) { $temp = $_.ErrorDetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json if ($temp.message) { Write-error $temp.message } else { Write-error $temp.error.message Write-error $temp.error.sqlmessage write-error $temp.error.staus } throw "Process failed!" } else { throw $_ } } finally { } $final = @() if ($typemod -eq "VirtualMachine") { foreach ($return in $content.results) { $temp = [pscustomobject]@{ "Type" = "VirtualMachine" "Value" = $return.mobRef.'$value' "Name" = $ } $final += $temp } } else { foreach ($return in $content.results) { $temp = [pscustomobject]@{ "Type" = $return.mobRef.attributes.type "Value" = $return.mobRef.'$value' "Name" = $ } if ($typemod -eq "Datacenter") { $temp | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "vmFolder" -NotePropertyValue $return.vmFolder.'$value' } $final += $temp } } return $final | Where-Object { $ -like $name } } end { Write-Verbose "END: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" } } |