function Get-ALImportableRev { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets revisions that can be used to import .DESCRIPTION Gets revisions that can be used to import .PARAMETER websession Existing Webrequest session for ELM Appliance .PARAMETER sharepath Share UNC Path type .PARAMETER username Share username .PARAMETER sharepw Share password .PARAMETER showall Get all layers including non exportable ones .EXAMPLE Get-ALImportableRev -websession $websession -sharepath "\\myserver\path\layers" #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$websession, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$sharepath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$username, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$sharepw, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$showall ) Begin { Write-Verbose "BEGIN: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" Test-ALWebsession -WebSession $websession } Process { if ($username) { Write-Verbose "Using Credentials" test-alremotefileshare -websession $websession -sharepath $sharepath -username $username -sharepw $sharepw [xml]$xml = @" <s:Envelope xmlns:s=""> <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <QueryImportableRevisions xmlns=""> <query> <Share> <ShareId xsi:nil="true"/> <SharePath>$sharepath</SharePath> <Username>$username</Username> <Password>$sharepw</Password> </Share> </query> </QueryImportableRevisions> </s:Body> </s:Envelope> "@ } else { Write-Verbose "NO Credentials" test-alremotefileshare -websession $websession -sharepath $sharepath [xml]$xml = @" <s:Envelope xmlns:s=""> <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <QueryImportableRevisions xmlns=""> <query> <Share> <ShareId xsi:nil="true"/> <SharePath>$sharepath</SharePath> </Share> </query> </QueryImportableRevisions> </s:Body> </s:Envelope> "@ } $headers = @{ SOAPAction = ""; "Content-Type" = "text/xml; charset=utf-8"; UNIDESK_TOKEN = $websession.token; } $url = "https://" + $websession.aplip + "/Unidesk.Web/API.asmx" $return = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Post -Body $xml -Headers $headers -WebSession $websession [xml]$obj = $return.Content #return $obj $output = @() foreach ($oslayer in $obj.Envelope.Body.QueryImportableRevisionsResponse.QueryImportableRevisionsResult.ImportableLayerHierarchy.OsLayers.PortableOsLayer) { write-verbose $ foreach ($osrev in $oslayer.Revisions.PortableRevision) { write-verbose "Entering os layer revisions" $temp = [PSCustomObject]@{ "OSLayer" = $oslayer.Name; "LayerTYPE" = "OS"; "BaseName" = $oslayer.Name; "RevName" = $osrev.Name; "ID" = $osrev.Id.'#text'; "SizeInMB" = $osrev.LayerSizeInMb; "ExistsInDestination" = $osrev.ExistsInDestination; } $output += $temp } foreach ($applayer in $oslayer.AppLayers.PortableLayer) { write-verbose "Entering app layer" foreach ($applayerrev in $applayer.Revisions.PortableRevision) { $temp = [PSCustomObject]@{ "OSLayer" = $oslayer.Name; "LayerTYPE" = "APP"; "BaseName" = $applayer.Name; "RevName" = $applayerrev.Name; "ID" = $applayerrev.Id.'#text'; "SizeInMB" = $applayerrev.LayerSizeInMb; "ExistsInDestination" = $applayerrev.ExistsInDestination; } $output += $temp } } foreach ($platlayer in $oslayer.PlatformLayers.PortableLayer) { write-verbose "Entering platform layer" foreach ($platlayerev in $platlayer.Revisions.PortableRevision) { $temp = [PSCustomObject]@{ "OSLayer" = $oslayer.Name; "LayerTYPE" = "PLATFORM"; "BaseName" = $platlayer.Name; "RevName" = $platlayerev.Name; "ID" = $platlayerev.Id.'#text'; "SizeInMB" = $platlayerev.LayerSizeInMb; "ExistsInDestination" = $platlayerev.ExistsInDestination; } $output += $temp } } } if ($showall) { return $output } else { return $output|Where-Object{$_.ExistsInDestination -eq $false} } } end{Write-Verbose "END: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"} } |