function find-nugetdll { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $path ) $dll = join-path $path "$name.dll" if (test-path $dll) { return $dll } $dlls = @(gci $path -Filter "*.dll") if ($dlls.Length -eq 1) { return join-path $path $dlls[0].Name } return $null } function sort-frameworks([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $frameworks, $frameworkhint) { begin { $ordered = @() } process { $order = switch($ { $frameworkhint { 0; break } {$_ -match "^net" } { 10; break } {$_ -match "^dnx" } { 20; break } default { 100; break } } $ordered += @( New-Object -type pscustomobject -Property @{ dir = $_ order = $order }) } end { $ordered = $ordered | sort dir -Descending | sort order return $ordered | select -ExpandProperty dir } } function get-nugetname { param($name) if ($name -match "(?<name>.*?)\.(?<version>[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*(-.*){0,1})") { return $Matches["name"] } else { return $name } } function find-nugetPath { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $packagesRelPath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $frameworkHint ) $name = get-nugetname $name # get latest package version # TODO: handle a case when project $name contains version $versions = Get-PackageFolderVersions -packageName $name -packagesDir $packagesRelPath if ($versions.count -eq 0) { return $null } $latest = Get-LatestPackageVersion -packageVersions $versions $packageDir = join-path $packagesRelPath "$name.$latest" # get correct framework and dll # check lib\* $libpath = join-path $packageDir "lib" if (!(test-path $libpath)) { return $null } $dll = find-nugetdll $name $libpath $path = $null $framework = "" if ($dll -ne $null) { $path = $dll } else { $frameworks = @(gci $libpath) $frameworks = $frameworks | sort-frameworks -frameworkhint $frameworkHint foreach($f in $frameworks) { $p = join-path $libpath $f.Name $dll = find-nugetdll $name $p if ($dll -ne $null) { $path = $dll $framework = $f break } } } # check lib\frameworkname\* return $path,$latest,$framework } function get-nugettoolspath($packagesdir = "packages") { $tools = Get-ChildItem $packagesdir -Recurse -Filter "tools" return $tools | ? { $_.psiscontainer } | % { $_.FullName } } function get-shortName($package) { $m = $package -match "(?<shortname>.*?)(,(?<specificversion>.+)){0,1}$" return $Matches["shortname"] } function split-packagename($package) { if ($package -match "[\\/]" ) { $package = split-path $package -leaf } if ($package -match ".nupkg$" ) { $package = $package -replace ".nupkg$","" } $m = $package -match "(?<name>.*?)\.(?<fullversion>(?<version>[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*)+(?<suffix>-.*){0,1})$" return $Matches } function split-packageVersion($version) { $m = $version -match "(?<version>[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*)+(?<suffix>-.*){0,1}$" return $matches } function get-packageName($package) { $m = split-packagename $package return $m["name"] } function get-packageversion($package) { $m = split-packagename $package return $m["fullversion"] } function new-nuspec($projectPath) { pushd try { $dir = split-path $projectpath -parent $csproj = split-path $projectpath -leaf cd $dir nuget spec $csproj } finally { popd } } function Get-InstalledNugets($packagesdir) { $subdirs = get-childitem $packagesdir -Directory $result = @() foreach($s in $subdirs) { $name = get-packageName $s $version = get-packageversion $s if ($name -ne $null -and $version -ne $null) { $result += new-object -type pscustomobject -Property @{ Name = $name; Version = $version } } } return $result } function Get-AvailableNugets ($source) { $l = nuget list -source $source $l = $l | % { $s = $_.split(" ") new-object -type pscustomobject -Property @{ Name = $s[0]; Version = $s[1] } } return $l } #todo: move this to logging module function write-indented ($level, $msg, $mark = "> ", $maxlen) { $pad = $mark.PadLeft($level) if ($maxlen -eq $null) { $maxlen = $host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width - $level - 1 } $idx = 0 while($idx -lt $msg.length) { $chunk = [System.Math]::Min($msg.length - $idx, $maxlen) write-host "$pad$($msg.substring($idx,$chunk))" $idx += $chunk } } function invoke-nugetpush { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param($file = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$source, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$apikey, [switch][bool] $Build) if ($file -eq $null -or !($file.EndsWith(".nupkg"))){ $nupkg = invoke-nugetpack $file -Build:$build } else { $nupkg = $file } Write-Host "pushing package $nupkg to $source" $p = @( $nupkg ) if ($source -ne $null) { $p += "-source",$source } if ($apikey -ne $null) { $p += "-apikey",$apikey } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("pushing package $p")) { $o = nuget push $p | % { write-indented 4 "$_"; $_ } if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) { throw "nuget command failed! `r`n$($o | out-string)" } } } function invoke-nugetpack { [CmdletBinding()] param($nuspecOrCsproj = $null, [switch][bool] $Build) if ($nuspecorcsproj -eq $null) { $csprojs = @(gci . -filter "*.csproj") if ($csprojs.length -eq 1) { $nuspecorcsproj = $csprojs[0].Name } } if ($nuspecorcsproj -eq $null) { $csprojs = @(gci . -filter "*.nuspec") if ($csprojs.length -eq 1) { $nuspecorcsproj = $csprojs[0].Name } } if ($Build) { update-buildversion (split-path -Parent $nuspecorcsproj) write-host "building project" $o = msbuild $nuspecorcsproj | % { write-indented 4 "$_"; $_ } if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) { throw "build failed! `r`n$($o | out-string)" } } write-host "packing nuget" $o = nuget pack $nuspecorcsproj | % { write-indented 4 "$_"; $_ } if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) { throw "nuget command failed! `r`n$($o | out-string)" } else { $success = $o | % { if ($_ -match "Successfully created package '(.*)'") { return $matches[1] } } return $success } } function update-nugetmeta { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param($path = ".", $description = $null, [Alias("company")]$author = $null, $version = $null, $suffix = $null) $v = get-assemblymeta "Description" $path if ($v -eq $null -or $description -ne $null) { if ($description -eq $null) { $description = "No Description" } set-assemblymeta "Description" $description } $v = get-assemblymeta "Company" $path if ($v -eq $null -or $company -ne $null) { if ($company -eq $null) { $company = "MyCompany" } set-assemblymeta "Company" $company } $v = get-assemblymeta "Version" $path if ($v -ne $null -and $suffix -ne $null) { if ($version -eq $null) { $version = $v } $version = "$version-$suffix" } $defaultVersion = "1.0.0" $ver = $version if ($ver -eq $null) { $ver = $defaultVersion } if ($v -eq $null -or $v -eq "" -or $version -ne $null) { set-assemblymeta "Version" ((split-packageversion $ver)["version"]) } $v = get-assemblymeta "FileVersion" $path if ($v -eq $null -or $v -eq "" -or $version -ne $null) { set-assemblymeta "FileVersion" ((split-packageversion $ver)["version"]) } $v = get-assemblymeta "InformationalVersion" $path if ($v -eq $null -or $v -eq "" -or $version -ne $null) { set-assemblymeta "InformationalVersion" $ver } } function update-buildversion { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param($path = ".") pushd try { cd $path $ver = Get-AssemblyMeta InformationalVersion if ($ver -eq $null) { $ver = Get-AssemblyMeta Version } $newver = Update-Version $ver SuffixBuild #Write-Verbose "updating version $ver to $newver" $id = (hg id -i).substring(0,5) $newver = Update-Version $newver SuffixRevision -value $id Write-host "updating version $ver to $newver" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("update version $ver to $newver")) { update-nugetmeta -version $newver } } finally { popd } } new-alias push-nuget invoke-nugetpush new-alias pack-nuget invoke-nugetpack new-alias generate-nugetmeta update-nugetmeta new-alias increment-version update-version |