.VERSION 1.0.2 .GUID 26fabcfd-1773-409e-a952-a8f94fbe660b .AUTHOR AndrewTaylor .DESCRIPTION Creates a Windows 10/11 ISO using the latest download and auto-injects Autopilot JSON .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT GPL .TAGS intune endpoint MEM environment winget win32 .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES #> <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a Windows 10/11 ISO using the latest download and auto-injects Autopilot JSON .DESCRIPTION .Downloads latest windows ISO .Grabs Autopilot Profile .Injects profile .Creates new ISO .INPUTS Profile and Windows OS (from Gridview) .OUTPUTS In-Line Outputs .NOTES Version: 1.0.2 Author: Andrew Taylor Twitter: @AndrewTaylor_2 WWW: Creation Date: 27/06/2023 Last Modified: 26/06/2023 Purpose/Change: Initial script development .EXAMPLE N/A #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( [string]$tenant #Tenant ID (optional) for when automating and you want to use across tenants instead of hard-coded , [string]$clientid #ClientID is the type of Azure AD App Reg ID , [string]$clientsecret #ClientSecret is the type of Azure AD App Reg Secret ) ##Set the Windows 10 and 11 Download URLs $windows11uri = "" $windows10uri = "" ############################################################################################################### ###### Install Modules ###### ############################################################################################################### Write-Host "Installing Intune modules if required (current user scope)" #Install MS Graph if not available if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Microsoft.Graph.Authentication) { Write-Host "Microsoft Graph Already Installed" } else { Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph.Authentication -Scope CurrentUser -Repository PSGallery -Force } import-module microsoft.graph.authentication ############################################################################################################### ###### Create Dir ###### ############################################################################################################### #Create path for files $DirectoryToCreate = "c:\temp" if (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $DirectoryToCreate)) { try { New-Item -Path $DirectoryToCreate -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null #-Force } catch { Write-Error -Message "Unable to create directory '$DirectoryToCreate'. Error was: $_" -ErrorAction Stop } "Successfully created directory '$DirectoryToCreate'." } else { "Directory already existed" } $random = Get-Random -Maximum 1000 $random = $random.ToString() $date =get-date -format yyMMddmmss $date = $date.ToString() $path2 = $random + "-" + $date $path = "c:\temp\" + $path2 New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path ############################################################################################################### ###### Add Functions ###### ############################################################################################################### function GrabProfiles() { # Defining Variables $graphApiVersion = "beta" $Resource = "deviceManagement/windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfiles" $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource" $response = Invoke-MGGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method Get -OutputType PSObject $profiles = $response.value $profilesNextLink = $response."@odata.nextLink" while ($null -ne $profilesNextLink) { $profilesResponse = (Invoke-MGGraphRequest -Uri $profilesNextLink -Method Get -outputType PSObject) $profilesNextLink = $profilesResponse."@odata.nextLink" $profiles += $profilesResponse.value } $selectedprofile = $profiles | out-gridview -passthru -title "Select a profile" return $ } function grabandoutput() { [cmdletbinding()] param ( [string]$id ) # Defining Variables $graphApiVersion = "beta" $Resource = "deviceManagement/windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfiles" $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource/$id" $approfile = Invoke-MGGraphRequest -Uri $uri -Method Get -OutputType PSObject # Set the org-related info $script:TenantOrg = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri "" -OutputType PSObject).value foreach ($domain in $script:TenantOrg.VerifiedDomains) { if ($domain.isDefault) { $script:TenantDomain = $ } } $oobeSettings = $approfile.outOfBoxExperienceSettings # Build up properties $json = @{} $json.Add("Comment_File", "Profile $($_.displayName)") $json.Add("Version", 2049) $json.Add("ZtdCorrelationId", $ if ($approfile."@odata.type" -eq "#microsoft.graph.activeDirectoryWindowsAutopilotDeploymentProfile") { $json.Add("CloudAssignedDomainJoinMethod", 1) } else { $json.Add("CloudAssignedDomainJoinMethod", 0) } if ($approfile.deviceNameTemplate) { $json.Add("CloudAssignedDeviceName", $_.deviceNameTemplate) } # Figure out config value $oobeConfig = 8 + 256 if ($oobeSettings.userType -eq 'standard') { $oobeConfig += 2 } if ($oobeSettings.hidePrivacySettings -eq $true) { $oobeConfig += 4 } if ($oobeSettings.hideEULA -eq $true) { $oobeConfig += 16 } if ($oobeSettings.skipKeyboardSelectionPage -eq $true) { $oobeConfig += 1024 if ($_.language) { $json.Add("CloudAssignedLanguage", $_.language) } } if ($oobeSettings.deviceUsageType -eq 'shared') { $oobeConfig += 32 + 64 } $json.Add("CloudAssignedOobeConfig", $oobeConfig) # Set the forced enrollment setting if ($oobeSettings.hideEscapeLink -eq $true) { $json.Add("CloudAssignedForcedEnrollment", 1) } else { $json.Add("CloudAssignedForcedEnrollment", 0) } $json.Add("CloudAssignedTenantId", $ $json.Add("CloudAssignedTenantDomain", $script:TenantDomain) $embedded = @{} $embedded.Add("CloudAssignedTenantDomain", $script:TenantDomain) $embedded.Add("CloudAssignedTenantUpn", "") if ($oobeSettings.hideEscapeLink -eq $true) { $embedded.Add("ForcedEnrollment", 1) } else { $embedded.Add("ForcedEnrollment", 0) } $ztc = @{} $ztc.Add("ZeroTouchConfig", $embedded) $json.Add("CloudAssignedAadServerData", (ConvertTo-JSON $ztc -Compress)) # Skip connectivity check if ($approfile.hybridAzureADJoinSkipConnectivityCheck -eq $true) { $json.Add("HybridJoinSkipDCConnectivityCheck", 1) } # Hard-code properties not represented in Intune $json.Add("CloudAssignedAutopilotUpdateDisabled", 1) $json.Add("CloudAssignedAutopilotUpdateTimeout", 1800000) # Return the JSON ConvertTo-JSON $json } Function Connect-ToGraph { <# .SYNOPSIS Authenticates to the Graph API via the Microsoft.Graph.Authentication module. .DESCRIPTION The Connect-ToGraph cmdlet is a wrapper cmdlet that helps authenticate to the Intune Graph API using the Microsoft.Graph.Authentication module. It leverages an Azure AD app ID and app secret for authentication or user-based auth. .PARAMETER Tenant Specifies the tenant (e.g. to which to authenticate. .PARAMETER AppId Specifies the Azure AD app ID (GUID) for the application that will be used to authenticate. .PARAMETER AppSecret Specifies the Azure AD app secret corresponding to the app ID that will be used to authenticate. .PARAMETER Scopes Specifies the user scopes for interactive authentication. .EXAMPLE Connect-ToGraph -TenantId $tenantID -AppId $app -AppSecret $secret -#> [cmdletbinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$Tenant, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$AppId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$AppSecret, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$scopes ) Process { Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication $version = (get-module microsoft.graph.authentication | Select-Object -expandproperty Version).major if ($AppId -ne "") { $body = @{ grant_type = "client_credentials"; client_id = $AppId; client_secret = $AppSecret; scope = ""; } $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri$Tenant/oauth2/v2.0/token -Body $body $accessToken = $response.access_token $accessToken if ($version -eq 2) { write-host "Version 2 module detected" $accesstokenfinal = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $accessToken -AsPlainText -Force } else { write-host "Version 1 Module Detected" Select-MgProfile -Name Beta $accesstokenfinal = $accessToken } $graph = Connect-MgGraph -AccessToken $accesstokenfinal Write-Host "Connected to Intune tenant $TenantId using app-based authentication (Azure AD authentication not supported)" } else { if ($version -eq 2) { write-host "Version 2 module detected" } else { write-host "Version 1 Module Detected" Select-MgProfile -Name Beta } $graph = Connect-MgGraph -scopes $scopes Write-Host "Connected to Intune tenant $($graph.TenantId)" } } } ############################################################################################################### ###### Graph Connection ###### ############################################################################################################### Write-Verbose "Connecting to Microsoft Graph" if ($clientid -and $clientsecret -and $tenant) { Connect-ToGraph -Tenant $tenant -AppId $clientid -AppSecret $clientsecret write-output "Graph Connection Established" } else { ##Connect to Graph Connect-ToGraph -scopes "Group.ReadWrite.All, Device.ReadWrite.All, DeviceManagementManagedDevices.ReadWrite.All, DeviceManagementServiceConfig.ReadWrite.All, GroupMember.ReadWrite.All, Domain.ReadWrite.All" } Write-Verbose "Graph connection established" ############################################################################################################### ###### Execution ###### ############################################################################################################### ##Grab all profiles and output to gridview $selectedprofile = GrabProfiles ##Grab JSON for selected profile $profilejson = grabandoutput -id $selectedprofile ##Set filename and filepath $isofilename = "$path\microsoftwindows.iso" $isocontents = "$path\iso\" $wimname = "$isocontents\sources\install.wim" $wimnametemp = "$path\installtemp.wim" write-host "Selecting OS" ##Popup a gridview to select which OS to download and configure $options = 'Windows 10 21H2', 'Windows 11 22H2' $object = foreach($option in $options){new-object psobject -Property @{'Pick your Option' = $option}} $osinput = $object | Out-GridView -Title "Windows Selection" -PassThru switch($osinput.'Pick your Option'){ 'Windows 10 22H2'{ $windowsuri = $windows10uri $imageindex = 5 write-host "Windows 10 Selected" } 'Windows 11 22H2'{ $windowsuri = $windows11uri $imageindex = 6 write-host "Windows 11 Selected" } default{ $windowsuri = $windows11uri $imageindex = 6 write-host "Nothing selected, defaulting to Windows 11" } } write-host "Downloading OS ISO" ##Download the OS $download = Start-BitsTransfer -Source $windowsuri -Destination $isofilename -Asynchronous while ($download.JobState -ne "Transferred") { [int] $dlProgress = ($download.BytesTransferred / $download.BytesTotal) * 100; Write-Progress -Activity "Downloading File..." -Status "$dlProgress% Complete:" -PercentComplete $dlProgress; } Complete-BitsTransfer $download.JobId; write-host "Download Complete" $isofilenamewithap = "$path\windowswithautopilot.iso" ##Mount the ISO write-host "Mounting Windows ISO" $mountiso = Mount-DiskImage $isofilename -PassThru ##Find the Drive Letter used write-host "Detecting Drive Letter" $ISODrive = (Get-DiskImage -ImagePath $isofilename | Get-Volume).DriveLetter write-host "Drive Letter is $ISODrive" ##Copy the ISO files to manipulate write-host "Copying ISO Contents" $copyisofules = Copy-Item -Path $isodrive":" -Destination $isocontents -Recurse write-host "Copying Complete" ##Copy the WIM to mount write-host "Copying temporary WIM for manipulation" $copywim = copy-item $wimname $wimnametemp write-host "Copying Complete" ##Set further paths $Image = $wimnametemp $MountPoint = "$path\mount" $InstallImage = $ISODrive+":" $TargetISOFile = $isofilenamewithap $ImageIndex = $imageindex ##WIM is read-only by default, we don't want that write-host "Setting Temp WIM as read/write" Set-ItemProperty -Path $image -Name IsReadOnly -Value $false write-host "Set to read/write" ##Create the mount folder write-host "Creating mount folder" new-item "$path\mount" -ItemType Directory Write-Host "Mount folder created" ##Mount the WIM write-host "Mounting WIM" Mount-WindowsImage -ImagePath $Image -Path $MountPoint -Index $ImageIndex write-host "WIM Mounted" ##Inject the Autopilot JSON write-host "Injecting Autopilot JSON" $profilejson | Set-Content -Encoding Ascii "$MountPoint\Windows\Provisioning\Autopilot\AutopilotConfigurationFile.json" write-host "JSON Injected" ##Dismount with the JSON injected write-host "Dismounting WIM and Applying JSON" Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $MountPoint -Save write-host "WIM Dismounted" ##Again, install.wim is read-only write-host "Setting install.wim as read/write" Set-ItemProperty -Path $wimname -Name IsReadOnly -Value $false write-host "Set to read/write" ##Remove the old install.wim write-host "Removing install.wim from Sources directory" remove-item $wimname write-host "Removed" #Export install.wim to replace old one write-host "Exporting new install.wim to sources directory" Export-WindowsIMage -SourceImagePath $Image -DestinationImagePath $wimname -SourceIndex $ImageIndex write-host "Exported" ##Create a directory for oscdimg files write-host "Creating oscdimg directory" new-item -Path "$path\oscdimg" -ItemType Directory write-host "Created" #Set Paths for download $url = "" $output = "$path\" #Download Files write-host "Downloading OSCDIMG Files" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $output -Method Get write-host "Download Complete" #Unzip them write-host "Unzipping Files" Expand-Archive $output -DestinationPath "$path\oscdimg" -Force Write-Host "Unzipped" #Remove Zip file downloaded write-host "Removing Zip File" remove-item $output -Force write-host "Removed" # Create an ISO file from the installimage and new wim file write-host "Creating ISO" & "$path\oscdimg\oscdimg-main\oscdimg.exe" -b"$InstallImage\efi\microsoft\boot\efisys.bin" -pEF -u1 -udfver102 $isocontents $TargetISOFile write-host "ISO $TargetISOFile created" ##Clean-up write-host "Cleaning Environment" ##Dismount the ISO write-host "Ejecting ISO" $dismount = Dismount-DiskImage $isofilename write-host "ISO Ejected" ##Remove the temporary wim write-host "Removing temporary WIM" remove-item $wimnametemp write-host "Removed" ##Remove the original ISO write-host "Removing original ISO" remove-item $isofilename write-host "Removed" ##Remove the extracted ISO contents write-host "Removing extracted ISO contents" remove-item $isocontents -Recurse -Force write-host "Removed" ##Remove Mount folder write-host "Removing mount folder" remove-item "$path\mount" -recurse -Force write-host "Removed" ##Remove oscdimg folder write-host "Removing oscdimg folder" remove-item "$path\oscdimg" -recurse -force write-host "Removed" ##We're left with the new ISO and the autopilot JSON file write-host "ISO Creation Complete" |