using namespace System.Text.RegularExpressions <# .SYNOPSIS Generates and return SemVer Version number and return it as a Pscustomobject .DESCRIPTION Generates and return SemVer Version number and return it as a Pscustomobject .EXAMPLE Get-GitAutoVersion | Select Version (Get-GitAutoVersion).Version .INPUTS - Type - Name .OUTPUTS [PsCustomObject] .NOTES - .LINK #> Function Get-GitAutoVersion { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Pscustomobject])] param () process { [int]$major = 0 [int]$minor = 1 [int]$patch = 0 try { # Check for git installation if ($null -eq (Get-Command git -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { throw "Git is not installed, please install git and try again" } else { $gitCommits = git log --pretty=format:"%s%n%b" for($l=$gitcommits.count -1; $l -gt 0; $l--) { if ([regex]::Matches($gitCommits[$l], "Build: major", [RegexOptions]::IgnoreCase)) { $major++ $patch = 0 $minor = 0 } if ([regex]::Matches($gitCommits[$l], "Build: minor", [RegexOptions]::IgnoreCase)) { $minor++ $patch = 0 } if ([regex]::Matches($gitCommits[$l], "Build: patch", [RegexOptions]::IgnoreCase)) { $patch++ } } # $MajorNotation = [regex]::Matches($gitCommits, "Build: Major", [RegexOptions]::IgnoreCase) # $MinorNotation = [regex]::Matches($gitCommits, "Build: Minor", [RegexOptions]::IgnoreCase) # $PatchNotation = [regex]::Matches($gitCommits, "Build: Patch", [RegexOptions]::IgnoreCase) # [int]$majorTags = $MajorNotation.Count -1 # regex will always return 1 match so we need to subtract 1 # [int]$minorTags = $MinorNotation.Count -1 # -- # [int]$patchTags = $PatchNotation.Count -1 # -- # if ($patchTags -ne 0) { # for ($pt = $patchTags; $mn -gt 0; $pt--) { $Patch++ } # if ($minorTags -ne 0 ) { # for ($mit = $minorTags; $mit -gt 0; $mit--) { $Minor++ } # $patch = 0 # } # if ($majorTags -ne 0) { # for ($mt = $majortags; $mt -gt 0; $mt--) { $major++ } # $minor = 0 # $patch = 0 # } # } # if ($major -eq 0 -and $minor -eq 0 -and $patch -eq 0) { # $minor = 1 # } return [PSCustomObject]@{ Version="$major.$minor.$patch"; ParsedLines = "$($gitCommits.count.tostring())" } } } catch [System.Exception] { Write-Host "An error occurred while creating AutoVersion Number: $($_.Exception.Message)" # You can handle the exception here or rethrow it if needed } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-GitAutoVersion |