
function Submit-Prompt {
        Submit a prompt to the OpenAI prompt library.
        Submit a prompt to the OpenAI prompt library.
    .PARAMETER description
        The description of the prompt.
    .PARAMETER content
        The content of the prompt. if the content is a file path, the content will be loaded from the file.
    .PARAMETER name
        The name of the user.
    .PARAMETER email
        The email of the user.
        Submit-Prompt -description "test" -content "test" -name "test" -email "test"

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$description,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Write-Verbose "description: $description, content: $content, name: $name, email: $email"

    # collect the telemetry data
    Submit-Telemetry -cmdletName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -innovationName $MyInvocation.InvocationName

    # if the file parameter is set, load the file as the content
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("content") -and (Test-Path $content)) {
        $content = Get-Content $content -Raw -Encoding UTF8
    else {
        throw "The file path is invalid."

    # if the name parameter is not set, we will try to get it from environment variable
    if (-not $name) {
        $name = Get-FirstNonNullItemInArray("")
    else {
        # set the name to environment variable
        [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("", $name, "User")

    # if the email parameter is not set, we will try to get it from environment variable
    if (-not $email) {
        $email = Get-FirstNonNullItemInArray("")
    else {
        # set the email to environment variable
        [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("", $email, "User")

    # if the name or email is not set, throw an exception
    if (-not $name -or -not $email) {
        throw "name or email is not set, you can set it by the name parameter or the email parameter."

    # if the content is empty or null, throw an exception
    if (-not $content) {
        throw "content is not set, you can set it by the file parameter or the content parameter."

    try {
        # $url = New-Gist -access_token $access_token -description $description -content $content -provider $provider


        $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -Method Post -Body (@{
                message = $description
                content = $content
                name    = $name
                email   = $email
            } | ConvertTo-Json) -ContentType "application/json"

        Write-Output "Your prompt is submitted and under review, thanks for your contribution, the url is $result."

    catch {
        <#Do this if a terminating exception happens#>
        Write-Error $.ErrorDetails