function Get-PromptContent($prompt) { $type = "userinput" $content = $prompt $lib = "" if ($prompt) { try { # if the prompt is a file path, read the file as prompt if (Test-Path $prompt -PathType Leaf) { $type = "file" Write-Verbose "Prompt is a file path, read the file as prompt" $content = Get-Content $prompt -Raw -Encoding UTF8 } # if the prompt is a url, start with http or https , read the url as prompt if ($prompt -match "^https?://") { $type = "url" Write-Verbose "Prompt is a url, read the url as prompt" $content = Invoke-RestMethod $prompt } # if the prompt startwith lib:, read the prompt from prompt library if ($prompt -match "^lib:") { $type = "promptlibrary" $lib = $prompt.Replace("lib:", "") Write-Verbose "Prompt is a prompt library name, read the prompt from prompt library" $content = Get-PromptLibraryContent -Name $prompt.Replace("lib:", "") } } catch { <#Do this if a terminating exception happens#> Write-Error $.ErrorDetails } } Write-Output @{ type = $type content = $content lib = $lib } } function Get-PromptLibraryContent($Name) { # if environment variable OPENAI_PROMPT_LIBRARY is set to gitee, use gitee as prompt library $promptLibrary = "$" if ($env:OPENAI_PROMPT_LIBRARY -eq "gitee") { Write-Verbose "Prompt library is gitee" $promptLibrary = "$" } $result = Invoke-RestMethod $promptLibrary if ($result.content) { $prompt = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($result.content)) } else { Write-Error "Prompt library $Name not found" } Write-Output $prompt } |