
# 用当前日期生成的日志文件
$script:folder = "$env:APPDATA\code365scripts.openai"
if (!(Test-Path $script:folder)) {
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $script:folder
$script:logfile = "$script:folder\OpenAI_{0}.log" -f (Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd")

# 用于记录日志
function Write-Log([array]$message) {
    $message = "{0}`t{1}" -f (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), ($message -join "`t")
    Add-Content $script:logfile -Value $message

function New-OpenAICompletion {
        调用OpenAI 的Completion 接口并返回结果
        同时支持OpenAI原生服务,和Azure OpenAI 服务
    .PARAMETER prompt
    .PARAMETER api_key
    .PARAMETER engine
    .PARAMETER endpoint
    .PARAMETER max_tokens
        最大token的长度,不同的模型支持不同的长度,请参考官方文档,默认值是 1024
    .PARAMETER temperature
        该参数指定了模型的创造性指数,越接近1 的话,则表示可以返回更大创造性的结果。越接近0的话,则表示越返回稳定的结果。
    .PARAMETER azure
        是否使用Azure OpenAI服务
        New-OpenAICompletion -prompt "What's the capital of China"
        New-OpenAICompletion "What's the capital of China"
        "What's the capital of China" | New-OpenAICompletion
        noc "What's the capital of China"
        New-OpenAICompletion -prompt "What's the capital of China" -api_key "sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" -engine "text-davinci-003" -endpoint ""
        使用OpenAI原生服务查询中国的首都信息,通过参数指定api_key, engine, endpoint
        New-OpenAICompletion -prompt "What's the capital of China" -azure
        使用Azure OpenAI服务查询中国的首都信息
        New-OpenAICompletion -prompt "What's the capital of China" -azure -api_key "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" -engine "chenxizhang" -endpoint ""
        使用Azure OpenAI服务查询中国的首都信息,通过参数指定api_key, engine, endpoint
        "What's the capital of China","韭菜炒蛋怎么做" | noc -azure
        使用Azure OpenAI服务查询中国的首都信息,以及如何做菜,通过管道传递参数
        Get-Children *.txt | Get-Content | noc -azure
        根据当前目录中的所有txt文件,使用Azure OpenAI服务查询对应的回复

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "你的提示文本")][string]$prompt,
        [Parameter(HelpMessage = "OpenAI服务的密钥")][string]$api_key,
        [Parameter(HelpMessage = "模型名称")][string]$engine,
        [Parameter(HelpMessage = "服务端点")][string]$endpoint,
        [Parameter(HelpMessage = "最大token的长度,不同的模型支持不同的长度,请参考官方文档,默认值是 1024")][int]$max_tokens = 1024,
        [Parameter(HelpMessage = "该参数指定了模型的创造性指数,越接近1 的话,则表示可以返回更大创造性的结果。越接近0的话,则表示越返回稳定的结果。")][double]$temperature = 1,
        [Parameter(HelpMessage = "返回的结果个数,默认为1")][int]$n = 1,
        [Parameter(HelpMessage = "是否使用Azure OpenAI服务")][switch]$azure

    BEGIN {
        if ($azure) {
            $api_key = if ($api_key) { $api_key } else { if ($env:OPENAI_API_KEY_Azure) { $env:OPENAI_API_KEY_Azure } else { $env:OPENAI_API_KEY } }
            $engine = if ($engine) { $engine } else { $env:OPENAI_ENGINE_Azure }
            $endpoint = "{0}openai/deployments/{1}/completions?api-version=2022-12-01" -f $(if ($endpoint) { $endpoint }else { $env:OPENAI_ENDPOINT_Azure }), $engine
        else {
            $api_key = if ($api_key) { $api_key } else { $env:OPENAI_API_KEY }
            $engine = if ($engine) { $engine } else { if ($env:OPENAI_ENGINE) { $env:OPENAI_ENGINE }else { "text-davinci-003" } }
            $endpoint = if ($endpoint) { $endpoint } else { if ($env:OPENAI_ENDPOINT) { $env:OPENAI_ENDPOINT }else { "" } }

        $hasError = $false

        if (!$api_key) {
            Write-Error "请设置环境变量 OPENAI_API_KEY 或 OPENAI_API_KEY_AZURE 或者使用参数 -api_key"
            $hasError = $true

        if (!$engine) {
            Write-Error "请设置环境变量 OPENAI_ENGINE 或 OPENAI_ENGINE_AZURE 或者使用参数 -engine"
            $hasError = $true

        if (!$endpoint) {
            Write-Error "请设置环境变量 OPENAI_ENDPOINT 或 OPENAI_ENDPOINT_AZURE 或者使用参数 -endpoint"
            $hasError = $true

        if ($hasError) {


        $params = @{
            Uri         = $endpoint
            Method      = "POST"
            Body        = @{
                model       = "$engine"
                prompt      = "$prompt"
                max_tokens  = $max_tokens
                temperature = $temperature
                n           = $n
            } | ConvertTo-Json
            Headers     = if ($azure) { @{"api-key" = "$api_key" } } else { @{"Authorization" = "Bearer $api_key" } }
            ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8"
        $stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod @params
        $total_tokens = $response.usage.total_tokens
        $prompt_tokens = $response.usage.prompt_tokens
        $completion_tokens = $response.usage.completion_tokens

        if ($PSVersionTable['PSVersion'].Major -eq 5) {
            $dstEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('iso-8859-1')
            $srcEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8

            $response.choices | ForEach-Object {
                $_.text = $srcEncoding.GetString([System.Text.Encoding]::Convert($srcEncoding, $dstEncoding, $srcEncoding.GetBytes($_.text)))

        Write-Log -message $stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds, $total_tokens, $prompt_tokens, $completion_tokens
        Write-Output $response



function New-OpenAIConversation1 {
        使用OpenAI服务进行对话, 支持单行文本,多行文本,以及从文件中读取文本
        New-OpenAIConversation -azure
        使用Azure OpenAI服务进行对话, 全部使用默认参数
        gpt -azure
        使用Azure OpenAI服务进行对话, 全部使用默认参数
        gpt -api_key $api_key -engine $engine
        gpt -api_key $api_key -engine $engine -endpoint $endpoint -azure
        使用Azure OpenAI服务进行对话,使用指定的参数
        gpt -api_key $api_key -engine $engine -endpoint $endpoint -azure -max_tokens 1024 -temperature 1 -n 1
        使用Azure OpenAI服务进行对话,使用指定的参数
    .PARAMETER api_key
        OpenAI服务的API Key, 如果没有设置环境变量 OPENAI_API_KEY 或 OPENAI_API_KEY_AZURE,则必须使用该参数
    .PARAMETER engine
        OpenAI服务的引擎, 如果没有设置环境变量 OPENAI_ENGINE 或 OPENAI_ENGINE_AZURE,则必须使用该参数
    .PARAMETER endpoint
        OpenAI服务的Endpoint, 如果没有设置环境变量 OPENAI_ENDPOINT 或 OPENAI_ENDPOINT_AZURE,则必须使用该参数
    .PARAMETER max_tokens
        生成的文本最大长度, 默认为1024
    .PARAMETER temperature
        生成的文本的创造性指数, 默认为1
    .PARAMETER azure
        是否使用Azure OpenAI服务

        [Parameter()][int]$max_tokens = 1024,
        [Parameter()][double]$temperature = 1,

    BEGIN {
        if ($azure) {
            $api_key = if ($api_key) { $api_key } else { if ($env:OPENAI_API_KEY_Azure) { $env:OPENAI_API_KEY_Azure } else { $env:OPENAI_API_KEY } }
            $engine = if ($engine) { $engine } else { $env:OPENAI_ENGINE_Azure }
            $endpoint = "{0}openai/deployments/{1}/completions?api-version=2022-12-01" -f $(if ($endpoint) { $endpoint }else { $env:OPENAI_ENDPOINT_Azure }), $engine
        else {
            $api_key = if ($api_key) { $api_key } else { $env:OPENAI_API_KEY }
            $engine = if ($engine) { $engine } else { if ($env:OPENAI_ENGINE) { $env:OPENAI_ENGINE }else { "text-davinci-003" } }
            $endpoint = if ($endpoint) { $endpoint } else { if ($env:OPENAI_ENDPOINT) { $env:OPENAI_ENDPOINT }else { "" } }

        $hasError = $false

        if (!$api_key) {
            Write-Error "请设置环境变量 OPENAI_API_KEY 或 OPENAI_API_KEY_AZURE 或者使用参数 -api_key"
            $hasError = $true

        if (!$engine) {
            Write-Error "请设置环境变量 OPENAI_ENGINE 或 OPENAI_ENGINE_AZURE 或者使用参数 -engine"
            $hasError = $true

        if (!$endpoint) {
            Write-Error "请设置环境变量 OPENAI_ENDPOINT 或 OPENAI_ENDPOINT_AZURE 或者使用参数 -endpoint"
            $hasError = $true

        if ($hasError) {



        $index = 1; # 用来保存问答的序号

        $welcome = "`n欢迎来到OpenAI{0}的世界, 当前使用的模型是: {1}, 请输入你的提示。`n快捷键:按 q 并回车可退出对话, 按 m 并回车可输入多行文本, 按 f 并回车可从文件输入." -f $(if ($azure) { " (Azure版本) " } else { "" }), $engine
        Write-Host $welcome -ForegroundColor Yellow

        while ($true) {
            $current = $index++
            $prompt = Read-Host -Prompt "`n[$current] 提示"
            $stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()

            if ($prompt -eq "q") {

            if ($prompt -eq "m") {
                # 这是用户想要输入多行文本
                $prompt = Read-MultiLineInputBoxDialog -Message "请输入多行文本" -WindowTitle "多行文本" -DefaultText ""
                if ($null -eq $prompt) {
                    Write-Host "你按下了取消按钮"
                else {
                    Write-Host "你输入的多行文本是:`n$prompt"

            if ($prompt -eq "f") {
                # 这是用户想要从文件输入
                $file = Read-OpenFileDialog -WindowTitle "请选择文件"
                if ($null -eq $file) {
                    Write-Host "你按下了取消按钮"
                else {
                    $prompt = Get-Content $file -Encoding utf8
                    Write-Host "你输入的多行文本是:`n$prompt"

            $params = @{
                Uri         = $endpoint
                Method      = "POST"
                Body        = @{model = "$engine"; prompt = "$prompt"; max_tokens = $max_tokens; temperature = $temperature } | ConvertTo-Json
                Headers     = if ($azure) { @{"api-key" = "$api_key" } } else { @{"Authorization" = "Bearer $api_key" } }
                ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8"

            $response = Invoke-RestMethod @params
            $result = $response.choices[0].text
            $total_tokens = $response.usage.total_tokens
            $prompt_tokens = $response.usage.prompt_tokens
            $completion_tokens = $response.usage.completion_tokens

            if ($PSVersionTable['PSVersion'].Major -eq 5) {
                $dstEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('iso-8859-1')
                $srcEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
                $result = $srcEncoding.GetString([System.Text.Encoding]::Convert($srcEncoding, $dstEncoding, $srcEncoding.GetBytes($result)))

            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red ("`n[$current] 回答: 如下, 消耗的token数量: {0} = {1} + {2}" -f $total_tokens, $prompt_tokens, $completion_tokens )
            Write-Host $result -ForegroundColor Green

            Write-Log -message $stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds, $total_tokens, $prompt_tokens, $completion_tokens


function Get-OpenAILogs([switch]$all) {
        获取OpenAI的日志, 这个结果可以用来进一步分析,包括调用时长,消耗的token数量等
    .PARAMETER all
        Get-OpenAILogs -all

    if ($all) {
        Get-ChildItem -Path $script:folder | Get-Content | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter "`t" -Header Time, Duration, TotalTokens, PromptTokens, CompletionTokens | Format-Table
    else {
        Get-Content $script:logfile | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter "`t" -Header Time, Duration, TotalTokens, PromptTokens, CompletionTokens | Format-Table

function Read-OpenFileDialog([string]$WindowTitle, [string]$InitialDirectory, [string]$Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*", [switch]$AllowMultiSelect) {
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    $openFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
    $openFileDialog.Title = $WindowTitle
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($InitialDirectory)) { $openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = $InitialDirectory }
    $openFileDialog.Filter = $Filter
    if ($AllowMultiSelect) { $openFileDialog.MultiSelect = $true }
    $openFileDialog.ShowHelp = $true    # Without this line the ShowDialog() function may hang depending on system configuration and running from console vs. ISE.
    $openFileDialog.ShowDialog() > $null
    if ($AllowMultiSelect) { return $openFileDialog.Filenames } else { return $openFileDialog.Filename }

function Read-MultiLineInputBoxDialog([string]$Message, [string]$WindowTitle, [string]$DefaultText) {
    Prompts the user with a multi-line input box and returns the text they enter, or null if they cancelled the prompt.

    Prompts the user with a multi-line input box and returns the text they enter, or null if they cancelled the prompt.

    .PARAMETER Message
    The message to display to the user explaining what text we are asking them to enter.

    .PARAMETER WindowTitle
    The text to display on the prompt window's title.

    .PARAMETER DefaultText
    The default text to show in the input box.

    $userText = Read-MultiLineInputDialog "Input some text please:" "Get User's Input"

    Shows how to create a simple prompt to get mutli-line input from a user.

    # Setup the default multi-line address to fill the input box with.
    $defaultAddress = @'
    John Doe
    123 St.
    Some Town, SK, Canada
    A1B 2C3

    $address = Read-MultiLineInputDialog "Please enter your full address, including name, street, city, and postal code:" "Get User's Address" $defaultAddress
    if ($address -eq $null)
        Write-Error "You pressed the Cancel button on the multi-line input box."

    Prompts the user for their address and stores it in a variable, pre-filling the input box with a default multi-line address.
    If the user pressed the Cancel button an error is written to the console.

    $inputText = Read-MultiLineInputDialog -Message "If you have a really long message you can break it apart`nover two lines with the powershell newline character:" -WindowTitle "Window Title" -DefaultText "Default text for the input box."

    Shows how to break the second parameter (Message) up onto two lines using the powershell newline character (`n).
    If you break the message up into more than two lines the extra lines will be hidden behind or show ontop of the TextBox.

    Name: Show-MultiLineInputDialog
    Author: Daniel Schroeder (originally based on the code shown at
    Version: 1.0

    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

    # Create the Label.
    $label = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $label.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10, 10)
    $label.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280, 20)
    $label.AutoSize = $true
    $label.Text = $Message

    # Create the TextBox used to capture the user's text.
    $textBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $textBox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10, 40)
    $textBox.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(575, 200)
    $textBox.AcceptsReturn = $true
    $textBox.AcceptsTab = $false
    $textBox.Multiline = $true
    $textBox.ScrollBars = 'Both'
    $textBox.Text = $DefaultText

    # Create the OK button.
    $okButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $okButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(415, 250)
    $okButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75, 25)
    $okButton.Text = "确定"
    $okButton.Add_Click({ $form.Tag = $textBox.Text; $form.Close() })

    # Create the Cancel button.
    $cancelButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $cancelButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(510, 250)
    $cancelButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75, 25)
    $cancelButton.Text = "取消"
    $cancelButton.Add_Click({ $form.Tag = $null; $form.Close() })

    # Create the form.
    $form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
    $form.Text = $WindowTitle
    $form.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(610, 320)
    $form.FormBorderStyle = 'FixedSingle'
    $form.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"
    $form.AutoSizeMode = 'GrowAndShrink'
    $form.Topmost = $True
    $form.AcceptButton = $okButton
    $form.CancelButton = $cancelButton
    $form.ShowInTaskbar = $true

    # Add all of the controls to the form.

    # Initialize and show the form.
    $form.Add_Shown({ $form.Activate() })
    $form.ShowDialog() > $null  # Trash the text of the button that was clicked.

    # Return the text that the user entered.
    return $form.Tag