<# .SYNOPSIS Build script which leverages the InvokeBuild module. .DESCRIPTION Build script which leverages the InvokeBuild module. This build script is used in the build pipeline and local development for building this project. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$ModuleName, [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$Author, [Parameter()] [String]$Version, [Parameter()] [Bool]$NewRelease = $false, [Parameter()] [Bool]$UpdateDocs = $false ) # Synopsis: Initiate the build process task . ImportBuildModule, InitaliseBuildDirectory, CopyChangeLog, UpdateChangeLog, CreateRootModule, CreateProcessScript, UpdateModuleManifest, CreateArchive, UpdateDocs, UpdateProjectRepo # Synopsis: Install dependent build modules task InstallDependencies { $Modules = "PlatyPS","ChangelogManagement" if ($Script:ModuleName -ne "") { $Modules += "" } Install-Module -Name $Modules -Scope CurrentUser } # Synopsis: Set build platform specific environment variables task SetGitHubActionEnvironmentVariables { New-BuildEnvironmentVariable -Platform "GitHubActions" -Variable @{ "GH_USERNAME" = $Author "GH_PROJECTNAME" = $ModuleName } } # Synopsis: Publish module to the PowerShell Gallery task PublishModule { Publish-Module -Path $BuildRoot\build\$ModuleName -NuGetApiKey $env:PSGALLERY_API_KEY -ErrorAction "Stop" -Force } # Synopsis: Import the module task ImportBuildModule { if ($Script:ModuleName -eq "") { # This is to use module for building itself Import-Module .\src\ } else { Import-Module "" } } # Synopsis: Create fresh build directories and initalise it with content from the project task InitaliseBuildDirectory { Invoke-BuildClean -Path @( "{0}\build\{1}" -f $BuildRoot, $Script:ModuleName "{0}\release" -f $BuildRoot ) if (Test-Path -Path $BuildRoot\src\* -Include "*format.ps1xml") { $Script:FormatFiles = Copy-Item -Path $BuildRoot\src\* -Destination $BuildRoot\build\$Script:ModuleName -Filter "*format.ps1xml" -PassThru } if (Test-Path -Path $BuildRoot\src\Files\*) { $Script:FileList = Copy-Item -Path $BuildRoot\src\Files\* -Destination $BuildRoot\build\$Script:ModuleName -Recurse -Force -PassThru } Copy-Item -Path $BuildRoot\LICENSE -Destination $BuildRoot\build\$Script:ModuleName\LICENSE Copy-Item -Path $BuildRoot\src\en-US -Destination $BuildRoot\build\$Script:ModuleName -Recurse $Script:ManifestFile = Copy-Item -Path $BuildRoot\src\$Script:ModuleName.psd1 -Destination $BuildRoot\build\$Script:ModuleName\$Script:ModuleName.psd1 -PassThru } # Synopsis: Get change log data, copy it to the build directory, and create releasenotes.txt task CopyChangeLog { Copy-Item -Path $BuildRoot\ -Destination $BuildRoot\build\$Script:ModuleName\ $Script:ChangeLogData = Get-ChangeLogData -Path $BuildRoot\ Export-UnreleasedNotes -Path $BuildRoot\release\releasenotes.txt -ChangeLogData $Script:ChangeLogData -NewRelease $Script:NewRelease } # Synopsis: Update (if building a new release with -NewRelease) task UpdateChangeLog -If ($Script:NewRelease) { $LinkPattern = @{ FirstRelease = "{0}/{1}/tree/{{CUR}}" -f $Script:Author, $Script:ModuleName NormalRelease = "{0}/{1}/compare/{{PREV}}..{{CUR}}" -f $Script:Author, $Script:ModuleName Unreleased = "{0}/{1}/compare/{{CUR}}..HEAD" -f $Script:Author, $Script:ModuleName } Update-Changelog -Path $BuildRoot\build\$Script:ModuleName\ -ReleaseVersion $Script:Version -LinkMode Automatic -LinkPattern $LinkPattern } # Synopsis: Creates a single .psm1 file of all private and public functions of the to-be-built module task CreateRootModule { $Script:RootModule = "{0}\build\{1}\{1}.psm1" -f $BuildRoot, $Script:ModuleName $DevModulePath = "{0}\src" -f $BuildRoot Export-RootModule -DevModulePath $DevModulePath -RootModule $Script:RootModule } # Synopsis: Create a single Process.ps1 script file for all script files under ScriptsToProcess\* (if any) $Params = @{ Path = "{0}\src\ScriptsToProcess\*" -f $BuildRoot Include = "*.ps1" } task CreateProcessScript -If (Test-Path @Params) { $Path = "{0}\build\{1}\Process.ps1" -f $BuildRoot, $Script:ModuleName Export-ScriptsToProcess -File (Get-ChildItem @Params) -Path $Path $Script:ProcessScript = $true } # Synopsis: Update the module manifest in the build directory task UpdateModuleManifest { $UpdateModuleManifestSplat = @{ Path = $Script:ManifestFile RootModule = (Split-Path $Script:RootModule -Leaf) FunctionsToExport = Get-PublicFunctions -Path $BuildRoot\src\Public ReleaseNotes = (Get-Content $BuildRoot\release\releasenotes.txt) -replace '`' } # Build with pre-release data from the branch if the -Version parameter is not passed (for local development and testing) if ($Script:Version) { $UpdateModuleManifestSplat["ModuleVersion"] = $Script:Version } else { $GitVersion = (gitversion | ConvertFrom-Json) $UpdateModuleManifestSplat["ModuleVersion"] = $GitVersion.MajorMinorPatch $UpdateModuleManifestSplat["Prerelease"] = $GitVersion.NuGetPreReleaseTag } if ($Script:FormatFiles) { $UpdateModuleManifestSplat["FormatsToProcess"] = $Script:FormatFiles.Name } if ($Script:FileList) { # Use this instead of Updatet-ModuleManifest due to $Regex = '^# FileList = @\(\)$' $ReplaceStr = 'FileList = "{0}"' -f [String]::Join('", "', $Script:FileList.Name) (Get-Content -Path $Script:ManifestFile.FullName) -replace $Regex, $ReplaceStr | Set-Content -Path $Script:ManifestFile } if ($Script:ProcessScript) { # Use this instead of Updatet-ModuleManifest due to $Regex = '(#? ?ScriptsToProcess.+)' $ReplaceStr = 'ScriptsToProcess = "Process.ps1"' (Get-Content -Path $Script:ManifestFile.FullName) -replace $Regex, $ReplaceStr | Set-Content -Path $Script:ManifestFile } Update-ModuleManifest @UpdateModuleManifestSplat # Arguably a moot point as Update-MooduleManifest obviously does some testing to ensure a valid manifest is there first before updating it # However with the regex replace for ScriptsToProcess, I want to be sure $null = Test-ModuleManifest -Path $Script:ManifestFile } # Synopsis: Create archive of the module task CreateArchive { $ReleaseAsset = "{0}_{1}.zip" -f $Script:ModuleName, $Script:Version Compress-Archive -Path $BuildRoot\build\$Script:ModuleName\* -DestinationPath $BuildRoot\release\$ReleaseAsset -Force } # Synopsis: Update documentation (-NewRelease or -UpdateDocs switch parameter) task UpdateDocs -If ($NewRelease -Or $UpdateDocs) { Import-Module -Name $BuildRoot\build\$Script:ModuleName -Force New-MarkdownHelp -Module $Script:ModuleName -OutputFolder $BuildRoot\docs -Force } # Synopsis: Update the project's repository with files updated by the pipeline e.g. module manifest task UpdateProjectRepo -If ($NewRelease) { Copy-Item -Path $BuildRoot\build\$Script:ModuleName\ -Destination $BuildRoot\ $ManifestData = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $Script:ManifestFile # Instead of copying the manifest from the .\build directory, update it in place # This enables me to keep FunctionsToExport = '*' for development. Therefore instead only update the important bits e.g. version and release notes $UpdateModuleManifestSplat = @{ Path = "{0}\src\{1}.psd1" -f $BuildRoot, $Script:ModuleName ModuleVersion = $ManifestData.ModuleVersion ReleaseNotes = $ManifestData.PrivateData.PSData.ReleaseNotes } Update-ModuleManifest @UpdateModuleManifestSplat $null = Test-ModuleManifest -Path ("{0}\src\{1}.psd1" -f $BuildRoot, $Script:ModuleName) } |