#region Private functions
function GetPSGalleryNextAvailableVersionNumber {
    param (


    Write-Verbose "Qualifying the version number to build with is available in the PowerShell Gallery" -Verbose

    for ($i = $VersionToBuild.Build; $i -le 100; $i++) {
        if ($i -eq 100) {
            throw "You have 100 unlisted packages under the same build number? Sort your life out."

        try {
            $PSGalleryModuleInfo = Find-Module -Name $ModuleName -RequiredVersion $VersionToBuild -ErrorAction "Stop"
            if ($PSGalleryModuleInfo) {
                Write-Verbose "Found module in the gallery with the same verison number, adding one to the Build number and will query the gallery again"

                $VersionToBuild = [System.Version]::New(
                    $VersionToBuild.Build + $i
            else {
                throw "Unusually, there was no object returned or excpetion throw from Find-Module while sussing out unlisted packages"
        catch {
            if ($_.Exception.Message -match "No match was found for the specified search criteria") {
                Write-Verbose "Found the next available version number to build with" -Verbose
            else {
                throw $_

    return $VersionToBuild

#region Public functions
function Get-BuildCommands {
        Short description
        Long description
        PS C:\> <example usage>
        Explanation of what the example does
        Inputs (if any)
        Output (if any)
        General notes

    param (

    $Commands = @{}

    Get-Command -Module "" | ForEach-Object {
        $Help = Get-Help -Name $_.Name
        $Synopsis = $Help.Synopsis

        if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Synopsis[0])) { 
            $Commands["N/A"] += @($_.Name)
        else {
            $Commands[($Synopsis -split '\n')[0]] += @($_.Name)

    foreach ($Key in $Commands.Keys) {
        Write-Host $Key -ForegroundColor Blue
        foreach ($Value in $Commands[$Key]) {
            Write-Host ("- {0}" -f $Value) -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host ""

function Export-RootModule {
        Get all of the function definition content for the module and create a single .psm1 with said content
        Get all of the function definition content for the module and create a single .psm1 with said content
        PS C:\> <example usage>
        Explanation of what the example does

    param (


    $null = New-Item -Path $RootModule -ItemType "File" -Force

    foreach ($FunctionType in "Private","Public") {
        '#region {0} functions' -f $FunctionType | Add-Content -Path $RootModule

        $Files = @(Get-ChildItem $DevModulePath\$FunctionType -Filter *.ps1 -Recurse)

        foreach ($File in $Files) {
            Get-Content -Path $File.FullName | Add-Content -Path $RootModule

            # Add new line only if the current file isn't the last one (minus 1 because array indexes from 0)
            if ($Files.IndexOf($File) -ne ($Files.Count - 1)) {
                Write-Output "" | Add-Content -Path $RootModule

        '#endregion' -f $FunctionType | Add-Content -Path $RootModule
        Write-Output "" | Add-Content -Path $RootModule

function Export-ScriptsToProcess {
        Create a single Process.ps1 script file for all script files under ScriptsToProcess\*
        Create a single Process.ps1 script file for all script files under ScriptsToProcess\*
        PS C:\> <example usage>
        Explanation of what the example does

    param (

    $ProcessScript = New-Item -Path $BuildRoot\build\$Script:ModuleName\Process.ps1 -ItemType "File" -Force
    $Files = @(Get-ChildItem $Path -Filter *.ps1)

    foreach ($File in $Files) {
        Get-Content -Path $File.FullName | Add-Content -Path $ProcessScript

        # Add new line only if the current file isn't the last one (minus 1 because array indexes from 0)
        if ($Files.IndexOf($File) -ne ($Files.Count - 1)) {
            Write-Output "" | Add-Content -Path $ProcessScript

function Export-UnreleasedNotes {
        Short description
        Long description
        PS C:\> <example usage>
        Explanation of what the example does
        Inputs (if any)
        Output (if any)
        General notes

    param (



    $EmptyChangeLog = $true

    $ReleaseNotes = foreach ($Property in $ChangeLogData.Unreleased[0].Data.PSObject.Properties.Name) {
        $Data = $ChangeLogData.Unreleased[0].Data.$Property

        if ($Data) {
            $EmptyChangeLog = $false

            Write-Output ("# {0}" -f $Property)

            foreach ($item in $Data) {
                Write-Output ("- {0}" -f $item)

    if ($EmptyChangeLog -eq $true -Or $ReleaseNotes.Count -eq 0) {
        if ($NewRelease.IsPresent) {
            throw "Can not build with empty Unreleased section in the change log"
        else {
            $ReleaseNotes = "None"

    Write-Verbose "Release notes:" -Verbose
    $ReleaseNotes | Write-Verbose -Verbose

    Set-Content -Value $ReleaseNotes -Path $Path -Force

function Get-BuildVersionNumber {
        Qualify the next version number to build with
        Qualify the next version number to build with
        PS C:\> Get-BuildVersionNumber -ModuleName "PSShlink" -ManifestData $ManifestData -ChangeLogData $ChangeLogData

    param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='DetermineNextVersion')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='DetermineNextVersion')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='HardCodeNextVersion')]


    # Get PowerShell Gallery current verison number (if published)
    try {
        $PSGalleryModuleInfo = Find-Module -Name $ModuleName -ErrorAction "Stop"
    catch {
        if ($_.Exception.Message -notmatch "No match was found for the specified search criteria") {
            throw $_
        else {
            $PSGalleryModuleInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{
                "Name"    = $ModuleName
                "Version" = "0.0"

    Write-Verbose ("PowerShell Gallery verison: {0}" -f $PSGalleryModuleInfo.Version) -Verbose
    Write-Verbose ("Changelog version: {0}" -f $ChangeLogData.Released[0].Version) -Verbose
    Write-Verbose ("Manifest version: {0}" -f $ManifestData.ModuleVersion) -Verbose

    if (-not $VersionToBuild) {
        if ($NewRelease.IsPresent) {
            # Try and piece together an understanding from the module manifest, PowerShell Gallery, and the change log, as to what the next version number should be

            # If the last released version in the change log and latest version available in the PowerShell gallery do not match, throw an exception - get them level!
            if ($null -ne $ChangeLogData.Released[0].Version -And $ChangeLogData.Released[0].Version -ne $PSGalleryModuleInfo.Version) {
                throw "The latest released version in the changelog does not match the latest released version in the PowerShell gallery"
            # If module isn't yet published in the PowerShell gallery, and there's no Released section in the change log, set initial version as per the manifest
            elseif ($PSGalleryModuleInfo.Version -eq "0.0" -And $ChangeLogData.Released.Count -eq 0) {
                Write-Verbose "Module is not published to the PowerShell Gallery and there is not a Released section in the change log. Will use version from the module manifest." -Verbose
                $VersionToBuild = [System.Version]$ManifestData.ModuleVersion
            # If module isn't yet published in the PowerShell gallery, and there is a Released section in the change log, update version
            elseif ($PSGalleryModuleInfo.Version -eq "0.0" -And $ChangeLogData.Released.Count -ge 1) {
                Write-Verbose "Module is not published to the PowerShell Gallery and there is a Released secton in the change log. Will +1 on the minor build from the changelog version." -Verbose
                $CurrentVersion = [System.Version]$ChangeLogData.Released[0].Version
                $VersionToBuild = [System.Version]::New(
                    $CurrentVersion.Minor + 1,
            # If the module's PowerShell Gallery version and the last Released verison in the change log are in harmony, update version
            elseif ($ChangeLogData.Released[0].Version -eq $PSGalleryModuleInfo.Version) {
                Write-Verbose "Module is published to the PowerShell Gallery and its version matches the last Releases section in the changelog. Will +1 on the mintor build from the PowerShell Gallery version." -Verbose
                $CurrentVersion = [System.Version]$PSGalleryModuleInfo.Version
                $VersionToBuild = [System.Version]::New(
                    $CurrentVersion.Minor + 1,
            else {
                Write-Output ("Latest release version from change log: {0}" -f $ChangeLogData.Released[0].Version)
                Write-Output ("Latest release version from PowerShell gallery: {0}" -f $PSGalleryModuleInfo.Version)
                throw "Can not determine next version number"

            # Loop through and suss out any unlisted packages for the module in the PowerShell Gallery using the same version number
            # Keep looping and bumping the build version number by 1 until an available version number is found
            # Try this process up to 100 times and fail if can't find one
            # This can execute even if the module is not yet in the gallery because unlisted packages can still be present
            $VersionToBuild = GetPSGalleryNextAvailableVersionNumber -ModuleName $ModuleName -VersionToBuild $VersionToBuild
        else {
            $VersionToBuild = [System.Version]::New(
                ([System.Version]$ManifestData.ModuleVersion).Build + 1
    else {
        Write-Verbose "Version to build with is hard coded" -Verbose
        if ($PSGalleryModuleInfo.Version -ne "0.0") {
            Write-Verbose "Module is published to the PowerShell Gallery" -Verbose
            $VersionToBuild = GetPSGalleryNextAvailableVersionNumber -ModuleName $ModuleName -VersionToBuild $VersionToBuild
        else {
            Write-Verbose "Module not published to the PowerShell Gallery, will build with the given version number" -Verbose

    Write-Verbose ("Version to build: '{0}'" -f $VersionToBuild) -Verbose

    return $VersionToBuild

function Get-PublicFunctions {
        Get a list of functions - as functions to export - defined in script files within the Public directory
        Get a list of functions - as functions to export - defined in script files within the Public directory
        PS C:\> <example usage>
        Explanation of what the example does

    param (

    $Files = @(Get-ChildItem $Path -Filter *.ps1 -Recurse)

    foreach ($File in $Files) {
        $tokens = $errors = @()
        $Ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile(

        if ($errors[0].ErrorId -eq 'FileReadError') {
            throw [InvalidOperationException]::new($errors[0].Message)

        Write-Output $Ast.EndBlock.Statements.Name

function Invoke-BuildClean {
        Empty the contents of the build and release directories. If not exist, create them.
        Empty the contents of the build and release directories. If not exist, create them.
        PS C:\> <example usage>
        Explanation of what the example does

    param (

    foreach ($item in $Path) {
        if (Test-Path $item) {
            Remove-Item -Path $item\* -Exclude ".gitkeep" -Recurse -Force
        else {
            $null = New-Item -Path $item -ItemType "Directory" -Force

function New-BuildEnvironmentVariable {
        Set build and platform specific environment variables.
        Set build and platform specific environment variables.
        PS C:\> New-BuildEnvironmentVariable -Variables @{ VersionToBuild = "1.2.3" } -Platform "GitHubActions"
        Writes to GitHub Action's environment variable file to create environment variable "VersionToBuild" with value of "1.2.3".

    param (


    switch ($Platform) {
        "GitHubActions" {
            foreach ($var in $Variable.GetEnumerator()) {
                Write-Output ("{0}={1}" -f $var.Key, $var.Value) | Add-Content -Path $env:GITHUB_ENV 

function Install-BuildModules {
        Install, or update, and import build-dependent modules
        Install, or update, and import build-dependent modules
        PS C:\> Install-BuildModules
        Installs the default build modules "PlatyPS","ChangelogManagement","InvokeBuild" if they're not installed, updates them for the first run if they are installed, and finally imports them.

    param (
        [String[]]$Module = @("PlatyPS","ChangelogManagement","InvokeBuild")

    if (-not (Get-Module $Module) -And (Get-Module $Module -ListAvailable)) {
        # If installed but not imported, try and update them - good for local development, just makes the first run a little delayed
        Update-Module $Module
    elseif (-not (Get-Module $Module -ListAvailable)) {
        Install-Module $Module -Scope CurrentUser -Force

    Import-Module $Module -Force

function New-ModuleDirStructure {
        Short description
        Long description
        PS C:\> <example usage>
        Explanation of what the example does
        Inputs (if any)
        Output (if any)
        General notes

    param (
        [String]$Author = "Adam Cook (@codaamok)",
        [Version]$PowerShellVersion = 5.1

    # Create the module and private function directories
    ) | ForEach-Object {
        New-Item -Path $_ -ItemType Directory -Force
        New-Item -Path $_\.gitkeep -ItemType File -Force

    #Create the module and related files
    $GitIgnorePath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath ".gitignore"
    $ModuleScript = "{0}.psm1" -f $ModuleName
    $ModuleScriptPath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $ModuleScript
    $ModuleManifest = "{0}.psd1" -f $ModuleName
    $ModuleManifestPath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $ModuleManifest
    New-Item $ModuleManifestPath -ItemType File -Force
        '$Public = @( Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\Public -Recurse -Filter "*.ps1" )'
        '$Private = @( Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\Private -Recurse -Filter "*.ps1" )'
        'foreach ($import in @($Public + $Private)) {'
        ' try {'
        ' . $import.fullname'
        ' }'
        ' catch {'
        ' Write-Error -Message "Failed to import function $($import.fullname): $_"'
        ' }'
        'Export-ModuleMember -Function $Public.Basename'
    ) | Set-Content -Path $ModuleManifestPath -Force
    ) | Set-Content -Path $GitIgnorePath

    $ModuleHelp = "about_{0}.help.txt" -f $ModuleName
    $ModuleHelpPath - "{0}\{1}\en-US\{2}" -f $Path, $ModuleName, $ModuleHelp
    New-Item $ModuleHelpPath -ItemType File -Force

    $NewModuleManifestSplat = @{
        Path                = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $ModuleName | Join-Path -ChildPath $ModuleManifest
        RootModule          = $ModuleScript
        Description         = $Description
        PowerShellVersion   = $PowerShellVersion
        Author              = $Author
        FunctionsToExport   = '*'

    if ($CreateFormatFile) { 
        $ModuleFormat = "{0}.Format.ps1xml" -f $ModuleName
        $ModuleFormatPath = "{0}\{1}\{2}" -f $Path, $ModuleName, $ModuleFormat
        New-Item $ModuleFormatPath -ItemType File -Force
        $NewModuleManifestSplat["FormatsToProcess"] = $ModuleFormat

    if ($ProjectUri) {
        $NewModuleManifestSplat["ProjectUri"] = $ProjectUri

    New-ModuleManifest @NewModuleManifestSplat

    # Copy the public/exported functions into the public folder, private functions into private folder


function New-ProjectDirStructure {
    param (



    # TODO create, copy github action workflow and build script, create module dir structure

function New-VSCodeTaskFile {
        Short description
        Long description
        PS C:\> <example usage>
        Explanation of what the example does
        Inputs (if any)
        Output (if any)
        General notes


function Update-BuildFiles {
        Copy the build files (script + GitHub Actiosn workflow) from the module's install directory to the specified directory
        Copy the build files (script + GitHub Actiosn workflow) from the module's install directory to the specified directory
        PS C:\> <example usage>
        Explanation of what the example does

    param (

    $Module = Get-Module ""

    # Check for files within the ModuleBase directory aswell the Files subfolder in case this command is being used during development of itself
            File = "{0}\" -f $Module.ModuleBase
            DestinationPath = $DestinationPath
            File = "{0}\Files\" -f $Module.ModuleBase
            DestinationPath = $DestinationPath
            File = "{0}\build.yml" -f $Module.ModuleBase
            DestinationPath = "{0}\.github\workflows" -f $DestinationPath
            File = "{0}\Files\build.yml" -f $Module.ModuleBase
            DestinationPath = "{0}\.github\workflows" -f $DestinationPath
            File = "{0}\" -f $Module.ModuleBase
            DestinationPath = $DestinationPath
            File = "{0}\Files\" -f $Module.ModuleBase
            DestinationPath = $DestinationPath
            File = "{0}\GitVersion.yml" -f $Module.ModuleBase
            DestinationPath = $DestinationPath
            File = "{0}\Files\GitVersion.yml" -f $Module.ModuleBase
            DestinationPath = $DestinationPath
    ) | ForEach-Object {
        if (Test-Path $_.File) {
            $null = New-Item -Path $_.DestinationPath -ItemType "Directory" -Force
            Copy-Item -Path $_.File -Destination $_.DestinationPath -Confirm