
function Get-CmRolePorts {
    param (
    switch ($Role) {
        'AI Update Service Point' {
        'SMS Certificate Registration Point' {
        'SMS Cloud Proxy Connector' {
        'SMS Component Server' {}
        'SMS Data Warehouse Service Point' {
        'SMS Device Management Point' {}
        'SMS Distribution Point' {
        'SMS DM Enrollment Service' {}
        'SMS Dmp Connector' {}
        'SMS Endpoint Protection Point' {
        'SMS Enrollment Server' {
        'SMS Enrollment Web Site' {
        'SMS Fallback Status Point' {
        'SMS Management Point' {
        'SMS Notification Server' {}
        'SMS Provider' {
        'SMS Site Server' {
        'SMS Site System' {}
        'SMS Software Update Point' {
        'SMS SQL Server' {
        'SMS SRS Reporting Point' {
        'SMS State Migration Point' {
        'Client' {
        'Exchange Server Connector' {
        default {

function Get-PortInfo {
    param (
    switch ($Port) {
        'UDP:9'    { 'WOL' }
        'UDP:67'   { 'DHCP' }
        'UDP:68'   { 'DHCP' }
        'UDP:69'   { 'TFTP' }
        'TCP:80'   { 'HTTP' }
        'TCP:135'  { 'RPC Endpoint Mapper' }
        'UDP:135'  { 'RPC Endpoint Mapper' }
        'TCP:389'  { 'LDAP' }
        'UDP:389'  { 'LDAP' }
        'TCP:443'  { 'HTTPS' }
        'TCP:445'  { 'SMB' }
        'TCP:636'  { 'Secure LDAP' }
        'UDP:636'  { 'Secure LDAP' }
        'TCP:1433' { 'SQL over TCP' }
        'TCP:2701' { 'Remote Control' }
        'TCP:3268' { 'LDAP' }
        'TCP:3389' { 'RDP and RTC' }
        'UDP:4011' { 'BINL' }
        'TCP:4022' { 'SQL Server Service Broker' }
        'TCP:5985' { 'WinRM over HTTP' }
        'TCP:5986' { 'WinRM over HTTPS' }
        'UDP:8004' { 'WinPE Peer cache broadcast' }
        'TCP:8003' { 'WinPE Peer cache download' }
        'TCP:8005' { 'Express Updates' }
        'TCP:8530' { 'HTTP' }
        'TCP:8531' { 'HTTPS' }
        'TCP:10123' { 'Client Notification' }
        'TCP:10124-10139' { 'HTTPS' }
        'TCP:10140-10155' { 'TCP-TLS' }
        'UDP:25536' { 'Wake-up Proxy' }
        'TCP:DYNAMIC' { 'Range of Ports' }
        'UDP:63000-64000' { 'Multicast' }
        default { 'unknown' }

# Following functions were adapted from
function Start-UDPServer {
    param (
        # Parameter help description
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $Port = 10000
    # Create a endpoint that represents the remote host from which the data was sent.
    $RemoteComputer = New-Object System.Net.IPEndPoint([System.Net.IPAddress]::Any, 0)
    Write-Host "Server is waiting for connections - $($UdpObject.Client.LocalEndPoint)"
    Write-Host "Stop with CRTL + C"

    # Loop de Loop
    do {
        # Create a UDP listender on Port $Port
        $UdpObject = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient($Port)
        # Return the UDP datagram that was sent by the remote host
        $ReceiveBytes = $UdpObject.Receive([ref]$RemoteComputer)
        # Close UDP connection
        # Convert received UDP datagram from Bytes to String
        $ASCIIEncoding = New-Object System.Text.ASCIIEncoding
        [string]$ReturnString = $ASCIIEncoding.GetString($ReceiveBytes)

        # Output information
            LocalDateTime = $(Get-Date -UFormat "%Y-%m-%d %T")
            SourceIP      = $RemoteComputer.address.ToString()
            SourcePort    = $RemoteComputer.Port.ToString()
            Payload       = $ReturnString
    } while (1)

function Test-NetConnectionUDP {
    param (
        # Desit
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        # Parameter help description
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        # Parameter help description
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int32]$SourcePort = 50000

    begin {
        # Create a UDP client object
        $UdpObject = New-Object system.Net.Sockets.Udpclient($SourcePort)
        # Define connect parameters
        $UdpObject.Connect($ComputerName, $Port)

    process {
        # Convert current time string to byte array
        $ASCIIEncoding = New-Object System.Text.ASCIIEncoding
        $Bytes = $ASCIIEncoding.GetBytes("$(Get-Date -UFormat "%Y-%m-%d %T")")
        # Send data to server
        [void]$UdpObject.Send($Bytes, $Bytes.length)

    end {
        # Cleanup

function Start-TCPServer {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $Port = 10000
    do {
        # Create a TCP listender on Port $Port
        $TcpObject = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener($port)
        # Start TCP listener
        $ReceiveBytes = $TcpObject.Start()
        # Accept TCP client connection
        $ReceiveBytes = $TcpObject.AcceptTcpClient()
        # Stop TCP Client listener
        # Output information about remote client
    }  while (1)