
Configure DB Maintenance Solution and Scheduling
Does the following magical stuff that will blow your mind:
* Creates a new database for Database Maintenance plan
* Ignores whiney complaints about being unsupported with the CM/SQL bundle licensing which I NEVER advised you to do anyway
* Installs Ola's solution
* Creates and schedules IndexOptimize task to optimize your indexes, or indices, I keep forgetting which is which
Go on, admit it, your mind has been blown. It's okay. Everyone needs their mind blown once a day.
Name of SQL host instance
Name of new maintenance database
.\Install-DbMaintenanceSolution.ps1 -SQLInstance "cm01.contoso.local" -DBName "dba"
Original mind-blowing part by: Steve Thompson - if you see him, tell him you love him more than beer!
Doodling and silly comments by: David Stein - if you see him, tell him you love Steve Thompson more.

param (
    [parameter(Mandatory=$False)][string]$SQLInstance = "localhost",
    [parameter(Mandatory=$False)][string]$Database = "DBA"

# Create a new database on the localhost named DBA
$param = @{
    SqlInstance = $SQLInstance
    Name = $Database
    Owner = "sa"
    RecoveryModel = "Simple"
New-DbaDatabase @param

# Install Ola Hallengrens Database Maintenance solution using the DBA database
$param = @{
    SqlInstance = $SQLInstance
    Database = $Database
    ReplaceExisting =-"InstallJobs"
Install-DbaMaintenanceSolution @param

# Create a new SQL Server Agent Job to schedule the custom Agent Task
$param = @{
    SqlInstance = $SQLInstance
    Job = "OptimizeIndexes"
    Owner = "sa"
    Description = "Ola Hallengren says you should Optimize your Indexes"
New-DbaAgentJob @param

$sqlcmd = "EXECUTE dbo.IndexOptimize
@Databases = 'USER_DATABASES',
@FragmentationLow = NULL,
@FragmentationLevel1 = 10,
@FragmentationLevel2 = 40,
@UpdateStatistics = 'ALL',
@OnlyModifiedStatistics = 'Y',
@LogToTable = 'Y'"

# Create a new SQL Agent Task step with the optimal parameters for MEMCM
$param = @{
    SqlInstance = $SQLInstance
    Job = "OptimizeIndexes"
    StepName = "Step1"
    Database = $Database
    Command = $sqlcmd
New-DbaAgentJobStep @param

# Optionally, create a schedule to run the SQL Agent Tast once a week on Sunday @ 1:00AM
$param = @{
    SqlInstance = $SQLInstance
    Job = "OptimizeIndexes"
    Schedule = "RunWeekly"
    FrequencyType = "Weekly"
    FrequencyInterval = "Sunday"
    StartTime = "010000"
    Force = $True
New-DbaAgentSchedule @param