function Test-HostIISLogFiles { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter()][string] $TestName = "IIS Log Files", [parameter()][string] $TestGroup = "configuration", [parameter()][string] $TestCategory = "HOST", [parameter()][string] $Description = "Validate IIS Log File retention", [parameter()][hashtable] $ScriptParams ) try { $startTime = (Get-Date) [int]$MaxDaysOld = Get-CmHealthDefaultValue -KeySet "iis:LogFilesMaxDaysOld" -DataSet $CmHealthConfig [int]$MaxSpacePct = Get-CmHealthDefaultValue -KeySet "iis:LogFilesMaxSpacePercent" -DataSet $CmHealthConfig Write-Log -Message "MaxDaysOld = $MaxDaysOld" Write-Log -Message "MaxSpacePct = $MaxSpacePct" $stat = "PASS" $except = "WARNING" $msg = "No issues found" [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]$tempdata = @() # for detailed test output to return if needed if (!(Get-Module WebAdministration -ListAvailable)) { throw "WebAdministration module not installed. Please install RSAT" } Import-Module WebAdministration $LogsBase = $(Get-Item 'IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site').logfile.directory -replace '%SystemDrive%', "$($env:SYSTEMDRIVE)" $IISLogsPath = Join-Path $LogsBase -ChildPath "W3SVC1" #$IISLogsDrive = Split-Path $IISLogsPath -Qualifier #$disksize = $(Get-WmiQueryResult -ClassName 'Win32_LogicalDisk' -Filter "DeviceID = '$IISLogsDrive'" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Size #$disksizeMB = $disksize / 1MB #$disksizeGB = $disksize / 1GB $logs = Get-ChildItem -Path $IISLogsPath -Filter "*.log" #$logspace = $logs | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum #$logspaceGB = $logspace / 1GB $OldLogs = @($logs | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$MaxDaysOld) }) if ($OldLogs.Count -gt 0) { Write-Log -Message "$($oldLogs.Count) older log files were found" $stat = $except $msg = "$($OldLogs.Count) of $numlogs IIS logs older than $MaxDaysOld days old" } $tempdata.Add([pscustomobject]@{ Status = $stat Message = $msg Note = "Path = $IISLogsPath" }) } catch { $stat = 'ERROR' $msg = $_.Exception.Message -join ';' } finally { Set-CmhOutputData } } |