function Test-CmSiteCertificates { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter()][string] $TestName = "Site Certificate Expirations", [parameter()][string] $TestGroup = "operation", [parameter()][string] $Description = "Check certificate expiration dates", [parameter()][hashtable] $ScriptParams ) try { $startTime = (Get-Date) #[int]$Setting = Get-CmHealthDefaultValue -KeySet "keygroup:keyname" -DataSet $CmHealthConfig [int]$expdays = 30 [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]$tempdata = @() # for detailed test output to return if needed $stat = "PASS" # do not change this $except = "WARNING" # or "FAIL" $msg = "No issues found" # do not change this either $query = "SELECT SiteCode,RoleID,RoleName,State,Configuration,MessageID,LastEvaluatingTime,Param1 FROM dbo.vCM_SiteConfiguration where RoleName like '%Certificate'" Write-Verbose "submitting query" $res = Get-CmSqlQueryResult -Query $query -Params $ScriptParams Write-Verbose "returned $($res.Count) certificate records" $ecount = 0 foreach ($row in $res) { [string]$cfg = $($row.Configuration -replace "`n",",") [datetime]$exp = $($cfg -split 'Expires:')[1].Trim() Write-Verbose "expiration date is $exp" if ((New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date) -End $exp).Days -lt $expdays) { Write-Verbose "expiration less than $expdays days" $stat = $except $msgx = "Certificate about to expire or has expired" $ecount++ } else { $msgx = "Valid" } $tempdata.Add( [pscustomobject]@{ RoleName = $row.RoleName Details = $msgx Configuration = $row.Configuration Expiration = $exp } ) } if ($res.Count -gt 0) { $stat = $except $msg = "$($ecount) of $($res.Count) certificates expired or will expire within $expdays days" } } catch { $stat = 'ERROR' $msg = $_.Exception.Message -join ';' } finally { Write-Output $([pscustomobject]@{ TestName = $TestName TestGroup = $TestGroup TestData = $tempdata Description = $Description Status = $stat Message = $msg RunTime = $(Get-RunTime -BaseTime $startTime) Credential = $(if($ScriptParams.Credential){$($ScriptParams.Credential).UserName} else { $env:USERNAME }) }) } } |