
function Test-SqlServerMemory {
    param (
        [parameter()][string] $TestName = "SQL Server Max Memory Allocation",
        [parameter()][string] $TestGroup = "database",
        [parameter()][string] $Description = "Validate maximum memory allocation of SQL instance",
        [parameter()][hashtable] $ScriptParams,
        [parameter()][int] $MaxMemAllocation = 0.8
    try {
        [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]]$tempdata = @() # for detailed test output to return if needed
        $stat = "PASS"
        $msg  = "Correct configuration"
        $unlimited = 2147483647
        # get total memory allocated to SQL Server in MB
        $cmax = (Get-DbaMaxMemory -SqlInstance $ScriptParams.SqlInstance -EnableException -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).MaxValue
        # get total physical memory of host in MB
        $tmem = (Get-DbaComputerSystem -ComputerName $ScriptParams.SqlInstance -EnableException -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).TotalPhysicalMemory.Megabyte
        $target = $tmem * ($MaxMemAllocation / 100)
        $target = [math]::Round($target, 0)
        if ($cmax -eq $unlimited) {
            $stat = 'FAIL'
            $msg  = "Current SQL Server max memory is unlimited. Should be $target MB"
        } else {
            if ($cmax -ne $target) {
                $stat = 'FAIL'
                $msg =  "Current SQL Server max memory is constrained to $($cmax). Should be $target MB"
        if ($Remediate -eq $True) {
            Set-DbaMaxMemory -SqlInstance $ScriptParams.SqlInstance -Max $target -EnableException -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            $stat = 'REMEDIATED'
            $msg  = "SQL Server max memory is now set to $target MB"
    catch {
        $stat = 'ERROR'
        $msg = $_.Exception.Message -join ';'
    finally {
        Write-Output $([pscustomobject]@{
            TestName    = $TestName
            TestGroup   = $TestGroup
            TestData    = $tempdata
            Description = $Description
            Status      = $stat 
            Message     = $msg