
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned -Force $ErrorActionPreference
Write-Host "*******************************************************************************"-foregroundcolor "Green"
Write-Host "File Name : ConfigMgr_Daily_Servers_Health_Check_Reports" -foregroundcolor "Green"
Write-Host "Purpose : ConfigMgr_Daily_Servers_Health_Check_Reports to sent an email" -foregroundcolor "Green"
Write-Host "Version : 01.00" -foregroundcolor "Green"
Write-Host "Date : 28/01/2018" -foregroundcolor "Green"
Write-Host "Author : Karthikeyan Anbarasu" -foregroundcolor "Green"
Write-Host "*******************************************************************************" -foregroundcolor "Green"
#**************************** Output Standard Color Code and Output Path Information ****
$OKColor = "Green"
$WarningColor = "Orange"
$CriticalColor = "Red"
$OfflineColor = "DarkRed"
$ToolName = "ConfigMgr_Daily_Servers_Health_Check_Reports"
#$OutputPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
#$OutputPath = "C:\Scripts\$ToolName"
$OutputPath = "D:\Scripts\$ToolName"
#$OutputPath = "E:\Scripts\$ToolName"
#************** Check and Create Historical Folder Structure **********
$HistoricalReportsDir = "$OutputPath\Historical_Reports"
If(-Not(Test-Path $HistoricalReportsDir))
    New-Item $HistoricalReportsDir -type directory | Out-null
#**************************** Config File Creation and Others Information ***************
#$OutputPath = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$ConfigFile = "$OutputPath\ConfigFile.xml"
$LogDir = "$OutputPath"
If(-Not(Test-Path -path $LogDir))
    New-Item $LogDir -type directory | Out-null
If(Test-Path -path $ConfigFile)
    [xml]$ConfigFile = Get-Content "$OutputPath\ConfigFile.xml"
    $ErrorConfigfile = "$Outputpath\Log\Error_Config_File_Missing.log"
    Write-Host "Error: No ConfigXML File exists on Script Path :$OutputPath"
    Add-Content $ErrorConfigfile -Value "Error: No ConfigXML File exists on Script Path :$OutputPath"
    $Value = Read-Host "Do you want to create default ConfigXML File ? (Y/N)"
    $Value = $Value.toupper()
    If ($Value -eq "Y")
        $ConfigFile = "$OutputPath\ConfigFile.xml"
        Write-Host "Information: Default ConfigXML File is created on Script Path :$OutputPath"
        Add-Content $ErrorConfigfile -Value "Information: Default ConfigXML File is created on Script Path :$OutputPath"
        Write-Host "Information: Please change the ConfigXML File values as per Requirements"
        Add-Content $ErrorConfigfile -Value "Information: Please change the ConfigXML File values as per Requirements"
        $ConfigValue = @"
        Add-Content $ConfigFile -Value "$ConfigValue"
    Exit 1
$SCCMCentralDBName = $ConfigFile.Settings.CentralSettings.SCCMCentralDBName
$SCCMCentralDBServerName = $ConfigFile.Settings.CentralSettings.SCCMCentralDBServerName
$ProjectName = $ConfigFile.Settings.SCCMSettings.ProjectName
$OutputFileName = $ConfigFile.Settings.SCCMSettings.OutputFileName
$strServers = $ConfigFile.Settings.SCCMSettings.strServers
$strMPServers = $ConfigFile.Settings.SCCMSettings.strMPServers
$strServicesServers = $ConfigFile.Settings.SCCMSettings.strServicesServers
$SiteCode = $ConfigFile.Settings.SCCMSettings.SiteCode
$SMSProviderServerName = $ConfigFile.Settings.SCCMSettings.SMSProviderServerName
$SMSDBServerName = $ConfigFile.Settings.SCCMSettings.SMSDBServerName
$TriggerMail = $ConfigFile.Settings.EmailSettings.TriggerMail
$SMTPServer = $ConfigFile.Settings.EmailSettings.SMTPServer
$FromAddress = $ConfigFile.Settings.EmailSettings.FromAddress
$ToAddress = $ConfigFile.Settings.EmailSettings.ToAddress
$CCAddress = $ConfigFile.Settings.EmailSettings.CCAddress
$BCCAddress = $ConfigFile.Settings.EmailSettings.BCCAddress
$CheckServersAvailabilityRpt = $ConfigFile.Settings.HealthCheckCustomSettings.CheckServersAvailabilityRpt
$CheckServersDiskSpaceRpt = $ConfigFile.Settings.HealthCheckCustomSettings.CheckServersDiskSpaceRpt
$CheckServersMPRpt = $ConfigFile.Settings.HealthCheckCustomSettings.CheckServersMPRpt
$CheckSiteServersServicesRpt = $ConfigFile.Settings.HealthCheckCustomSettings.CheckSiteServersServicesRpt
$CheckSQLServerServicesRpt = $ConfigFile.Settings.HealthCheckCustomSettings.CheckSQLServerServicesRpt
$CheckBackupsRpt = $ConfigFile.Settings.HealthCheckCustomSettings.CheckBackupsRpt
$CheckInboxRpt = $ConfigFile.Settings.HealthCheckCustomSettings.CheckInboxRpt
$CheckIssueSiteServersRpt = $ConfigFile.Settings.HealthCheckCustomSettings.CheckIssueSiteServersRpt
$CheckCompRpt = $ConfigFile.Settings.HealthCheckCustomSettings.CheckCompRpt
$CheckWaitingContentRpt = $ConfigFile.Settings.HealthCheckCustomSettings.CheckWaitingContentRpt
$GenerateCSVRpt = $ConfigFile.Settings.HealthCheckCustomSettings.GenerateCSVRpt
$InboxWarningCount = $ConfigFile.Settings.DefaultSettings.InboxWarningCount
$InboxCriticalCount = $ConfigFile.Settings.DefaultSettings.InboxCriticalCount
$WarningDiskSpacePercentage = $ConfigFile.Settings.DefaultSettings.WarningDiskSpacePercentage
$CriticalDiskSpacePercentage = $ConfigFile.Settings.DefaultSettings.CriticalDiskSpacePercentage
$CheckSiteBackup = $ConfigFile.Settings.DefaultSettings.CheckSiteBackup
$CheckDBBackup = $ConfigFile.Settings.DefaultSettings.CheckDBBackup
$HistoryRpt = $ConfigFile.Settings.DefaultSettings.HistoryRpt
$HeaderBGColor = $ConfigFile.Settings.HTMLSettings.HeaderBGColor
$FooterBGColor = $ConfigFile.Settings.HTMLSettings.FooterBGColor
$TableHeaderBGColor = $ConfigFile.Settings.HTMLSettings.TableHeaderBGColor
$TableHeaderRowBGColor = $ConfigFile.Settings.HTMLSettings.TableHeaderRowBGColor
$TextColor = $ConfigFile.Settings.HTMLSettings.TextColor
#**************************** Script Owner developer and email Information **************
$CompanyName = "LAB"
$ScriptDevelopedBy = "Karthikeyan Anbarasu"
$ScriptDeveloperEmailID = ""
#**************************** Adjust Services Infromation **************************************************************
$SQLServices = "Winmgmt","CcmExec","SMS_EXECUTIVE","SMS_REPORTING_POINT","ReportServer","MSSQLSERVER"
$New_OutputFileName = "$OutputFileName-$(get-date -format MM-dd-yyyy_HH-mm).html"
Rename-Item "$OutputPath\$OutputFileName.html" -newname "$OutputPath\$New_OutputFileName.html" -Force
Move-Item "$OutputPath\$New_OutputFileName.html" -destination "$HistoricalReportsDir\$New_OutputFileName" -Force
Remove-Item -path "$OutputPath\*.html" -Force
$New_OutputFileName = "$OutputFileName-$(get-date -format MM-dd-yyyy_HH-mm).CSV"
Rename-Item "$OutputPath\$OutputFileName.CSV" -newname "$OutputPath\$New_OutputFileName.CSV" -Force
Move-Item "$OutputPath\$New_OutputFileName.CSV" -destination "$HistoricalReportsDir\$New_OutputFileName" -Force
Remove-Item -path "$OutputPath\*.CSV" -Force
Start-sleep -milliseconds 500
$CurrentDate = Get-Date
$DateToDelete = $CurrentDate.AddDays($HistoryRpt)
Get-ChildItem $HistoricalReportsDir | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt $DatetoDelete } | Remove-Item
$Report = "$OutputPath\ConfigMgr_Daily_Servers_Health_Check_Reports.html"
$CSVReport = "$OutputPath\ConfigMgr_Daily_Servers_Health_Check_Reports.CSV"
$Logfile = "$OutputPath\ConfigMgr_Daily_Servers_Health_Check_Reports.log"
#****************************************** Start ***********************************************
$StartTime = "09:00:00 PM"
$EndTime = "06:00:00 AM"
$a = Get-Date
$b = $a.AddDays(-1)
$b = $b.ToShortDateString()
$c = Get-Date
$c = $c.ToShortDateString()
$after = $b + " " + $StartTime
$before = $c + " " + $EndTime
$after = [datetime]$after
$before = [datetime]$before
#****************************************** End ***********************************************
$SMSProvider = "\\$SMSProviderServerName\SMS_$SiteCode"
If(-Not(Test-Path "$SMSProvider"))
    Write-Host "Error: SMS Provider ServerName or Sitecode is not properly mentioned in Config XML File or Your Account does not have sufficient Access"
    Add-Content $logfile -Value "Error: SMS Provider ServerName or Sitecode is not properly mentioned in Config XML File or Your Account does not have sufficient Access"
    Add-Content $logfile -Value "****************** End Time: $(Get-Date) *******************"
    Write-Host "****************** End Time: $(Get-Date) *******************"
    Copy-Item -Path $logfile -Destination "C:\Windows\Temp\$OutputFileName.log" -Force
    Exit 1
#**************************** Script Path Validation End **************************************
$ReportTitle = "$ProjectName - ConfigMgr Daily Servers Health Check Reports - $(get-date -Format F)"
Function Get-DailyHTMLReport
    Add-Content $logfile -Value "****************** Start Time: $(Get-Date) *******************"
    Write-Host "****************** Start Time: $(Get-Date) *******************"
    #Create a new report file to be emailed out
    New-Item -ItemType File -Name $Report -Force | Out-Null
    New-Item -ItemType File -Name $CSVReport -Force | Out-Null
    #Write the HTML header information to file
    writeHtmlHeader "$Path\$Report"
    #Checking Servers Details Status
    If ($CheckServersAvailabilityRpt -eq "Yes")
        Add-Content $logfile -Value "01. $(Get-Date) - Checking Servers Availability Details"
        Write-Host "01. $(Get-Date) - Checking Servers Availability Details"
        <table width='100%'><tbody>
           <tr bgcolor=$TableHeaderBGColor> <td> <b> <Font color = 'white'> Servers Availability Details Status </Font> </b> </td> </tr>
        <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
        <tr bgcolor=$TableHeaderRowBGColor>
        <td width='5%'>SNo</td>
        <td width='20%'>ServerName</td>
        <td width='10%'>IPAddress</td>
        <td width='20%'>Operating System</td>
        <td width='20%'>Domain</td>
        <td width='5%'>Status</td>
        Add-Content "$Report" $rptheader
        If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
            Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "Servers Availability Details Status"
            Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "SNo,ServerName,IPAddress,Operating System,Domain,Status"
        $i = 0
        $strServers = $strServers.Split(",")
        foreach ($Server in $strServers)
            $Server = $Server.toupper()
            $IP = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($Server).AddressList | %{$_.IPAddressToString}
            $IP | %{$HostName = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($_).HostName}
            $Ping = Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from win32_PingStatus where Address='$Server'"
            $IP = $Ping.IPV4Address
            If ($IP)
                if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Server -Quiet -Count 1)
                    if (Test-Path \\$Server\admin`$ )#Test to make sure computer is up and that you are using the proper credentials
                        $wmi = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Server -Namespace root\cimv2 -class Win32_OperatingSystem
                        If ($wmi)
                            $OS = (Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -computername $Server).caption
                            $SystemInfo = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -computername $Server | Select-Object Name, TotalVisibleMemorySize, FreePhysicalMemory
                            $ModelInfo = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $Server | Select-Object Manufacturer, Model,DNSHostName,Domain
                            $TotalRAM = $SystemInfo.TotalVisibleMemorySize/1MB
                            $FreeRAM = $SystemInfo.FreePhysicalMemory/1MB
                            $UsedRAM = $TotalRAM - $FreeRAM
                            $RAMPercentFree = ($FreeRAM / $TotalRAM) * 100
                            $TotalRAM = [Math]::Round($TotalRAM, 2)
                            $FreeRAM = [Math]::Round($FreeRAM, 2)
                            $UsedRAM = [Math]::Round($UsedRAM, 2)
                            $RAMPercentFree = [Math]::Round($RAMPercentFree, 2)
                            $Made = $ModelInfo.manufacturer
                            $Model = $ModelInfo.model
                            $Domain = $ModelInfo.Domain
                            $SystemUptime = Get-HostUptime -ComputerName $Server
                            $Status = "Ok"
                            $color = "$OkColor"
                            <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
                            <td width='5%' align='center' >$i</td>
                            <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp$Server</td>
                            <td width='10%' align='center'>$IP</td>
                            <td width='20%' align='center'>$OS</td>
                            <td width='20%' align='center'>$Domain</td>
                            <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
                            Add-Content "$Report" $Rpt
                            If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                                Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$Server,$IP,$OS,$Domain,$Status"
                            $Status = "WMI_Issue"
                            $color = "$WarningColor"
                            <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
                            <td width='5%' align='center'>$i</td>
                            <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp$Server</td>
                            <td width='10%' align='center'>$IP</td>
                            <td width='20%' align='center'>NA</td>
                            <td width='20%' align='center'>NA</td>
                            <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
                            Add-Content "$Report" $Rpt
                            If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                                Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$Server,$IP,NA,NA,$Status"
                        $Status = "ADM_Issue"
                        $color = "$WarningColor"
                        <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
                        <td width='5%' align='center' >$i</td>
                        <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp$Server</td>
                        <td width='10%' align='center'>$IP</td>
                        <td width='20%' align='center'>NA</td>
                        <td width='20%' align='center'>NA</td>
                        <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
                        Add-Content "$Report" $Rpt
                        If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                            Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$Server,$IP,NA,NA,$Status"
                    $Status = "Offline"
                    $color = "$CriticalColor"
                    <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
                    <td width='5%' align='center' >$i</td>
                    <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp$Server</td>
                    <td width='10%' align='center'>$IP</td>
                    <td width='20%' align='center'>NA</td>
                    <td width='20%' align='center'>NA</td>
                    <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
                    Add-Content "$Report" $Rpt
                    If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                        Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$Server,$IP,NA,NA,$Status"
                $Status = "DNS_Issue"
                $color = "$CriticalColor"
                <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
                <td width='5%' align='center' >$i</td>
                <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp$Server</td>
                <td width='10%' align='center'>$IP</td>
                <td width='20%' align='center'>NA</td>
                <td width='20%' align='center'>NA</td>
                <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
                Add-Content "$Report" $Rpt
                If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                    Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$Server,$IP,NA,NA,$Status"
        Add-Content $logfile -Value "01. $(Get-Date) - Skipping Servers Availability Details"
        Write-Host "01. $(Get-Date) - Skipping Servers Availability Details"
    #Checking Servers Disk Space Details Status
    If ($CheckServersDiskSpaceRpt -eq "Yes")
        Add-Content $logfile -Value "02. $(Get-Date) - Checking Servers Disk Space Details"
        Write-Host "02. $(Get-Date) - Checking Servers Disk Space Details"
        <table width='100%'><tbody>
        <tr bgcolor=$TableHeaderBGColor> <td> <b> <Font color = 'white'> Servers Disk Space Status </Font> </b> </td> </tr>
        <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
        <tr bgcolor=$TableHeaderRowBGColor>
        <td width='5%'>SNo</td>
        <td width='20%'>ServerName</td>
        <td width='5%'>Drive</td>
        <td width='10%'>VolName</td>
        <td width='10%'>Total Capacity(GB)</td>
        <td width='10%'>Used Capacity(GB)</td>
        <td width='10%'>Free Space(GB)</td>
        <td width='5%'>Free Space%</td>
        <td width='5%'>Status</td>
        Add-Content "$Report" $rptheader
        If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
            Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "Servers Disk Space Details"
            Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "SNo,ServerName,Drive,VolName,Total_Capacity(GB),Used_Capacity(GB),Free_Space(GB),Free_Space%,Status"
        $i = 0
        foreach ($Server in $strServers)
            $Server = $Server.toupper()
            $IP = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($Server).AddressList | %{$_.IPAddressToString}
            $IP | %{$HostName = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($_).HostName}
            $Ping = Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from win32_PingStatus where Address='$Server'"
            $IP = $Ping.IPV4Address
            If ($IP)
                if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Server -Quiet -Count 1)
                    if (Test-Path \\$Server\admin`$ )#Test to make sure computer is up and that you are using the proper credentials
                        $wmi = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Server -Namespace root\cimv2 -class Win32_OperatingSystem
                        If ($wmi)
                            $disks = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Server -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType = 3"
                            $Server = $Server.toupper()
                            foreach($disk in $disks)
                                $deviceID = $disk.DeviceID
                                $volName = $disk.VolumeName
                                [float]$size = $disk.Size
                                [float]$freespace = $disk.FreeSpace;
                                $sizeGB = [Math]::Round($size / 1073741824, 2)
                                $FreeSpaceGB = [Math]::Round($freespace / 1073741824, 2)
                                $FreeSpacePercentage = [Math]::Round(($FreeSpace / $size) * 100, 2)
                                $UsedSpaceGB = $sizeGB - $FreeSpaceGB
                                # Set background color to $WarningColor if just a Warning
                                If($FreeSpacePercentage -lt $WarningDiskSpacePercentage)
                                #If($FreeSpaceGB -lt $WarningDiskSpacePercentage)
                                    $status = "Warning"
                                    $color = "$WarningColor"
                                    # Set background color to $WarningColor if space is Critical
                                    If($FreeSpacePercentage -lt $CriticalDiskSpacePercentage)
                                    #If($FreeSpaceGB -lt $CriticalDiskSpacePercentage)
                                        $status = "Critical"
                                        $color = "$CriticalColor"
                                    $status = "Ok"
                                    $color = "$OkColor"
                                <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
                                <tr align= 'center'>
                                <td width='5%' align='center' >$i</td>
                                <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp$Server</td>
                                <td width='5%'>$deviceID</td>
                                <td width='10%'>$volName</td>
                                <td width='10%'>$sizeGB</td>
                                <td width='10%'>$UsedSpaceGB</td>
                                <td width='10%'>$FreeSpaceGB</td>
                                <td width='5%'>$FreeSpacePercentage</td>
                                <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
                                Add-Content "$Report" $Rpt
                                If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                                    Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$Server,$deviceID,$volName,$sizeGB,$UsedSpaceGB,$FreeSpaceGB,$FreeSpacePercentage,$Status"
                            $Status = "WMI_Issue"
                            $color = "$WarningColor"
                            <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
                            <tr align= 'center'>
                            <td width='5%' align='center' >$i</td>
                            <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp$Server</td>
                            <td width='5%'>NA</td>
                            <td width='10%'>NA</td>
                            <td width='10%'>NA</td>
                            <td width='10%'>NA</td>
                            <td width='10%'>NA</td>
                            <td width='5%'>NA</td>
                            <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
                            Add-Content "$Report" $Rpt
                            If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                                Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$Server,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,$Status"
                        $Status = "ADM_Issue"
                        $color = "$WarningColor"
                        <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
                        <tr align= 'center'>
                        <td width='5%' align='center' >$i</td>
                        <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp$Server</td>
                        <td width='5%'>NA</td>
                        <td width='10%'>NA</td>
                        <td width='10%'>NA</td>
                        <td width='10%'>NA</td>
                        <td width='10%'>NA</td>
                        <td width='5%'>NA</td>
                        <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
                        Add-Content "$Report" $Rpt
                        If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                            Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$Server,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,$Status"
                    $Status = "Offline"
                    $color = "$CriticalColor"
                    <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
                    <tr align= 'center'>
                    <td width='5%' align='center' >$i</td>
                    <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp$Server</td>
                    <td width='5%'>NA</td>
                    <td width='10%'>NA</td>
                    <td width='10%'>NA</td>
                    <td width='10%'>NA</td>
                    <td width='10%'>NA</td>
                    <td width='5%'>NA</td>
                    <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
                    Add-Content "$Report" $Rpt
                    If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                        Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$Server,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,$Status"
                $Status = "DNS_Issue"
                $color = "$CriticalColor"
                <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
                <tr align= 'center'>
                <td width='5%' align='center' >$i</td>
                <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp$Server</td>
                <td width='5%'>NA</td>
                <td width='10%'>NA</td>
                <td width='10%'>NA</td>
                <td width='10%'>NA</td>
                <td width='10%'>NA</td>
                <td width='5%'>NA</td>
                <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
                Add-Content "$Report" $Rpt
                If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                    Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$Server,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,$Status"
        Add-Content $logfile -Value "02. $(Get-Date) - Skipping Servers Disk Space Details"
        Write-Host "02. $(Get-Date) - Skipping Servers Disk Space Details"
    #Checking Servers MP Details Status Report
    If($CheckServersMPRpt -eq "Yes")
        Add-Content $logfile -Value "03. $(Get-Date) - Checking Servers MP Details"
        Write-Host "03. $(Get-Date) - Checking Servers MP Details"
        <table width='100%'><tbody>
        <tr bgcolor=$TableHeaderBGColor> <td> <b> <Font color = 'white'> Servers Management Point Status </Font> </b> </td> </tr>
        <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
        <tr bgcolor=$TableHeaderRowBGColor>
        <td width='5%'>SNo</td>
        <td width='20%'>ServerName</td>
        <td width='10%'>Site Code</td>
        <td width='10%'>MPCert Status</td>
        <td width='10%'>MPCert Code</td>
        <td width='10%'>MPList Status</td>
        <td width='10%'>MPList Code</td>
        <td width='5%'>Status</td>
        Add-Content "$Report" $rptheader
        If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
            Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "Servers Management Point Status"
            Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "SNo,ServerName,Site_Code,MPCert_Status,MPCert_Code,MPList_Status,MPList_Code,Status"
        $i = 0
        $strMPServers = $strMPServers.Split(",")
        foreach ($Server in $strMPServers)
            $Server = $Server.toupper()
            $URL1 = "http://$Server/sms_mp/.sms_aut?mpcert"
            $URL2 = "http://$Server/sms_mp/.sms_aut?mplist"
            $WEBObject1 = []::Create($URL1)
            $WEBObject2 = []::Create($URL2)
            $WEBObject1.AuthenticationLevel = "None"
            $WEBObject2.AuthenticationLevel = "None"
            $WEBObject1.Timeout = 7000
            $WEBObject2.Timeout = 7000
                $WEBResponse1 = $WEBObject1.GetResponse()
                $MpcertStatus = $WEBResponse1.StatusCode
                $MpcertStatusCode = ($WEBResponse1.Statuscode -as [int])
                $WEBResponse2 = $WEBObject2.GetResponse()
                $MplistStatus = $WEBResponse2.StatusCode
                $MplistStatusCode = ($WEBResponse2.Statuscode -as [int])
                if (($MpcertStatusCode -eq "200") -and ($MplistStatusCode -eq "200"))
                    $t = 1
                    $color ="$OkColor"
                    $status ="Ok"
                    $t = 1
                    $color ="$WarningColor"
                    $status ="Warning"
                $MpcertStatus = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode
                $MpcertStatusCode = ( $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -as [int])
                $MplisttStatus = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode
                $MplisttStatusCode = ( $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -as [int])
                $t = 1
                $color ="$CriticalColor"
                $status ="Critical"
            if ($t -eq 1)
                <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
                <tr align= 'center'>
                <td width='5%'>$i</td>
                <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp$Server</td>
                <td width='10%'>$Sitecode</td>
                <td width='10%'>$MpcertStatus</td>
                <td width='10%'>$MpcertStatusCode</td>
                <td width='10%'>$MplistStatus</td>
                <td width='10%'>$MplistStatusCode</td>
                <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
                Add-Content "$Report" $Rpt
                If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                    Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$Server,$Sitecode,$MpcertStatus,$MpcertStatusCode,$MplistStatus,$MplistStatusCode,$Status"
        Add-Content $logfile -Value "03. $(Get-Date) - Skipping Servers MP Details"
        Write-Host "03. $(Get-Date) - Skipping Servers MP Details"
    #Checking Components Servers Services Details Status Report
    If ($CheckSiteServersServicesRpt -eq "Yes")
        Add-Content $logfile -Value "04. $(Get-Date) - Checking Components Servers Services Details"
        Write-Host "04. $(Get-Date) - Checking Components Servers Services Details"
        <table width='100%'><tbody>
        <tr bgcolor=$TableHeaderBGColor> <td> <b> <Font color = 'white'> Servers Components Services Status </Font> </b> </td> </tr>
        <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
        <tr bgcolor=$TableHeaderRowBGColor>
        <td width='5%'>SNo</td>
        <td width='20%'>ServerName</td>
        <td width='30%'>Display Name</td>
        <td width='15%'>Name</td>
        <td width='5%'>StartMode</td>
        <td width='5%'>Status</td>
        Add-Content "$Report" $rptheader
        If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
            Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "Components Servers Services Details"
            Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "SNo,ServerName,DisplayName,Name,StartMode,Status"
        $i = 0
        $strServicesServers = $strServicesServers.Split(",")
        foreach ($Server in $strServicesServers)
            $Server = $Server.toupper()
            $IP = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($Server).AddressList | %{$_.IPAddressToString}
            $IP | %{$HostName = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($_).HostName}
            $Ping = Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from win32_PingStatus where Address='$Server'"
            $IP = $Ping.IPV4Address
            If ($IP)
                if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Server -Quiet -Count 1)
                    if (Test-Path \\$Server\admin`$ )#Test to make sure computer is up and that you are using the proper credentials
                        $wmi = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Server -Namespace root\cimv2 -class Win32_OperatingSystem
                        If ($wmi)
                             Foreach ($Service in $SCCMServices)
                                $SiteService = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -ComputerName $Server | Where {$_.Name -eq $Service}
                                $DisplayName = $SiteService.DisplayName
                                $Name = $SiteService.Name
                                $Status = $SiteService.State
                                $StartMode = $SiteService.StartMode
                                If ($StartMode -eq "Disabled")
                                    $color = "$CriticalColor"
                                    $status = "Critical"
                                    $color = "$OkColor"
                                    $status = "Ok"
                                If ($StartMode -eq "Manual")
                                    $color = "$WarningColor"
                                    $status = "Warning"
                                If ($DisplayName)
                                    <table width='100%' border = 0> <tbody>
                                    <tr align='Left'>
                                    <td width='5%' align='center'>$i</td>
                                    <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp$Server</td>
                                    <td width='30%'>$DisplayName</td>
                                    <td width='15%'>$Name</td>
                                    <td width='5%'>$StartMode</td>
                                    <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
                                    Add-Content "$Report" $rpt
                                    If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                                        Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$Server,$DisplayName,$Name,$StartMode,$Status"
                            $Status = "WMI_Issue"
                            $color = "$WarningColor"
                            <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
                            <tr align='Left'>
                            <td width='5%' align='center' >$i</td>
                            <td width='20%'>$Server</td>
                            <td width='30%'>NA</td>
                            <td width='15%'>NA</td>
                            <td width='5%'>NA</td>
                            <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
                            Add-Content "$Report" $Rpt
                            If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                                Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$Server,NA,NA,NA,$Status"
                        $Status = "ADM_Issue"
                        $color = "$WarningColor"
                        <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
                        <tr align='Left'>
                        <td width='5%' align='center' >$i</td>
                        <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp$Server</td>
                        <td width='30%'>NA</td>
                        <td width='15%'>NA</td>
                        <td width='5%'>NA</td>
                        <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
                        Add-Content "$Report" $Rpt
                        If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                            Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$Server,NA,NA,NA,$Status"
                    $Status = "Offline"
                    $color = "$CriticalColor"
                    <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
                    <tr align='Left'>
                    <td width='5%' align='center' >$i</td>
                    <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp$Server</td>
                    <td width='30%'>NA</td>
                    <td width='15%'>NA</td>
                    <td width='5%'>NA</td>
                    <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
                    Add-Content "$Report" $Rpt
                    If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                        Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$Server,NA,NA,NA,$Status"
                $Status = "DNS_Issue"
                $color = "$CriticalColor"
                <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
                <tr align= 'Left'>
                <td width='5%' align='center' >$i</td>
                <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp$Server</td>
                <td width='30%'>NA</td>
                <td width='15%'>NA</td>
                <td width='5%'>NA</td>
                <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
                Add-Content "$Report" $Rpt
                If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                    Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$Server,NA,NA,NA,$Status"
        Add-Content $logfile -Value "04. $(Get-Date) - Skipping Components Servers Services Details"
        Write-Host "04. $(Get-Date) - Skipping Components Servers Services Details"
    #Checking SQL Server Services Details Status Report
    If ($CheckSQLServerServicesRpt -eq "Yes")
        Add-Content $logfile -Value "05. $(Get-Date) - Checking SQL Server Services Details"
        Write-Host "05. $(Get-Date) - Checking SQL Server Services Details"
        <table width='100%'><tbody>
        <tr bgcolor=$TableHeaderBGColor> <td> <b> <Font color = 'white'> SQL Server Services Status </Font> </b> </td> </tr>
        <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
        <tr bgcolor=$TableHeaderRowBGColor>
        <td width='5%'>SNo</td>
        <td width='20%'>ServerName</td>
        <td width='30%'>Display Name</td>
        <td width='15%'>Name</td>
        <td width='5%'>StartMode</td>
        <td width='5%'>Status</td>
        Add-Content "$Report" $rptheader
        If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
            Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "SQL Servers Services Details"
            Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "SNo,ServerName,DisplayName,Name,StartMode,Status"
        $i = 0
        foreach ($Server in $SMSDBServerName)
            $Server = $Server.toupper()
            $IP = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($Server).AddressList | %{$_.IPAddressToString}
            $IP | %{$HostName = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($_).HostName}
            $Ping = Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from win32_PingStatus where Address='$Server'"
            $IP = $Ping.IPV4Address
            If ($IP)
                if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Server -Quiet -Count 1)
                    if (Test-Path \\$Server\admin`$ )#Test to make sure computer is up and that you are using the proper credentials
                        $wmi = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Server -Namespace root\cimv2 -class Win32_OperatingSystem
                        If ($wmi)
                             Foreach ($Service in $SQLServices)
                                $SiteService = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -ComputerName $Server | Where {$_.Name -eq $Service}
                                $DisplayName = $SiteService.DisplayName
                                $Name = $SiteService.Name
                                $Status = $SiteService.State
                                $StartMode = $SiteService.StartMode
                                If ($StartMode -eq "Disabled")
                                    $color = "$CriticalColor"
                                    $status = "Critical"
                                    $color = "$OkColor"
                                    $status = "Ok"
                                If ($StartMode -eq "Manual")
                                    $color = "$WarningColor"
                                    $status = "Warning"
                                If ($DisplayName)
                                    <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
                                    <tr align= 'Left'>
                                    <td width='5%' align='center' >$i</td>
                                    <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp$Server</td>
                                    <td width='30%'>$DisplayName</td>
                                    <td width='15%'>$Name</td>
                                    <td width='5%'>$StartMode</td>
                                    <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
                                    Add-Content "$Report" $rpt
                                    If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                                        Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$Server,$DisplayName,$Name,$StartMode,$Status"
                            $Status = "WMI_Issue"
                            $color = "$WarningColor"
                            <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
                            <tr align='Left'>
                            <td width='5%' align='center' >$i</td>
                            <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp$Server</td>
                            <td width='30%'>NA</td>
                            <td width='15%'>NA</td>
                            <td width='5%'>NA</td>
                            <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
                            Add-Content "$Report" $Rpt
                            If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                                Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$Server,NA,NA,NA,$Status"
                        $Status = "ADM_Issue"
                        $color = "$WarningColor"
                        <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
                        <tr align='Left'>
                        <td width='5%' align='center' >$i</td>
                        <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp$Server</td>
                        <td width='30%'>NA</td>
                        <td width='15%'>NA</td>
                        <td width='5%'>NA</td>
                        <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
                        Add-Content "$Report" $Rpt
                        If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                            Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$Server,NA,NA,NA,$Status"
                    $Status = "Offline"
                    $color = "$CriticalColor"
                    <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
                    <tr align='Left'>
                    <td width='5%' align='center' >$i</td>
                    <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp$Server</td>
                    <td width='30%'>NA</td>
                    <td width='15%'>NA</td>
                    <td width='5%'>NA</td>
                    <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
                    Add-Content "$Report" $Rpt
                    If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                        Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$Server,NA,NA,NA,$Status"
                $Status = "DNS_Issue"
                $color = "$CriticalColor"
                <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
                <tr align='Left'>
                <td width='5%' align='center' >$i</td>
                <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp$Server</td>
                <td width='30%'>NA</td>
                <td width='15%'>NA</td>
                <td width='5%'>NA</td>
                <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
                Add-Content "$Report" $Rpt
                If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                    Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$Server,NA,NA,NA,$Status"
        Add-Content $logfile -Value "05. $(Get-Date) - Skipping SQL Server Services Details"
        Write-Host "05. $(Get-Date) - Skipping SQL Server Services Details"
    #Checking Backup Details Status Report
    If ($CheckBackupsRpt -eq "Yes")
        Add-Content $logfile -Value "06. $(Get-Date) - Checking Backup Details"
        Write-Host "06. $(Get-Date) - Checking Backup Details"
        Add-Content $logfile -Value "06. $(Get-Date) - Skipping Backup Details"
        Write-Host "06. $(Get-Date) - Skipping Backup Details"
    #Checking Inbox Details Status Report
    If($CheckInboxRpt -eq "Yes")
        Add-Content $logfile -Value "07. $(Get-Date) - Checking Inbox Details"
        Write-Host "07. $(Get-Date) - Checking Inbox Details"
        Add-Content $logfile -Value "07. $(Get-Date) - Skipping Inbox Details"
        Write-Host "07. $(Get-Date) - Skipping Inbox Details"
    #Checking Issue Site Servers Report
    If ($CheckIssueSiteServersRpt -eq "Yes")
        Add-Content $logfile -Value "08. $(Get-Date) - Checking ConfigMgr Issue Servers Status"
        Write-Host "08. $(Get-Date) - Checking ConfigMgr Issue Servers Status"
         #****************************************** End ***********************************************
        $objConnection = New-Object -comobject ADODB.Connection
        $objRecordset = New-Object -comobject ADODB.Recordset
        $con = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=$SCCMCentralDBName;Data Source=$SCCMCentralDBServerName"
        $strSQL = @"
Select SiteStatus.SiteCode,
SiteStatus.Updated 'TimeStamp',
Case SiteInfo.Status When 1 Then 'Active' When 2 Then 'Pending' When 3 Then 'Failed' When 4 Then 'Deleted' When 5 Then 'Upgrade' Else ' ' END AS 'SiteState',
Case SiteStatus.Status When 0 Then 'OK' When 1 Then 'Warning' When 2 Then 'Critical' Else ' ' End AS 'Status'
From V_SummarizerSiteStatus SiteStatus Join v_Site SiteInfo on SiteStatus.SiteCode = SiteInfo.SiteCode where SiteInfo.Status <> 1 or SiteStatus.Status = 2 Order By SiteCode
        $objConnection.CommandTimeout = 0
        # *********** Check If connection is open *******************
        If($objConnection.state -eq 0)
            Write-Host "Error: SCCM Central DB ServerName or Central SCCM DB Name is not properly mentioned in Config XML File or Your Account does not have sufficient Access"
            Add-Content $logfile -Value "Error: Central SCCM DB ServerName or Central SCCM DB Name is not properly mentioned in Config XML File or Your Account does not have sufficient Access"
            Exit 1
        <table width='100%'><tbody>
           <tr bgcolor=$TableHeaderBGColor> <td> <b> <Font color = 'white'> Issue Site Servers Status </Font> </b> </td> </tr>
        <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
        <tr bgcolor=$TableHeaderRowBGColor>
        <td width='5%'>SiteCode</td>
        <td width='20%'>ServerName</td>
        <td width='40%'>SiteName</td>
        <td width='10%'>TimeStamp</td>
        <td width='10%'>SiteState</td>
        <td width='5%'>Status</td>
        Add-Content "$Report" $rptheader
        If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
            Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "Issue Site Servers Status"
            Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "SiteCode,ServerName,SiteName,TimeStamp,SiteState,Status"
        $z = 0
        $i = 1
        $y = 0
            $value1 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(0).Value
            $value2 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(1).Value
            $value3 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(2).Value
            $value4 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(3).Value
            $value5 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(4).Value
            $value6 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(5).Value
            If ($value1)
                $rpt = @"
                <tr align='Center'>
                <td width='5%'>$value1</td>
                <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp&nbsp$value2</td>
                <td width='40%'>$value3</td>
                <td width='10%'>$value4</td>
                <td width='10%'>$value5</td>
                <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $value6 </Font> </td>
                Add-Content "$Report" $rpt
                If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                    Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$value1,$value2,$value3,$value4,$value5,$value6"
        until ($objRecordset.EOF -eq $TRUE)
        Add-Content "$Report" "</table>"
        Add-Content $logfile -Value "08. $(Get-Date) - Skipping ConfigMgr Issue Servers Status"
        Write-Host "08. $(Get-Date) - Skipping ConfigMgr Issue Servers Status"
    #Checking Components Report
    If ($CheckCompRpt -eq "Yes")
        Add-Content $logfile -Value "09. $(Get-Date) - Checking Components Status"
        Write-Host "09. $(Get-Date) - Checking Components Status"
        #****************************************** End ***********************************************
        $objConnection = New-Object -comobject ADODB.Connection
        $objRecordset = New-Object -comobject ADODB.Recordset
        $con = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=$SCCMCentralDBName;Data Source=$SCCMCentralDBServerName"
        $strSQL = @"
SELECT distinct SiteCode ,
MachineName 'ServerName',
ComponentName ,
Case v_componentSummarizer.State When 0 Then 'Stopped' When 1 Then 'Started' When 2 Then 'Paused' When 3 Then 'Installing' When 4 Then 'Re-Installing' When 5 Then 'De-Installing' Else ' ' END AS 'Thread State',
Case v_componentSummarizer.Type When 0 Then 'Autostarting' When 1 Then 'Scheduled' When 2 Then 'Manual' ELSE ' ' END AS 'StartupType',
CASE AvailabilityState When 0 Then 'Online' When 3 Then 'Offline' ELSE ' ' END AS 'State',
Case v_ComponentSummarizer.Status When 0 Then 'OK' When 1 Then 'Warning' When 2 Then 'Critical' Else ' ' End As 'Status'
from v_ComponentSummarizer Where TallyInterval = '0001128000100008'
and (v_ComponentSummarizer.Status = 2 or v_ComponentSummarizer.Status = 1)
Order By ComponentName,SiteCode
        $objConnection.CommandTimeout = 0
        # *********** Check If connection is open *******************
        If($objConnection.state -eq 0)
            Write-Host "Error: SCCM Central DB ServerName or Central SCCM DB Name is not properly mentioned in Config XML File or Your Account does not have sufficient Access"
            Add-Content $logfile -Value "Error: Central SCCM DB ServerName or Central SCCM DB Name is not properly mentioned in Config XML File or Your Account does not have sufficient Access"
            Exit 1
        <table width='100%'><tbody>
           <tr bgcolor=$TableHeaderBGColor> <td> <b> <Font color = 'white'> Component Status </Font> </b> </td> </tr>
        <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
        <tr bgcolor=$TableHeaderRowBGColor>
        <td width='5%'>SiteCode</td>
        <td width='20%'>ServerName</td>
        <td width='20%'>ComponentName</td>
        <td width='5%'>Thread</td>
        <td width='5%'>Errors</td>
        <td width='5%'>Warns</td>
        <td width='5%'>Infos</td>
        <td width='10%'>StartupType</td>
        <td width='5%'>State</td>
        <td width='5%'>Status</td>
        Add-Content "$Report" $rptheader
        If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
            Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "Component Status"
            Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "SiteCode,ServerName,ComponentName,Thread,Errors,Warns,Infos,StartupType,State,Status"
            $status = "Critical"
            $color = $CriticalColor
            $value1 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(0).Value
            $value2 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(1).Value
            $value3 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(2).Value
            $value4 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(3).Value
            $value5 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(4).Value
            $value6 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(5).Value
            $value7 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(6).Value
            $value8 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(7).Value
            $value9 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(8).Value
            $value10 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(9).Value
            If ($value10 -eq "Critical")
                $rpt = @"
                <tr align='Center'>
                <td width='5%'>$value1</td>
                <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp&nbsp$value2</td>
                <td width='20%'>$value3</td>
                <td width='5%'>$value4</td>
                <td width='5%'>$value5</td>
                <td width='5%'>$value6</td>
                <td width='5%'>$value7</td>
                <td width='10%'>$value8</td>
                <td width='5%'>$value9</td>
                <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $value10 </Font> </td>
                Add-Content "$Report" $rpt
                If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                    Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$value1,$value2,$value3,$value4,$value5,$value6,$value7,$value8,$value9,$value10"
        until ($objRecordset.EOF -eq $TRUE)
        Add-Content "$Report" "</table>"
        Add-Content $logfile -Value "09. $(Get-Date) - Skipping Components Status"
        Write-Host "09. $(Get-Date) - Skipping Components Status"
    #Checking Waiting Packages Report
    If ($CheckWaitingContentRpt -eq "Yes")
        Add-Content $logfile -Value "10. $(Get-Date) - Checking Waiting to Distribute Content Status"
        Write-Host "10. $(Get-Date) - Checking Waiting to Distribute Content Status"
        #****************************************** End ***********************************************
        $objConnection = New-Object -comobject ADODB.Connection
        $objRecordset = New-Object -comobject ADODB.Recordset
        $con = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=$SCCMCentralDBName;Data Source=$SCCMCentralDBServerName"
        $strSQL = @"
SubString(dp.ServerNALPath, CHARINDEX('\\', dp.ServerNALPath)+2,(CHARINDEX('"]', dp.ServerNALPath) - CHARINDEX('\\', dp.ServerNALPath))-3) as ServerName,
dp.SiteCode as 'SiteCode',
dp.PackageID as 'PackageID',
p.Name as 'PackageName',
P.SourceVersion as 'SourceVersion',
P.LastRefreshTime as 'LastRefreshTime',
stat.InstallStatus as 'InstallStatus'
from v_DistributionPoint dp left join v_PackageStatusDistPointsSumm stat on
dp.ServerNALPath=stat.ServerNALPath and dp.PackageID=stat.PackageID
left join v_PackageStatus pstat on dp.ServerNALPath=pstat.PkgServer and
dp.PackageID=pstat.PackageID left outer join v_Package p on dp.packageid = p.packageid
where stat.InstallStatus not in ('Package Installation complete')
        $objConnection.CommandTimeout = 0
        # *********** Check If connection is open *******************
        If($objConnection.state -eq 0)
            Write-Host "Error: SCCM Central DB ServerName or Central SCCM DB Name is not properly mentioned in Config XML File or Your Account does not have sufficient Access"
            Add-Content $logfile -Value "Error: Central SCCM DB ServerName or Central SCCM DB Name is not properly mentioned in Config XML File or Your Account does not have sufficient Access"
            Exit 1
        <table width='100%'><tbody>
           <tr bgcolor=$TableHeaderBGColor> <td> <b> <Font color = 'white'> Content Distribution Detailed Status </Font> </b> </td> </tr>
        <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
        <tr bgcolor=$TableHeaderRowBGColor>
        <td width='5%'>SNo</td>
        <td width='20%'>ServerName</td>
        <td width='5%'>SiteCode</td>
        <td width='5%'>PackageID</td>
        <td width='15%'>PackageName</td>
        <td width='5%'>SourceVer</td>
        <td width='10%'>LastRefreshTime</td>
        <td width='15%'>InstallStatus</td>
        <td width='5%'>Status</td>
        Add-Content "$Report" $rptheader
        If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
            Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "Content Distribution Detailed Status"
            Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "SNo,ServerName,SiteCode,PackageID,PackageName,SourceVer,LastRefreshTime,InstallStatus,Status"
        $i = 1
            $color = $WarningColor
            $status = "Warning"
            $value1 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(0).Value
            $value2 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(1).Value
            $value3 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(2).Value
            $value4 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(3).Value
            $value5 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(4).Value
            $value6 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(5).Value
            $value7 = $objRecordset.Fields.Item(6).Value
            If ($value1)
                $rpt = @"
                <tr align='Center'>
                <td width='5%'>$i</td>
                <td width='20%' align='Left'>&nbsp&nbsp$value1</td>
                <td width='5%'>$value2</td>
                <td width='5%'>$value3</td>
                <td width='15%' align='center'>$value4</td>
                <td width='5%'>$value5</td>
                <td width='10%'>$value6</td>
                <td width='15%'>$value7</td>
                <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
                Add-Content "$Report" $rpt
                If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                    Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$value1,$value2,$value3,$value4,$value5,$value6,$value7,$Status"
        until ($objRecordset.EOF -eq $TRUE)
        Add-Content "$Report" "</table>"
        Add-Content $logfile -Value "10. $(Get-Date) - Skipping Waiting to Distribute Content Status"
        Write-Host "10. $(Get-Date) - Skipping Waiting to Distribute Content Status"
    # Create table at end of report showing legend of colors for the Critical and Warning
    $tableDescription = "
    <table width='30%'>
    <tr bgcolor='White'>
    <td width='10%' align='center' bgcolor='$OkColor'> <Font color = 'white'> <b> Normal </b> </Font> </td>
    <td width='10%' align='center' bgcolor='$WarningColor'> <Font color = 'white'> <b> Warning below 15 % </b> </Font> </td>
    <td width='10%' align='center' bgcolor='$CriticalColor'> <Font color = 'white'> <b> Critical below 10 % </b> </Font> </td>
    Add-Content $Report $tableDescription
    $tableDescription = "
    <table width='30%'>
    <tr bgcolor='White'>
    <td width='10%' align='center' bgcolor='$OkColor'> <Font color = 'white'> <b> Normal </b> </Font> </td>
    <td width='10%' align='center' bgcolor='$WarningColor'> <Font color = 'white'> <b> Warning </b> </Font> </td>
    <td width='10%' align='center' bgcolor='$CriticalColor'> <Font color = 'white'> <b> Critical </b> </Font> </td>
    Add-Content $Report $tableDescription
    $RptFooter1 = @"
    <table width='100%' bgcolor = '$FooterBGColor'><tbody>
       <tr> <td align='center'> <b> <Font color = 'white'> Tool Developed By : $ScriptDevelopedBy ( $ScriptDeveloperEmailID ) - $(get-date -Format F) </Font> </b> </td> </tr>
    <tr> <td align='center'> <b> <Font color = 'white'> $CompanyName Restricted - Copyright 2018 </Font> </b> </td> </tr>
    Add-Content $Report $RptFooter1
    Add-Content "$Report" "</div></div></body></html>"
    # Finish up Report
    #Checking SMPT Mail Sent Details
    If ($TriggerMail -eq "Yes")
        Add-Content $logfile -Value "11. $(Get-Date) - Sending SMTP Mail Sent Details"
        Write-Host "11. $(Get-Date) - Sending SMTP Mail Sent Details"
        $Subject = "$ReportTitle"
        $body = get-content "$Report"
        $message = new-object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
        $message.From = $Fromaddress
        $message.IsBodyHtml = $true
        $message.Subject = $Subject
        $attach = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($Report)
        If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
            $attach = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($CSVReport)
        $message.body = $body
        $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpserver)
        Add-Content $logfile -Value "11. $(Get-Date) - Skipping SMTP Mail Sent Details"
        Write-Host "11. $(Get-Date) - Skipping SMTP Mail Sent Details"
    Add-Content $logfile -Value "****************** End Time: $(Get-Date) *******************"
    Write-Host "****************** End Time: $(Get-Date) *******************"
# Write HTML Header information to our Report & Use CSS to make report more readable
Function writeHtmlHeader
    $date = (get-date -Format F)
    $header = @"
   <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
            font: 100%/1.4 Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serIf;
            background: #FFFFFF;
            margin: 0;
            padding: 0;
            color: #000;
    .container {
            width: 100%;
            margin: 0 auto;
    h1 {
            font-size: 18px;
    h2 {
            color: #FFF;
            padding: 0px;
            margin: 0px;
            font-size: 14px;
            background-color: #006400;
    h3 {
            color: #FFF;
            padding: 0px;
            margin: 0px;
            font-size: 14px;
            background-color: #191970;
    h4 {
            color: #348017;
            padding: 0px;
            margin: 0px;
            font-size: 10px;
            font-style: italic;
    .header {
            text-align: center;
    .container table {
            width: 100%;
            font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serIf;
            font-size: 12px;
            font-style: normal;
            font-weight: bold;
            font-variant: normal;
            text-align: center;
            border: 0px solid black;
            padding: 0px;
            margin: 0px;
    td {
            font-weight: normal;
            border: 1px solid grey;
    th {
            font-weight: bold;
            border: 1px solid grey;
            text-align: center;
    <div class="container">
    <div class="content">
    Add-Content "$Report" $header
    $RptHeaderSME1 = @"
    <table width='100%'><tbody>
    <tr bgcolor = '$HeaderBGColor'> <td align='center'> <b>
    <Font color = 'white'> $ReportTitle </Font>
    </b> </td> </tr>
    Add-Content $Report $RptHeaderSME1
Function BackupRpt
    <table width='100%'><tbody>
    <tr bgcolor=$TableHeaderBGColor> <td> <b> <Font color = 'white'> Backup Status </Font> </b> </td> </tr>
    <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
    <tr bgcolor=$TableHeaderRowBGColor >
    <td width='5%'>SNo</td>
    <td width='20%'>ServerName</td>
    <td width='40%'>Backup Checking Time</td>
    <td width='5%'>SiteBKP</td>
    <td width='5%'>DBBKP</td>
    <td width='5%'>Status</td>
    #Add-Content "$Report" $rptheader
    $z = 0
    $i = 0
    $j = 1
    $y = 0
    $siteevent = (Get-EventLog -ComputerName $SMSProviderServerName -LogName Application -EntryType Information -after $after -before $before -Source "SMS Server"|?{$_.EventID -eq 6833})
    $dbevent = (Get-EventLog -ComputerName $SMSDBServerName -LogName Application -EntryType Information -after $after -before $before -Source "MSSQLSERVER" |?{$_.EventID -eq 18264})
        $sitebackup = "Success"
        $Sitestatus = "Ok"
        $Sitecolor = "$OkColor"
        $t = "Yes"
        $tt = "Yes"
        $sitebackup = "Failed"
        $Sitestatus = "Critical"
        $Sitecolor = "$CriticalColor"
        $t = "Yes"
        $tt = "Yes"
        $dbbackup = "Success"
        $Dbstatus = "Ok"
        $Dbcolor = "$OkColor"
        $t = "Yes"
        $ttt = "Yes"
        $dbbackup = "Failed"
        $Dbstatus = "Critical"
        $Dbcolor = "$CriticalColor"
        $t = "Yes"
        $ttt = "Yes"
    If ($t -eq "Yes")
        If ($z -eq 1)
            If ($tt -eq "Yes" -and $z -eq 1)
                Add-Content "$Report" $rptheader
                If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                    Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "Backup Status"
                    Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "SNo,ServerName,Backup Checking Time,SiteBKP,DBBKP,Status"
            If ($ttt -eq "Yes" -and $z -eq 1)
                Add-Content "$Report" $rptheader
                If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                    Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "Backup Status"
                    Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "SNo,ServerName,Backup Checking Time,SiteBKP,DBBKP,Status"
        $rpt = @"
        <table width='100%' border = 0> <tbody>
        <tr align='Center'>
        <td width='5%' align='center'>$i</td>
        <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp&nbsp$SMSProviderServerName</td>
        <td width='40%'>$after and $before</td>
        <td width='5%'>$sitebackup</td>
        <td width='5%'>NA</td>
        <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$Sitecolor'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Sitestatus </Font> </td>
        If ($CheckSiteBackup -eq "Yes")
            If ($tt -eq "Yes")
                Add-Content "$Report" $rpt
                If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                    Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$SMSProviderServerName,$after and $before,$sitebackup,NA,$Sitestatus"
        $rpt1 = @"
        <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
        <tr align='Center'>
        <td width='5%' align='center'>$j</td>
        <td width='20%' align='left'>&nbsp&nbsp$SMSDBServerName</td>
        <td width='40%'>$after and $before</td>
        <td width='5%'>NA</td>
        <td width='5%'>$dbbackup</td>
        <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$Dbcolor'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Dbstatus </Font> </td>
        If ($CheckDBBackup -eq "Yes")
            If ($ttt -eq "Yes")
                Add-Content "$Report" $rpt1
                If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                    Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$SMSDBServerName,$after and $before,NA,$dbbackup,$Dbstatus"
    $t = "No"
    $tt = "No"
    $ttt = "No"
    #******************************** Start *********************************
#Checking Space Report
Function InboxRpt
    $Server = $SMSProviderServerName
    $Server = $Server.toupper()
    $i = 0
    <table width='100%'><tbody>
    <tr bgcolor=$TableHeaderBGColor> <td> <b> <Font color = 'white'> Inbox Detail Status </Font> </b> </td> </tr>
    <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
    <tr bgcolor=$TableHeaderRowBGColor>
    <td width='5%'>SNo</td>
    <td width='20%'>Folder Name</td>
    <td width='40%'>Folder Path</td>
    <td width='5%'>File Count</td>
    <td width='5%'>Folder Size</td>
    <td width='5%'>Status</td>
    Add-Content "$Report" $rptheader
    If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
        Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "Inbox Detail Status"
        Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "SNo,FolderName,Folder Path,File Count,Folder Size,Status"
    $server_dir =
    foreach ($srvdir in $server_dir)
        if(Test-Path $srvdir)
            $fname = (Get-Item -path $srvdir).Name
            $fpath = (Get-Item -path $srvdir).FullName
            $fcount = Get-ChildItem $srvdir | where {!$_.PSIsContainer} | Measure-Object | Select-Object -Expand Count
            $fsize = (Get-ChildItem $srvdir -Recurse | where {!$_.PSIsContainer} | Measure-Object -property length -sum)
            $fsize = "{0:N2}" -f ($fsize.sum / 1MB)
            if (($fcount -gt $InboxWarningCount))# -or ($fsize -gt 1000))
                $status = "Warning"
                if (($fcount -gt $InboxCriticalCount))# -or ($fsize -gt 5000))
                        $status = "Critical"
                $status = "Ok"
            <table width='100%' border = 0 > <tbody>
            <tr align='center'>
            <td width='5%' >$i</td>
            <td width='20%' align='left' >&nbsp$fname</td>
            <td width='40%' align='left' >&nbsp$fpath</td>
            <td width='5%'>$fcount</td>
            <td width='5%'>$fsize MB</td>
            <td width='5%' align='center' bgcolor='$color'> <Font color ='$TextColor'> $Status </Font> </td>
            Add-Content "$Report" $Rpt
            If ($GenerateCSVRpt -eq "Yes")
                Add-Content $CSVReport -Value "$i,$fname,$fpath,$fcount,$fsize MB,$Status"
# Run Main Report
Get-DailyHTMLReport $args[0]