
function New-CustomFileName {
  [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Justification = "Not changing state")]
  Param (
      Position = 0,
      HelpMessage = @"
You can create a template string using any of these variables, including the % symbol.

- %username
- %computername
- %year - 4 digit year
- %yr - 2 digit year
- %monthname - The abbreviated month name
- %month - The month number
- %dayofweek - The full name of the week day
- %day
- %hour - the hour of the day in 12 hour format to 2 digits
- %hour24 - the hour of the day in 24 hour format to 2 digits
- %minute
- %seconds
- %time - A compact string of HourMinuteSecond
- %string - A random string
- %guid
- %### - a random number matching the number of # characters

    [ValidateSet("Lower", "Upper", "Default")]
    [string]$Case = "Default"

  #convert placeholders to lower case but leave everything else as is
  [regex]$rx = "%\w+(?=%|-|\.|\s|\(|\)|\[|\])"

  Write-Detail "Starting $($myinvocation.MyCommand)" | Write-Verbose
  Write-Detail "Processing template: $template" | Write-Verbose
  $rx.matches($Template) | ForEach-Object {
    Write-Detail "Converting $($_.value) to lower case" | Write-Verbose
    $Template = $Template.replace($_.value, $_.value.tolower())

  [string]$filename = $Template
  Write-Detail "Using filename: $filename" | Write-Verbose
  $now = Get-Date
  if ($env:USERNAME) {
    $user = $env:USERNAME
  } elseif ($env:USER) {
    $user = $env:USER
  } else {
    $user = "Unknown"
  #this needs to be an ordered hashtable so that the regex replacements
  #will be processed in the right order
  $hash = [ordered]@{
    '%username'     = $user
    '%computername' = [environment]::MachineName
    '%year'         = $now.Year
    '%yr'           = "{0:yy}" -f $now
    '%monthname'    = ("{0:MMM}" -f $now)
    '%month'        = "{0:MM}" -f $now
    '%dayofweek'    = $now.DayOfWeek
    '%day'          = "{0:dd}" -f $now
    '%hour24'       = "{0:HH}" -f $now
    '%hour'         = "{0:hh}" -f $now
    '%minute'       = "{0:mm}" -f $now
    '%seconds'      = "{0:ss}" -f $now
    '%time'         = "{0}{1}{2}" -f $now.hour, $now.minute, $now.Second
    '%string'       = ([]::GetRandomFileName()).split(".")[0]
    '%guid'         = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().guid

  $hash.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
    Write-Detail "Testing $filename for $($_.key)" | Write-Verbose
    if ($filename -match "($($_.key))") {
      Write-Detail "replacing $($_.key) with $($_.value)" | Write-Verbose
      $filename = $filename -replace "($($_.key))", $_.value
  [regex]$rx = '%#+'
  if ($rx.IsMatch($filename)) {
    $count = $rx.Match($filename).Value.length - 1
    $num = (0..9 | Get-Random -Count 10 | Get-Random -Count $count) -join ""
    Write-Detail "replacing # with $num" | Write-Verbose
    $filename = $rx.Replace($filename, $num)

  Write-Detail "Converting case to $Case" | Write-Verbose
  Switch ($Case) {
    "Upper" {
    "Lower" {
    default {

  Write-Detail "Ending $($myinvocation.MyCommand)" | Write-Verbose