function Join-Hashtable { [cmdletbinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] Param ( [hashtable]$First, [hashtable]$Second, [switch]$Force ) #create clones of hashtables so originals are not modified $Primary = $First.Clone() $Secondary = $Second.Clone() #check for any duplicate keys $duplicates = $Primary.keys | Where-Object { $Secondary.ContainsKey($_) } if ($duplicates) { foreach ($item in $duplicates) { if ($force) { #force primary key, so remove secondary conflict $Secondary.Remove($item) } else { Write-Host "Duplicate key $item" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "A $($Primary.Item($item))" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "B $($Secondary.Item($item))" -ForegroundColor Yellow $r = Read-Host "Which key do you want to KEEP [AB]?" if ($r -eq "A") { $Secondary.Remove($item) } elseif ($r -eq "B") { $Primary.Remove($item) } Else { Write-Warning "Aborting operation" Return } } #else prompt } } #join the two hash tables $Primary + $Secondary } |