function Write-Border { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "single")] [Reflection.AssemblyMetadata("title", "Write-Border")] [OutputType([System.String])] Param( # The string of text to process [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'single')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Text, [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'block')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias("tb")] [string[]]$TextBlock, # The character to use for the border. It must be a single character. [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [alias("border")] [string]$Character = "*", # add blank lines before and after text [Switch]$InsertBlanks, # insert X number of tabs [int]$Tab = 0, [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Enter an ANSI escape sequence to color the border characters." )] [string]$ANSIBorder, [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Enter an ANSI escape sequence to color the text." )] [string]$ANSIText ) Begin { # "Starting $($myinvocation.mycommand)" -Prefix begin | Write-Verbose $tabs = "`t" * $tab # "Using a tab of $tab" -Prefix BEGIN | Write-Verbose # "Using border character $Character" -Prefix begin | Write-Verbose $ansiClear = "$([char]0x1b)[0m" if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ANSIBorder")) { # "Using an ANSI border Color" -Prefix Begin | Write-Verbose $Character = "{0}{1}{2}" -f $PSBoundParameters.ANSIBorder, $Character, $ansiClear } #define regex expressions to detect ANSI escapes. Need to subtract their #length from the string if used. Issue #79 [regex]$ansiopen = "$([char]0x1b)\[\d+[\d;]+m" [regex]$ansiend = "$([char]0x1b)\[0m" } Process { if ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'single') { # "Processing '$text'" #get length of text $adjust = 0 if ($ansiopen.IsMatch($text)) { $adjust += ($ansiopen.matches($text) | Measure-Object length -Sum).sum $adjust += ($ansiend.matches($text) | Measure-Object length -Sum).sum # "Adjusting text length by $adjust." } $len = $text.Length - $adjust if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ANSIText")) { # "Using an ANSIText color" $text = "{0}{1}{2}" -f $PSBoundParameters.ANSIText, $text, $AnsiClear } } else { # "Processing text block" #test if text block is already using ANSI if ($ansiopen.IsMatch($TextBlock)) { # "Text block contains ANSI sequences" $txtarray | ForEach-Object -Begin { Set-Variable -Name tempLen -Value @() } -Process { $adjust = 0 $adjust += ($ansiopen.matches($_) | Measure-Object length -Sum).sum $adjust += ($ansiend.matches($_) | Measure-Object length -Sum).sum # "Length detected as $($_.length)" # "Adding adjustment $adjust" $tempLen += $_.length - $adjust } $len = $tempLen | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 } elseif ($PSBoundparameters.ContainsKey("ANSIText")) { # "Using ANSIText for the block" $txtarray = $textblock.split("`n").Trim() | ForEach-Object { "{0}{1}{2}" -f $PSBoundParameters.ANSIText, $_, $AnsiClear } $len = ($txtarray | Sort-Object -Property length -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty length) - ($psboundparameters.ANSIText.length + 4) } else { # "Processing simple text block" $txtarray = $textblock.split("`n").Trim() $len = $txtarray | Sort-Object -Property length -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty length } # "Added $($txtarray.count) text block elements" } # "Using a length of $len" #define a horizontal line $hzline = $Character * ($len + 4) if ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'single') { # "Defining Single body" $body = "$tabs$Character $text $Character" } else { # "Defining Textblock body" [string[]]$body = $null foreach ($item in $txtarray) { if ($item) { # "$item [$($item.length)]" } else { # "detected blank line" } if ($ansiopen.IsMatch($item)) { $adjust = $len $adjust += ($ansiopen.matches($item) | Measure-Object length -Sum).sum $adjust += ($ansiend.matches($item) | Measure-Object length -Sum).sum # "Adjusting length to $adjust" $body += "$tabs$Character $(($item).PadRight($adjust)) $Character`r" } elseif ($PSBoundparameters.ContainsKey("ANSIText")) { #adjust the padding length to take the ANSI value into account $adjust = $len + ($psboundparameters.ANSIText.length + 4) # "Adjusting length to $adjust" $body += "$tabs$Character $(($item).PadRight($adjust)) $Character`r" } else { $body += "$tabs$Character $(($item).PadRight($len)) $Character`r" } } } # "Defining top border" [string[]]$out = "`n$tabs$hzline" $lines = $body.split("`n") # "Adding $($lines.count) lines" | Write-Verbose if ($InsertBlanks) { # "Prepending blank line" $out += "$tabs$character $((" ")*$len) $character" } foreach ($item in $lines ) { $out += $item } if ($InsertBlanks) { # "Appending blank line" $out += "$tabs$character $((" ")*$len) $character" } # "Defining bottom border" $out += "$tabs$hzline" $out } } |