function Write-TextMenu { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates the logic for a new simple text based menu. Originally published as script New-TextMenu in the PowerShellGallery .DESCRIPTION Creates the logic for a new simple text based menu. Originally published as script New-TextMenu in the PowerShellGallery .PARAMETER Option An array of [string] indicating the menu options. If you need to create a menu with a single option enclose the option in @(). .PARAMETER Title The title of the menu. Defaults to 'Menu Title'. .PARAMETER VariableName The name of the choice variable. Defaults to 'Choice'. .PARAMETER TestMenu If this switch is enabled then the menu is saved to a temporary file and run. .PARAMETER Clipboard If this switch is enabled then the menu logic is copied to the clipboard. .NOTES * The resulting output is a relatively small string array so the shorthand way of adding to an array ( += ) is used. * Removed extraneous temporary file. * Cleaned up formatting. * Only set of parameters so removing ParameterSetName and DefaultParameterSetName .EXAMPLE Write-TextMenu -Title 'Menu Title' -Option 'One', 'Two', 'Three' Creates a 3 option menu. .EXAMPLE Write-TextMenu -Title 'My Menu' -Option 'One' -VariableName 'Choice2' Creates a 1 option menu that looks like: $Choice2 = '' while ($Choice2 -ne 'q') { Write-Host 'My Menu' Write-Host '=======' Write-Host ' ' Write-Host '1 - One' Write-Host 'Q - Quit' Write-Host ' ' $Choice2 = Read-Host 'Selection' switch ($Choice2) { q { 'Exit message and code' } 1 { 'Option 1 code' } default { Write-Host 'Please enter a valid selection' } } } .EXAMPLE Write-TextMenu -Option 'Uno' Creates a 1 option menu that looks like: $Choice = '' while ($Choice -ne 'q') { Write-Host 'Menu Title' Write-Host '==========' Write-Host ' ' Write-Host '1 - Uno' Write-Host 'Q - Quit' Write-Host ' ' $Choice = Read-Host 'Selection' switch ($Choice) { q { 'Exit message and code' } 1 { 'Option 1 code' } default { Write-Host 'Please enter a valid selection' } } } .OUTPUTS [string[]] .LINK about_while Write-Host Read-Host about_switch #> [cmdletbinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Low')] [OutputType([string[]])] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = 'Enter the text of the menu option.', Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [string[]] $Option, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [string] $Title = 'Menu Title', [Parameter(Position = 2)] [string] $VariableName = 'Choice', [Parameter()] [switch] $TestMenu, [Parameter()] [switch] $Clipboard ) begin { Write-Invocation $MyInvocation } process { $result = [string[]] @() $result += "`$$VariableName = ''" $result += "while (`$$VariableName -ne 'q') {" $result += " Write-Host '$title'" $result += " Write-Host '$('='*$title.length)'" $result += " Write-Host ' '" for ($i = 0; $i -lt $option.count; $i++) { $result += " Write-Host '$($i+1) - $($option[$i])'" } $result += " Write-Host 'Q - Quit'" $result += " Write-Host ' '" $result += " `$$VariableName = Read-Host 'Selection'" $result += " switch (`$$VariableName) {" $result += " q { 'Exit message and code' }" #$result += " break }" for ($i = 0; $i -lt $option.count; $i++) { $result += " $($i+1) { 'Option $($i+1) code' }" } $result += " default { Write-Host 'Please enter a valid selection' }" $result += ' }' $result += '}' } end { if ($TestMenu) { $tempFilename = New-TemporaryFile Remove-Item -Path $tempFilename $tempFilename = $tempFilename.Directory.ToString() + '\' + $tempFilename.BaseName + '.ps1' $result | Out-File -FilePath $tempFilename & $tempFilename Remove-Item -Path $tempFilename } else { Write-Output -InputObject $result } if ($Clipboard) { $result | clip.exe Write-Warning -Message 'Menu logic copied to clipboard' } Out-Verbose $fxn "Complete." } } |