using namespace System.Text using namespace System.Collections.Generic using namespace System.Management.Automation using namespace System.Text.Json.Serialization using namespace System.Collections.Specialized class PsRecord { hidden [uri] $Remote # usually a gist uri hidden [string] $File hidden [datetime] $LastWriteTime = [datetime]::Now PsRecord() { $this._init_() } PsRecord([hashtable]$hashtable) { $this.Add(@($hashtable)); $this._init_() } PsRecord([hashtable[]]$array) { $this.Add($array); $this._init_() } hidden [void] _init_() { $this.PsObject.Methods.Add([PSScriptMethod]::new('GetCount', [ScriptBlock]::Create({ ($this | Get-Member -Type *Property).count }))) $this.PsObject.Methods.Add([PSScriptMethod]::new('GetKeys', [ScriptBlock]::Create({ ($this | Get-Member -Type *Property).Name }))) } [void] Edit() { $this.Set([PsRecord]::EditFile([IO.FileInfo]::new($this.File))) $this.Save() } [void] Add([hashtable]$table) { [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][hashtable]$table = $table $Keys = $table.Keys | Where-Object { !$this.HasNoteProperty($_) -and ($_.GetType().FullName -eq 'System.String' -or $_.GetType().BaseType.FullName -eq 'System.ValueType') } foreach ($key in $Keys) { if ($key -notin ('File', 'Remote', 'LastWriteTime')) { $this | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $key -Value $table[$key] } else { $this.$key = $table[$key] } } } [void] Add([hashtable[]]$items) { foreach ($item in $items) { $this.Add($item) } } [void] Add([string]$key, [System.Object]$value) { [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$key = $key if (!$this.HasNoteProperty($key)) { $htab = [hashtable]::new(); $htab.Add($key, $value); $this.Add($htab) } else { Write-Warning "Config.Add() Skipped $Key. Key already exists." } } [void] Add([List[hashtable]]$items) { foreach ($item in $items) { $this.Add($item) } } [void] Set([OrderedDictionary]$dict) { $dict.Keys.Foreach({ $this.Set($_, $dict["$_"]) }); } [void] Set([hashtable]$table) { [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][hashtable]$table = $table $Keys = $table.Keys | Where-Object { $_.GetType().FullName -eq 'System.String' -or $_.GetType().BaseType.FullName -eq 'System.ValueType' } | Sort-Object -Unique foreach ($key in $Keys) { if (!$this.HasNoteProperty($key)) { $this | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $key -Value $table[$key] -Force } else { $this.$key = $table[$key] } } } [void] Set([hashtable[]]$items) { foreach ($item in $items) { $this.Set($item) } } [void] Set([string]$key, [System.Object]$value) { $htab = [hashtable]::new(); $htab.Add($key, $value) $this.Set($htab) } # work in progress static [hashtable[]] Read([string]$FilePath) { $cfg = $null # $pass = $null; # try { # [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$FilePath = [AesGCM]::GetUnResolvedPath($FilePath) # if (![IO.File]::Exists($FilePath)) { throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException]::new("File '$FilePath' was not found") } # if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace([AesGCM]::caller)) { [AesGCM]::caller = [PsRecord]::caller } # Set-Variable -Name pass -Scope Local -Visibility Private -Option Private -Value $(if ([xcrypt]::EncryptionScope.ToString() -eq "User") { Read-Host -Prompt "$([PsRecord]::caller) Paste/write a Password to decrypt configs" -AsSecureString }else { [AesGCM]::GetUniqueMachineId() | xconvert ToSecurestring }) # $_ob = [AesGCM]::Decrypt(([IO.File]::ReadAllText($FilePath) | xconvert FromBase85), $pass) | xconvert FromCompressed, FromBytes # $cfg = [hashtable[]]$_ob.Keys.ForEach({ @{ $_ = $_ob.$_ } }) # } catch { # throw $_.Exeption # } finally { # Remove-Variable Pass -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # } return $cfg } # static [hashtable[]] EditFile([IO.FileInfo]$File) { # $result = @(); $private:config_ob = $null; $fswatcher = $null; $process = $null; # [ValidateScript({ if ([IO.File]::Exists($_)) { return $true } ; throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException]::new("File '$_' was not found") })][IO.FileInfo]$File = $File; # $OutFile = [IO.FileInfo][IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() # $UseVerbose = [bool]$((Get-Variable verbosePreference -ValueOnly) -eq "continue") # try { # [NetworkManager]::BlockAllOutbound() # if ($UseVerbose) { "[+] Edit Config started .." | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta } # [PsRecord]::Read($File.FullName) | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $OutFile.FullName -Encoding utf8BOM # Set-Variable -Name OutFile -Value $(Rename-Item $outFile.FullName -NewName ($outFile.BaseName + '.json') -PassThru) # $process = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::new() # $process.StartInfo.FileName = 'nvim' # $process.StartInfo.Arguments = $outFile.FullName # $process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = [System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle]::Maximized # $process.Start(); $fswatcher = [FileMonitor]::MonitorFile($outFile.FullName, [ScriptBlock]::Create("Stop-Process -Id $($process.Id) -Force")); # if ($null -eq $fswatcher) { Write-Warning "Failed to start FileMonitor"; Write-Host "Waiting nvim process to exit..." $process.WaitForExit() } # $private:config_ob = [IO.FILE]::ReadAllText($outFile.FullName) | ConvertFrom-Json # } finally { # [NetworkManager]::UnblockAllOutbound() # if ($fswatcher) { $fswatcher.Dispose() } # if ($process) { # "[+] Neovim process {0} successfully" -f $(if (!$process.HasExited) { # $process.Kill($true) # "closed" # } else { # "exited" # } # ) | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green # $process.Close() # $process.Dispose() # } # Remove-Item $outFile.FullName -Force # if ($UseVerbose) { "[+] FileMonitor Log saved in variable: `$$([fileMonitor]::LogvariableName)" | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta } # if ($null -ne $config_ob) { $result = $config_ob.ForEach({ $_ | xconvert ToHashTable }) } # if ($UseVerbose) { "[+] Edit Config completed." | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta } # } # return $result # } # [void] Save() { # $pass = $null; # try { # Write-Host "$([PsRecord]::caller) Save records to file: $($this.File) ..." -ForegroundColor Blue # Set-Variable -Name pass -Scope Local -Visibility Private -Option Private -Value $(if ([xcrypt]::EncryptionScope.ToString() -eq "User") { Read-Host -Prompt "$([PsRecord]::caller) Paste/write a Password to encrypt configs" -AsSecureString } else { [AesGCM]::GetUniqueMachineId() | xconvert ToSecurestring }) # $this.LastWriteTime = [datetime]::Now; [IO.File]::WriteAllText($this.File, ([AesGCM]::Encrypt($($this.ToByte() | xconvert ToCompressed), $pass) | xconvert ToBase85), [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8) # Write-Host "$([PsRecord]::caller) Save records " -ForegroundColor Blue -NoNewline; Write-Host "Completed." -ForegroundColor Green # } catch { # throw $_.Exeption # } finally { # Remove-Variable Pass -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # } # } hidden [bool] HasNoteProperty([object]$Name) { [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$Name = $($Name -as 'string') return (($this | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name) -contains "$Name") } [void] Import([String]$FilePath) { Write-Host "Import records: $FilePath ..." -ForegroundColor Green $this.Set([PsRecord]::Read($FilePath)) Write-Host "Import records Complete" -ForegroundColor Green } [byte[]] ToByte() { return $this | xconvert ToBytes } [void] Import([uri]$raw_uri) { # try { # $pass = $null; # Set-Variable -Name pass -Scope Local -Visibility Private -Option Private -Value $(if ([xcrypt]::EncryptionScope.ToString() -eq "User") { Read-Host -Prompt "$([PsRecord]::caller) Paste/write a Password to decrypt configs" -AsSecureString }else { [xconvert]::ToSecurestring([AesGCM]::GetUniqueMachineId()) }) # $_ob = [xconvert]::Deserialize([xconvert]::ToDeCompressed([AesGCM]::Decrypt([base85]::Decode($(Invoke-WebRequest $raw_uri -Verbose:$false).Content), $pass))) # $this.Set([hashtable[]]$_ob.Keys.ForEach({ @{ $_ = $_ob.$_ } })) # } catch { # throw $_.Exeption # } finally { # Remove-Variable Pass -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # } } [void] Upload() { if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($this.Remote)) { throw [System.ArgumentException]::new('remote') } # $gisturi = '' + $this.Remote.Segments[2] + $this.Remote.Segments[2].replace('/', '') # [GitHub]::UpdateGist($gisturi, $content) } [array] ToArray() { $array = @(); $props = $this | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty if ($null -eq $props) { return @() } $ | ForEach-Object { $array += @{ $_ = $this.$_ } } return $array } [string] ToJson() { return [string]($this | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty count | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3) } [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary] ToOrdered() { $dict = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]::new(); $Keys = $this.PsObject.Properties.Where({ $_.Membertype -like "*Property" }).Name if ($Keys.Count -gt 0) { $Keys | ForEach-Object { [void]$dict.Add($_, $this."$_") } } return $dict } [string] ToString() { $r = $this.ToArray(); $s = '' $shortnr = [ScriptBlock]::Create({ param([string]$str, [int]$MaxLength) while ($str.Length -gt $MaxLength) { $str = $str.Substring(0, [Math]::Floor(($str.Length * 4 / 5))) } return $str } ) if ($r.Count -gt 1) { $b = $r[0]; $e = $r[-1] $0 = $shortnr.Invoke("{'$($b.Keys)' = '$($b.values.ToString())'}", 40) $1 = $shortnr.Invoke("{'$($e.Keys)' = '$($e.values.ToString())'}", 40) $s = "@($0 ... $1)" } elseif ($r.count -eq 1) { $0 = $shortnr.Invoke("{'$($r[0].Keys)' = '$($r[0].values.ToString())'}", 40) $s = "@($0)" } else { $s = '@()' } return $s } } class RGB { [ValidateRange(0, 255)] [int]$Red [ValidateRange(0, 255)] [int]$Green [ValidateRange(0, 255)] [int]$Blue RGB() {} RGB($r, $g, $b) { $this.Red = $r $this.Green = $g $this.Blue = $b } [string] ToString() { return "$($this.Red),$($this.Green),$($this.Blue)" } } class Color : System.ValueType { static [rgb] $Red = [rgb]::new(255, 0, 0) static [rgb] $DarkRed = [rgb]::new(128, 0, 0) static [rgb] $Green = [rgb]::new(0, 255, 0) static [rgb] $DarkGreen = [rgb]::new(0, 128, 0) static [rgb] $Blue = [rgb]::new(0, 0, 255) static [rgb] $DarkBlue = [rgb]::new(0, 0, 128) static [rgb] $White = [rgb]::new(255, 255, 255) static [rgb] $Black = [rgb]::new(0, 0, 0) static [rgb] $Yellow = [rgb]::new(255, 255, 0) static [rgb] $DarkGray = [rgb]::new(128, 128, 128) static [rgb] $Gray = [rgb]::new(192, 192, 192) static [rgb] $LightGray = [rgb]::new(238, 237, 240) static [rgb] $Cyan = [rgb]::new(0, 255, 255) static [rgb] $DarkCyan = [rgb]::new(0, 128, 128) static [rgb] $Magenta = [rgb]::new(255, 0, 255) static [rgb] $PSBlue = [rgb]::new(1, 36, 86) static [rgb] $AliceBlue = [rgb]::new(240, 248, 255) static [rgb] $AntiqueWhite = [rgb]::new(250, 235, 215) static [rgb] $AquaMarine = [rgb]::new(127, 255, 212) static [rgb] $Azure = [rgb]::new(240, 255, 255) static [rgb] $Beige = [rgb]::new(245, 245, 220) static [rgb] $Bisque = [rgb]::new(255, 228, 196) static [rgb] $BlanchedAlmond = [rgb]::new(255, 235, 205) static [rgb] $BlueViolet = [rgb]::new(138, 43, 226) static [rgb] $Brown = [rgb]::new(165, 42, 42) static [rgb] $Burlywood = [rgb]::new(222, 184, 135) static [rgb] $CadetBlue = [rgb]::new(95, 158, 160) static [rgb] $Chartreuse = [rgb]::new(127, 255, 0) static [rgb] $Chocolate = [rgb]::new(210, 105, 30) static [rgb] $Coral = [rgb]::new(255, 127, 80) static [rgb] $CornflowerBlue = [rgb]::new(100, 149, 237) static [rgb] $CornSilk = [rgb]::new(255, 248, 220) static [rgb] $Crimson = [rgb]::new(220, 20, 60) static [rgb] $DarkGoldenrod = [rgb]::new(184, 134, 11) static [rgb] $DarkKhaki = [rgb]::new(189, 183, 107) static [rgb] $DarkMagenta = [rgb]::new(139, 0, 139) static [rgb] $DarkOliveGreen = [rgb]::new(85, 107, 47) static [rgb] $DarkOrange = [rgb]::new(255, 140, 0) static [rgb] $DarkOrchid = [rgb]::new(153, 50, 204) static [rgb] $DarkSalmon = [rgb]::new(233, 150, 122) static [rgb] $DarkSeaGreen = [rgb]::new(143, 188, 143) static [rgb] $DarkSlateBlue = [rgb]::new(72, 61, 139) static [rgb] $DarkSlateGray = [rgb]::new(47, 79, 79) static [rgb] $DarkTurquoise = [rgb]::new(0, 206, 209) static [rgb] $DarkViolet = [rgb]::new(148, 0, 211) static [rgb] $DeepPink = [rgb]::new(255, 20, 147) static [rgb] $DeepSkyBlue = [rgb]::new(0, 191, 255) static [rgb] $DimGray = [rgb]::new(105, 105, 105) static [rgb] $DodgerBlue = [rgb]::new(30, 144, 255) static [rgb] $FireBrick = [rgb]::new(178, 34, 34) static [rgb] $FloralWhite = [rgb]::new(255, 250, 240) static [rgb] $ForestGreen = [rgb]::new(34, 139, 34) static [rgb] $GainsBoro = [rgb]::new(220, 220, 220) static [rgb] $GhostWhite = [rgb]::new(248, 248, 255) static [rgb] $Gold = [rgb]::new(255, 215, 0) static [rgb] $Goldenrod = [rgb]::new(218, 165, 32) static [rgb] $GreenYellow = [rgb]::new(173, 255, 47) static [rgb] $HoneyDew = [rgb]::new(240, 255, 240) static [rgb] $HotPink = [rgb]::new(255, 105, 180) static [rgb] $IndianRed = [rgb]::new(205, 92, 92) static [rgb] $Indigo = [rgb]::new(75, 0, 130) static [rgb] $Ivory = [rgb]::new(255, 255, 240) static [rgb] $Khaki = [rgb]::new(240, 230, 140) static [rgb] $Lavender = [rgb]::new(230, 230, 250) static [rgb] $LavenderBlush = [rgb]::new(255, 240, 245) static [rgb] $LawnGreen = [rgb]::new(124, 252, 0) static [rgb] $LemonChiffon = [rgb]::new(255, 250, 205) static [rgb] $LightBlue = [rgb]::new(173, 216, 230) static [rgb] $LightCoral = [rgb]::new(240, 128, 128) static [rgb] $LightCyan = [rgb]::new(224, 255, 255) static [rgb] $LightGoldenrodYellow = [rgb]::new(250, 250, 210) static [rgb] $LightPink = [rgb]::new(255, 182, 193) static [rgb] $LightSalmon = [rgb]::new(255, 160, 122) static [rgb] $LightSeaGreen = [rgb]::new(32, 178, 170) static [rgb] $LightSkyBlue = [rgb]::new(135, 206, 250) static [rgb] $LightSlateGray = [rgb]::new(119, 136, 153) static [rgb] $LightSteelBlue = [rgb]::new(176, 196, 222) static [rgb] $LightYellow = [rgb]::new(255, 255, 224) static [rgb] $LimeGreen = [rgb]::new(50, 205, 50) static [rgb] $Linen = [rgb]::new(250, 240, 230) static [rgb] $MediumAquaMarine = [rgb]::new(102, 205, 170) static [rgb] $MediumOrchid = [rgb]::new(186, 85, 211) static [rgb] $MediumPurple = [rgb]::new(147, 112, 219) static [rgb] $MediumSeaGreen = [rgb]::new(60, 179, 113) static [rgb] $MediumSlateBlue = [rgb]::new(123, 104, 238) static [rgb] $MediumSpringGreen = [rgb]::new(0, 250, 154) static [rgb] $MediumTurquoise = [rgb]::new(72, 209, 204) static [rgb] $MediumVioletRed = [rgb]::new(199, 21, 133) static [rgb] $MidnightBlue = [rgb]::new(25, 25, 112) static [rgb] $MintCream = [rgb]::new(245, 255, 250) static [rgb] $MistyRose = [rgb]::new(255, 228, 225) static [rgb] $Moccasin = [rgb]::new(255, 228, 181) static [rgb] $NavajoWhite = [rgb]::new(255, 222, 173) static [rgb] $OldLace = [rgb]::new(253, 245, 230) static [rgb] $Olive = [rgb]::new(128, 128, 0) static [rgb] $OliveDrab = [rgb]::new(107, 142, 35) static [rgb] $Orange = [rgb]::new(255, 165, 0) static [rgb] $OrangeRed = [rgb]::new(255, 69, 0) static [rgb] $Orchid = [rgb]::new(218, 112, 214) static [rgb] $PaleGoldenrod = [rgb]::new(238, 232, 170) static [rgb] $PaleGreen = [rgb]::new(152, 251, 152) static [rgb] $PaleTurquoise = [rgb]::new(175, 238, 238) static [rgb] $PaleVioletRed = [rgb]::new(219, 112, 147) static [rgb] $PapayaWhip = [rgb]::new(255, 239, 213) static [rgb] $PeachPuff = [rgb]::new(255, 218, 185) static [rgb] $Peru = [rgb]::new(205, 133, 63) static [rgb] $Pink = [rgb]::new(255, 192, 203) static [rgb] $Plum = [rgb]::new(221, 160, 221) static [rgb] $PowderBlue = [rgb]::new(176, 224, 230) static [rgb] $Purple = [rgb]::new(128, 0, 128) static [rgb] $RosyBrown = [rgb]::new(188, 143, 143) static [rgb] $RoyalBlue = [rgb]::new(65, 105, 225) static [rgb] $SaddleBrown = [rgb]::new(139, 69, 19) static [rgb] $Salmon = [rgb]::new(250, 128, 114) static [rgb] $SandyBrown = [rgb]::new(244, 164, 96) static [rgb] $SeaGreen = [rgb]::new(46, 139, 87) static [rgb] $SeaShell = [rgb]::new(255, 245, 238) static [rgb] $Sienna = [rgb]::new(160, 82, 45) static [rgb] $SkyBlue = [rgb]::new(135, 206, 235) static [rgb] $SlateBlue = [rgb]::new(106, 90, 205) static [rgb] $SlateGray = [rgb]::new(112, 128, 144) static [rgb] $Snow = [rgb]::new(255, 250, 250) static [rgb] $SpringGreen = [rgb]::new(0, 255, 127) static [rgb] $SteelBlue = [rgb]::new(70, 130, 180) static [rgb] $Tan = [rgb]::new(210, 180, 140) static [rgb] $Thistle = [rgb]::new(216, 191, 216) static [rgb] $Tomato = [rgb]::new(255, 99, 71) static [rgb] $Turquoise = [rgb]::new(64, 224, 208) static [rgb] $Violet = [rgb]::new(238, 130, 238) static [rgb] $Wheat = [rgb]::new(245, 222, 179) static [rgb] $WhiteSmoke = [rgb]::new(245, 245, 245) static [rgb] $YellowGreen = [rgb]::new(154, 205, 50) } # .SYNOPSIS # shell config. # .LINK # # .NOTES # Props reference: class ShellConfig : PsRecord { [string]$Title = 'Terminal' [Encoding]$Encoding = 'UTF8' # Default is utf-8 Encoding [bool]$AutoLogon #Specifies credentials for an account that is used to automatically log on to the computer. [bool]$BluetoothTaskbarIconEnabled #Specifies whether to enable the Bluetooth taskbar icon. [string]$ComputerName #Specifies the name of the computer. [bool]$ConvertibleSlateModePromptPreference # Configure to support prompts triggered by changes to ConvertibleSlateMode. OEMs must make sure that ConvertibleSlateMode is always accurate for their devices. [dotProfile]$dotProfile = $( { ConvertFrom-Json ' { "path": "PathTo\\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1", "autoUpdate": true, "autoLoad": true, "ExecutionPolicy": "RemoteSigned", "CopyProfile": true } '}.Invoke()) [bool]$DisableAutoDaylightTimeSet #Specifies whether to enable the destination computer to automatically change between daylight saving time and standard time. [array]$Display # Specifies display settings to apply to a destination computer. [string[]]$FirstLogonCommands #Specifies commands to run the first time that an end user logs on to the computer. This setting is not supported in Windows 10 in S mode. [string[]]$FolderLocations #Specifies the location of the user profile and program data folders. [string[]]$LogonCommands #Specifies commands to run when an end user logs on to the computer. [array]$NotificationArea #Specifies settings that are related to the system notification area at the far right of the taskbar. [string]$SignInMode #Specifies whether users switch to tablet mode by default after signing in. [string[]]$TaskbarLinks #Specifies shortcuts to display on the taskbar. You can specify up to three links. [string[]]$Themes #Specifies custom elements of the Windows visual style. [TimeZone]$TimeZone = [TimeZone]::CurrentTimeZone #Specifies the computer's time zone. [string[]]$VisualEffects #Specifies additional display settings. [string[]]$WindowsFeatures [PSObject]$RequiredModules = { ConvertFrom-Json ' [ { "name": "posh-git", "version": "1.0" }, { "name": "oh-my-posh", "version": "1.0" }, { "name": "PSReadLine", "version": "2.0.4" } ] '}.Invoke() static [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$Banner [string]$OmpConfig #Path to omp.json ShellConfig() {} [xml] ToXML() { return $this.PsObject.Properties | Export-Clixml } [string] ToJSON() { return $this.PsObject.Properties | Select-Object Name, value | ConvertTo-Json } [string] ToString() { return [string]::Empty } } class dotProfile { [string]$path = [IO.Path]::Combine([Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments'), 'WindowsPowershell', 'Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1') [Microsoft.PowerShell.ExecutionPolicy]$ExecutionPolicy static [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][ShellConfig]$Config = [ShellConfig]::new() [bool]$CopyProfile [bool]$autoLoad = $true [bool]$autoUpdate = $true [bool]$IsLoaded = $false dotProfile() { } dotProfile([string]$Json) { $this.Import($Json) } dotProfile([System.IO.FileInfo]$JsonPath) { $this.Import($(Get-Content $JsonPath.FullName)) } [void] Install() { # Copies the profile Script to all ProfilePaths [dotProfile]::Install($(Get-Variable -Name PROFILE -Scope global).Value) } [xcResult] static Install([string]$Path) { # Installs all necessary cli stuff as configured. if ($null -eq [dotProfile]::config) { throw [System.ArgumentNullException]::new('Config') } $IsSuccess = $true; $ErrorRecord = $Result = $Output = $null try { #region Self_Update if ([dotProfile]::config.dotProfile.autoUpdate) { # Make $profile Auto update itself to the latest version gist Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $([ScriptBlock]::Create({ While ($true) { Start-Sleep 3 #seconds #Run this script, change the text below, and save this script #and the PowerShell window stays open and starts running the new version without a hitch # "Hi" $lastWriteTimeOfThisScriptNow = [datetime](Get-ItemProperty -Path $PSCommandPath -Name LastWriteTime).LastWriteTime if ($lastWriteTimeOfThisScriptWhenItFirstStarted -ne $lastWriteTimeOfThisScriptNow) { Get-LatestdotProfile exit } } } ) ) } #endregion Self_Update if ([dotProfile]::config.dotProfile.autoLoad) { if (![dotProfile]::config.dotProfile.IsLoaded) { # Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Load_Profile_Functions $IsSuccess = $? -and $([dotProfile]::SetHostUI()) $IsSuccess = $? -and $([dotProfile]::Set_PowerlinePrompt()) } else { Write-Debug "dotProfile is already Initialized, Skipping This step ..." } } else { # Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Load_Profile_Functions $IsSuccess = $? -and $([dotProfile]::SetHostUI()) $IsSuccess = $? -and $([dotProfile]::Set_PowerlinePrompt()) } # show Banner # or 'Message Of The Day' ... if (($IsSuccess -eq $true) -and [dotProfile]::config.dotProfile.IsLoaded) { Write-Host '' Write-RGB $([dotProfile]::Banner) -ForegroundColor SlateBlue -BackgroundColor Black; Write-Host '' } } catch { $IsSuccess = $false $ErrorRecord = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]$_ # Write-Log -ErrorRecord $_ } finally { $Result = [xcResult]::New( $Output, $IsSuccess, $ErrorRecord ) } return $Result } [bool] static SetHostUI() { $Title = [dotProfile]::config.Title $user = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() [void][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetAnonymous() $ob = [Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal]::new($user) $UserRole = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'HasUserPriv' = [bool]$ob.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::User) 'HasAdminPriv' = [bool]$ob.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator) 'HasSysPriv' = [bool]$ob.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::SystemOperator) 'IsPowerUser' = [bool]$ob.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::PowerUser) 'IsGuest' = [bool]$ob.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Guest) } $UserRole.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'Security.User.RoleProperties') $b1 = [string][char]91 $b2 = [string][char]93 if ($UserRole.IsPowerUser) { $Title += $($b1 + 'E' + $b2) # IsElevated } if ($UserRole.HasSysPriv) { $Title += $($b1 + 'S' + $b2) # IsSYSTEM } # Admin indicator maybe not neded, since Windows11 build 22557.1 if ($UserRole.HasAdminPriv) { $Title += ' (Admin)' } if ($UserRole.HasUserPriv -and !($UserRole.HasAdminPriv)) { $Title += ' (User)' } $h = Get-Variable -Name Host -Scope Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ([bool]$h) { $h.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "$Title" $h.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "White" $h.PrivateData.ErrorForegroundColor = "DarkGray" } # Write-Verbose "Set Encoding" $c = "[System.Text.Encoding]::Get_{0}()" -f [dotProfile]::config.Encoding [console]::InputEncoding = [console]::OutputEncoding = [scriptblock]::Create($c).Invoke() #Banner was Generated using an online tool, then converted to base64 for easyUsage [dotProfile]::Banner = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String('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')); [dotProfile]::config.dotProfile.IsLoaded = $true return $true -and $([dotProfile]::Set_PowerlinePrompt()) } [bool] static hidden Set_PowerlinePrompt() { # Sets Custom prompt if nothing goes wrong then shows a welcome Ascii Art $IsSuccess = $true try { $null = New-Item -Path function:prompt -Value $([dotProfile]::config.dotProfile.PSObject.Methods['ShowPrompt']) -Force $IsSuccess = $IsSuccess -and $? } catch { $IsSuccess = $false # Write-Log -ErrorRecord $_ } finally { Set-Variable -Name dotProfileIsLoaded -Value $IsSuccess -Visibility Public -Scope Global; } return $IsSuccess } [void] Import([string]$Json) { $props = { ConvertFrom-Json $Json }.Invoke() $this.PsObject.Properties.Name | ForEach-Object { $val = $props[$_] if ($null -ne $val) { $this.PsObject.Properties[$_] = $val } } # $this.IsLoaded = $true } [string]ShowPrompt() { $realLASTEXITCODE = $LASTEXITCODE $nl = [Environment]::NewLine; # UTF8 Characters from $dt = [string][char]8230 $b1 = [string][char]91 $b2 = [string][char]93 $swiglyChar = [char]126 $Home_Indic = $swiglyChar + [IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar # $leadingChar = [char]9581 + [char]9472 + [char]9592 # long # $trailngChar = [char]9584 + [char]9472 + [char]9588 # long $leadingChar = [char]9581 + [char]9592; $trailngChar = [char]9584 + [char]9588; if ($NestedPromptLevel -ge 1) { $trailngChar += [string][char]9588 } $location = $shortLoc = [string]::Empty # Grab current loaction try { $location = "$((Get-Variable ExecutionContext -Scope local).SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation.Path)"; $shortLoc = Invoke-PathShortener $location -TruncateChar $dt; } catch { Set-Location .. } $IsGitRepo = if ([bool]$(try { Test-Path .git -ErrorAction silentlyContinue }catch { $false })) { $true }else { $false } try { $(Get-Variable Host -Scope local).UI.Write($leadingChar) Write-Host -NoNewline $b1; Write-Host $([Environment]::UserName).ToLower() -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Magenta; Write-Host $([string][char]64) -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Gray; Write-Host $([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostName().ToLower()) -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkYellow; Write-Host -NoNewline "$b2 "; if ($location -eq "$env:UserProfile") { Write-Host $Home_Indic -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan; } elseif ($location.Contains("$env:UserProfile")) { $location = $($location.replace("$env:UserProfile", "$swiglyChar")); if ($location.Length -gt 25) { $location = $(Invoke-PathShortener $location -TruncateChar $dt) } Write-Host $location -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan } else { Write-Host $shortLoc -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan } if ($IsGitRepo) { Write-Host $(Write-VcsStatus) } else { # No alternate display, just send a newline Write-Host '' } # $vs = Write-VcsStatus # [char[]]$vs.count # ' ' * $($Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width - 19) + 'Time______goes_Here' # $dt = [datetime]::Now; $day = $dt.ToLongDateString().split(',')[1].trim() # $CurrentTime = "$day, $($dt.Year) $($dt.Hour):$($dt.Minute)" } catch { <#Do this if a terminating exception happens#> # if ($_.Exception.WasThrownFromThrowStatement) { # [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]$_ | Write-Log $LogFile # } $(Get-Variable Host -Scope local).UI.WriteErrorLine("[PromptError] [$($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId)] $($_.Exception.Message) # see the Log File : `$LogFile $nl") } finally { #Do this after the try block regardless of whether an exception occurred or not# $LASTEXITCODE = $realLASTEXITCODE } return $trailngChar } } class xcResult : PsObject { xcResult( $Output, [bool]$IsSuccess, [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]$ErrorRecord ) { $this.Output = $Output $this.IsSuccess = $IsSuccess $this.ErrorRecord = $ErrorRecord } } |