function Test-ports { #.SYNOPSIS # Scans the network for open/closed ports # .DESCRIPTION # This PowerShell script scans the network for open or closed ports. # .EXAMPLE # PS C:\> Test-ports # Explanation of what the example does # .INPUTS # Inputs (if any) # .OUTPUTS # Output (if any) [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$network = "192.168.178", [string]$port = 8080, [int[]]$range = 1..254 ) process { foreach ($add in $range) { $ip = "{0}.{1}" -F $network, $add Write-Progress "Scanning IP $ip" -PercentComplete (($add / $range.Count) * 100) if (Test-Connection -BufferSize 32 -Count 1 -Quiet -ComputerName $ip) { $socket = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient($ip, $port) if ($socket.Connected) { Write-Output "TCP port $port at $ip is open" $socket.Close() } else { Write-Output "TCP port $port at $ip is not open" } } } } } |